MTL - God Level Farm-Chapter 34 Sold out quickly

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Liang Qichao was so excited that he was incoherent.

Xia Ruofei laughed and asked:

"How? Liang Ge, are you interested?"

"Yes! It’s just too interesting!" Liang Qichao said loudly. "I will place an order right away. I have all these fleshy seedlings!"

Xia Ruofei heard a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help but smile - he guessed the process, but did not guess the ending.

Liang Qichao really has a lot of connections in the polyps, but he is also a rich second generation!

These fleshy seedlings are expensive for the average person, but the total price of more than 100 seedlings is also 100,000. For Liang Qichao, is this money drizzling? Finally encountered such a rare variety, Liang Qichao will be let go?

"Liang Ge, wait a minute!" Xia Ruofei said quickly.

"What's wrong?" Liang Qichao asked inexplicably.

"This is the case... my friend means that he is a newly opened store. I want you to ask for help and publicity. He wants to pull more customers." Xia Ruofei said with some embarrassment, "If you are all If you bought it..."

Liang Qichao’s family is doing big business. He has been stunned since he was a child, so he immediately understood the meaning of Xia Ruofei.

"I understand!" said Liang Qichao. "But... those fleshy seedlings are too...hey!"

This guy has seen good things, still not willing to let go!

Xia Ruofei quickly said:

"Liang Ge, you can rest assured that you can buy some of them this time, and there will be more quality and more fleshy seedlings on the shelves, not afraid to buy them."

Speaking of this, Xia Ruofei is slightly addicted, simply add another fire:

"And, I heard that my friend has a pot of white-skinned adult plants that are also intended to be sold. The quality is not lower than the last ice lamp. This time you helped him. He wants to sell it. Will give priority to you."

When Liang Qichao came to an interest, he quickly asked:

“Is the quality really not lower than the last best ice lamp?”

Xia Ruofei said affirmatively:

"of course!"

Then he slightly lowered his voice and said:

"In fact, it is the mother plant of the white-skin moonline sold in the online store. Do you say that the quality is bad?"

Xia Ruofei certainly cannot sell the mother plant, but after this cutting, he chose two or three pots of each of the fleshy seedlings to stay the best, and prepare to grow into adult plants, as the mother plant for the next cutting. In order to expand production as soon as possible.

After a month, I picked up a pot from the two-story white-skin moon and sold it to Liang Qichao.

Growing in the spiritual space for two or three months, the quality of the newly cultivated white-skinned adult plants will definitely far exceed the one purchased by Xia Ruofei on the Internet.

When I heard that it was the mother plant of the white-skinned seedlings, Liang Qichao immediately dismissed all doubts and said:

"The quality will never be bad! If you fly, you must help me to talk to your friends, let him leave the basin of the white moon to me! You can rest assured, I immediately contact some friends in the circle. , to ensure that your friend's online store in the shortest time in the circle of the name!"

Xia Ruofei is very happy:

"Thank you Liang Ge!"

Liang Qichao repeatedly repeated Xia Ruofei, must not forget the white skin of the moon, Xia Ruofei is naturally full of promises.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Ruofei made a snap and waved his fist with joy.

Two minutes later, Xia Ruofei saw someone ordering in the background. Each type of meat had two pots.

Just as Xia Ruofei marveled at the efficiency of Liang Qichao, he couldn’t help but laugh at the buyer’s information again. The receiving address is the address of the fairy meat stall, and the consignee is not Liang Qichao himself?

Xia Ruofei understood it with a little thought. Liang Qichao still worried that after introducing a friend to buy it, he would not be able to grab it himself, so he must be the first to be strong after hanging up the phone.

It is estimated that he will start to introduce to friends in the multi-meat circle!

Fortunately, Liang Qichao is still kind, only buy two pots for every meat.

After another ten minutes, Xia Ruofei began to see new orders in the Taobao background.

This time is not Liang Qichao, it is really a fleshy player customer.

In the next half hour, new orders appeared constantly. Some three pots, some five pots, and more than one hundred pots of fleshy seedlings were sold out within half an hour. Most of these orders were written in the remarks. The words "the introduction of the fairy meat stalls".

Xia Ruofei looked at the background statistics. After all the transactions were completed, he could account for more than 110,000 yuan.

In the spiritual map space, the recovery of the multi-female mother plant and the growth of small and fleshy, the maximum period of one month is also a month.

And this is the first time. Later, due to the increase of the mother plant, the seedlings that can be cultivated by each cutting will be more.

That is to say, in the next month, in the meaty seedlings, Xia Ruofei can earn at least 100,000 yuan, and it is almost zero cost.

This is what Xia Ruofei must have been thinking about before.

With the space of the spiritual map, making money has become so easy.

And this is a small part of the function of the spiritual map space, as well as super vegetables, and the magical three-color petals, and the possible temporary features that have not been discovered...

The value of this spiritual space is really incalculable!

Xia Ruofei regained some excitement and began to plan for the next step.

First of all, the most urgent task is to find another place to live. Whether it is super vegetables or fleshy seedlings, the current rental houses are obviously no longer suitable, it is a lot of people!

Thinking of this, Xia Ruofei first hangs a notice on the homepage of the outlet, which reads:

Thank you for your support, the first batch of high quality meaty seedlings have been sold out, we will ship in three days. If you haven't bought it, please be patient. In the month, there will be more rare and succulent seedlings in the store. Welcome to buy!

After the announcement was hanged out, Xia Ruofei cleaned up the things and hid the picture of the spirit, and he was ready to go out to find the house.

Xia Ruofei just walked to the alley in the shantytown, and the phone rang.

This is the phone call from Tian Huilan’s secretary, Wu Liqian. It turned out that she had coordinated the Municipal Education Bureau and had done the transfer of Lin Qiao.

The school is scheduled to be the eighth middle school of Sanshan City. This is a provincial key middle school, and the high school key class of this school is the best of all types of schools. In the past five years, three years of provincial liberal arts champions have come from the middle school. an elite class.

Lin Qiao is a liberal arts student.

Xia Ruofei quickly said a lot of thanks.

Wu Liqian said that in the afternoon, she would personally send Lin Qiao to the Eighth Central Plains.

The secretary of the mayor of the city personally came forward, and Xia Ruofei naturally could not be absent. So he had to put aside the house-looking things and make an appointment with Wu Liqian at two o'clock in the afternoon at the municipal government guest house.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Ruofei looked at the time is almost a little faster, so he directly called Lin Qiao, told her about the situation of the new school, told her to go directly to the Eighth Central Report.

Then Xia Ruofei took a car and went straight to the city government guest house.

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