MTL - Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me-Chapter 267 咿 咿 咿 咿 咿 咿!

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A Miao didn't feel right when she walked halfway. She asked her aunt to pick up her pants and hurriedly returned. As soon as she entered the garden, she took a breath.

"Yu Sihan!" She hugged Yaya with her bare butt, glaring at the innocent teenager, "You ... what have you done?"

Generally, children like to be naked. Xiaoyaya barely stretches her legs while she is barely aware of being watched.

"Her pants are wet." Yu Sihan pointed at the dirty pants on the floor mat. "It's not comfortable, so I took her off."

While Yaya was crying, she wanted to turn around enough for Yu Sihan, how could A Miao make her be seen again! So he held the little one in his arms. As a result, Yaya quit, crying with a swipe of her mouth.


Yu Sihan also blamed A Miao: "Will you take care of the baby and see if it makes us uncomfortable?"

"Shut up!" A Miao glanced viciously at him, "Turn over."

Aunt took the new pants, and A Miao quickly put on Yaya, and Yaya crawled on the carpet to the side of Yu Sihan.

"Yaya ..." A Miao's heart couldn't help.

Yu Sihan clapped his hands and hugged the little guy: "For Yaya's sake, I'll send you a message."


"Ava and Grandma have left the island. Visual inspection should be directed at you."

Ah Miao said, "Push us? What are you doing for us?"

"I don't know." Yu Sihan secretly kissed Yaya's tender bun face while she was in a daze, and then put the little guy underground. "Tell the **** Xinglan, be careful."

He stood up and played the non-existent dirt on the white robe: "Ya ’s birthday, remember to post to me, uninvited is always not good-looking."

"You are really ..." A Miao rolled her eyes silently.

As soon as the **** star came back in the evening, she said it.

"I'll ask someone to look it up." Shenxing Lang smiled. "It's all right, this is our place."

He couldn't wait to kill Yu Sihan with a thousand swords.

He also received the news. Although it is not clear what Eva's purpose is, it must have something to do with them. She had wanted to hide A Miao, so that she would not worry again, but now she is fine ...

"Maybe they're here for Axue." Shenxinglan thought for a reason, "then it has nothing to do with us."

A Miao pursed her lips, but didn't say what she wanted to say.

"She is smarter than you." Shenxing Lang squeezed her face. "My wife has been sold and helped the people!"

"Nonsense!" A Miao was not convinced, "I'm obviously smart now!"

Yaya was waiting for A Miao to feed her rice cereal, but her mouth was open for a long time.

"Oh?" She pulled A Miao's hair.

A Miao hurriedly fed her: "Don't look at her in a small ball, you can have great strength!"

"Did you have any porridge today?" Shen Xinglang asked.

Because Yaya is inherently inadequate, after five months of supplementary food, she started to supplement. Shenxinglang also plans to buy a bird's nest factory in a neighboring Southeast Asian island country.

"Drink!" A Miao wiped Yaya's mouth. "Half of us, we both drank."

Shen Xinglang looked at the big and small faces smiling at him, his heart was soft and confused, and he bowed his head and kissed him.

Because she was busy taking care of Yaya every day, Ah Miao felt that time was passing quickly, and it was Yaya and Chu Bai's first birthday in a flash. As early as a month ago, Wei Meng and Ding Wu went to Africa, and He Shishi returned to Mi to take care of her several gambling boats.

"Ou Yang really followed?" A Miao and Huang Lang sat on the terrace for afternoon tea, and Chu Bai and Ya Ya next to them were playing a tumbler.

"I heard that it was secretly followed." Lang Lang added tea to the tea cup. "I don't know Shishi now."

A Miao nodded with a smile: "Will you be back next week? Come back and ask her."

"Yeah!" Yaya took a tumbler without moving.

Chu Bai quickly patted at the first sight, he was so strong that the tumbler shook.

"Yeah!" Yaya patted her little hand happily, and patted it still.

Chu Bai shot her again and moved.

"Oh?" Yaya was upset, why didn't I take a picture ...

One-year-old Chu Bai apparently didn't understand the woman's mind, and in order to please his sister, he was still slamming the tumbler.

"Wow!" Yaya cried.

Chu Bai was startled and didn't understand what was wrong with him.

Snapped! Yaya stomped at the tumbler, and this time she moved and bumped into Chu Bai's nose.

"Wow!" Chu Bai also cried.

A Miao and Huang Lang quickly hugged each one.

"Yaya, you bully your brother again!" A Miao has found her little girl to be particularly domineering. "This is so small, what to do in the future."

Chang Lang wiped Chu Bai's nose: "It's okay, no bleeding."

"Wow!" Chu Bai cried even worse.

"Take a closer look!" A Miao was not assured, "Did you get into it?"

Although Lang Lang thought it was nothing, when Lei came to pick up their mother and son, A Miao asked Lei to check Chu Bai.

