MTL - God Rewards Those Who Work Hard: No Pains, 100% Gains-Chapter 110 He turns himself into a demon

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  Chapter 110 Alternative Freedom Heavenly Demon

   "Brother in charge."

  At this time, the master of the Fa Chuanfa Hall said: "Since there is a demonic way to obstruct it, then our counterattack plan..."

   "It's not necessary."

  The real teacher shook his head, "Our own strength is not strong enough. Even if we counterattack the four major sects and break their mountain gates, we will not be able to bear it. Instead, we will be defeated one by one because our strength is too scattered."

   "Now, since we know that the Devil Dao is behind it, we can't go to war with all the sects."

"Fortunately, the golden cores of the various factions that fell into the filthy land are not dead yet, and there is still room for change. Otherwise, once we fight with the major sects and become a group, and the devil suddenly kills us, it will be a crushing defeat. .”

   "Brother Master Shengming!"

  Everyone bowed their hands to pay tribute.

   "Teacher Daoist, I think..."

  At this time, Xu Ke pointed to the corpse on the ground, "If this person has been refined into a clone of the seven emotions, then, the Lord of Sinon..."


  As soon as these words came out, everyone's face changed drastically, and they were suddenly startled.

  Sinon Hall.

  Master Minghong, whose hair was full of verdant green hair, woke up leisurely under the treatment of the Master of Weaving Hall.

   "Uh... where am I?"

  Master Minghong shook his head and struggled to get up.

   "Junior Brother Minghong, are you awake?"

  The Master of the Weaving Hall saw Master Minghong awake, and a smile appeared on his face, "Junior brother has suffered such a calamity, and now he is back safely, which is considered a blessing among misfortunes."


  Master Minghong let out a long sigh, turned over and stood up, and bowed to the master of the weaving hall, "This time I was robbed, thank you senior sister and senior brothers for saving me, Minghong thanks."

   "They are all from the same sect, why should the younger brother be so polite?"

  The Master of the Weaving Palace stepped forward quickly, and stretched out his hand to help Master Minghong up.

  Then... a huge change happened!

   With a "bang", Master Ming Hong exploded into a mass of blood, and a dark red spiritual light instantly hit the head of the weaving palace master, right between his eyebrows.

  The master of the weaving palace froze, and an unbelievable horror flashed in his eyes.'s too late.

   An extremely evil breath erupted from the dark red spiritual light, and instantly penetrated into the main body of the weaving hall from the center of the eyebrows, blended into the soul, and transformed into the golden core...

  In the Golden Elixir of the Weaving Palace Master, a strange and mysterious structure of forbidden spirit runes was rapidly formed, intertwined and entangled with the original spirit forbidden runes in the Golden Elixir, and merged into one.

   "Perfect body, interesting soul."

   "I have a crush on your brother Master Mingyang, but I am ashamed to express it. However, Master Mingyang has no other thoughts about you, which makes you even more unwilling."

   "You actually have resentment!"

   "Do you think that the Zongmen has dragged down Master Mingyang, and that it is the Zongmen's position as the head teacher who has kept Master Mingyang busy with trivial matters and neglected you!"

   "You are even thinking, if there is no Haoyangzong, will the two of you be able to form a Taoist couple and stay together for a lifetime?"

   "Is this your obsession? Hehe, people's hearts are really interesting!"

   "Then... I will grant your wish!"

   "Don't deny it, don't have to struggle. As a Jindan real person, you should know what I am. You should know that when I get in touch with your soul, everything is irreparable!"

   "I'm...he's a heavenly demon!"

   "From now on, you and I are one. You are me, and I am you."

  "Unless your heart is like a mirror, without any thoughts, spotless, and ruthless. Otherwise, as long as you still have any evil thoughts in your heart, you will never be able to get rid of me."

   "People are not sages, nor are they plants, so how can they be without any evil thoughts?"

   "Look, resentment has arisen in your heart again. You hate me, Master Minghong, and even yourself for not living up to expectations. Aren't these all evil thoughts?"

   "Come on, let me help you vent this resentment!"

  The next moment, the figure of the weaving palace master floated up, turned into a ray of light, roared out of Haoyang City, and disappeared into the sky.

   "That's...Ming and Qing Junior Sisters?"

  The head teacher and his entourage, who had just escaped from the clear water pool, looked at the distant light, and their hearts skipped a beat.

  The Lord of Weaving Hall suddenly left without greeting anyone, something must have gone wrong.

  Press the light, and it will fall to the Hall of Si Nong.

  Everyone smelled a strong smell of blood and the devilish air mixed in it.

   Walk into the hall and come to the side hall.

  Everyone saw Master Minghong exploded into a pool of blood, and felt the evil and terrifying demonic energy more clearly.

   "He transforms himself into a demon!"

  Elder Kao Gong frowned tightly, "Someone took Master Ming Hong as a sacrifice and summoned him to transform into the Demon of Heaven. Junior sister Ming and Qing..."


