MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 14 kill

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With a sigh, Liu Chang continued to move forward, trying not to look at the painful expressions of those around him, trying not to feel the desolate voice of those around him, trying not to pay attention to the crying of those who were about to die and their loved ones.

But the more he didn't pay attention to this, the more Liu Chang could feel all the wind and grass around him.

A bit of painful expression entered his eyes and imprinted in his mind, making him breathless.

Continue to move forward, out of people's vision, Liu Chang feels like a lone soul.

"Good, obedient, you go and see what's going on in the hospital, this lollipop is yours." During Liu Chang's free time, he heard another dissonant voice.

"No, I don't want to go." Then came the cry of a little girl.

"Go or not?" The first voice suddenly became harsher.

This weird conversation attracted Liu Chang's attention, so that he could no longer remain indifferent and took a few steps in the direction of the voice. He saw three men with short hair.

Three people, one with a scar face, one with a fat man, and one with a hawk nose.

Three people are all standard "labor reform heads". Hard hair is densely attached to the scalp, between the bald and the hair.

发型 Few people take care of this hairstyle, and one of the 100 people on the street may not have such a head. Now that three people with this hairstyle are gathered together, their identity is ready to emerge—a prisoner.

三个 These three people are like prisoners in correctional labor in appearance and form. Although they are not wearing prisoners' clothes, Liu Changneng is 100% sure of their identity.

These three people had scars on their faces, which were obviously left after fighting with people. If you are right, all three of them were prisoners who escaped from prison after the red mist came, and the traces of fighting on their bodies were infected with pus.

In front of them was a six- or seven-year-old girl, who clearly did not know each other, and there were no adults like parents around the girl.

"I won't go, it's dangerous inside." The girl shrank her neck at the scolding of the person in front of her.

"Dangerous fart, let you go in and see the situation, there is nothing dangerous." Eagle-hook-nosed ~ Zi frowned.

"It's dangerous inside ..." the girl continued, her voice choked.

Seeing this scene, the uncomfortable blocking feeling in Liu Chang's heart came again. The moral and survival contest made him breathless, but he didn't want to be a second good person. In this chaotic world, this kind of thing is all over the world But he couldn't control it, he didn't want to use his own danger to exchange for that humble moral existence.

Choking his mouth and spit, Liu Chang turned his face away and turned away.

The first step was taken, and he heard a loud slapping sound behind him.

"Fuck ~ your mother, let you go and you go, so much nonsense?" A heavy voice penetrated into Liu Chang's eardrums, extremely harsh.

Then, the cry of the girl came out.

畅 Liu Chang gritted his teeth and walked forward again.

But then the sound stopped him—the sound of the spring blade coming out of the sheath, and the tearing sound of the blade cutting through the skin, and then the girl ’s "wowa" cry.

"I **** him ~ Damn!" He took a sip in the ground fiercely, and Liu Chang turned around again, but saw the girl's face that was just in vain just now, and now there was a deep blood mark, blood. She had already dyed half her delicate face. She wept loudly, but could not attract the slightest sympathy of the three in front of her.

"I **** ~ he ~ shit!" Liu Chang cursed the same sentence again and saw this scene. He thought he was calm, and for the first time with no reason since the last days, he got angry and took out his hands to hide in The scalpel behind him rushed back in three steps and two steps.

In the thick fog, the visibility of ordinary people is three meters. What is the concept of a distance of three meters? An adult's stride, or two strides in a run.

This is an extremely short distance.

So when Liu Chang's scalpel was inserted into the neck of the hawk-nosed man, that person didn't even have time to see his appearance clearly.

The point of the blade penetrated into the aorta, and Liu Changshun swiped his hand, feeling the "collapsed" feel of the scalpel when he cut the muscles, and then saw the blood spewing across the sky. Eyes, but this expression did not support for a few seconds, and he fell down completely.

But no one cared about him, to be precise, no one went to see him. The remaining three people looked at the young man suddenly killed in the thick fog with horrified eyes, and all looked at his **** right hand and the **** scalpel in his hand.

畅 After Liu Chang finished his life with a knife, he held the knife handle so tightly and stood in place, keeping his eyes firmly on the remaining two people.

"Who are you?" The scar-faced man stared at Liu Chang for a few seconds before breaking the silence first.

"A passerby," Liu Chang answered truthfully. The feeling of killing for the first time was not so wonderful, but successfully mobilized his emotions. He felt that the moral pressure that he had just suffered was released at the moment of waving the sword, and he felt something empty.

However, unlike the emptiness in his heart, his body is now extremely agitated, and a large amount of adrenaline is excreted due to excitement, causing his body to tremble involuntarily.

"Passerby?" Scar's face keenly captured Liu Chang's body movements, and he saw that he was just a rookie who was irritated for a while, not a wicked man, and then his face showed a disdainful look ~ ~ Children, haven't you watched too many TV shows and started to learn to be a hero? Oh, unfortunately, I told you that heroes are not so good. "

He said something, a spring knife popped out of Scar's face, and there was blood on the blade-it was this guy who had just cut the girl's face just now.

Looking here, Liu Chang's eyes narrowed and he didn't speak, turned around and took a few steps back.

"Why, big hero, now you know that you're scared?" Seeing Liu Changyin disappearing into the mist, Scar's face sneered loudly, "Little bunny, don't be okay, learn to be a hero. What's wrong, just now you have the courage to come out and have no guts Are you doing something? Silly ~ force one! "

Standing outside the fog, outside of the other party's vision, Liu Chang took a deep breath, calmed her trembling body, and looked indifferently at the scar face screaming deep in the fog.

Then, he slowly moved his steps and walked around a small semicircle to a distance of four or five meters behind the opponent-at this distance, he could clearly see each movement of the opponent, but the opponent could not see his existence at all.

After that, it was very simple. It was still two steps out. Liu Chang inserted a scalpel into the back of the spine, and then pulled away at the moment when the other party screamed, leaving only one who screamed on the ground. body.

"Ah ~~ ah ~~~ !!!"

No one can bear the pain of the spine being destroyed. The scar face bounces on the ground, but there is no coordination between the upper body and the lower body.

And his screams completely triggered the alertness of the last person, making him finally feel that the two killings of that young man were too weird. In panic, he made a right and wrong decision.

He caught the little girl next to him.