MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 14 beggar attack

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  Chapter 14 Beggar Attack

   After finishing the tedious preparations, Lu Yao can finally return to operating "God Simulator".

  The upper right corner of the game interface shows that the population is 254 and the faith is 21.

  The population reproduction within the garlic tribe is much slower than Lu Yao thought. It's not that the little pixel people have no enthusiasm for making humans. They also gave birth to some babies, but most of them died, and not many survived to grow up.

   Now it is better than before.

  In the early days, the chance of a baby growing up safely was less than 1/10, but now Lu Yao visually estimated it at about 3/10.

  The infant mortality rate is high. Apart from the infrastructure problems that the tribe cannot solve in a short time, another key point is the lack of doctors or pharmacists.

  The only doctor in the garlic tribe is a shaman, and he has to cover all medical needs of the tribe.


  【Shaman Lv2】Hunter

  Attack 0 Defense 0 Knowledge 1 Mana 1 Luck 0 Morale 1


  Healing Lv2: It can treat various diseases and injuries. The healing ability is related to ability level, knowledge and mana.


  There are new lives born, and old lives are dying.

  Injury and death, old age and death are the main ways of tribe attrition. The dead pixel villains were buried in the forest by others, allowing them to return to the earth and nature.

   This used to be the custom of the forest tribe in the past, and it has been continued by the new garlic tribe.

  After the end of winter, a particularly hot summer soon ushered in.

  The entire game screen is filled with a faint yellow light. The grass on the ground is dry and yellow, and the water level of the river in the east has also dropped, revealing more river banks.

   All the villains in the tribe had smoke coming from their heads, and they were caught in a plight of extreme heat. They usually hide in the hut, and only go out to farm and hunt in the morning and evening when it is not too hot.

  The sun exposure and drought continued, making the little people pray around the temple again.

   "Master Yao, please give us rainwater!"

   "The heat is unbearable. If the heat continues, the wheat and garlic will dry out and everyone will die."

   "Benevolent God Yao, great God Yao, save us!"

  Lu Yao was not stingy, and directly spent 10 points of faith to start the miracle [Rainfall].

  The long-lost rain fell on the dry land, making the tribal pixel people cheer loudly and praise the gods.

  The prophet and the shaman are talking at this time.

   "The gods have rained down and relieved the heat. But we can't ask the gods endlessly. As servants of the gods, we have received too much and done too little."

  “Hot weather may still appear, the land loses water, and it is difficult to grow wheat and garlic in the fields. We must take advantage of the rain from the gods and think of a long-term and reliable solution.”

  The two wise men of the tribe thought about it, but they had no idea.

   So Lu Yao led them to the river.

  The shaman was moving back and forth by the river, and suddenly a light bulb lit up on his head.

   "I see! You can dig a ditch on the ground to draw the river water, so that you can get water easily. And if it rains, you can also store the rainwater."

  The two immediately called on the entire garlic tribe to gather all the manpower of the tribe to dig the ditch.

  Pixel villains dug ditches from dawn to dusk, led the river water to the farmland bit by bit, dug a small pond, and then returned to the river from the other side, turning the water in the ditch into running water.

   New prompts pop up constantly on the game interface.

  【Garlic Tribe learned to ditches and realized irrigation and drainage. 】

  【The garlic tribe has learned to irrigate, and the output of the farmland has been improved. 】

  【Garlic tribe has gained prestige among other tribes because of its mastery of new technology. 】

  The drought continues.

  After the primary ditches were completed, although the Garlic Tribe still suffered from the extreme heat, basic drinking water and irrigation were guaranteed, and the little pixel people also stabilized their emotions.

   During this long drought, the barbarian tribe made a comeback for the third time.

  A total of thirty-two barbarians participated in the attack. Excluding the old, weak, sick and disabled of their tribe, it can be called a robbery with the strength of the whole family.

   "Hand over water and food! Damn heretic!"

   "Grab water and grab food!"

