MTL - Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me-Chapter 266 return

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"During your illness, Mrs. God has reached a strategic cooperation with Yu's. Did she agree with you or make her own claim?"

"Some people say that President Yu's son looks a lot like your wife and is your wife's son. Do you have any opinion on that?"

A Miao poked her head out of the car: "What do you want him to think? Just go back and write, our husband and wife airport is a stranger, and our dreams are too wide. By the way, I look awkward, like an old woman."

"Hehe ..." The star-gazing star God, who had been so cold, laughed, and squeezed her face gently, "Naughty!"

The reporters outside the car were stunned, and God took the opportunity to say, "Have you seen it? Hope you can write reports that always satisfy our God."

Having said that, while everyone was aggressive, several cars drove away quickly.

"I'm anxious to go home to see Yaya! They're too time-delayed." A Miao pouted, "Yu Sihan is so boring, is it interesting to call these reporters over?"

Divine Star patted her shoulder: "To disguste me."

"Not only that!" A Miao was a little angry, "He is forcing us to admit that he has a relationship with him. He said that he would teach Yaya to play the flute and move to S city for this ..."

"He plots us a lot, and it's not bad." Shen Xinglang didn't care what secrets Yu Sihan had in his hands. "Yaya's maggots in his body, he cares more than us."

When mentioning this, A Miao's mood became low: "But he put attention on Yaya, I'm not at ease."

"Yaya is still young." Shen Xinglang touched her frowned eyebrow. "Even if Yu Sihan really wants to do nothing, we still have time."

As long as Yu Sihan finds his secret before using Yaya, they have bargaining chips.

"I will never leave Yaya again." A Miao said suddenly.

God Star Lang clasped her: "Hmm!"

On an island thousands of miles away, Awa was madly digging in front of Yu Kun's grave.

"How can you die! How can you die?"

Early in the morning two days ago, Yu Kun was found dead at the beach, and then they found that A Miao and the group were missing. Eva immediately asked people to find Axue and Shenxinglang, but they were not on that island at all.

"Calm down." Grandma grabbed her hand, "Yu Kun is dead, we should now find a way to get Axue back!"

Eva shook her head frantically: "What about the treasure? Without Yu Kun, we don't want to get the treasure."

"Isn't there anyone who left the treasure when they took away the treasure? It's enough for us to use it for several generations." From the perspective of Grandma, they didn't leave the island, and there was no difference between the treasure and the treasure.


"What do you know?" Eva hysterically shouted, "the one under the stone platform is the real treasure!"

Grandma was helpless: "But you don't know what's underneath, maybe nothing!"

"Surely!" Eva calmed down.

She knew that Yu Sihan's father had once wanted to find a treasure, and now Yu Sihan has done it for him. But he has not touched Shitai, nor has he controlled A Miao, so he must not know the secret of Shitai!

"I'm going out of the island!" Eva said suddenly.

Grandma nodded: "Yes, we have to save Axue!"

They felt that Axue must have been abducted by the star god, and then threatened her before leaving the island.

"Go and pack up." Awa turned and walked away. She didn't care what happened to Axue's girl. She needed to go to Yu Sihan to discuss a big business!

When Yaya saw A Miao and Shen Xinglan, she first stared at the big watery eyes, and then stretched out her hands. When A Miao was about to hug her, the little boy tilted his head and looked at his mother again.

"Yaya ..." A Miao cried out in tears, "It's not my mother's good, my mother never leaves you again, sorry!"

Divine Star Lang took their mother and daughter in their arms: "Yaya, mother is looking for dad, otherwise dad can't come back."

"Wow!" Yaya narrowed her mouth.

On the side of the finger, Chu Bai saw her sister cry, and wow followed. Tang Lang hugged him: "What's wrong with you!"

"Yaya, my mother is wrong, my mother apologizes to you!" A Miao held Yaya and kissed her little face.

After crying for a while, the little guy was desperately holding A Miao's neck, and then choked on the star star. In short, Mom and Dad can't leave her sight, and they will cry as soon as they can't see.

"Yaya is almost ten months, so it's hard to cheat!"

When eating at night, Le Yi smiled and looked at the little fellow nestled in the arms of Shenxinglan: "Why don't you want my mother to hold it?"

"Let her eat first." Shen Xinglan was distressed by her daughter-in-law, so she hugged her.

Chang Lang wiped his mouth with Chu Mi, whose face was filled with rice paste: "We will move home after a while. I haven't known my own door after living in your house for so long."

"Thank you!" A Miao reached out and held Lang's hand, "I don't know how to thank you."

Chang Lang glanced at her expressionlessly: "I thank you for taking care of Yaya? Yaya said that when she grows up, she will respect me!"

