MTL - Global Beast: I Can Design An Evolutionary Route-Chapter 389 Poison, kill!

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"Tomorrow is your day of death!" Mu Xuan simply agreed, but he sneered in his heart, completely ignoring the commanding tone of the other party, after all, he was someone who was about to die.

The next day, Mu Xuan left Mingyang Marquis Mansion again under the excuse of having a stomachache, but instead of going to dispense the medicine right away, he went to look for acacia red beans, and finally got a handful from the old master who sold the wood wither.

In the pharmacy, Mu Xuan was dispensing medicine, but suddenly he heard a group of Cha Kuai rampage in front of the pharmacy, and he couldn't help but move.

Immediately, someone raised doubts on his behalf.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy said in a low voice, "Last night there was a big incident in the city. It is said that Lin Zhizhou was stabbed by someone and almost got his heart pierced... No, Lin Zhizhou was furious and wanted to arrest the assassin. Even delaying him!"

Mu Xuan suddenly understood that the man who held him was the one who assassinated the state of Jingzhou.

"The assassination of the Lord of a State failed, but he was able to escape from the heavy roundup. It seems that this person's strength should not be underestimated!" Mu Xuan had a plan in his heart.

Returning to the Marquis of Mingyang with the healing medicine, Mu Xuan first tried the medicinal properties of Acacia red beans and found a dog that had bitten him to test the medicine. The result surprised Mu Xuan, only three Acacia red beans were eaten. , The big dog died after two minutes of screaming.

"Very good, the next step is to grind the acacia red beans into powder..."

At night, the moon is slightly cool, but it is a good time to kill.

At the rockery at the back door of the Hou residence, after Mu Xuan came to the rockery with the healing medicine, the injured gangster waited for a long time to get out, looking at the honest Mu Xuan, showing disdain.

The injured gangster's name is Jin Qi, who is actually a gold medal killer of the well-known killer organization in Vietnam, the Golden Wind Drizzle Building, a first-class expert in the rivers and lakes.

However, Jin Qi missed, because he did not expect the opponent to wear double-layer soft armor, which made his assassination fail, and he was almost left in the prefectural government.

Jin Qi picked up the bowl of healing medicine and tested it with a silver needle. Naturally, the silver needle could not detect the poison of acacia red beans.

Then I looked around and asked, but I didn't see any problems.

But Jin Qi was still not at ease, he took out a black dagger, dipped it into the medicinal liquid for a long time, took it out and looked at it carefully for a long time before he let go of his guard and drank it!

As a gold medal killer in the Golden Wind and Drizzle Building, who is proficient in poison, he can be sure that this bowl of medicine should be non-toxic.

Jin Qi glanced at the servant, showing a sneer, and secretly said in his heart: "This Marquis of Mingyang can't stay for long. After drinking another bowl of medicine tomorrow, I will kill this kid and change it..."

Suddenly, Jin Qi felt something was wrong, and the infuriating energy in his body was faintly out of his control, and even a slight blood red appeared in front of him!

"No, the medicine is poisonous!" Jin Qi instantly understood something and wanted to kill the person in front of him first, but he didn't expect Mu Xuan to be faster than he thought, and he had already retreated to the gate of the rockery.

"Damn, I was blinded by wild goose pecking all day long..." Jin Qi was extremely angry, gasping for breath, he was about to catch up with Mu Xuan with the long sword in his hand.

But Mu Xuan had already anticipated this situation. At this moment, outside the rockery, he had already poured a layer of oil...

"Bang—" Jin Qi didn't pay attention and fell to the ground. When he got up again, Mu Xuan had already escaped ten meters away.

Jin Qi wanted to perform Qinggong, but he was horrified to discover that the medicinal properties of the poison were so strong that it had already spread all over the body in just a few minutes... "It's so poisonous, the silver needle and my black meteor dagger are both so strong. Can't find out?!"

Naturally, Jin Qi didn't know that, in order to ensure that he would kill him once, Mu Xuan ground a handful of acacia red beans into powder and poured it into his medicinal soup!

With such a large dose, even an elephant would be killed within ten minutes!

After a while, Jin Qi couldn't help but hunched his body and wanted to take a deep breath, but he couldn't breathe a little oxygen!

Symptoms of taking acacia red beans: abdominal pain, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, dysphagia, poor breathing, and unconsciousness!

As his consciousness gradually fell into a coma, a figure reappeared under the rockery, naturally it was Mu Xuan who went back and forth.

"It's cheap for you, this is a talent that I can only use once a year!" Mu Xuan smiled and determined that this guy had fallen into a deep coma, and decisively used talent extraction.

"Extract qi and blood!" Mu Xuan originally wanted to extract this guy's memory, but his talent didn't move, and finally chose the whole body of qi and blood cultivated by this guy!

This world, from the very beginning, cultivated qi and blood, and then extracted true qi from qi and blood. For example, the people of Qixuanmen are full of qi and blood, and even their temples are bulging.

As for the infuriating energy in the opponent's body, Mu Xuan has no cultivation technique, so he can't retain that infuriating body.

Or the other party's qi and blood is more reliable. His body works hard day and night, but it's actually very empty. He just uses the other party's qi and blood to strengthen his own qi and blood foundation!

Soon, a force poured into him from the opponent's body, quickly strengthening him. After a few minutes, Mu Xuan only felt that his body was full of strength, and he no longer seemed to be weak.

Look at that Jin Qi again, but it is dead and can no longer die.

Mu Xuan quickly searched his entire body, but apart from a black dagger, a long sword, and a golden token the size of a fingernail, there was actually no other possessions!

The antidote he wanted most did not come out.

Mu Xuan was very upset, Jin Qi obviously didn't plan to let him go from the beginning, "Fortunately, I have extracted the other party's qi and blood, and have a strong qi and blood, plus my immortality talent, five poison pills? It's just..."

With the talent of immortality, any poison can be ignored for him!

Hiding the black dagger, long sword and golden token in the depths of the stable, Mu Xuan quietly returned to his room.

Just as soon as I returned to the room, I saw that the steward was actually there.

The steward, surnamed Wang, looks to be in his forties, has served in the Marquis of Mingyang for 20 years, and is loyal to the Marquis of Mingyang, UU reading www.uukanshu. He squinted at Mu Xuan and said sharply, "Fang Yan, where have you been tonight?!"

Mu Xuan secretly thought in his heart, servants have no rights, they even have to manage where they go at night.

"Back to the management, the villain suddenly remembered that there was still some unfinished work in the stable, so he went to the stable for a circle..."

Guanshi Wang took a sniff, and sure enough, he asked Mu Xuan about the smell of horse dung, his expression softened a little, and said sullenly, "If that's the case, let's not do this!"

Watching Steward Wang leave, the servants who were watching the excitement outside the room were suddenly full of disappointment. They thought they could take Mu Xuan down. After all, the fact that Mu Xuan's servants could have a small room has long aroused the dissatisfaction of the other servants.

Mu Xuan squinted his eyes and didn't take the jealousy and disappointment of the other servants into his eyes. What he noticed was that the steward Wang looked at him just now and gave him a powerful suppressing force!

Manager Wang is not an ordinary person, but a martial arts master!

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