   "No resistance!"

   "Hungry, hungry! Thirsty, thirsty!"

  The barbarian tribe looked aggressive, but Lu Yao laughed at the slogans they shouted.

   You can’t even eat enough, and you still call heretics?

  You don’t even know how to ask for food, you have to kneel first to get a job.

   Today's garlic tribe is not afraid of attacks of this magnitude. The hunters held bows and arrows and easily shot down the warriors of the barbarian tribe.

  Twelve barbarians died in this battle, and the remaining twenty were captured.

  It seems that they have completely lost their minds, and they were tortured by the drought and gave up on themselves.

  Because the barbarian tribes are more like nomads in the mountains, they are good at hunting and plundering. During this long drought, they completely lost their food supply and their water sources were extremely scarce.

  So they can only use their old skills, go down the mountain to rob, and find a way out.

   After a little persuasion from the shaman, the barbarians immediately surrendered and were willing to join the garlic tribe, yelling that they would never betray.

   This gave Lu Yao reason to doubt whether they had planned a long time ago to defect to the garlic tribe.

  It’s just a simple-minded barbarian who doesn’t know how to be accepted by the Garlic Tribe…Of course, the barbarian may also have the burden of being an idol as a warrior. It seems more convincing to surrender after fighting.

  The barbarians talked about the current situation of the tribe.

   "It was too hot, and many tribes died."

   "The tribe has no food, everyone is very hungry, and there is no water, thirsty, and the devil still needs sacrifices."

   "The hero was eaten by a demon as a sacrifice."

  “We robbed everywhere, but we couldn’t, and many people died.”

   "This is where we end up."

  What they said also proved Lu Yao's guess from the side.

  Demon Jack is not a business player, and the barbarian tribe is more like a tool man to him. How the barbarians live is completely out of his consideration, he will only force the barbarians to find prey everywhere to sacrifice, even the barbarian heroes will not be spared.

  The barbarian tribes exist in name only.

  Lu Yao is still planning to wait until this dry season is over, and find a time to completely wipe out the barbarian tribe. Unexpectedly, in extreme weather, they could not bear it by themselves. Under the indiscriminate coverage of the mighty power of nature, the comparison among human groups is who is better able to adapt to the environment.

   At least it solved a worry in his heart.

  Lu Yao twisted his neck and stretched himself.

  Beside Isabel suddenly looked out the window, and said in a serious voice, "My lord, the breath of the devil."


  Lu Yao walked to the window and looked out.

   There was no one in the alleys and streets. It was already night, and there were perverts in the community. There was only a white wild dog wandering on the street.


   Isabelle points to a corner on the street.

  A middle-aged man lay there. The man seemed to be drunk, leaning against the curb, with a puddle of filth beside him.

  The wild dog walked up to the man and sniffed it.

   Then it made a move that Lu Yao didn't expect.

  The wild dog bit the man's clothes and dragged him to the parking alley bit by bit.

   "My lord, please order me to hunt demons." Isabel said.

  Lu Yao asked: "You go to deal with the devil, how can I contact you?"

   "Use my eyes."

  Isabel reached out and dug into the left eye socket, then dug out the left eye with her fingers and handed it to Lu Yao.

   This is a white eyeball with green pupils. The eyeball has a jewel-like icy texture and crystal luster, like some kind of ancient artwork.

   "My lord, everything I see with the power of faith will be displayed in front of you through this eye. You can also give me new orders through the eyes."

   Lu Yao held his eyeballs carefully, and said: "Be careful, don't let others discover your identity."

   "Yes, my lord."

  Isabel's body was wrapped in a cloud of black mist, and the black mist quickly condensed into a black robe. Her eyes were covered by the black cloth again, and she returned to her original appearance.

   Men's shirts, sunglasses, and jeans flew out of the black robe, and the clothes were scattered on the bed.

  Isabel jumped off the windowsill and merged into the night.

  (end of this chapter)