  The teacher in charge let out a long sigh, with tears in his eyes, "Ming and Qing junior sisters are afraid..."

  Everyone was silent and let out a long sigh of grief.

  He transformed himself into a demon, and from then on, Ming and Qing Junior Sisters were no longer the original Ming and Qing Junior Sisters.

   "What? The master of the weaving hall was taken away by the demon?"

  Xu Ke was shocked when he heard the news.

  A Jindan real person, who can be called the ceiling of combat power in the Cangmangyuan area, fell to the end of life in the blink of an eye.

   Sure enough, the rivers and lakes are sinister! Even if the golden pill is not safe, if you are not careful, you may be cheated to death...

Huh? This word sounds familiar!

  Xu Ke couldn't help laughing when he thought of all the golden elixirs he had dug into the filthy place.

   It is true that the world is sinister, but... I am the most sinister one, so it’s okay!

  A moment later, Master Zhang walked in with a sad face.

  Sit on the opposite side of Xu Ke, the head teacher's eyes are red, and he looks up at Xu Ke, "You know about the junior sisters in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, right?"


  Xu Ke nodded, "The methods of magic are impossible to guard against. There is no need to blame yourself for teaching real people."


  Two lines of tears rolled down the eyes of Daoist Master Teacher, and he looked at Xu Ke eagerly, with a bit of hope in his eyes, "He has transformed himself into a demon, do you... have a solution?"

   Da Neng reincarnated, you must be well-informed, and you must have more methods than us.

  Real Master Zhangjiao pinned his hopes on Xu Ke.

   This left Xu Ke speechless for a long time.

  I don't know as much about "He Hua Zi Zai Tian Mo" as you do! What can I do?

   "This is hard to fix!"

  Xu Ke shook his head, seeing the sad expression of Master Zhang, but his heart softened, "I will try my best to find a way."

   "Thank you!"

  Teacher Zhenren wiped away his tears, and cupped his hands towards Xu Ke, "I still have some things to deal with, so don't bother me."

   "Teacher Zhenren walks slowly!"

  Xu Ke got up and sent Master Zhangjiao out, then returned to the main hall and sat down.

  He turned into a free demon, and he had to find a way to solve it. What can be done about this thing...?

  Xu Ke stretched out his hand and re-drawn the structure of the runes found on the dead man of the Manghe Sword Sect.

  The only thing that can be done is to analyze the structure of this rune.

   Fortunately, this kind of thing happens to be what Xu Ke is best at.

  Thus, Xu Ke took out a pen and paper, wrote at his desk, and disassembled this heavenly magic talisman bit by bit until it could not be dismantled.

   When the Heavenly Demon Talisman was disassembled, what appeared before Xu Ke's eyes... were all unfamiliar rune structures.

   Yes, all of them are rune structures that have never been seen before.

  With Xu Ke's deep foundation of "building the foundation a hundred times", Xu Ke's understanding of the basic rune structure is already extremely deep.

  Basic runes are the basis of all magical spells.

  Just like the atomic structure that makes up matter, this is the most basic and essential thing.

  No matter how advanced the spell, no matter how advanced the realm, all magical powers must be derived from this most basic thing.

  But... After the Heavenly Demon Talisman was dismantled, Xu Ke couldn't understand any of these basic "magic patterns"!

  Does the power of the demon come from another set of "rules" or another "road"?

   No! Since the power of "He Hua Zi Zai Heavenly Demon" can take effect here, it means that the power of Heavenly Demon is still within the spiritual power system.

   This may be similar to the relationship between "relativity" and "quantum mechanics".

  The power system of the heavenly demon and the power system of the immortal way are both part of the "truth of the great way", and there must be some connection between the two.

   To figure this out, we must first figure out the function of the basic magic pattern.

  Xu Ke rubbed the space between his eyebrows. This is not a small project, and it will take a long time to study.

   While Xu Ke was concentrating on research, a major event that shocked everyone happened.

  The master of the Weaving Hall of Haoyang Sect, a real person of Ming and Qing Dynasties, suddenly appeared in the Xingsha Mine of Tianxing Zong, slaughtered more than 3,000 disciples of Tianxing Zong with **** means, and the entire Xingsha Mine was reduced to ruins.

   This is not over yet. After the real people of Ming and Qing slaughtered the Tianxingzong mine, they turned to the Universal Merchant Alliance and slaughtered a caravan.

  Such a **** and brutal method left countless people stunned.

  The major sects on Cangmang Plain are, after all, righteous sects.

  If it is a Zongmen war, it is normal for everyone to be killed or injured in the fight on the battlefield.

  The current behavior of raiding mining areas, slaughtering caravans, and massacring low-level disciples is just like the army massacring civilians, which is completely unacceptable.

  This kind of thing... If it was done in private, if someone refuses to admit it, and others have no evidence, then naturally there is nothing to do.

