MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 256 Showdown【6000 words】

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Chapter 256 Showdown [6000 words]

 Baoshan Village.

Seeing the whole village asking questions around the big truck bought by their second son, their eyes were full of envy. Bu Erzhu and Deng Shilan couldn't help but smile.

 Although they are still a little worried about their second son and don't want him to take this dangerous path, but the second son wants to get ahead and insists on taking this path, then they can only support him.

Anyway, his uncle also said that when encountering an accident, the main thing is to save your life, and the risk will be reduced a lot.

After all, the main purpose of those car gangsters and road bullies is to seek money. They are not the kind of vicious murderers who don't take human life seriously. They can't kill people with just one move. As long as they cooperate and don't resist when they are robbed, they can naturally save their lives. Little life.

While Bu Erzhu and Deng Shilan stood by and watched with a smile, the elderly villagers walked up to them and said complimentary words after admiring the big truck.

When Deng Shirong heard this, he could also imagine the mood of the third sister and the third brother-in-law. As a parent, who doesn't want their son to have a future? In the era when buying a bicycle back home was surrounded by villagers, my nephew directly bought a truck and went back. This is in Baoshan Village. You can imagine how much of a stir it caused.


So, I would like to ask you, an old master, for help. In the next six months, you can accompany my nephew to drive the car, and teach my nephew how to repair cars. I will give you a monthly salary of fifty yuan. I wonder if you are willing to do so. Not willing to do it? "

Liu's father was also sitting next to him, accompanying Deng Shirong, the matchmaker. Hearing these words, his eyes widened instantly and he lost his voice: "Uncle Jiu, are you Bu Dashi's biological uncle?"

  Ji Maoling Village.

Bu Zhongshi pulled a cart full of cylinder tiles, took Deng Changrui, a master craftsman his uncle had found for him, and Deng Yungui, one of the owners of the cylinder tile factory, to Lianjiang, Guangdong to sell goods. This was his first freight business. He naturally takes it very seriously.

  Bu Zhongshi said excitedly when he heard this: "Thank you, uncle!"

“It just so happens that my nephew is at my house right now. If you are okay, will you come to my house to talk about this matter?”

"very beautiful."

“Uncle Jiu, please burn the cigarette first.”

At this time, almost all the relatives and friends of the woman's family had arrived, plus the three aunts, six mothers-in-law, brothers, uncles and so on in the village, there were quite a lot of people. The whole scene was lively and lively, and the makeshift earthen stove was also smoking. The chef invited by the woman's family is busy.

While eating, Deng Shirong poured a bowl of wine for himself and another bowl for his nephew and son-in-law. Then he said to his nephew: "If you don't go back today, let's have a good meal. If you want to go back, then we can have a good meal." You can’t drink this wine, don’t drink while driving, and don’t drive after drinking. You must abide by this principle.”


Just as the uncle and nephew were sitting under the wooden shed chatting, Bu Dafang also came back from working in Litchi Mountain, because based on the proverbs passed down by his ancestors, his uncle predicted that this winter would be colder than previous years and would last for a long time. , so during this time, she and her husband are taking antifreeze measures for the lychee trees.

Deng Shirong said with a smile: "It's no problem to leave the goods from the cylinder tile factory to you. It just so happens that the cylinder tile factory has started to burn the kiln. In a few days, a batch of goods will be shipped to Lianjiang for sale. Then this batch of goods will be handed over to You!"

Although tomorrow is the day when the woman gets married, because the custom in the Shuangwang realm is to take the bride home before 12 noon, the woman has to go out early and eat the banquet in the morning in a hurry. Compared with this meal this afternoon, I felt comfortable.

Deng Shirong took the chimney and said, "I came here specially to find you."

Deng Shirong introduced a man with such good conditions to Liu Aihong. His matchmaking skills were recognized by the woman's relatives and friends. People with marriageable children in the family came to get close to see if Deng Shirong had a suitable partner for their children.

At this moment, he heard the sound of a bicycle and couldn't help but look up. Although he hadn't seen him for eight or nine years, Deng Changrui recognized the person at a glance and couldn't help but say hello: "Jiu Gong!"

 The next day.

When she came back and saw the brand new truck parked in front of her uncle's house, Bu Dafang was a little surprised at first. But when she saw her brother who was chatting with her uncle, she immediately understood and asked: "Zhongshi, did you buy this car?" ?”

Of course, he will definitely tell them about the dangers on the road before setting off. They are all brothers from the same village, so he will naturally not trick others.

From now on, he will also be the driver behind the wheel. If this identity is revealed, it will be a hundred times easier for his parents to find him a wife than it is now.

 The income of fifty yuan a month is already a very high income in this era. Even when he was a highly successful driver, his salary did not exceed this amount.

