MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (19)

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If you feel seems that there is indeed a problem. "

"I seem to have heard Bai Luxi say before, that Mazi-face has a daughter."

"Daughter? Haha, the nightmare's daughter?" Lin Xijiu sneered, "However, if it's not a daughter, you know you're sure, so it's hard to say what kind of relationship you have."

"Yeah." Bai Qi replied, "Why don't you still find Du Youyang? Whether it's that pockmarked face or this nightmare, it's annoying to chase after him. But, you say, why didn't they leave the imperial capital? Ming Knowing that we are chasing them, especially the nightmare, you must know that you will die if you chase them, so why not leave?"



@14: The bottom of my heart; S is uneasy

@14: Uneasy in my heart

Yeah, why not leave? Are you more confident in your own strength?

But judging from the previous encounters, it was a bit embarrassing to escape from that nightmare.

If that's the case, why didn't that nightmare leave? Unless there is a reason why the other party has to stay in this imperial capital, the other party will not leave.

After thinking about it, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi decided to let Du Youyang come over. If the other party came, at least in terms of finding someone, they could be more accurate.

After all, Lin Xijiu's calculation method is still a bit poor. If it can only locate the approximate location, it is useless when others have special means.

Coincidentally, Du Youyang and Lu Xiang were the same two people. In the past few days, they have been traveling outside, and the tourist city is not far from the imperial capital. If you take a plane, you can get here in two hours.

This is naturally good news for Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi. When they continued chasing here, on the other side of Bailu River, it was night.

For a while, Bai Luxi was a little uncertain. Should he continue looking outside, or should he go back?

If he went back, he was a little unwilling, but if he continued to look here, he didn't know where to look. There was still no reply from Uncle Seven and Uncle Lin, so he didn't know whether to keep in touch or what to do.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Luxi finally made up his mind, that is to ask Du Youyang to help!

When Du Youyang received a call from Bai Luxi, he was a little surprised at first, then he laughed and told him that he would be there soon, and now he has arrived at the imperial capital.

Bai Luxi was very surprised, he hadn't found someone yet, why did Du Youyang come here?

Du Youyang explained that Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi had already contacted him first, so he would have been on his way here before.

Bai Luxi still can't get in touch with Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi! Hearing that Uncle Seven and Uncle Lin approached Du Youyang, Bai Luxi was surprised and puzzled. Uncle Lin and Uncle Seven, why did they seek each other over?

Du Youyang also told Bai Luxi where Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi are now. Before, Bai Luxi could not contact them. After getting their location, he naturally rushed over there. .

Bailuxi arrived at Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi's side a little earlier than Du Youyang. When Du Youyang and Lu Xiang arrived at the same time, Bailuxi had already found Lin Xijiu and them there.

"Luxi has already arrived." Du Youyang smiled, Bai Luxi nodded and called his uncle. Of course, there is still the same path.

"Who do you want to find now?" Du Youyang asked.

"Look for the nightmare first." Lin Xijiu said, that nightmare, after all, is a real dangerous person! As for that pockmarked face,



@14: The bottom of my heart; S is uneasy

I haven't seen the opponent hurt anyone, so I can ignore it for the time being, and the pockmarked face, according to the experience of the two fights, didn't feel too evil from the opponent's body, so it shouldn't matter if you let it go.

Bai Qi also agrees! So, look for Nightmare first.

Bai Luxi now knows about this nightmare. And Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi guessed that this nightmare was the girl Bai Luxi saw at the beginning, which made Bai Luxi first be surprised and couldn't believe it, and then felt it was right.

Judging from the expressions of Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi's appearance, it should indeed be that girl.

That girl is still such a dangerous person! No wonder he fought so hard with that pockmarked face. And it just feels weird to be there.

Du Youyang has never failed in finding someone.

Therefore, the woman quickly discovered that this time, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi were even more difficult to deal with. Even if he used some special means, he couldn't get rid of them. The woman's face became really ugly. She knew that if she continued like this, she would be really in danger.

But it was not that simple to get rid of Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi.

Finally, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi once again really caught up with the nightmare, and then the two sides began to fight.

Bai Luxi saw the appearance of the other party, and finally determined that this so-called daughter of the pockmark was the one who fought with pockmark at the beginning, which is now the nightmare.

Bai Luxi did not join the battle rashly. He fought with Lu Xiangtong and Du Youyang. As for the nightmare, just leave it to Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi! Bai Luxi is also worried that if he goes up to intervene rashly, he will give that nightmare a chance!

