MTL - Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others-Chapter 719

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Even if there are monitoring equipment specifically watching the three of them, there will be no sense of concealment.

Su Bai can basically conclude.

In a place he has not yet discovered~, there is a watcher.

As for the other party's intention -, it is not clear for the time being.

But it wouldn't be too friendly.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the other party is also scared to death, so he hides.

Just from the current situation, this is unlikely.

This planet in the core area of ​​the star exploration ship obviously has an unknown change, and most of it is a negative change.

A living body that can survive in this environment to the present is definitely not a simple-minded person.

To describe it with a ruthless heart, it is all light.

While Su Bai was thinking about it, Yu Bingtong pointed to the front right and said, "The target has stopped moving temporarily."

The three immediately turned around and rushed forward at extreme speed.

However, in the process of advancing, they still suppressed the energy fluctuations as much as possible.

Less than two minutes after flying out, Yu Bingtong pointed in another direction and said, "The target has moved again."

Su Bai immediately frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Judging from the situation, the other party must have discovered them.

Then comes the problem.

The other party is the first beastmaster, or the native species of this planet.

Or other intruders?

Su Bai didn't know.

But he had a hunch.

Mostly it's time to fight.

Zhang Zifeng also felt this way. He had already turned on the projection, and said in a serious tone, "Once the battle begins, Commander Yu, you should retreat as much as possible, and Su Bai, you will take care of her."

"I can handle it myself."

Su Bai nodded and said calmly, "Don't worry, that's what I planned."

Zhang Zifeng almost fell off the Huangquan Falcon's back.

Damn, can't you be a little more euphemistic?

Yu Bingtong covered his mouth and chuckled, then put away his smile and said sternly, "Don't worry about me, let go and fight, I have my own measure."

Zhang Zifeng was naturally skeptical about this, and couldn't help but say, "Commander Yu, now is not the time to act with anger, safety comes first."

Su Bai waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, she is always the only one who counts others."

Zhang Zifeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It's me who didn't think much about it, and the fish commander who has the skill of prophecy must have better life-saving means than us."

Yu Bingtong was very modest, and waved his hands again and again, "I won the prize."

Seeing that the two of them wanted to talk to each other in business again, Su Bai hurriedly coughed to interrupt them, and then said, "Come on, since the other party has discovered us, there is no need to continue to cover up."

Zhang Zifeng and Yu Bingtong nodded in agreement at the same time, "It should be so."

Immediately, the three of them drove their pets forward in a straight line.

Thanks to their flying pets, speed is not a disadvantage.

Moreover, Su Bai also summoned the countercurrent Tianjiao, and the flow speed increased one by one, and the speed increased by 40%.

Zhang Zifeng couldn't help it now, and couldn't help exclaiming.

So fast!

Although Zhang Zifeng had seen the Adverse Current Tianjiao in the previous battle, he did not expect that this was actually a time-related battle pet!

"Where did this kid get this pet of war."

Zhang Zifeng was extremely depressed.

According to the information he collected, Su Bai did not directly contract a time-based pet.

But considering this young man's miraculous means of evolution, one or two can be reversed.

From the point of view of species, this dragon-type pet is mostly evolved from a pet like a snake.

Coincidentally, in the original martial arts performance, the prize was two ominous beast eggs of the boiling blood feathered snake.

Although the two eggs were obtained by Su Bai and Yu Bingtong respectively.

But according to the follow-up information, Yu Bingtong gave Su Bai her ferocious beast egg.

Subsequently, the desert death **** appeared in the sand tribe territory in the west.

A peerless beast with time-related abilities.

And the desert **** of death was killed by Su Bai.

Zhang Zifeng boldly guessed that the two boiling-blooded feathered snakes had absorbed part of the power of the desert **** of death and completed their evolution.

・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・

One of them is the dragon-type pet in front of him.

As for the other one, it should have evolved into that snake-shaped pet with the attribute of death.

The death attribute is also the basic attribute of the desert **** of death, which is very powerful.

Zhang Zifeng felt that his calculations were roughly correct.

In fact, it does.

I have to say, aside from the issue of position, Zhang Zifeng is actually a talent.

With only one speed-up skill, the cause and effect were combined, and the origin of the countercurrent Tianjiao was calculated.