  However, the Master of the Weaving Palace, Ming and Qing Daoist, did not cover up at all, and swaggered directly to the door, slaughtering thousands of low-level disciples in one fell swoop.

   In this way, there will naturally be a commotion!

  Suddenly, all the sects in Cangmang Plain, big and small, denounced Haoyang Sect, condemning the **** brutality of the master of Weaving Palace for slaughtering low-level disciples.

  The head teacher is simply devastated.

   "Elder Suixing, I have already informed you of the Tianxing Sect that the master of the weaving hall was killed by the 'He Huazi Zai Heavenly Demon', and she...she was taken away by the Heavenly Demon!"

  The real person in charge used the communication talisman to talk to the elder Suixing of Tianxing Zong to explain the reason for this incident.


  Elder Suixing was furious, "If you do such a thing that both people and gods are angry with, you want to shirk it by saying that the demon will seize the house? You are dreaming!"

   "Old thief Mingyang, this matter is not over!"

   "If you are the first grader, don't blame me for being the fifteenth! You can attack our mining area and slaughter our disciples, so we can't take revenge? You wait for me, we will see!"

  The furious Elder Suixing hung up the call directly.

   "Reverend Youquan, listen to me, your son has been transformed into the incarnation of the seven emotions by means of the devil. This is the method of 'he transforms himself into the heavenly demon'. This is the devil's instigation..."

   "To provoke your uncle! Mingyang old thief, wait for death!"

  Before the Master Teacher could finish speaking, the Master Youquan of the Manghe Sword Sect hung up the summons.

  No matter how you explain, others just don't listen, which makes Master Zhang very helpless.

   This is also normal.

  Everyone is Jindan Daoist, they all have their own thinking and judgment, and they only want to believe in their own judgment, and will not listen to the explanation of Daoist Zhangjiao.

   What's more, Haoyangzong is too strong, if they don't join hands to overthrow it, should they wait for their death at home after digesting the "Yuanying opportunity" and being promoted to Yuanying?


  Teacher Daoist rubbed the center of his brows and let out a long sigh, "This is the end, then... prepare for battle!"

   "Follow the law!"

   All Jindan real people took orders one after another! —

   On the desert of the gravel field.

  The concubine of the Lord of Sinonong, that beautiful woman, is heading north with a man in black.

   "High Priest, you really have a clever plan. All the sects in the Cangmang Plain are actively preparing for the battle. The war is imminent and it is inevitable."

  The man in black bowed his hands to the beautiful woman, "When the major sects are in chaos, that is our chance to return to the wilderness."

   As he spoke, the man in black robe lifted the hood on his head, revealing...a dog's head.

   "The Cangmang Plain has been the land of our Dog Rong clan since ancient times."

"Five thousand years ago, the Haoyang Sect, the Tianxing Sect, the Manghe Sword Sect, the Wuyue Sect, the Yanyue Sect, the Four Seas Merchant League, the Tiangong Pavilion, and the seven major sects joined forces to invade the Cangmang Plain, **** massacre our dog Rong people, and drive us away. out of their own land."


  The black-robed man showed a ferocious sneer on his dog's face, with thick fangs showing from his mouth, "We are back again!"

   "The **** feud, the suffering of being displaced for thousands of years, and the haunted hometown have always been kept in the hearts of every dog ​​soldier."

   "We will take back our land! We will wash away the humiliation of thousands of years! We will have revenge!"


  The mournful howl echoed for a long time on the desolate gravel field.

  The situation has taken a turn for the worse, and war is imminent.

   Tianxingzong, Yanyuezong, Wuyuezong and the Four Seas Merchant League formed an alliance of four factions, and they were all preparing for war with all their might.

  Manghe Sword Sect did not mix with Tianxingzong.

  Because of the incident of "topping the vat" at the beginning, Master Youquan felt that the people of the Tianxing Sect had no bottom line and couldn't believe it at all, so he ignored their invitation to form an alliance.

  Under the current situation, it is absolutely impossible to be alone.

  The Manghe Sword Sect immediately formed an alliance with Tiangong Pavilion, which was also in the south of the Cangmang Plain, and united with the surrounding small and medium-sized sects and practice families to form the Southern Alliance.

  For Haoyangzong, the situation forced him, and there was no other way.

  In the current situation, Haoyangzong couldn't avoid a big battle even after repeated explanations, so they could only deal with it positively.

  Thus, Hao Yangzong also gathered small and medium-sized sects and practice families within the surrounding radiation range, and formed the Northern Alliance to deal with the upcoming war.

  Suddenly, there was no pure land in the entire vast plain.

  Every practice family, every small and medium-sized sect, and even casual cultivators are all involved, and they must choose sides, otherwise... they will be either allies or enemies, and they will be wiped out directly.

  All-out war is imminent.

   By the way, does anyone not understand?

   When Master Zhangjiao came out, the master of weaving hall had already run away!

   It's not that he didn't stop, but that he didn't have time.



  (end of this chapter)