This time, the nightmare still escaped, but. But he was seriously injured.

Lin Xijiu smiled. "I want to see, how many times can you escape? Everyone continues to chase."

With Lu Xiangtong's continuation, Lin Xijiu and the others continued to chase, thinking that at the beginning, using this method, even the demon master was planted.

Not to mention that this is a mere nightmare, the opponent is just a slightly special method. However, in terms of strength, it is not known how much different it is from the Demon Lord. Therefore, under the continued pursuit of Lin Xijiu and the others, they finally caught the nightmare after two times.

Lin Xijiu put a lot of talismans on the other party's body. to prevent the opponent from escaping.

Bai Luxi looked at the trapped nightmare and asked with a frown. "What's your relationship with that pock-marked face? He's not your father, right?"

"How could it not be my father? You really think too much, that is my father. I advise you to let me go. My father will come to me and avenge me." The woman hehe She smiled, with a charming look on her face, and the pink breath spread from the woman's body once again, Bai Luxi's face changed, and he was about to remind Lin Xijiu and the others, and then saw Lin Xijiu.



@14: The bottom of my heart; S is uneasy

Xijiu took out a jade bottle, and the pink aura that spread from the woman was all put into the jade bottle.

Seeing this, Bai Luxi's mood suddenly became extremely complicated. If I had such a jade bottle back then, with Uncle Lin's methods, how could I have fallen for this woman's tricks!

Then you can see that Lin Xijiu solved his tricks so easily, and his expression changed.

"This kind of trick, don't show it to shame, who is so stupid, who would fall for such a trick." Lin Xijiu said.

Being teased secretly, it was such a stupid Bai Luxi: "..."

Bai Luxi felt that he had suffered 10,000 injuries.

"You don't have to ask him if you have any questions. Your seventh uncle and I can just search our souls. This thing can't be kept anyway. She killed too many people." Lin Xijiu then turned to Bai Lu. When Xi received it, Bai Luxi heard the words, and was stunned for a while, and then nodded, and the nightmare's face finally changed.

"You have to use the soul search technique on me!"

Lin Xijiu glanced at the other party with a half-smile. "Then you don't think we'll keep you after we catch you, and serve you like a daughter-in-law?"

"No!" The woman screamed frantically, unable to believe it, and then began to struggle frantically, but she was caught, how could she still struggle?

The woman was about to say her trump card, or threats, or all the things she knew in exchange for her life, but her mouth just had time to open. In the next instant, Lin Xijiu immediately started, and Bai Qi was on the side to assist.

After about half an hour, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi stopped.

Bai Luxi asked immediately. "Uncle Lin, Uncle Seven, how are you, what did that woman say?"

"This nightmare and that pock-marked face are indeed not a father-daughter relationship. They also met after they came to the imperial capital. The cooperation is for the same missing magic weapon. That magic weapon can be divided into two, so these two people will cooperate. As for the identity of the pockmarked face, this nightmare does not know clearly."

"What magic weapon?" Bai Luxi was taken aback.

"From that nightmare, I spied some memories. I can draw the appearance of the magic weapon and show it to you, but the function of the magic weapon seems to only exist in legends. Is it true and reliable? uncertain."

"So, this woman doesn't even know who that pock-faced person is and what kind of identity he is? They only met in the imperial capital." Bai Luxi was very disappointed, and thought that he would know the identity of that pock-faced face. , did not expect such a result!

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi looked at each other, and then Bai Qi smiled and looked at Bai Luxi. "Our family, Luxi, seems to be very interested in that pockmarked face. What's wrong?"



@14: The bottom of my heart; S is uneasy

Bailuxi heard the words and was speechless. He seemed to be acting a little too much himself.

"That... I just... just ask casually, just ask casually." Bai Luxi smiled dryly.

Du Youyang, who was on the side, thought it was funny, and he smiled and said jokingly. "Are you really just asking casually? If you are just asking casually, why are you looking for me specifically?"

Bai Luxi was speechless for a moment.

The appearance of the other party seemed to be completely in love. Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi looked at each other again, and then thought of the content of the hexagram that Lin Xijiu had calculated before.

It seems that the level of my current calculation is really getting higher and higher, so a little tricky can be measured, and it seems to be very accurate.

You must know that cultivators can easily measure ordinary people, especially those with higher strength, fortune-teller masters, so if you want to measure ordinary people, it is not a problem at all, but whether it is Bai Luxi or that pockmarked face , they are not ordinary people, so it is still a little difficult to measure them.