"It's okay, it probably hurts."

Chu Bai cried for a long time, and now she was tired and fell asleep, and her little nose was still a little bit aggrieved.

Le Yi touched his son's face: "We have already booked the hotel, Wei Meng and Ding Wu will not be able to come back, then we and Shi Shi and Ou Yang will be there." He asked A Miao, "Tang Lang does not intend to call Colleague, do you have anyone to invite? "


A Miao did not forget Yu Sihan's words. In order to prevent him from trolling the moth that day, he really made an invitation with a special wealth and a grandeur at a glance, which was sent to the Yu's building.

"Sick him!" Amy said to Shen Xinglang.

Shen Xinglang kissed her at that time and said nothing, with a look that you were waiting to cry. Sure enough, the headline of the financial newspaper printed the invitation card she sent over the next day.

"Designed by Godmother, she really has a unique taste!"

There is also a narration of Yu Sihan.

"..." A Miao rubbed the newspaper into a ball and threw it into the trash.

He Shishi, who had just returned, almost smiled.

"Although it shouldn't be, I still can't help but like it." She hahaha patted the sofa, and Yaya thought she was playing with her, and quacked along.

"I will never let him come to Yaya's birthday party." A Miao said with gritted teeth.

He Shishi smiled and said, "The other person said more when he turned around!"

Basically, in the shameless project, no one can win Yu Sihan ...

"You came back alone?" A Miao remembered asking.

He Shishi nodded: "Otherwise?"

"Well ..." A Miao didn't say anything, obviously Ouyang Jin didn't show up all the way.

"I made an appointment for hair. Would you like to go?" He Shishi looked at the watch. Tomorrow is the birthday party. She naturally wants to dress up beautifully.

A Miao shook her head: "I'm going to the company this afternoon."

She is now the chairman of the Shen's Consortium. Some things must be revealed and come to an end. "Yaya! This is Dad's company!" In the afternoon, the mother and daughter took the bus to the company building, and God parked the car. When she saw Yaya smiling at him, the beauty would bubble up.

"BOSS should still be in a meeting." He pulled the door.

A Miao embraced Yaya: "Let's go to his office."

As soon as Halfway God answered the phone, A Miao asked him to go and got off the elevator himself. As he passed the rest room, he heard two women discussing inside.

"Have you read today's newspaper?"

"Look! Hee hee, our goddess wife has an amazing taste."

"Yeah, I heard that she used to be a rich man before. How did it look like an upstart?"

"Don't you know? I heard she's an illegitimate child. It wasn't a gold coin. She was kicked out as a child."

"That's really good. That's how it grows, even married to our president!"

"Look at your shame and shackles, what about it? Want to have a Chinese Spring Festival with God?"

"It took me a lot of effort to be transferred to this level to be a secretary. Such things will go up if I have a chance!"

The two women talked more and more rippling, and no one found A Miao standing at the door.

"Why not go in?" Shen Xinglang came out of the conference room and saw A Miao holding her daughter standing there.

The two women inside turned pale for a moment.

"God ... Mrs. God ..." One of the stuttered ones did not dare to look at her.

The other, the one who just got the chance, just shivered there.

"Do they usually perform well at work?" A Miao asked Shenxing.

Although Shenxinglang didn't understand why she was interested in the employees, she saw what the two women's reactions had guessed, and her face suddenly sank.

"It's not important whether it makes the boss unhappy or stay good." He didn't know whether the two women were working well or not.

One of them panicked, and his voice was crying: "God is always bad to me. I shouldn't say anything wrong behind it. Give me another chance, please!"

She is a college student who just graduated, and many of her classmates who enrolled in Shen's envy. Now if she knows that she was fired within half a year, then ... what's her face?

"God III, take it to the personnel department to go through the formalities."

Another suddenly rushed out in the corner.

"Mrs. God, I really didn't mean it, but everyone just talked in private, aren't you so unreasonable? I promise I won't."

Women are indeed beautiful, with a pair of big eyes talking watery, and from time to time they poke around on the gods.

"Look?" A Miao asked her.

Yaya in her arms was hugged by Shenxing Lian, and at this time she stared at the woman with big eyes.

The woman faced the child's clear and transparent eyes, and for a while did not know what to say.

"God III, are you dead?" Shen Xinglan felt sick. "Hurry up and throw me out, and tell them that this is an employee who is not used by God."

The other woman's face was whiter, and she looked resentfully at the colleague who was still there.

"Stupid, I was killed by you!" She pushed the woman away fiercely.

The woman who just wanted to show her face in front of Shenxinglang was sitting on the ground embarrassedly, watching a family of three walk into the office. The affection under the eyes of the man was not concealed, and the eyes that hated the cold when she first saw herself were two.

"You go alone, or should I ask someone to carry you?" Shensan looked at her coolly.

The woman stood up in shame and stumbled away.