MTL - Go Legend-Chapter 904 China is good

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chapter 904

   At the beginning of 2013, before the Spring Festival holiday, the first World Series final of this year had already started.

   This is the "LG Cup" for New Year's Eve. In this day and age, the finals of this competition are usually held in February of the Gregorian calendar every year.

   The two players who entered the final this year are the same as those in real history. The young Chinese player Jiang Weijie made his debut on the World Championship final stage, and his opponent was the representative of an era in Korea, "Stone Buddha" Lee Chang-ho.

   In his own home, Li Xiangping watched the entire final through the Internet. Seeing that the Chinese teenager smashed Shi Buddha with a score of 2-0, Li Xiangping couldn't help feeling emotional:

   The era of Da Li should come to an end, and he should start playing "Happy Go" soon.

   Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the progress of the chess game that although Da Li’s skill is still there, his computing power has obviously declined, and his computing speed has obviously been unable to keep up with young people.

   Well, if Da Li goes to Japan now and plays the kind of slow-paced news chess game in Japan, he may still win many championships.

  However, today's international arena is dominated by two-hour games per side.

   I have to say that this kind of competition system and time is of course very unfriendly to middle-aged and elderly people, and now Da Li is 38 years old, and he is a greasy uncle. Naturally, it is difficult to show glory in such a competition.

"Hey~ Da Li's today is my tomorrow, he is 38, I am 26, he is just one round older than me, I guess when I reach 38, I may not be able to compete with the current Da Li, so Ding'an brother, Dogfighting is our last battle. The normal generation of dogs will be born in the year after, and the third generation of dogs will be born a year later. No matter what, we have to find a way to fight the third generation of dogs, and then wait for the third generation of dogs to fight, regardless of the outcome. How, let's seal the knife, I will go to Xiaoyao Mountain Forest, and you will find your embroidered qin, what do you think of this arrangement."

"Ha ha."

   After chatting with the plug-in, Li Xiangping was about to go out to do some errands. When he went outside, he saw that Yaya was also dressed up and looked like she was going to go out.

   "Hey Yaya, is there any activity today?"

   "It's not an activity, it's Dao Kai,"

  Yaya smiled at Li Xiangping and said, "Daokai is holding an exhibition today, and there are still a few works to be auctioned, so this best friend won't come to join us."

   Li Xiangping was happy when he heard that it was Zhao Daokai.

Well, I used to call this guy "Painter Zhao", which was actually meant to be a joke, but now it's different. Just in recent years, several of his works have won awards internationally, and he has really become famous. Now The proper "domestic famous young painter" is no longer famous under Li Xiangping.

   Zhao Daokai is especially good at drawing characters, especially female stars in the entertainment industry. If he has never been his model, he would be embarrassed to say hello to people when he goes out, and he will be considered to be unpopular and a little star below the third and fourth tiers.

  Because of this, this guy is very popular now. Many small stars are rushing to him, and they want to be his model, so as to increase their worth.

   Of course, in fact, many of them went to his old man Zhao Jiadong.

   But even so, it does not prevent this guy's works from fetching sky-high prices.

   This is normal in this day and age.

Think about the graffiti of Mr. Alima and Feng Pants from the entertainment industry. In today's era, they can be sold for tens of millions. After all, Zhao Daokai is a professional. His works have won awards internationally. In addition, there is also a rich man It is not unusual for a powerful father to have his works popular.

Li Xiangping doesn't have the artistic skills in that area, so he's too lazy to hold that guy's stinky feet, so he shook his head and smiled at Yaya: "No, I have other things to do tonight, you can go alone, if If his works really can't be sold, you can help him, but I don't think so..."

   "Where are you going today?"

   "Financial Street, my cousin is here today."


   An hour later, Li Xiangping came to the financial world in the XC district of the capital. After getting off the bus in front of a building, Li Xiangping looked at the words "Weixiang Investment" on the top of the building and became fascinated.

After years of development, "Weixiang Investment" has already become a giant, and his cousin is also very popular in the investment world. He is one of the top investors in China and a recognized capital predator. In the world, his fame is also far greater than that of his professional chess player.

   After Li Xiangping walked into the building, the lady at the front desk still knew him, the boss behind the scenes, so she warmly greeted him:

   "Xiang Ping is here?"

  Li Xiangping nodded to the pretty front desk lady with a smile:

   "Where's my brother?"

   "Mr. Li is still in a meeting."

   "Oh, meeting, what meeting?"

   "In a venture capital meeting, he is meeting the founder of a project."

   "Oh, is that Dr. Zhu from Peking University?"

   "That's right, you know Xiang Ping, do you want me to go over and notify President Li?"

  Li Xiangping shook his head with a smile: "No, since we're talking about business, then I'll wait. By the way, since it's just a project, I shouldn't have to wait too long, right?"

   The lady at the front desk replied with a smile:

   "No, today is just a small business of tens of millions of dollars. At most half an hour is enough. Come to Xiangping, take a seat, tea or coffee?"