When there was no sign, he calculated it, and the result was accurate, Lin Xijiu admired himself.

"Then let's continue to look for that pockmarked face now?" Bai Qi said with a smile, and Lin Xijiu nodded. It was originally to look for the two of them. Naturally, that was what he was looking for.

In the place where Mazi's neighbor lived before, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi had already taken each other's clothes and collected some of each other's breath, so now, if they were to give it to Du Youyang to lock it, it would be no problem.

Du Youyang quickly determined the location, and it was a little far from where everyone was, but if he chased after him, there would be no problem.

Bai Luxi didn't know why he felt nervous. If you look for a magic weapon, you will find a magic weapon, that's not a big deal! Bai Luxi is worried that in addition to looking for magic weapons, that pock-marked face also kills more innocent people. In that case, neither Uncle Lin nor Seventh Uncle will let the other party go. Thinking about the fate of that nightmare, Bai Luxi Xi felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He thought he didn't show this kind of uneasiness, but in fact, it was just his own opinion! In the eyes of Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, there are really flaws everywhere!

The chase lasted for two full hours, and Du Youyang clearly told them that the person had discovered their pursuit, so he was running away and hiding.

This pockmarked face is much harder to find than that nightmare.



@15: Any conditions are fine

@15: Any conditions are fine

Under such an uneasy mood, Lin Xijiu and the others finally found the pockmarked face and fought with each other. Bai Luxi didn't move. This time, it wasn't because he was afraid of causing trouble after going up, but because he instinctively didn't want to do it, he didn't want to.

Bai Luxi watched nervously over there, and then he found that the pock-marked face was not the opponent of his Uncle Lin and Seventh Uncle, and seemed a little stretched under the cooperation of Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi.

Bai Luxi looked at it, and couldn't help but feel even more nervous.

That pock-marked face did indeed have some means. Even if he couldn't defeat the alliance between Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, the other party still escaped very fast, and he also had something in his hand.

When Bai Luxi watched Lin Xijiu and the others continue chasing after him, he quickly followed.

Bai Luxi performed exceptionally well, even faster than Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi.

Bai Qi suddenly pulled Lin Xijiu's arm, and then sent a voice transmission to the other party, "There's something wrong with that kid, I think, otherwise, let him go after him alone. There is an emotional entanglement now, let's go with it, Not good."

Although Bai Qiben still likes to watch the fun, especially the fun of his own family, but the little guys are not as thick-skinned as they are, and their relationship is only starting now, so don't interfere too much, otherwise If so, I'm afraid it will have the opposite effect!

Lin Xijiu had no objection, and then told Du Youyang, Du Youyang stopped Bailuxi, and gave the other person something, "You can find someone according to this, we and your Uncle Lin and the others will go to the other side. I have blessed things, and they are valid for three days. After three days, if you haven't been able to find him, then call me and I will do it again."

"Okay." Bai Luxi didn't think much about it, and felt a little relieved in his heart. He took what Du Youyang gave him, and left quickly.

Said to be separated to chase, but no. Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi went straight back, and Du Youyang and Lu Xiangtong, they will also be staying at Bai's house for the next two days. Anyway, their rooms are still reserved for them, and they are often cleaned, which is almost too fast. It's half a white family.

Bai Luxi didn't know that his Seventh Uncle and Uncle Lin thought of him so much. He just thought that he had to find Mazilian first, find him before Uncle Lin and the others, and then ask the other party if he had done anything to harm the world. Bad thing, have you ever killed innocent people indiscriminately? If this person did the same thing as Nightmare, Uncle Lin and the others would never let him go!

In a hurry to find someone, according to this guide, Bai Luxi couldn't help but speed up even more.

Finally, I don't know how long it has passed, when he saw the familiar pock-faced figure in front of him, Bai Luxi couldn't help shouting, "Stop! I have something to tell you, Seventh Uncle and the others are not there, only Myself!"

Bai Luxi shouted so, but the figure in front did not stop obediently, but continued to fly.

Bai Luxi took a deep breath and shouted again, "Pock-faced! Please stop for me! If you don't stop, I will, I will..." After thinking about it, he couldn't think of anyone who could threaten the other party, and then Bai Luxi Such a sentence came out of nowhere. "so I



@15: Any conditions are fine

Shake out our bedtime and let everyone know! "

Hearing the words, the pock-marked face in front of him finally stopped and stood there waiting for Bai Luxi to lean over. However, the other party's face was really too gloomy.