Needless to say, the driver's job is definitely gone, and his driver's license has been canceled long ago. The most important thing is that the eyes of the villagers looking at him are no longer the envy and respect they used to have, but a kind of With a discriminatory look.

Bu Zhongshi walked over and sat down on a bench and asked, "Uncle, when did you buy the TV set? The electric lights are also installed. Is our village electrified?"

Other young people in the village knew that Bu Zhongshi and Bu Dajun had such a good relationship that they could wear the same pair of trousers. When they heard that Bu Zhongshi said that he was going to take Bu Dajun out, they were not surprised at all. They all followed suit and asked Bu Zhongshi to go out to collect goods. When the time comes, you can take them with you and let them go out to see the world.

Bu Zhongshi also realized the importance of knowing how to repair cars, and nodded repeatedly: "I know, uncle, I will definitely learn it seriously. This is my guy, I must figure it out, otherwise I will stand out." The dream is about to be shattered."

Deng Changrui was sitting at the door of his home, smoking a hookah slowly.

Bu Zhongshi said hello first, and then replied with a smile: "I bought it, how about it? Isn't it beautiful?"

This meal lasted until about two o'clock in the afternoon.


Deng Shirong casually sat down on a bench. He held the chimney but was not in a hurry to burn cigarettes. Instead, he got down to business: "It's like this. My nephew just bought a truck and was going to do transportation, but he still As a novice who had just obtained his driver's license and had only scratched the surface of his car repair skills, it would be too unsafe to go out and drive a car like this. If the car broke down in such a deserted place, it would be troublesome.

Of course, he also thought about going into business, but doing business requires capital. If it was in the past, it would be no problem, but now it is different. He has been in prison for eight years, and the family has lost a pillar. After so many years, his wife It would be nice if the child could have something to eat, but how could he get the money to do business for him?

Deng Changrui smoked while lowering his head and thinking about the way forward.

During the past six months, you would learn the theoretical knowledge of car repair from him when you had nothing to do. If you encountered a broken car on the road, you would come for on-site teaching. It just so happened that you were also a novice in driving during the past six months, and you had a master to follow you. I'm also more reassured.

"have eaten!"

Deng Shirong opened the tobacco bag, pulled out a small handful of tobacco, and stuffed it into the mouth of the chimney while saying: "You only know a little about car repair skills, so you will definitely not be able to run a long distance. What if the car breaks down halfway?" , when the time comes and you don’t know how to repair it yourself, and you can’t do anything about it, then you will become ineffective every day.”

 Deng Shirong smiled and took the chimney next to him, and while taking out tobacco and matches from his pocket, he asked: "You went to learn driving before. In addition to learning driving, you should also have learned some car repair skills, right?"

Therefore, Deng Shirong no longer wants to be a matchmaker for outsiders. He only wants to be a matchmaker for his own children and the children of relatives and friends. Unless he really meets a very suitable person, he will not take action easily.

Bu Zhongshi suddenly realized that after his uncle and nephew chatted about the battery problem, he couldn't help but said: "Uncle, I have bought the truck now. You have to leave the goods in your cylinder and tile factory to me. I’ll get off to a good start as soon as possible.”

The road is not smooth when going out. The more people there are, the safer it is. Bu Zhongshi wishes he could have a few more people following him!

It's a pity that his truck only has three seats. Apart from the two drivers, Bu Dajun and him, every time he goes out to pull goods to death, he can take one more person out. Then he will definitely pick those who are brave enough to get into fights since childhood. , those who are timid will definitely not bring it.

 “Uncle Nine!”

Deng Shirong lit a match and lit his tobacco. After taking a few puffs of cigarette, he warned: "Zhongshi, you must learn to repair a car seriously, because a car is a dead thing. You don't know when or where it will go wrong. It would be really bad if it happens in such a deserted place and you don’t know how to repair the car.”

Even though both the man and the woman are satisfied with the marriage and the wedding date has been set, there are still many miscellaneous matters that need to be handled by Deng Shirong, the matchmaker.

Although everyone in the village has the same ancestor, and they are all related by kinship, blood ties cannot be said to be close once the fifth server is released. Deng Changrui was very famous in the village back then, and there were still many people who were jealous of him. Well, now that he is down and out, it is normal to laugh at him behind his back.



This is actually not surprising. First of all, Bu Zhongshi and Fa Xiaobu Dajun were originally the child kings among their peers and were quite prestigious among the younger generation. Now that they have released such a big "satellite", they can convince the villagers. It is a normal thing for young people.

 This anti-freeze measure was naturally taught to them by their uncle.

 In a blink of an eye, it was the day before Bu Dashi’s wedding.

"As long as you know!"

In this era, the local bulk rice wines are the kind of good wines that you can drink without getting drunk or feel uncomfortable when you wake up. Therefore, everyone has a good capacity for drinking, and they dare to drink freely. There is nothing wrong with pouring them one bowl after another. Strange now.