   "Tea, thank you."

   Li Xiangping did not wait too long, and within 20 minutes, Li Weiping walked out of the conference room with a group of people.

  Li Xiangping counted that Dr. Zhu left the building, and then asked his cousin with a smile:

   "How about it, brother, did you pass this Dr. Zhu project?"

  Li Weiping smiled wryly:

"I can't pass, I can't pass. This Dr. Zhu's team focuses on miniaturized narrow linewidth lasers. Although he has a lot of independent intellectual property rights, his project has problems such as a long research and development cycle and the difficulty of converting technology into productivity... "

  Li Xiangping interrupted his cousin and said, "But he is a real **** technology."

  Li Weiping continued to smile bitterly:

   "Just because it is a hard-core technology, this is a taboo in the investment world. To be honest, if this person hadn't been introduced by you, I would not have held this venture capital meeting at all."

   "It really didn't pass? Well, it's still the old rule. Since the company doesn't invest, I will invest privately. How much does he need for angel round financing?"

   Li Weiping was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Li Xiangping and shook his head:

"You, you, from Microsource Photonics to Yuanjie Semiconductor, this is the first time. Xiangping, you only play Go, why are you so interested in this kind of hard-core high-tech, they don't want much. , it’s only 80 million, and it’s still RMB, but Xiangping…”

   Seeing his cousin and preparing to persuade himself, Li Xiangping interrupted him with a smile:

"Hey, brother, don't persuade me, I also know that his project doesn't make money, and it may be rare to see benefits within 10 years, so you can treat me as self-willed, anyway, you have made so much money in those short-term projects, It doesn't seem to matter much if you let me be self-willed a few times now and then, right?"

  Li Weiping smiled and said, "It's not a few times for you. In the past three years, it's been almost 20 times. Tell yourself, did one of the projects you invested in make money?"

Li Xiangping smiled indifferently: "Yes, no, they all say that I am a small money-maker, brother, I will tell you the truth, if it is a project that can make money now, I am not interested in investing, let's not argue, you Just give a word, vote or not?"

Li Weiping smiled again: "You are the largest shareholder of Weiping Investment, of course I have to listen to your words, vote, vote, anyway, you have said it yourself, you are prepared to invest in projects that these companies do not agree with, by the way, The 2 billion dollars you kept before, it is estimated that you have spent almost the same now, right?"

  Li Xiangping smiled:

"Brother, you are so smart, this is actually the purpose of my visit today. The 2 billion at the beginning has indeed been spent almost, and I have seen a few more projects, so I want you to prepare some money for me. ."

  Li Weiping stared at his cousin dumbfounded:

   “Or this **** high-tech project?”

  Li Xiangping nodded affirmatively:

   "I just said, if it weren't for hard-core high-tech with independent property rights, I wouldn't be interested in investing."

   "How much will it cost this time?"

  Li Xiangping shrugged:

   "I don't know about that. You can give it to me. Anyway, one billion is not too little, and 10 billion is not too much. By the way, what I just said was US dollars, not RMB, nor Vietnamese dong."

  Li Weiping was a little speechless:

   "Tsk tsk, pay back US dollars, and a billion is not too little, 10 billion is not too much. It's a shame that you can say this."

   "Why, can't the company get this money?"

   "How is it possible, our company had more than 7 billion 5 years ago, then now..."

   "That's right, since you can get it out, what else can you say, okay bro, I won't tell you, Dao Kai has an art exhibition today, and I'm going to visit him, remember to give me some money, it's 88."

   After saying this, Li Xiangping ran away immediately, not giving his cousin a chance to nag.

   After leaving Financial Street, Li Xiang took a deep breath. In fact, the projects he has invested in these years are mainly concentrated in two tracks, one is artificial intelligence, and the other is the third-generation semiconductor photonic chip.

   Well, in fact, he only played Go and was barely an undergraduate in the philosophy department. He didn’t understand these hard-core high-tech, so he definitely couldn’t see the prospects of those projects at all.

But as the saying goes, a man does what he does and what he does not do. As a person who came back from the afterlife, of course Li Xiangping will not get into the eyes of money, and he has no hobby of counting money to get cramps in his hands, so he invests money in those For projects that may be useful to the country, Li Xiangping feels that his three views have not completely collapsed, at least he is still a good Chinese dude.

   After busy with these mundane things, Li Xiangping continued to focus on the current chess world.

   Today is the big year of Go, except for the "Fujitsu Cup" and several other annual world competitions.

  The final of the "Ying's Cup" held every four years is also dared to be held this year.

  The biennial "Chunlan Cup" final is also this year.

   In addition to the recently established "Bailing Cup", the "Evergrande Cup" that did not exist in the previous life.

   This year, it is very rare that the seven stars accompany the moon.

   "Hey, if this year's special 10th show can gather all the 7 champions..."

  Li Xiangping felt excited just thinking about it.


   (end of this chapter)