When Bai Luxi got there, he finally caught up with him. He was afraid that the other party would escape again, so he grabbed the other party's arm. Mazi face shook off Bai Luxi's hand.

Bai Luxi grabbed it again and held on tightly, but didn't let go. "I just won't let go, what if you run away again? I can't catch you."

Mazi sneered, "Why are you chasing me? Go out and shout what you want. You, the eldest young master of the Bai family, don't care. What is there to care about as a little guy like me? Are you afraid of losing face?"

Bai Luxi knew that the other party shouted when he was unhappy with his threat before, and he shouted: "It's not my fault, I have no other way to make you stop." He said , and looked rather aggrieved, almost throwing Mazi's face at him angrily.

"You call me Mazimian?" Mazimian suddenly thought of another question.

Hearing this, Bai Luxi blinked more innocently, "Well, then I don't know what your name is. I don't call you this, what do I call you? I'm sorry, I shouldn't call it that." fact!

Mazi looked at Bailuxi gloomily, and Bailuxi shuddered at the sight, and apologized again: "Then tell me what your name is."

"It's just you who deserve to know my name?" Mazi sneered.

Bai Luxi flattened his mouth and looked at Mazi's face stubbornly, with a hint of provocation in his eyes, "If you don't want to say it, then I'll call you Mazi-face."

The breath on Mazi's face became even colder for a moment, and Bai Luxi shivered when he saw it. "Who, who told you not to say."

"Let go of your claws, and what exactly are you doing, make it clear."

"Ah, I almost forgot the most important business." Bai Luxi said quickly: "I ask you, have you ever killed innocent people? Have you done anything bad to destroy humanity, such as killing a lot of ordinary people? life or something..."

Bai Luxi asked anxiously, his eyes fixed on Mazi's face.

Mazi raised his brows and glanced at Bai Luxi indifferently, "So what if you have done it, what if you haven't done it?"

Bai Luxi suddenly became anxious when he heard the words, "Did you do it or not? You should make it clear."

Mazilian didn't answer the question, but said lightly, "Why are you asking this?"

Bai Luxi said honestly: "That nightmare, my Uncle Lin and Uncle Seven said she was a nightmare, and the one who fought with you has already been killed. Uncle Lin and Uncle Seven found out that she had killed many ordinary people."

After hearing the words, the pock-marked face finally changed a little bit, "She died?"

"Well, dead." Bai Luxi took a deep breath, "So, have you ever killed an innocent person, tell me, okay?



@15: Any conditions are fine

"What if I killed it? Are you going to kill me now?" Mazi smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all. "If that's the case, it's just right, let me learn your skills again."

"I won't do anything with you." Bai Luxi said firmly, he still held the pock-faced arm, and held it tightly, as if he was afraid that if he let go of the other party, he would disappear.

"Oh? You can't do it? Since you can't do it, what are you doing here, asking all this nonsense?" Mazi sneered.

Bai Luxi pursed the corners of his mouth, "I won't do anything to you anyway, but Seventh Uncle and the others are different... Please, tell me, okay?"

"I want to know, okay, it's not a secret. I killed too many innocent people. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Bai Luxi's face changed slightly, "Really?"

"What am I going to lie to you for?"

Bai Luxi took a deep breath, then took a deep breath, "I, I don't believe it, I don't feel much blood on your body, I don't believe you have killed a lot of people, you must be lying to me."

"Then you are really stupid. Don't you know that a lot of breath can be hidden? You rely on this to distinguish whether you have killed someone or not. You are so stupid, how did you live so big?"

Bai Luxi's mouth twitched slightly, "You..."

Mazilian shook off the opponent's hand, turned around and was about to leave, and was caught up by Bai Luxi from behind, and the opponent grabbed Mazilian's arm again.

"If you really killed a lot of innocent people, then, then go to see Uncle Seven and the others with me. I will use my best efforts to protect you and bear it with you. You should understand that you can't run away by yourself. Yes, Uncle Seven and Uncle Lin have a way to find you, no matter how you hide, it's useless!"

Mazi's eyes flickered slightly, "Oh? They really have such skills?"

"That's right, haven't you seen it before? Uncle Seven and the others were not so sure about finding you before, but this time you should have felt it yourself. If they want to find you, it will definitely be easy. I just came to you separately. I found you first, and wanted to ask if you had murdered innocent people. Whether you have it or not, would you like to meet Seventh Uncle and the others with me? I promise, I will never let If you have something to do, even if there is something wrong with what you did in the past, I will be responsible for it, okay?"

