MTL - God of Taoism-v100 Chapter 752 escape ascension

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  Chapter 752 Escaped Ascension

   "The body is the shadow, the shadow is the body, the body hides in the shadow, hides in the shadow, in the blending of light and dark, the virtual and the real are endless..."

Seeing that he was about to hit the wall made up of tree roots, but Bai Cangdong's body suddenly turned into a phantom when he hit it, and unexpectedly slipped through the gap between the roots, which looked weird To the extreme.

  Bai Cangdong has already mastered the method of the shadow of the ancient emperor, but now he has been promoted to a human being, and he has a new comprehension.

  Ren that tree has tens of thousands of roots, but Bai Cangdong is holding the little girl and soaring through it, even thousands of poisonous snakes can't hurt him at all, even his body can't be touched.

The time acceleration of the ancient emperor's hair gave Bai Cangdong an incredible speed, and the ancient emperor's shadow allowed Bai Cangdong to practice the realm of unity of life and shadow body, walking between reality and phantom at will, and all the world's laws are different. Invasion.

   It’s just that Bai Cangdong didn’t dare to stay too far away from the main hall, in case Lao Bai finished the main hall but he couldn’t go back, it would be a bit tragic.

   Fortunately, such a thing did not happen. After a while, I heard Lao Bai yelling: "Boy, come back quickly, I am leaving soon."

Bai Cangdong didn't hesitate any longer, and wanted to walk back while holding the little girl. He just moved, but suddenly felt a chill on his back, and disappeared as a phantom. A sharp claw landed on the position where Bai Cangdong was just now , A crack was torn open in the ground, and countless tree roots twisted underneath like a pit full of poisonous snakes.

   "Tomb-suppressing beast!" Bai Cangdong saw the thing clearly and was shocked, it turned out to be a tomb-suppressing beast on the square.

   It's just that at this time, the tomb town beast doesn't even have the slightest shadow of a stone statue. It's completely a **** and murderous beast, staring at Bai Cangdong with a pair of blood-red eyes.

  The magic light was like flames, and the tomb-suppressing beast let out a roar, and flew towards Bai Cangdong. The momentum of that horse was no less than that of the Demon Emperor.

Bai Cangdong's figure changed, and he dodged the attack of the tomb-suppressing beast again, but when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he saw a group of tomb-suppressing beasts rushing towards him. Almost all the tomb-slamming beasts rushed towards him over here.

Even if he is as bold as Bai Cangdong, his heart is shocked at this time. Any tomb-slayer beast is as tyrannical as a demon emperor. If there are so many fearsome existences, if he is entangled, even if the Tathagata Buddha comes, I am afraid it will be too late. Difficult to save his life.

Without any hesitation, Bai Cangdong ran away with the little girl in his arms. He used his body skills, time acceleration, and life and shadow twins to the limit. He forcibly squeezed out a path among countless tree roots, and rushed towards the hall. go.

   "Damn, why did you attract all those tomb-slayer beasts?" Lao Bai was a little dumbfounded when he saw the group of tomb-slayer beasts.

   "I don't want to lure them over, but they just keep chasing me." Bai Cangdong said while running.

   "Idiot, they are chasing the Immortal God. They were originally used by the Holy Emperor to suppress the Undead Tree and the Immortal God." Lao Bai shouted.

   "Stop talking so much nonsense, what should I do now?" Bai Cangdong didn't dare to run towards them, fearing that all the tomb-slayer beasts would be lured there.

   "Don't come here first, and take them around again. I count to one hundred, and you rush in directly, and we will directly teleport out of the Emperor's Grave." Lao Bai shouted.

   "Okay." Bai Cangdong bit the bullet and rushed to the other side, but those grave beasts were too fast, and they were about to surround him.

   "Hurry up... hurry up... God... lend me a little more time..." Bai Cangdong didn't want to die, and the desire to survive made him squeeze out all the potential in his body.


  Bai Cangdong suddenly felt that everything around him seemed to slow down. Those ferocious and swift tomb-slayer beasts seemed to be in slow motion at this moment, and Bai Cangdong could easily throw them away.

   "Time... so this is time..." Bai Cangdong seemed to be able to feel time flowing around him like a river.

   Stretch out your palm, and you can even feel time passing away from your fingertips like sand.

"Time is like a river, time is like an arrow, and I am the fish in the river, the wind on the arrow, if I move, the long river of time will let me swim..." Bai Cangdong suddenly turned his body, stepped out, and walked from the tomb-suppressing beasts. Passing through his body, those slow-motion tomb-slayer beasts didn't even have time to attack him.

   "This feeling is so **** good!" Bai Cangdong felt very relieved, the feeling of being chased just now was completely gone.

  In this dangerous place, Bai Cangdong seemed to be strolling in the garden, and he didn't look in the slightest panic again. No matter how fierce the tomb-slayer beasts were, or how violent the tree roots were, they still couldn't get a piece of his clothes.

"If I could understand this way a few years earlier, who else in the world can hurt me, I don't need to be afraid of anyone at all, at least I can still run if I can't beat me, who in the world can catch me?" Bai Cang Dong felt secretly proud.

  Bai Cangdong was complacent, but suddenly heard an earth-shattering roar of a beast, and saw a purple Shenguang Graveslayer roaring at him.

  With just a roar, Bai Cangdong felt the flow of time around his body suddenly collapse, causing Bai Cangdong to fall out of the long river of time.

"Damn it, among these tomb-slayer beasts, there actually exists the ability to seal time!" Bai Cangdong turned pale with shock, and saw a group of tomb-slayer beasts flying towards him, and lost the power to accelerate time. The speed can't avoid the attacks of those tomb-slayer beasts at all.

   "I can't run away, I can only fight." Bai Cangdong turned into a phantom, trying to use the shadows of those tomb-slayer beasts to escape.

  Who knew that the unicorn above the head of a white Shenguang Tomb Slayer suddenly burst into light, and immediately drove away all the darkness, and there was no shadow at all, making his life and shadow twins useless.

   Dozens of tomb-slayer beasts rushed towards him, about to tear him to pieces.

   Just when Bai Cangdong thought he was going to die, he suddenly saw a jade hand appearing in front of him.

   Bang bang bang!

  The jade hand waved repeatedly, and forcibly smashed all the tomb-suppressing beasts that rushed over to the ground, and the beautiful face of Jin Wujue also appeared in Bai Cangdong's vision.

   "Husband, have you had enough fun?" Ju Wuju looked at Bai Cangdong with a doting smile and said.

  Bai Cangdong was stunned for a moment, at this moment, Ju Wujue really shined like a saint reincarnated, even Bai Cangdong couldn't help being overwhelmed by it.

   "Damn, you guys are still in the mood to flirt there, go away, if you don't go, it will be too late, this is our last chance to send it out." Lao Bai yelled while jumping over there.

   "Husband, let's go." Ju Wujue put his arms around Bai Cangdong's waist, and with just a movement of his body, he had already returned to the hall.

"Get up!" Lao Bai yelled loudly, and struck out countless formulas from his claws. The teleportation array in the center of the hall spun like flying, and a beam of brilliance shot up into the night, splitting the twisted space, and Ling Ling stood in the teleportation array Several people disappeared without a trace.

  (end of this chapter)