MTL - Global Game: Comes with Portable Store-v3 Chapter 159 ongoing war

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The movements of his hands became faster and faster, the blade slashed across the air, and the speed at which he killed the ghouls became faster and faster.

But he still couldn't stand the large number of these ghouls. More than ten ghouls had already gathered beside him, besieging him non-stop.

[To tell the truth, I have been using Changing to catch up and change, changing source and switching, and there are many voices for reading aloud, both Android and Apple can be used. 】

These ghouls are not stupid either. Knowing that this human being is the strongest existence, the main purpose is to restrain him, and they will deal with him after killing all the others.

By this time, there is no room for escape, and what is certain is that everyone in the team will die here today, torn to pieces by these hungry ghouls.

Someone in the team already showed a panicked look, turned around and ran out, but just fell into the encirclement of ghouls and was thrown on the ground to dismember the corpse.

And these ghouls swallowed these humans, and there is a great possibility that a more powerful existence, the tomb ghost, will be born.

The strength of the two sides is relative. While humans are growing, these monsters are also growing, and may grow at a faster speed.

This is also the reason why the man didn't choose to escape, he knew that this group of ghouls could not be let go, if they can't be completely resolved today, then their gathering place will also suffer.

So I can only work hard!

When Su Changxing saw these people, a smile appeared on his face, and he felt a little relieved. Although he didn't know where the relief came from, he probably felt that their previous efforts were not in vain.

With the sound of gunshots, the ghouls rushing around also fell one by one, falling down with a clatter, like cutting leeks.

The crowd resisting the ghouls was stunned, and the ghouls were also stunned. Such a sudden change made neither side react.

In a short period of time, these ghouls died in disorder and fled in all directions.

"Who is it?"

Everyone showed a look of surprise, and saw an unclear figure standing in the darkness and staring at them. Those eyes were extremely conspicuous, like stars twinkling in the sky, exuding a strange brilliance.

No one thought that someone would rescue them in this place at this time.

This is an unimaginably strong man.

Fang Muping was also stunned on the spot, holding a long sword full of black blood in both hands, looking in Su Changxing's direction.

Such a scene made him unforgettable, and he still remembered it clearly after a long time. He only felt that such a person was like a light coming out of the darkness.

Even the black mist that filled the sky could not cover up such brilliance.

"Thank you sir for your rescue." Fang Muping walked up and said gratefully.

Su Changxing looked at them and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here."

Fang Muping was immediately asked this question, as if they usually asked others.

Fang Muping explained with a polite smile on his face: "Sir, we are the troops who go out to perform missions at the nearby autumn night gathering place. I am the captain Fang Muping. We are mainly here to eliminate these ghouls, but we accidentally fell into their trap."

"It's also careless. I underestimated the wisdom of these monsters. I didn't expect them to set up such a trap. They used a small group of ghouls to deceive our sight, and they seemed to be planning to take us here in one fell swoop."

"However, it's good that you have taken action, sir, otherwise we must be in danger today. I am afraid that no one will be able to leave, and all of them will die here without a burial place."

Su Changxing nodded to show his understanding, and then said, "That means there are many such ghouls around here."

"Yes, so we have to take the initiative to clean up, not only ghouls, but also many other monsters. They are all in groups, which are different from other monsters in the black mist." Fang Muping said solemnly .

Su Changxing glanced at Fang Muping's black combat uniform again, and said, "Are you part of the Seventeenth Group of the Security Bureau?"

His position is not much different from before.

Fang Muping showed a strange look on his face, nodded and said: "We are the 17th group of the Municipal Security Bureau, but we don't need this name anymore."

Su Changxing frowned slightly: "If you don't call it that name, what's your name?"

At this time, Fang Muping had already seen the strangeness of Su Changxing, like a person who had been derailed for a long time, and seemed to have not paid attention to outside things for a long time.

This made him think of things like closed-door training. Legend has it that ancient strongmen also need closed-door training. Maybe a powerful Extraordinary like Su Changxing would do similar things, so it's normal not to know what's going on outside.

"It's called Shiqi, and it has nothing to do with the Security Bureau." Fang Muping said.

Su Changxing wasn't too surprised to hear Fang Muping's words, which was also in his expectation. Sooner or later, Group 17 and the Security Bureau would break apart, just because they were too powerful.

This is also impossible.

And even if there is no Seventeenth Group, the Security Bureau will fall apart sooner or later. In various forms, the result will always be like this.

Fang Muping was relieved to see that Su Changxing's face didn't change, but he was afraid that Su Changxing was not from their side, or that he was a force that was hostile to them.

Su Changxing asked thoughtfully: "So what's the current situation of the 17th group, can you talk about it in detail?"

Fang Muping nodded: "We are still fighting now, but we are on the edge here, so we are not affected by the war, but we are still working hard to deal with these ghost things, and because of the war, there is no one on the top who can support us. "

This was beyond Su Changxing's expectation.

It's been so long, and it's still fighting, how long has it been fighting.

What he thought at the beginning was that even if he knew how to fight, he shouldn't fight for too long. After all, under such a bad situation, after a short period of war, it should be difficult to maintain the war.

It seemed that there was some major change that neither he nor Zhu Wenwu expected.

Such a new change should also be caused by him, probably related to the third round of doomsday.

Still in the second round of doomsday.

Fang Muping didn't take the initiative to ask Su Changxing's identity. It was better not to ask at this time, after all, if the other party belonged to the enemy, it would be embarrassing.

In any case, we are all compatriots, and we can still get along well without revealing our identities.

Su Changxing saw that other people began to clean up the battlefield quickly, and said casually, "Most of them should be Extraordinary now."

Hearing this, Fang Muping was even more sure that Su Changxing had probably been out of touch with the outside world for a while, and explained:

"Not all, there are still some ordinary people. After all, resources are limited, especially in marginal areas like ours."

During the conversation, he didn't feel any malice from Su Changxing, so the more he talked, the more relaxed he became.