MTL - God Rewards Those Who Work Hard: No Pains, 100% Gains-Chapter 111 Heavenly Demon is stunned

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  Chapter 111 The Heavenly Demon is in a daze

  The situation has taken a turn for the worse, and the war is inevitable.

  In the underground prison of Haoyang Mountain, the real person in charge sat opposite the Sect Master of Tianxing.

   "Master Kuixing, is war... really unavoidable?"

Daoist Master Sighed, "All of this is a provocation by the demonic way. There is no chance of the Nascent Soul, and there is no treasure of the Nascent Soul. A Chinese trick."

   "Once a war breaks out between us, the Demonic Dao takes the opportunity to make a surprise attack, and everyone will not be able to please. Why should we fall into the tricks of the Demonic Dao?"

"it's useless!"

  Sect Master Kuixing Zhenren shook his head, "Although I am the suzerain of the Sky Star Sect, I was defeated and captured, and my prestige was gone. Even if you let me go back, I can't stop this war."

"not to mention…"

  Sect Master Tianxing took a look at the real person in charge, "You can't even convince me. Where is the magic way? For thousands of years, has there ever been a magic way in the Cangmang Plain?"

   "What do you say that the demon seizes the house, isn't it just your own words? Who would believe it? If the master of the weaving hall is really the demon seized the house, why did you specifically slaughter people from the enemy sect instead of killing people from your Haoyang sect?"

  The real person in charge interjected: "This is the power of the magic way, it's done so well!"

   "Hehe, I don't believe you even more when you say that."

  Sect Master Tianxing shook his head, "As for you saying that there is no chance of Nascent Soul, no treasure of Nascent Soul, no one will believe it."

   "I was trapped into the filthy place by you, and I saw the ruins hall with my own eyes. You said that I didn't get any benefits? Who would believe it!"

   "The biggest problem here is that the threat from the Demon Dao is non-existent, and you can't see it at all, but the threat from your Haoyang School is right in front of you."

   "Even if the devil's provocation is true, so what?"

   "If you don't overthrow your Haoyang School, are you waiting for you to come to the door after you have digested the chance of Nascent Soul and promoted to Nascent Soul one by one, wipe out all the factions, and rule the wilderness?"

  Sect Master Tianxing spread his hands, "We captives can't stop the general trend at all. The sect already treats us as dead people, and you can't stop the war if you threaten us."

   "Sure enough, the reason for the outbreak of the war is not just the instigation of the devil, but the people's hearts!"

  Zhenzhen Zhangjiao sighed, stood up, "Please stay here for a while, fellow Taoist Kuixing, and talk about it after the war is over!"

   After speaking, Master Zhang got up and left the underground prison, the expression on his face became firm.

  As a sect leader, how could he not take responsibility?

  Since war is inevitable, we can only speak with swords.

  After getting out of the prison, the head teacher drove the escape light and came to the Bishuitan again.

   Walking into the study room of Kunwu Academy, I saw Xu Ke still writing at his desk, surrounded by a lot of papers filled with various runes and spell symbols.

   "You are..."

   Master Zhangjiao asked Xu Ke.

   "Oh, the Master Master is here?"

  Xu Ke looked up, buried his head in writing again, and replied while writing: "I'm calculating the celestial demon talisman, and I already have a clue."

   "Really? That's good!"

  Teacher Daoist's eyes lit up, "Please work harder, if you can save Junior Sister Ming and Qing, that would be great."

"Still early!"

  Xu Ke waved his hand, "Just tell me if you have anything to do, I'm busy!"

   "There is indeed something that needs your help."

  The head teacher took out an ice coffin, in which the body of the real Youquan's son was frozen, "I need you to drive the formation to teleport this ice coffin to a place twenty-three thousand miles away."

   "Twenty-three thousand miles?"

  Xu Ke was stunned for a moment, "That's a bit far away, it's all near the Manghe Sword Sect."

  The real person in charge of teaching has a wide range of friends! And friends from the south? Is it a girlfriend?

  Looking at the ice coffin, Xu Ke also understood the plan of Master Zhangjiao, "Do you want to return it to Master Youquan? Tell him that this body has been refined into an 'incarnation of the seven emotions'?"

   "Yes! Sure enough, you can see through a little bit."

  The head teacher nodded, "Manghe Sword Sect, if we can fight for it, we still have to fight for it. If we fight against the Four Factions Alliance and the Southern Alliance at the same time, we will be under a lot of pressure in the two-front battle."

   "Okay, tell me the theodolite track of the teleportation anchor point, and I will write a detection method for the heavenly magic talisman, so that real Youquan can see the truth for himself."

  Xu Ke nodded and agreed, "It's just that the truth...sometimes, the truth is not the most important thing, but the interests are the key. Whether this matter will have a good result is uncertain."

   "I know, just do my best!"

  Zhenjiao took out a piece of paper full of theodolites and handed it to Xu Ke, "I still have something to do, so I will stay soon."

  Afterwards, Master Zhang got up and left.

  Xu Ke put away the ice coffin, got up and came to the cave in the mountain, activated three golden elixir formations on the formation altar, mobilized the majestic and vast spiritual power, and opened the "small teleportation formation".