"You're going to be responsible for the past for me?" Mazi sneered, "Do you think you can be responsible?"

"I can! Even if I fight for my life!" Bai Luxi said firmly.

Mazi pointed to his own face, and then suddenly smiled, mocking as much as he wanted, "I said, young master of the Bai family, do you have a hole in your forehead? For a man like me, with such a face, You say you can take responsibility without even dying? I



@15: Any conditions are fine

Said... it was just a relationship, you just... do it for who? "

The next few words, Mazi-face said very, very lightly, and very mocking.

Bai Luxi pursed his lips tightly, grasping Mazi's face even tighter, "Whatever you say, I just won't let go, no matter what the reason is, you will come with me to see Seventh Uncle and the others. "

"You think you can keep me?" Mazi sneered.

"I know I can't beat you, but with that kind of soul stone, you don't want to do it a second time, right?"

Mazi's face suddenly darkened, "You still have a soul stone!"

"Of course there is!" Even if not, Bai Luxi would say yes! Otherwise, this pock-faced force is so powerful, how could he stay!

"Hand over it." Mazi's face flashed with murderous intent.

"If you kill me, I won't give it to you, but if you want to run away, I will use the Soul Repellent Stone!"


Bai Luxi held his neck and looked at Mazi's face stubbornly.

Pockface really wanted to slap this young man to death.

After being stubborn for a while, Bai Luxi could not help softening again, "Will you go meet them once with me? You also know that Uncle Seven and Uncle Lin are very strong together, and they can find a way for you to get along with them. If I go to see them together, it's better than fighting you to the death. By the way, aren't you looking for a magic weapon? We can also help you find it together! Okay?"

Hearing this, Mazi's face changed again, "How do you know I'm looking for a magic weapon?"

"It was Uncle Lin who searched for that nightmare. He knew it from her memory."

Mazi's face pursed the corners of his mouth, "Searching for souls..."

"Yeah, Uncle Lin and Uncle Seven... They are really good, can you believe me? Don't fight them, and I believe you are different from that nightmare. I believe in my own vision, and, Moreover, Uncle Lin and Uncle Seven didn't have any killing intent when they mentioned you, and I don't think they thought you were a heinous person. Would you like to meet them with me? What conditions do you have to put forward? Tell me how you can promise me to meet them."

"Oh? Any conditions are fine?" Mazi's eyes flickered slightly.

@16: extremely pale

Bai Luxi nodded, "That's right, any condition is fine. As long as I can do it!

"Then what if I want half of your soul power?" Mazi said lightly, looking at Bai Luxi's face became expressionless.

Hearing this, Bai Luxi was slightly stunned.

"Half the power of the soul? What do you want the power of the soul to do?"

"You don't think that the Soul Repellent Stone is really useless and has no other side effects, right?" Pockface sneered.

Hearing this, Bai Luxi's face suddenly changed, "Uncle Charm said, that soul-scattering stone can hold the soul for a while, and it can also restrain the spiritual power. But it won't really damage the soul. What's wrong with your soul?"

"What's wrong, of course, it's thanks to your piece of soul-scattering stone. If something goes wrong, it needs the power of the soul to fix it." Mazi said with a sneer.

Bai Luxi felt even more apologetic when he heard the words, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect the consequences to be so serious.

"So are you willing or not?" Pocky asked directly.

Bai Luxi heard the words and said immediately: "Of course I am willing, it is my fault, and I am willing to take responsibility.

Mazi looked at Bai Luxi with a fixed face, as if he wanted to make sure that what the other party said was true, sincere, or just pretending.

After a while, Mazi said lightly: "Even if I want half of your soul power, I have to make some preparations. If you are sincere, then let your uncle Lin go back first, don't interfere in our affairs, When I get your soul power and recover from my injuries, I will naturally follow you to see them.

"Okay." Bai Luxi agreed immediately without hesitation. "I'll tell them, and you can't lie to me.

"Don't worry." Mazi sneered, "As long as you can do it, I have nothing to deceive you.

Bailuxi nodded. Then he really started to contact Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi. He didn't talk about the power of the soul. He only said that he wanted to deal with this matter by himself. Give him some time and tell Lin Xijiu and the others to stop looking for someone. .

In fact, Lin Xijiu and the others have long since returned, so naturally they have no opinion on Bai Luxi.

Bai Luxi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Xijiu and the others agreed.

