MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 13 Boundary limit

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  Chapter 13 Boundary Dimension Restrictions

  The next day is Sunday.

   "Do you really want to go out with me?" Lu Yao looked at the girl in front of him.

   "My lord, there are demons peeping around you, I must stay close to ensure your safety."

  Isabel's tone was firm.

   "It is necessary to go out. You need to store enough food and reduce contact with other suspicious people. This will prevent you from being poisoned by food or holding demonic rituals."

   She has moved into guard role.

  Lu Yao also felt that what she said made sense.

  However, Isabel herself will go out with her, which will bring some other troubles.

   First of all, her weird outfit, although it is much better than the black-robed blind monk's outfit, it may still attract some attention.

   "Now I will make up a simple character design for you, you have to remember it well."

   "My lord, what is the character design?"

   "That is, to make an identity description for you."

   "I see, yes."

   "Okay. Your name is still Isabel, but you come from a small country. The elders in our family know each other, so we are friends since childhood, and you can speak Chinese since childhood."

  Isabel nodded.

   "You are 18 years old and come to this city for a vacation."

   "I received you and took you around. You should call me Lu Yao when you are outside. If you encounter some questions that you can't answer or don't want to answer, just keep silent."


  After the preparations were completed, Lu Yao took Isabel out the door.

   "I'll buy you a pair of shoes first."


  Isabel's feet are not big enough to wear Lu Yao's shoes, so she can only go out in slippers, which makes it inconvenient for her to move.

  Lu Yao went to the mall to try on a pair of canvas shoes for her, and wanted to buy her a set of cheap clothes.

  Isabelle keeps saying no.

   "Big... Lu Yao, I can use cloth to cut clothes by myself, it's always been like this in the past."

   "I can make shoes as long as there is leather and cloth."

   "Or just cover your body with a whole cloth, so you won't feel ashamed. It can also be used as a quilt at night, which is very convenient."

   These words coupled with Isabel's serious and straightforward face made Lu Yao feel a little unbearable.

   It is not easy for the apostles to travel all the year round.

   Walking to the vegetable fresh area, Lu Yao bought a lot of meat and potatoes, which can be stored, and also took rice and noodles. He reckoned that this purchase would last for half a month.

   "Lu Yao."

   Someone stopped him suddenly.

  Bad, acquaintance!

  It's Sister Peng. She and a male companion were pushing a shopping cart filled with some hot pot dishes.

  Lu Yao could only bite the bullet and say hello.

"You guys are out shopping too." Sister Peng said generously, "This is my boyfriend, to be precise, his fiancé, Fu Chenggang. This is Lu Yao, I told you, the handsome guy from our unit , people are very nice.”

  Fu Chenggang is a tall man with slightly dark skin. He wears a stiff jacket. He has a square face and a broad nose, which is very masculine.

   "Hello." He also greeted Lu Yao with a smile.

   "Lu Yao, let me introduce the person next to you too." Sister Peng said with a smile.

   "Isabel, a friend of mine."

   "Wow, it's a foreign girl. How do you know each other?"

   "Because the elders in the family know each other, we have met since childhood."

  Lu Yao remained calm.

  Isabel was silent.

  Sister Peng glanced at it, and then clicked: "Then I won't bother you."

  Fu Chenggang suddenly said: "You live in the dormitory of the locomotive factory in Jiuyuan Community, right?"

   "I am from the Municipal Criminal Police Brigade. There was an accident in the alley outside the locomotive factory dormitory that day. I have been to the scene." He explained a little: "But I am investigating the scene, and it is other colleagues who asked you to take notes."

   It turned out to be the police.

   Lu Yao nodded.

   "What's going on? The case in the locomotive factory dormitory is related to Lu Yao?" Sister Peng was a little surprised, she didn't seem to know about it.

   "Lu Yao was one of the witnesses. At that time, I called the police, and my colleagues went to him to make a statement." Fu Chenggang said succinctly.

  Lu Yao also took the opportunity to ask: "Officer Fu, has that pervert been caught?"

   "This is inconvenient to disclose."

"Haven't you caught it yet?" Sister Peng didn't care so much, she couldn't help complaining: "That man is too scary, he took off his clothes and hung him up, just like treating an animal to be slaughtered, the victim will live forever They all have psychological shadows. I read that many people on the Internet say that this man is a butcher with special hobbies."

   Fu Chenggang was a little embarrassed. Due to police discipline, he could not reveal the inside story. He could only say: "We will definitely bring him to justice, wait for the announcement."

After    and Sister Peng separated, Lu Yao and Isabel took Didi back to the community with the big and small bags of vegetables.

   Hand over the work of sorting and sorting to Xiao Huo.

  Lu Yao couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer desk and began to control "God Simulator".

  Isabel sat beside Lu Yao, watched him click the mouse, and couldn't help sighing softly: "It turns out that Low Jiewei looks like this in Gao Jiewei's eyes."

   "It's easy to understand." Lu Yao flicked the mouse, making an analogy: "From a high altitude, each of us is as small as an ant, and it's just a matter of perspective."

  Isabelle thought deeply.

  She sat upright, as if she was watching Lu Yao play a game. In fact, she was very vigilant, paying attention to any troubles in this hut.

   "That's right." Lu Yao said one of his thoughts: "Isabel, since I can summon you here, can I also send other tribe members here through the temple?"

   "My lord, please don't do that, it's extremely dangerous."

Isabel said with a serious face: "The low-dimensional beings entering the high-dimensional will be distorted by the power of the rules because they lack the foundation and form of existence in the high-dimensional. Without the protection of the fire of belief in the gods, these lives will happen. Unpredictable and irreversible changes, and finally reduced to a strange monster."

   "Only the apostles, because they have the fire of faith bestowed by the gods in their bodies, can stay in Gao Jiewei for a short time, but it will be affected after a long time."

   Boundary dimension limit?

   Lu Yao pondered. It seems that the real world is high-dimensional, and the pixel world is low-dimensional by comparison.

  He pointed to the busy cactus behind: "What about it? It seems that Xiao Huo is not affected at all."

   "The prickly pear minion has a special situation."

  Isabel said calmly: "It was originally put into the lower dimension by the gods after the birth of the high dimension. In addition, it is a very simple life form that can adapt to many environments."

  Lu Yao asked: "Then how long can you stay here?"

   "The limit is about 15 days, please let me return to the lower dimension, otherwise I may be distorted by the power of the rules of the higher dimension, become very strange, and may even become a monster."

   "Then it won't affect you if you use the temple to summon you after you go back?"

   "No effect. But it's best to keep me in the low dimension for at least 3 days, so that my foundation and form can be resynchronized with the power of the low dimension..."

  Lu Yao understood.

   It's a bit like recharging, and it's a bit like vaccination.

   If Isabel stays here for too long, she may mutate into a monster. But as long as she can go back to take medicine regularly, she can maintain her current stable form.

  (end of this chapter)

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