In the afternoon, Deng Shirong rode his bicycle to the woman’s house. As a matchmaker, he would stay at the woman’s house tonight and send her off to the bride’s house tomorrow with the wedding guests.

After Bu Zhongshi dealt with the young people in the village, he said to Fa Xiaobu Dajun: "Dajun, tomorrow I will go to my uncle's house first, tell him about buying a car, and ask him to leave all the goods from the tile factory to me. La, you should be prepared at home, we will leave at any time when there is business."

I don’t know how many people envied his job. He was only in his twenties at that time. When the villagers could not eat meat once a month, his family could eat meat every now and then. They lived a happy life. It's interesting, people respect it wherever you go, it's really a beautiful place.

The moment he saw the TV, Bu Zhongshi was a little surprised, but not surprised at all. With his uncle's wealth, buying a TV was a trivial matter. Even if he bought it now, he felt that his uncle was low-key enough.

"Then for the next six months, I will leave my nephew to you. This kid is just starting out and has little social experience. You should teach him more."

The young people in the village gathered around Bu Zhongshi, and each of them seemed to follow his lead.

 After Deng Changrui was released from prison last year, he found that there was no place for him in this society.

“I bought it yesterday, and I’m going to report to my uncle today.”

 Bu Dajun said excitedly: "I'm ready and ready to go at any time."

 Spent eight difficult years in prison.

“No problem, thank you Jiu Gong for your trust, and thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely teach your nephew everything I have learned, and I will never hide anything.”

Bu Zhongshi said: "I have learned a little bit, but I only learned some relatively simple car repair techniques, such as changing tires, spark plugs, etc., and troubleshooting some relatively simple faults. It won't work if it's a little more complicated."

After being released from prison, Deng Changrui also wanted to work hard to make a career, but when the driver's road was blocked, he had no other choice but to farm at home.

This drink is all local bulk rice wine. I have to say that there is a fundamental difference between good wine and low-quality wine. In later generations, due to the rampant counterfeit wine, drinking this kind of wine will make people get sick and give people a splitting headache. , it’s very uncomfortable anyway.

Deng Changrui became a driver among the Eight Great Members in the 1960s and was one of the influential figures in Jimaoling Village.

Bu Zhongshi thought that if this situation really happened, it would really be a headache. He couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, what should I do now? I have bought a car. How can I make money if I can't run long distances?" "

However, today is different from the past. In this situation, he can still get such a high income in his old business, even if it is only for half a year, he is satisfied.

Therefore, seeing that the woman's relatives and friends wanted to ask him to help with matchmaking, Deng Shirong, who was not easy to refuse, simply showed his cards and said: "Dear relatives, I understand your feelings of wanting to be a matchmaker for your children, but I am not a professional matchmaker. , the person I introduced to A Liumei was actually my nephew. "

Deng Changrui said excitedly when he heard this: "Jiu Gong, of course I am willing to do such a good thing!"

"OK, no problem!"

It was this accident that caused Deng Changrui, who was originally in heaven, to fall into **** in one fell swoop. From a driver that everyone envied, he turned into a criminal. The gap was really huge.

“Uncle Jiu, please sit down.”

Bu Zhongshi thought of his eldest brother’s glorious scene and couldn’t help but smile: “My brother is so much better off!”

While his niece was clearing away the dishes, Deng Shirong suddenly thought of a person in his mind and quickly said to his nephew: "I suddenly thought of a master who should be very good at repairing cars. Ask him to teach you how to repair cars and work with you for half a year." , maybe it won’t cost much, I’ll go and ask you now.”

The only consolation is that his wife's attitude towards him is the same as before, and she does not look down on him just because he is down.

After burning a few cigarettes, Deng Shirong put the chimney aside and said, "You bought this car at the right time. Your eldest brother is getting married on the 21st of this month. Then you can drive this car to pick up the bride and her wedding guests." Yes, it will definitely make your elder brother earn enough face."


 With this money coming in, he also has the capital to do business, which is why he is excited.

When Deng Shirong saw this brand-new truck parked in front of his house, he couldn't help but smile and asked: "When did you buy the car back?"

Bu Dafang told the truth, walked around the truck and praised: "This car is so beautiful. If you drive it back to Baoshan, the whole village will probably come to watch."

Deng Changrui is worthy of being a driver in the 1960s and 1970s. Not only is his driving skills excellent, but his car repair skills are no worse than those of professionals. His social experience is not comparable to that of Bu Zhongshi, a young boy. With him taking Bu Zhongshi, Bu Zhongshi It will definitely grow up quickly.

Deng Changrui was surprised and said: "Jiu Gong, what do you want from me?"