  According to the theodolite track of the space anchor point given by Master Zhangjiao, the ice coffin was sent to the past together with Xu Ke's method of detecting the heavenly demon talisman.

   The brilliance flashed, and in a remote valley more than 20,000 miles away, space rippled, and an ice coffin fell out.

   At the same time, within the scope of the Southern Alliance formed by the Manghe Sword Sect, in a medical sect called Qihuanggu, Qihuanggu's head teacher "Xinglin Fairy" received a summons.

   "Brother Mingyang?"

  Fairy Xinglin accepted the summons and frowned slightly, "At this time, you contacted me, do you want to recruit me to be your undercover agent? In your heart, the sect is the first, right?"

   "Xiao Wei..."

   "You should call me Daoist Xinglin."

   "Okay, Fellow Daoist Xinglin, I want to ask you one thing."

  The teacher in charge let out a long sigh, "I sent the body of the real person Youquan's son, together with a method to detect the magic of the heavenly demon, to the place where we met. Can you please give it to the real person Youquan."

   "Since I am 'Xinglin Daoist Fellow', it is natural to do business."

   Fairy Xinglin sneered, "You have a hostile relationship with the Southern Alliance, why should I help you?"

   It was you who asked me to call you Fellow Daoist Xinglin!

  The corner of Zhenren Zhangjiao's mouth trembled a few times, but he also understood that he must never reason with women. If you are reasonable, they will say: I am here to fall in love with you, not to reason with you!

   "Xiaowei, please!"

  Teacher Master can only bow his head and give in.

   "Hmph! That depends on my mood!"

  Xinglin Fairy said so, but a smile appeared in the corner of her eyes, "Wait! When you are in a good mood, I will pass it on for you!"

  After speaking, Fairy Xinglin hung up the message, got up and went out.

   She said "see if she's in a better mood someday", obviously, she's in a better mood now.

   "Huh? I feel the incarnation of Chiai among the incarnations of the Seven Emotions. He has left the Haoyang School and arrived in the south. Was this sent out?"

   "You know this place? Huh? So it's a love rival! This jealousy is too strong!"

   "Then go and have a look, you are me, and I am you. Your jealousy is my jealousy. Of course I want to vent this jealousy!"

  On the face of Master Mingqing, the master of the weaving hall, a charming and sinister smile appeared.

   Around her, there were corpses all over the ground again, blood flowing like rivers.

  A medicine field of Yan Yuezong was destroyed by real people of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and all disciples were slaughtered.

   With a flash of his figure, the Daoist Ming and Qing fled through the air and hurried to a certain valley in the south.

  The figure of Fairy Xinglin landed in a remote valley.

  The valley is full of apricot forests. The flowering season is over now, and the forest is full of residual flowers.

   Back then, it was here that I met him.

  Even the title "Xinglin Fairy" was given by him.

  It's a pity that he can't abandon the sect, and I... After the master leaves, only I can take charge of the overall situation in the sect.

   Even if there is love, it can only be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

   In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed.

   Fairy Xinglin sighed, her figure floated up, and she came to the place where she met for the first time.

  There... there is an ice coffin, and a jade slip is sealed inside.

  Is this what Brother Mingyang asked me to give to Master Youquan?

   Fairy Xinglin stepped forward, stretched out her hand, and put the ice coffin and jade slips into the magic weapon of space.

  Then... Fairy Xinglin didn't leave immediately, but wandered around here, recalling the past and thinking about the person back then.

   This delay leads to trouble.

  A moment later, a ray of light whizzed over, and the figure of the Ming and Qing real people appeared in the valley.

   "Bitch, you are here!"

  Ming Qing Daoist had a hideous face, and shouted at Fairy Xinglin, "Back then, if you hadn't seduced Senior Brother, Senior Brother would have been with me long ago!"

   "Junior Sister Ming and Qing, why do you..."

   Fairy Xinglin froze for a moment, weren't you a kid back then? Where does this follow? What does the matter between me and your senior brother have to do with you?

   "Bitch, die to me!"

  Mingqing Daoist roared, stretched out his hand, and a mighty flame shot up into the sky, and slammed down on Fairy Xinglin.

   "Damn it!"

   Fairy Xinglin's complexion changed drastically, her figure flickered, and she dodged the blow far away.

   There was a loud bang.

  The entire Xinglin Valley was bombed to pieces.

  The good memories of the past turned into ruins in an instant.

   "Bastard! You're **** me off!"

   Fairy Xinglin was full of rage, and when she folded her hands together, mysterious auras shot up into the sky.

   "The four spirits of the Spirit Pivot: Yuan, Zong, Ying, and Wei!"

   "Plain Questions and Eight Principles: Yin, Yang, Cold, Heat, Surface, Inside, Deficiency, and Reality!"

   Flipping the finger formula, Fairy Xinglin pointed at Daoist Ming and Qing with one finger.

   "Vital Qi is deficient, Zong Qi is strong, Ying Qi is cold, and Wei Qi is hot!"

