MTL - Global Login: Only I Choose the Prehistoric World-Chapter 192

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If you are above this Western Heavenly Fighting Technique today, if you lose to Chu Feng in front of you.

So from now on, what face does he have to face the people below.

How can we stand in the Western Heaven, how can we lead, all the Buddhas and Arhats in this Western world come down.

Chapter 347 Demonstrated Three Thousand Dharma Signs

"Lan Tian" 45634⑧7⒎0

Therefore, when thinking of this, Tathagata Buddha sacrificed his three thousand Dharma to Chu Feng.

Following his three thousand dharmas, after he was sacrificed, the entire Xitian Daleiyin Temple was filled with complicated sounds.

For a time, a red light shot out from the top of the Buddha's head.

The entire Xitian Daleiyin Temple began to vibrate.

At this time, the Bodhisattvas and Arhats below saw such a situation.

"Five Six Zero"

For a while, I also felt scared, so there was a state of confusion.

Chu Feng was also very surprised when he saw that the Tathagata Buddha made a move and attracted his three thousand dharma images.

He did not expect that the Tathagata Buddha would use his own three thousand dharma images.

The Tathagata made this move, which was beyond Chu Feng's expectations.

Although he didn't think of it, Chu Feng didn't dare to be careless.

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Therefore, the Buddha Dharma and the Three Realms of Dreams were used to the extreme.

Now, there seems to be another world on top of Chu Feng's head and in front of him, in this world.

There are three realms and six paths, and the power of the law is extremely strong, surrounding Chu Feng.

And the five hundred Arhats also retreated after seeing such a situation.

Because they also know that such Dharma is not something they can bear.

Even though they had five hundred Arhats before, they had already formed a Buddhist formation to fight against Chu Feng.

But it was only after Chu Feng's great supernatural power, One Dream, Three Realms, was displayed.

Only seeing the golden light in the sky, all the spells that the five hundred Arhats had cast were defeated.

And the five hundred Arhats, seeing the situation in front of them, are now all retreating.

If they continued to take another step forward, they also knew that Chu Feng would most likely kill them completely.

When thinking of this, the five hundred Arhats were also apprehensive in their hearts, and they were all terrified in their hearts.

They didn't expect to see such an unremarkable young man.

To be able to have such a powerful spell, with such a powerful strength.

With only one person's strength, it can run rampant in this western sky.

And stand up and fight against Xitian, five hundred Arhats.

What's more, now in the upper position, there is still the Buddha, who has displayed three thousand dharma images.

Once the three thousand dharma images of the Buddha were displayed, the entire Xitian Daleiyin Temple was shocked.  …

The Buddhas below, seeing such a situation, all felt very frightened.

They also hadn't seen it for a long time, and the Tathagata was able to display his own dharma.

This time, when I met Chu Feng, it seemed that the Tathagata Buddha was really angry.

Therefore, when they thought of this, they were all secretly cheering for the Tathagata Buddha.

After all, they are all from the West. If the Buddha is the Tathagata, they will be defeated in the hands of Chu Feng.

Then the reputation of his Xitian Daleiyin Temple will be completely wiped out.

Therefore, when I think about this, I see only these five hundred Arhats, as well as various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

They all bring their own Buddha's light and Buddha's power to the Dharma of the Tathagata Buddha. 3.2

And when Chu Feng saw such a situation, he also knew that Xitian was indeed some villain.

Under such circumstances, he would have bullied the less with more and did such nasty things.

So when I thought of this, I didn't plan to keep it.

So Chu Feng pointed towards the world above his head and pointed to the sky.

Afterwards, all the scenes of the entire Xitian Daleiyin Temple changed.

Chapter 348 Can only outsmart but not attack

The illusion they were in also changed, after the Buddha saw such a situation.

It was a laugh, so he opened his mouth and said.

"I thought you were some kind of advanced technique, but it was just an illusion."

"Do you really think that all the Buddhas and Arhats in the Western Heaven are so vulgar that even this ordinary illusion can't escape?" already."

Chu Feng heard Tathagata Buddha say such words so arrogantly.

He also laughed secretly in his heart, although he was a Buddhist supernatural power, One Dream Three Realms was not that kind of supernatural power.

But this is also the system, the magical power it has given him. 09

This kind of magical power, even an ordinary quasi-sage, has never been cultivated.