"Ha ha!" A Miao hugged Yaya, "Just let Yaya be your wife-in-law!"

"Yeah?" Yaya was holding a big apple, probably when she heard her mother calling herself and looked up at her.

A Miao pointed at Chu Bai with a faint face: "Ya-ya, when you grow up, do you want to be your daughter-in-law for Chu Bai?"

"Yeah?" Yaya looked at Chu Bai.

Chu Bai found that Yaya looked at him, and waved the flesh arms happily: "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"


"Slap!" Yaya threw the apple in her hand to Chu Bai's face.

Chu Bai's scream stopped abruptly, then he looked at everyone with a grimace, and then swiped away ... crying.

"Let's get rid of it!" Le Yi laughed at his son, then reminded A Miao, "Let's not make such a joke in the future, it will be troublesome when the children are wise."

If the love between the two is good, but if one is moved, and one is not, then no one can do it.

"Um!" A Miao also realized that it was inappropriate, and touched Chu Bai's head. "Yes, next month Chu Bai will be one year old, let's celebrate it!"

Lang Lang nodded: "We want to postpone two months with Yaya, and it's too hot now."

"Yes, I just called everyone for a meal together." Le Yi looked at Shenxinglan, "I hope there are not so many bad things afterwards."

Yaya ’s birthday is in September, and the following October is A Miao ’s birthday, while Shenxinglan is November, and the family will end this year.

"Master." A bodyguard in black came in.

Yu Sihan leaned on the soft collapse, holding a green tea cup in one hand.

"Any action?" He raised his eyelids lazily.

The men bowed their heads respectfully: "Yes, Eva and Grandma left the island yesterday. When they left, they brought all the remaining treasures."

"It's pretty smart." Yu Sihan smiled. "That woman was beyond my expectation."

He listened without moving.

"I didn't expect she knew so much ..."

Eva was definitely an accident for Yu Sihan, but now ...

"Our people have been staring at them all the time." His men thought for a moment and made a movement to wipe their necks. "Would you like to ..."

Yu Sihan threw the tea cup into the tea plate, and the green tea cup sounded like an emerald, and he hurried a few turns.

"They know that I and Shenxingmen are here, and they will definitely come to S City." He knocked on his own leg. "Killing them would be boring, anyway, now that Yaya is still young, I can do nothing, then everyone let's play together!"

His head was lowered again: "Then ... in case Eva tells the secret to the star star ..."

"Then she is trying to die." Yu Sihan's pretty face showed a cold smile. "The rules of this game are set by me, except me ... no one can destroy it."

A few days after the return of the God Star Star, the newspaper was full of gossip about them. Among the words of A Miao at the airport, no reporter dared to write it.

"So many reporters at your door?" Yu Sihan ran again this afternoon, while he was still in the company while he was at the company.

A Miao and Yaya were enjoying the cold in the garden, and it was no surprise to see him.

"Are you doing something bad again?" A Miao mocked her face, "otherwise, how come back so late."

According to this guy's urine, shouldn't they run over the next day after they return ...

"It turns out Xiao Aiao misses me so much!" When Yu Sihan didn't see A Miao's white eyes, he would hug her when she sat next to Yaya.

A Miao hugged Yaya, "Have you washed your hands?"

"What do you think?" Yu Sihan asked back.

Looking at the spotless white robe on the teenager, A Miao drew a corner of her mouth. And Yaya in her arms has flung her arms into Yu Sihan's arms.

"You see, Yayadu likes me." Yu Sihan took Yaya over and squeezed her little bun face with her hands. "Yaya remembers me, right?"

A Miao tried not to look at her daughter's small face, and even her four small * deciduous teeth showed up with a smile.

"Ah!" Yaya smirked as she smiled as she approached Yu Sihan's face.

Yu Sihan saw that A Miao's face was dark, and just thinking about it, she felt a wet leg.

"Ha ha!" A Miao laughed, but she didn't help yet.

Because of the hot weather, Yaya did not wear diapers, and this large urine bubble was all **** on Yu Sihan's legs.

"Take her away!" Yu Sihan squeezed out a few words.

A Miao ran away haha: "I'll get pants for Yaya!"


"Oh! Ah!" Yaya didn't know what she had done, but Chu Bai would have been thrown out.

Yu Sihan looked at the baby he was holding in the air with a cold face, and Yaya always smiled at him, and patted his face with his hands.

"You little guy ..."

Apparently, his cold breath was not conveyed to Yaya, and Yu Sihan let her lie down. Looking at the little guy who has been kicking his legs because his pants are wet, he suddenly stroked his eyes to the light.