 Fortunately, the woman also knew that Bu Dashi was currently working in the county, and it was not easy to go back and forth, so she did not make any excessive demands.

Deng Changrui nodded, handed the chimney over and said, "Where are you going, Mr. Jiu? Let's burn the chimney first."

 After solving the problem of the second nephew, Deng Shirong began to rush for the marriage of the eldest nephew.

Of course, as a driver who often travels long distances, he still has many hidden benefits, and his overall income must exceed this amount.

Deng Shirong stopped his bicycle and said hello: "Eighteen, have you eaten?"

Deng Shirong was very cautious in being a matchmaker and would not randomly match people just for the tenfold reward of the matchmaker gift. After all, he could not see the marriage matching value of the man and the woman. He only relied on the experience accumulated in his previous life for decades to act as a matchmaker. .

 Actually, anyone who knows Deng Changrui’s experience understands why he became like this.

Bu Zhongshi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Uncle, you are still thoughtful. Then help me find a master with good car repair skills. I will be responsible for his salary. It just so happens that I still have a lot of money left after taking out a loan to buy a car. Please If a master has taught me how to drive for half a year, there will definitely be no problem.”

Deng Shirong, a matchmaker, came to the woman's house and was immediately warmly received by her family. After burning a few pipes of cigarettes, he started chatting with her relatives and friends.

Although no one would say anything in front of him, Deng Changrui knew that the villagers must be talking about him behind his back, and they were probably all gloating about his current situation!

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "Don't worry, a living person can still suffocate to death. The most effective way to learn to repair a car is to combine theory with practice. I will help you find a master with great car repair skills and give him a high driving speed." Salary, let him stay with you for half a year.


 After saying that, Deng Shirong walked out and got on his bicycle without waiting for his nephew's answer. Bu Zhongshi: “…”

Of course, if you are happy, you will be worried if you should be worried. All Deng Shirong can do is to remind his nephew to always maintain a cautious attitude. As long as he spends the 1980s and 1990s carefully, when we enter the new century, public security will naturally slow down. It's getting better slowly.

Bu Zhongshi chuckled and said, "I knew you would have delicious food here, uncle. I had already prepared to stay the night. I even brought my clothes and put them in the car!"

 After half a year, I believe you will be able to grow into a qualified driver! "

 Five days later.

Deng Shirong couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and poured him a bowl of wine.

 Bu Zhongshi naturally responded readily.

 But if you drink really good wine, you will only get drunk if you drink too much, but you will never get drunk, and you won’t feel uncomfortable after you sober up.

However, as the saying goes, "There are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and misfortunes and misfortunes happen to everyone." One day in May 1973, he accidentally crushed two cyclists to death while driving his car. He, the driver, was held accountable. Criminal liability and sentenced to 8 years.

It was rare for my nephew to come over, so Deng Shirong prepared some delicious dishes at noon.

He is only 43 years old this year and is in the prime of his life, but his face is already covered with wrinkles, and his hairline has receded a bit seriously. The most important thing is that he no longer has the same look he had a few years ago. He was high-spirited, but looked depressed and depressed.

He couldn't guarantee whether the marriage arranged in this way was the most suitable.

Deng Shirong pointed to the battery under the TV and said, "Our village probably won't have electricity in the next few years. I use batteries now."

Originally, he was going to bring Fa Xiaobu's army with him, but the plan could not keep up with the change. With the addition of a master named Deng Changrui, and the indispensable boss Deng Yungui to sell goods, Fa Xiaobu had to wait a little longer before following the car.

Bu Zhongshi smiled with a smile on his face and said: "Sister, you are really right. Yesterday when I drove the car home, the whole village, old and young, really came to watch. You don't know what the scene was like. Even Dad Mom couldn’t even close her mouth with laughter.”

Being envied by the whole village, the third sister and the third brother-in-law will of course be happy.

Bu Dajun was also in the crowd at this time, and he was very excited when he saw that Fa Xiaozhen had bought the big truck.

Bu Zhongshi drove his large cargo truck majestically to his uncle's house. Then he immediately discovered the changes in his uncle's house. A beautiful wooden shed had been built under the longan tree. Under the wooden shed was a shape A rather strange cabinet with a black and white TV set on top.

Bu Zhongshi glanced at the TV, and then said hello to his uncle.

Relatives and friends of the Liu family were also stunned when they heard this. Apparently, they really did not expect that Deng Shirong, the matchmaker, would hide such an identity.

Deng Shirong said sincerely: "My dear, I'm really sorry. I have kept my identity hidden from you all this time. I'm mainly worried that if you know my identity, you will have scruples when talking about their marriage. I'm embarrassed to say what I need to say." Come out, that’s why I chose to conceal my identity, I hope you won’t be offended!”

 (End of this chapter)