MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3929 Chaotianque Mutation

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Gai Mie's tall and strong figure came from the darkness, slightly curly long hair scattered on both sides of his chiseled cheeks, and the thick stubble around his lips added to his masculine and ruthless aura.

He stopped by the Blood River, looked at Zhang Ruochen standing by the bluestone, and showed a smile:

Zhang Ruochen glanced over and said:

Gai Mi said:

Zhang Ruochen was sure that Gai Mie and Yu Zhuan had made the same poisonous oath before, but he agreed happily:

Then, Zhang Ruochen asked again:

Cover off the road.

Zhang Ruochen said:

Cover off the road.

Zhang Ruochen smiled without saying a word.

Xiongxiao Demon God's Temple is a palace that the Great Demon God collected and refined from countless strange things in the world in the past. In terms of preciousness, it is still higher than the Seventy-two Demon God Stone Pillars.

Zhang Ruochen knew it was located in Chaotian Tower, and he learned about it from Fengtian.

Zhang Ruochen really didn't believe that Tian Lao would tell Gai Mie about this. After all, she had advised Zhang Ruochen not to go to Chaotianque.


Tianmu wants to use this to get rid of Gaimie!

However, with Tian Mu's cultivation base, it is not difficult to kill Ga Mie whose cultivation base has not fully recovered, and there is no need for such twists and turns.

Besides, it is the time when the **** world is employing people, and it is impossible for Tianmu to kill him at this time.

What Zhang Ruochen learned from Nutian Shenzun was that Gai Mie was the leader sent by the **** world to sneak into the lower world and disturb the lower world.

This is why Zhang Ruochen is not surprised that Gai Mie will appear here!

Gai Mi said:

Zhang Ruochen suspected that Gai Mie had seen Emperor Nine Deaths, or Bone Yan Luo, and the two deliberately leaked information about the Xiongxiao Demon Temple to lure him to his death.

Suddenly, Zhang Ruochen frowned, feeling as if he had overlooked something.

A few days later, Yan Wushen dispatched Cang Jue, and news came that he had found Yandi, and he was sure to rescue the Xinghai fisherman.

Yu Zhuan, Zhang Ruochen, and Gai Mie headed towards the south of the ancient ruined city.

Chaotian Tower is located in the south of the city.

Zhang Ruochen secretly transmitted the voice:

Chi Yao said.

Zhang Ruochen said:

Chi Yao said.

Zhang Ruochen said:

Chi Yao said:

Zhang Ruochen shook his head and said:

Zhang Ruochen stared at the person who was walking in front

The proposed jade seal and Gai Mie suddenly spoke:

Yu Zhuan smiled and shook his head, saying:

Zhang Ruochen said:

Yuzhuan said:

Yuzhuan continued:

Zhang Ruochen said:

Yuzhuan smiled and said:

Gai Mi said:

Back then, Feng Tian's cultivation was not as good as theirs, and he was able to escape from Chaotian Tower.

It can be seen that in the long history, many strong men who are not afraid of death must have penetrated into the Chaotian Tower, escaped from it, and passed on part of the situation inside to the outside world.

Zhang Ruochen still believed Yu Zhuan's words, because the first thing the Nine Death Emperors did when they entered the ancient ruined city was to enter the Chaotian Tower.

Obviously, Emperor Nine Deaths should have inherited part of the Great Demon God's memory and knew something.

Not long after, the three of them came to the vast sea of ​​corpses and blood hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Chaotian Tower is at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood.

There are naturally a large number of ancient creatures guarding the sea of ​​blood.

In the sea of ​​blood, there are formations and divine powers left behind by the powerhouses of the upper world, and many of them have the means of the ancestors. These ancient creatures cannot enter the sea of ​​blood at all.

Those who rushed in rashly were all wiped out.

Back then, Zhang Ruochen was able to reach the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, relying on the formation hole left by Emperor Nine Deaths when he entered Chaotian Tower, and followed the path he walked to Qingxu Hall.

Of course, with Zhang Ruochen's current mental strength and formation skills, he can also find the weak points of the formation in the sea of ​​blood.

Avoiding the ancient creatures guarding the sea of ​​blood, under the leadership of Zhang Ruochen, the three of them quickly came to Qingxu Hall.

This dilapidated palace has collapsed in many places, but it still emits a purple divine light all over, showing that it was once extraordinary.

On the gate, there are seven ancestral scripts left by Fudo Mingwang Dazun:

Even though they were as confident as jade seals and as arrogant as Gaimi, when they saw these seven words, the two of them still had solemn faces.

Zhang Ruochen said:

Gai Mie looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, calling out the Demon Ancestor Ziwu Yue, as if the sun and moon magic wheels were floating above his head, he was already one step ahead and walked forward.

After walking for a hundred miles, all the buildings disappeared, and the boundless blood-colored land appeared in front of my eyes.

The soil here seems to have been watered by fresh blood, not a single blade of grass grows, and it is so red that it oozes.

Yuzhuan said.

They are all extremely strong men who have seen strong winds and waves, Gai Mie has no fear, and said with a smile:

Zhang Ruochen narrowed his eyes, UU read and said:

The blood-colored land in front of him is not completely flat, there are hills and hills.

Following that, countless blood-red tornadoes moved towards the three of them. The hills shook violently, and more and more fissures appeared.

At the same time, the formations, barriers, and restrictions left by the ancient powerhouses to protect Chaotianque were all activated, forming waves of destructive storms and tides.

It is also accompanied by the spirit and rules of the ancestors left by more than one ancestor.

Some of the ancestors' divine power turned into bright lightning and shuttled in the space, and the waves released were enough to penetrate the body of a god-level god, making the three of them gasp.

A creepy howl came from the ground.

Then, strong men who had been dead for an unknown number of years climbed out from under the blood-colored hill. Some wore royal robes and imperial crowns. Some have white beard and white hair, and wear Taoist robes. Some wear long skirts and veils, but they can't cover the dry bones on their faces...

These ancient corpses raised their hands to the sky, and opened their mouths to **** in the wisps of gray mist flowing in the space.

Both Yuzhuan and Gai Mie's eyes were firm, and they turned into two divine lights, rushing into the **** land.

The means left behind by the ancestors who can severely damage the Tianzun level cannot stop them.

What danger have they not been to?

Zhang Ruochen agrees with them. He doesn't think that these ancient corpses will crawl out of the soil on their own initiative, and he doesn't think that the various killing powers in Chaotian Que will be activated automatically.

It must be man-made.

With this method, the other party is obviously not an ordinary person.

But the three of Zhang Ruochen are all standing at the top of the universe, and they are not ordinary people, so it is impossible to be scared away like this.