   "The camp and the guard are at odds, and the Yuan and Zong clash!"

   "When the wind and cold enter, all kinds of diseases will breed!"

  A series of mysterious and unpredictable auras rushed out of Fairy Xinglin's hand, and quickly hit Daoist Ming and Qing.

  If the real person of Ming and Qing could still control the body, she would definitely avoid it immediately, or resist it with all her strength.

  No one can offend the doctor if he offends anyone! Not to mention a doctor in the Golden Core realm!

  However... the one who controls the body is the "heavenly demon".

  So, before the Ming and Qing masters could react, they were caught by this cold and hot intertwined, entangled virtual and real, mysterious and unpredictable aura.

  In the next moment, the Ming and Qing real people only felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, yin and yang reversed, five elements disordered, and the internal organs in the body became a ball of numbness.


  Ming and Qing real people shouted in their souls.

   He Huazizai Heavenly Demon doesn't know how powerful he is? Hastily drove up the Dunguang soaring into the sky, and fled far away.

   "Hmph! For Brother Mingyang's sake, I will spare you!"

   Fairy Xinglin didn't chase after her anymore, and she might not be able to catch up.

   Flicking the sleeves of her robe, Fairy Xinglin drove away in the light of escape.

  Doctors are so scary, they can save your life, but they can also kill you!

  In the distance, Master Mingqing turned his head to look at the departing figure of Fairy Xinglin, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

  The "He Huazizai Heavenly Demon" in his mind is in a daze, what's going on? I'm such a demon! Can demons get sick too?

  Ming and Qing Daoist: Are you stupid? You are a demon, I am a human!

  So... the same as before, the Ming and Qing real people were severely suppressed by their love rivals again.

  In the mighty Mang River, stands a huge island.

  On the island, a straight mountain peak pierces the sky, like a sharp sword piercing the sky.

  This is the "Tianjian Peak", the mountain gate resident of the Manghe Sword Sect.

  Fairy Xinglin drifted over to Tianjian Peak to meet the Immortal Youquan of the Manghe Sword Sect.

  In a side hall of Tianjian Peak, Fairy Xinglin and Immortal Youquan sat facing each other.

   "The fairy is here, what advice do I have?"

  Realist Youquan still respects this "superior doctor". Although the chances of cultivating immortals are not too many to get sick, there are too many chances to get injured.

  All kinds of weird spells will cause all kinds of weird injuries. Without a doctor to treat them, the end will be very miserable.

   "It's true!"

  Fairy Xinglin bowed her hands to Reverend Youquan, "Reverend Mingyang entrusted me to return your son's body. In addition, there is also a scroll of jade slips, saying that it can detect the traces of the demon's spell."

   Saying that, Fairy Xinglin took out both the ice coffin and the jade slips, and presented them in front of Immortal Youquan.

   "Whether you want to read the jade slip or not, and how you choose after reading it, is up to you. I won't interfere, and I can't."

  Realist Youquan was silent.

  Looking up at the ice coffin in front of him, looking at the frozen body in the ice coffin, Master Youquan's face was full of grief, with tears in his eyes.

  After a while, Master Youquan said "Thank you", stretched out his hand, and took the jade slip from the ice coffin.

  With a ray of divine thought, Master Youquan saw the message Xu Ke left inside.

   "He transforms himself into the heavenly demon art? The seven emotions incarnate?"

  Realist Youquan stood up, walked to the ice coffin, stretched out his hand to press on the ice coffin, a sword light filled with water, penetrated into the ice coffin, penetrated into the body, and penetrated into the golden core in the body that had not yet been annihilated.

  After being dead for so long, the golden core has not yet been annihilated, which is obviously abnormal.

  Realist Youquan immediately followed the method described by Xu Ke to explore the traces of the magic spell in the golden elixir.

   Sure enough, Master Youquan found a heavenly demon talisman entangled in the treasure talisman of Canglang Sword in the golden core in his son's body.

   "It turned out to be true! Old Mingyang... so experienced, what he said is actually true!"

  Realist Youquan tightly clenched his fists, "No wonder, no wonder, I didn't realize it before!"

   "My son has a firm heart, pursues the way of the sword wholeheartedly, never distracts himself from female sex, but suddenly falls in love with a woman, loves him madly, and how deep the love is, how fast the sword is, so he is possessed by a demon!"

   "Han'er, as a father, I will definitely find out the real culprit and avenge you!"

   After finishing speaking, Master Youquan raised his eyes to Fairy Xinglin again, "Fairy, please tell Master Mingyang, just say, I already know the truth!"

   "However, how my son died and who the perpetrator was, have not been confirmed yet."

   "Hao Yangzong is still suspicious. Maybe...the so-called Nascent Soul chance they obtained is a magic skill?"

   "Youquan real person..."

  Fairy Xinglin was taken aback, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Master Youquan.

   "No need to say too much, I will find out the truth myself!"

  Realist Youquan waved his hand, "I can restrain the disciples and won't attack Haoyangzong first, but if my son's death is really related to Haoyangzong, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

   "Jianxiu, you are not a good-tempered person!"

  (end of this chapter)