MTL - Global Beast: I Can Design An Evolutionary Route-Chapter 390 Without spiritual roots, choose martial arts!

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The next day, Mu Xuan pretended to be nothing and continued to feed the horses.

In the evening, Mu Xuan suddenly felt a kind of severe pain, no, it was five kinds of severe pain!

The five poison pills have attacked!

"It's really a mixture of five poisons. Even a martial arts master will die under this poison..." Mu Xuan commented while feeling the poison of the five poison pills.

Anyway, he is immortal, so poisonous, that is, he will recover after being in a coma for a period of time.

Seeing that the poison of the five poison pills was about to pass, an unexpected scene appeared, Mu Xuan's door suddenly opened, a figure walked in quickly, put his hand on Mu Xuan's wrist, and said condensedly: " This is... Poisoned?!"

Mu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and only then did he see clearly that the person who rushed into his room was the jewel in the palm of the Marquis of Mingyang, the eldest Miss Fang Jingyi!

"Big... Miss?!" Mu Xuan froze for a while, and said weakly.

Fang Jingyi looked at Mu Xuan, and suddenly found that the servant in front of her had a good-looking appearance and outstanding temperament.

If Mu Xuan could hear Fang Jingyi's thoughts, he would probably laugh out loud. He was so determined, naturally, because he was immortal and immortal, how could he be afraid.

Seeing this, Fang Jingyi only pondered for a few seconds, then took out an elixir from a beautiful cloth bag, "Take it quickly!"

Seeing this, Mu Xuan was not easy to refuse, and then Mu Xuan felt that the toxins in his body had been cleaned up.

"Thank you, Miss, for the Dan!" Mu Xuan said.

Fang Jingyi got up again, looked at Mu Xuan and asked, "Your name is Fang Yan? What's going on? How could you be poisoned by the five poison pills?!"

Mu Xuan pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized that this was a great opportunity to contact Fang Jingyi, so he resolutely explained his experience briefly, and of course exaggerated his image a little in his words!

"You said... a gangster broke into the mansion and used the five poison pills to hold you hostage and ordered you to buy healing medicine for him, but you poisoned him and killed him?!"

"Could this person be the assassin who killed Lin Zhizhou!"

After Fang Jingyi sent someone to fish out the assassin's body, she confirmed this and looked at Mu Xuan a little differently.

Mu Xuan guessed well, Fang Jingyi is indeed a cultivator, and she has also entered the Qingxu Gate of the seven sects of Yue Kingdom, but her talent is not good, so far it is only the sixth level of Qi refining.

"This Fang Yan has a tough temperament and is very intelligent. If he has spiritual roots, he may be able to lead him into the immortal path. I can also help him..." Fang Jingyi thought, "And even without spiritual roots, it is worth promoting!"

Fang Jingyi praised: "Fang Yan, you have done a great job for my Marquis of Mingyang!"

"I must reward you, reward you heavily!"

"In this way, I will promote you to the deputy steward level, as the deputy steward of horse breeding, and reward you with 10 taels of silver! Another two people will be dispatched to assist you!"

"Furthermore, I'll give you a chance to choose a practice method!"

Mu Xuan's eyes lit up, and he was naturally overjoyed: "Thank you, Miss, for the reward!"

When the servants of the Datong shop next door heard the reward, their eyes were red, and they could not wait to replace it with Mu Xuan.

Not long after, the Marquis of Mingyang also rushed to the scene. After hearing the cause and effect, he supported Fang Jingyi's decision and praised Mu Xuan vigorously.

So far, Mu Xuan's status in Mingyang Hou's mansion has been greatly improved, attracting a lot of attention.

However, Mu Xuan doesn't care about these, he only cares about Fang Jingyi's last reward, practicing the exercises!

The next day, Mu Xuan was led to a certain room in the inner house, which contained the martial arts secrets collected by Mingyang Hou’s mansion over the years. "Jujia Gong" and "Bi Bo Qi Jue" and other methods of internal power.

Mu Xuan quickly flipped through it, and finally determined that Changchun Gong, Jujia Gong and Bibo Qi Art are actually basic cultivation techniques, and only this Hunyuan Jin is a martial arts cultivation technique.

Mu Xuan did not have spiritual roots, so he naturally chose Hunyuan Jin. When Hunyuan Jin was successfully cultivated, it would be very easy to plan for spiritual roots.

Mu Xuan, with the vision of Da Luo Jinxian, has very few mistakes in this book of Hunyuanjin. It is neutral and peaceful, and it is a good internal skill. However, Mu Xuan still perfected this book of Hunyuanjin based on his understanding of his own body in the past two days. After a while, a few small loopholes were patched, and it was more suitable for me.

With a strong foundation of qi and blood, Mu Xuan reached the first floor that night and cultivated the first ray of true qi.

It was only in the next few days that Mu Xuan discovered that after his qi and blood had been converted into infuriating qi, his cultivation speed had slowed down a lot!

Well, he has determined that the root bone of this body is very average, that is, the middle and lower level. If you don't hang up, it is impossible to cultivate to the peak of the day after tomorrow.

Fortunately, Mu Xuan is very determined. Slow down and slow down. Sooner or later, he will be able to cultivate to the ninth level of Primordial Strength.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Mu Xuan was still on the first floor, but one day he was taken by Fang Jingyi's maid to Jingyixuan where Fang Jingyi lived.

"Miss, are you looking for me?" Mu Xuanzhong played the role of a servant, because he wanted to enter the mountain gate behind the other party through Fang Jingyi.

Mu Xuan remembered that in the mortal world of immortal cultivation, the resources for cultivation of immortals were almost in the hands of the sects, and it was very difficult for scattered cultivation, commonly known as the black and astringent immortal cultivation world!

Being able to mix into the sect, Mu Xuan naturally did not intend to mix into a hard-working loose cultivator.

Fang Jingyi nodded lightly, first encouraged Mu Xuan a few words, and told Mu Xuan that she was very optimistic about you and should concentrate on cultivating.

This is the art of the emperor. The small favors and benefits in the early stage are accumulated. When they grow up, can't they be grateful to Dade? !

Then Mu Xuan vaguely saw Fang Jingyi's purpose, the other party should be preparing to return to the division.

Sure enough, two days later, Fang Jingyi disappeared in Mingyang Hou's mansion.

Mu Xuan continued to practice silently, and of course he did not forget his responsibilities to help Mingyang Hou's mansion raise horses. In fact, as a divine beastmaster, raising horses was a pediatric matter for Mu Xuan.

Under the guidance of Mu Xuan, the two younger brothers of UU Reading learned very quickly and were able to feed themselves alone, which made Mu Xuan quite satisfied. Such younger brothers are sensible!

In the eyes of the Marquis of Mingyang, Mu Xuan, a horse-breeding steward, was outstanding in his work.

A month later, Mu Xuan finally reached the second level of Primordial Strength. At this rate, after 20 years, Mu Xuan will be able to cultivate to the ninth level of Primordial Strength, the acquired peak state!

Well, that is the realm reached by the original Chinese and Mexican Doctor Jurenmo...

"Sure enough, I still have to let it go." Mu Xuan sighed, he no longer had any expectations for the aptitude of his body, and he was waiting for the recovery of the fusion talent next year to extract a spiritual root.

One day, one of Mu Xuan's younger brothers came to Mu Xuan's room and said, "Boss, you have found the small mountain village that I secretly inquired about. It is in Qingniu Town under our Jingzhou!"

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