This time, the Tathagata Buddha dared to underestimate him so much, then let him try the power of this dream of the Three Realms.

Therefore, Chu Feng exerted all his strength and deployed his mana to promote the Three Realms of One Dream.

The Tathagata Buddha did not dare to neglect when he saw that Chu Feng had used all his strength.

It is also the display of his three thousand dharma signs to the highest extreme.

I saw that above this Chu Feng, there was a dharma that filled with golden light.

Above this dharma, there is endless Buddha light permeating, and there is also a strong coercion and shocking power.

Once such a dharma is formed, it will also cause some pressure on Chu Feng.

Although he said that he had great confidence in his own, One Dream, Three Realms.

But he also knew that the strength of the Tathagata Buddha was not blown out, but the first person in the Western Heaven.

Therefore, when thinking of this, I will push my mana with all my strength.

With the Dharma image of the Tathagata Buddha, it is a hard encounter.

Tathagata Buddha's dharma image, penetrated into the sky and then slapped it with a palm, this palm contains the power of the five elements.

With extremely strong lethality, after Chu Feng saw such a situation.

He immediately disappeared in place, dodging.

Because he also knew that if he resisted the Tathagata Buddha now, it would not have the slightest benefit for him.

Although now he has a quasi-sage cultivation.

But that Tathagata Buddha is also the strength of a quasi-sage.

So on top of this matter, he also knows that he can only outsmart it, not force it.

What's more, his mission this time is to keep the real Monkey King.

Instead of fighting the Tathagata Buddha, he did this because of his rage before.

If he is torn apart completely with Tathagata Buddha now, then his next mission will be completely affected.

Therefore, when he thought of this, he also had a plan in his heart to retreat.

For the time being, let go of the grievances and grievances with the Tathagata Buddha, and temporarily pass your own tasks before talking about it.

Otherwise, he would not be able to solve all the problems in front of him.

Thinking that when 560 arrived here, Chu Feng waved the glazed light all over his body towards Tathagata Buddha.

Seeing Chu Feng in such a situation, he also did such a thing.

The Tathagata Buddha is certain, and it is impossible to sit idly by.

So I saw a trace of rune flashing in the palm of the Buddha's hand.

Then he suppressed Chu Feng.

Seeing such a situation, Chu Feng immediately dodged, and then used his own Buddha Dharma, One Dream, Three Realms to go up.

It's just that this time Chu Feng didn't pick up any bargains.

In this Dharma, although there is the power of the three realms and the six realms.

Chapter 349 The Power of the Three Realms of a Dream

But under the dharma of Tathagata Buddha, it is still unable to persist for too long.

With the relatives of the Tathagata Buddha Dharma, the three realms of this dream are hit.

There were also many cracks in Chu Feng's Dharma, and then it burst into golden light all over the sky.

When he saw his palm, it was to destroy Chu Feng's Three Realms of Dreams.

The mind of the Tathagata Buddha is very happy.

At this moment, what he didn't think of was the broken golden light.

It is like a retro body, contaminated with the Dharma of the Tathagata Buddha.

Afterwards, the runes of Dao Dao were formed, and the Buddha was imprisoned in place so that he could not move.

Seeing his own Dharma being imprisoned, the Tathagata Buddha felt very surprised.

So he immediately pushed the power of his practice to drive this Dharma image.

But at this time, he and this law seemed to have lost his spiritual power.

Seeing the binding power of the Three Realms in one dream, the Dharma image of the Tathagata Buddha was also imprisoned in its original place.

Chu Feng opened his mouth and said to the Tathagata Buddha.

"You and I'll stop here."

"This time, you should help as soon as possible, so that the true and false Sun Wukong can be distinguished."

"As for the matter between you and me, we will settle it after their affairs are over."

Tathagata Buddha heard Chu Feng, and when he said this, he could only acquiesce.

Because of the imprisoning power he felt from the Dharma.

It also made him feel very powerless, and now it ends like this, which can be regarded as leaving face for both of them.

After the previous fight, the Tathagata also knew that Chu Feng's strength was definitely at the level of a quasi-sage.

Even if the two of them fought, no matter how many rounds they fought, they couldn't tell the winner.

The final result can only be to make him lose face, or to completely destroy the Great Leiyin Temple in the West.

Now that Chu Feng has taken the initiative, this matter will be abandoned.

Then he also needs to use this step to step down.

Therefore, when thinking of this, Tathagata Buddha said.