Bai Qi hehe smiled, "It seems that there is a real situation, tsk tsk, but, with that pockmarked face, will our Luxi taste too heavy?"

Lin Xijiu touched his chin, "Well, I also think the taste seems a little too heavy.

"Could that pockmarked face be a fake face? I always think that a cultivator's face shouldn't be so ugly. However, judging from the circumstances of the fight, it doesn't seem to be purely human cultivating.

"That's right." Lin Xijiu nodded, "I also feel that I am not pure human cultivation, so I should have some special bloodline.

"If that's the case... Bai Qi narrowed his eyes, "I don't know if our Luxi can hold down that pockmarked face, it seems that he is being turned around by the envoy. "

"Young people fall in love like this." Lin Xijiu said disapprovingly.

Bai Qi hehe smiled.

Lin Xijiu hugged Bai Qi's waist and kissed him on the lips.

Bai Qi raised his eyebrows and glanced at each other, "What?

"I can't hold you down either, but I'm happy with it, so the same goes for others."

"Yo." Bai Qi smiled, "You can't hold back? Is it true? I remember that you were more self-righteous and self-righteous when you first met me.

Bai Qi's words made Lin Xijiu blink innocently, he looked at Bai Qi with a very surprised look, "You remember wrong? Did I ever have that time?

"No." Bai Qi rolled his eyes.

"Of course not, you remembered it wrong." After speaking, Lin Xijiu kissed again, forcefully and gently, with a hint of sweetness...

Of course Bai Qi wasn't really angry, so he quickly immersed himself in this tenderness.

Seeing this, Lin Xijiu naturally deepened the kiss.

When Lin Xijiu stopped, there was a hint of coquettishness in Bai Qi's eyes. So, Lin Xijiu didn't stop at all, but aggravated the kiss even more...

On the other side, Bai Luxi followed that Mazilian, who said he wanted half of his soul power. Then, with this pockmarked face, Jing took him to the house where the other party lived before.

Bailuxi is still familiar with this place.

"What should I do?" Bai Luxi asked.

"Don't worry, I still have some preparatory work to do. You stay by yourself and don't disturb me." After speaking, Mazilian went directly into a room, then closed the door and shut Bailuxi out. .

Bailuxi, who was locked outside, blinked his eyes, and then. Looking at the closed door, he simply sat up on the spot. Anyway, he doesn't know when the other party will come out again, so it's better to just practice first.

Bailuxi's waiting is a whole day and night.

Finally, that night, the pockmarked face finally came out of the room.

Bailuxi looked over quickly.

Mazi glanced at each other lightly, "Come with me.

Bai Luxi immediately followed in the footsteps of the other party, "Okay.

Mazi face took Bailuxi to the southern suburbs of the imperial capital, and followed the other side all the way. Finally, it stopped in the middle of a forest.

"Come in with me, if you're afraid, there's still a chance to go back.

Mazi-face's voice was even lower.

Bai Luxi said immediately, "I won't go back on it, don't worry. I'll go in with you."

Mazi-face went into the woods, and Bai Luxi immediately followed.

After the two walked for a while, finally, Mazi's face stopped.

Bailuxi looked around and vaguely felt that there seemed to be something around. And the breath here has a depressing aura that makes him feel uncomfortable. In addition, there seems to be an abnormal energy.

Bai Luxi looked at Mazi's face. "here is.....

"Just here, as long as you can replenish my soul power, then I can agree to your request."

Bai Luxi nodded immediately after hearing the words, "Okay, tell me, what should I do?"

"I will arrange the next formation here, you don't need to do anything, just sit in the position I designated, and then no matter what happens, you will continue to provide spiritual power and soul power, don't resist. ."

Hearing this, Bai Luxi nodded again, "Okay, I see, no matter what happens, I won't move.

The pockmarked face didn't say anything.

Then, the other party began to arrange the formation, and after about an hour, the pockmarked face was finally fixed. He pointed to the most central position of the finger formation, "It's over there, sit over there."

Bailuxi nodded.

According to the position that the pock face said, Bai Luxi sat over.

Mazi's face looked deeply at the person in the center of the formation, and then he also entered the formation.

When the formation started to run, Bai Luxi immediately felt something was wrong. In addition to the loss of spiritual power and soul power, he also felt the loss of vitality.

Cultivators are of course very sensitive to their own vitality. Therefore, even if the loss of vitality is only a little, the cultivator can feel it.

This is the case at this time.
