MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (23)

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Son, what a shame.

"Forgive him for being young. It's the first time to be a father again, so of course I'm nervous, it's human nature.

"Yes, it's human nature.

"By the way, that Prince Sion doesn't seem to come to pester you for the past two days, and he didn't create all kinds of opportunities to meet you. Why, did you finally give up and plan to go back?"

"I don't know." Liu Suifeng was really speechless and annoyed by that Prince Sion. No one liked that there was always a fly around him. He was not a vain person and didn't need those flies. Set off your own charm value.

"Hehe, that prince is also pitiful enough, why does he like someone who has a master.

"Before we tried to get him to empathize, but it didn't work, but I heard that the prince had an accident two days ago and was rescued. Maybe he could empathize. But unfortunately, save him. is still a high school student, and I don’t know if this transference will be successful.

"Liu Suifeng's image is too different from that of a high school student, isn't it?"

"I think so too. There are too many differences, so it's hard to say about empathy. But he has been here with us for so long, and he has never thought about going back. There are such leaders in their country. It must be a very sad thing.

"He is only a prince now, not a king, so he has so much time."

"It turns out that, yes, since ancient times, there are still many differences between the prince and the emperor.

"Well, he is planning to go back after he has chosen his princess. If he doesn't choose well, he will not go back. Tsk tsk."

"Speaking of which, how much value is there in that Prince Sain?

"A lot of people have been extorted, how did Hua Xia let him stay in vain. Except for us Hua Xia, those who wanted to put their fingers in have already cut off their fingers and went back.

"Oh, that's fine."

While everyone was chatting, Bai Feng's phone rang, and he picked it up directly. After a while, his expression became a little weird.

Seeing this, everyone asked, "What's the matter, what happened?"

"A few minutes ago, wasn't it a day off today? That Prince Sion went to the high school student, and then there was an inexplicable fire in the high school student's house. Although it was not too serious, His Royal Highness almost failed to escape, or It was thrown from the second floor by the high school student, and it is said that he has broken his leg and is now lying in the hospital."

The crowd was immediately speechless.


"We didn't check it out before the high school students. Every time this prince encounters each other, there will be some accidents. It seems that it is necessary to check.

"As for?"

"In any case, it's a prince from another country, so it's better not to cause any international disputes."

"That's true."

"You live far away, Suifeng, you should go take a look." Others said that it was not a big deal to watch the fun.

Liu Suifeng rolled his eyes, "It's just hospitalization, if he only has his last breath left, I'll definitely go see him.

"Oh, you are so cruel, people still like you so much, how can you treat them like this, this is really...

Liu Suifeng was too lazy to pay attention to these unscrupulous people.


Prince Saine looked at the cast on his leg pitifully, and then asked his entourage, "Is Lin Bo'an still here?

Lin Bo'an was the name of that high school student.

"No, he was also injured a little and is receiving treatment now, but he is only slightly injured and should be here soon.

"Really? But I've been waiting for a long time, he won't go back, right? I have to thank him properly, if he hadn't left me, I might have been burned to death.

The entourage felt that this statement was definitely an exaggeration, and, I don't know if it was his illusion, he always felt that the high school student named Lin Bo'an was annoying their prince, and there were other better plans at that time. You don't need to drop people from the second floor, and even if you drop them, you can take some protective measures. But the strong high school student didn't do anything, he threw them from the window with His Royal Highness, the speed was so fast that none of their adjutants could react.

It felt as if people thought their prince was annoying, so they threw him out of the window with him. Of course, the aide-de-camp did not dare to say such a feeling, for fear that His Royal Highness would not accept it! His Royal Highness had a very good impression of the Lin Bo'an high school student.

Prince Sion waited for another hour, but Lin Bo'an still didn't come, so Prince Sion couldn't help sending someone to find someone.

Lin Bo'an has now returned home, and has no intention of seeing His Royal Highness at all.

There was a fire in the house, and the police had already left. When the fire started here, someone had already called the police. Fortunately, because the fire was not big, it did not affect others. After the police and the others came, they determined that it was an accident, and naturally no one stayed here. If it weren't for the special status of the prince, I'm afraid there would be no such transition.

What Lin Bo'an didn't know was that the identity of the prince was indeed special, so the only police officers who were removed were the policemen. Bo An is not a threat, the two accidents were really just accidents!

Lin Bo'an was probably aware of this, so he was very displeased with that prince.

After tidying up at home, Lin Bo'an called his parents who were on a business trip abroad. Lest they hear any news and rush back in a hurry.

Lin Bo'an's family conditions have always been good, and he also has a small and medium-sized company in his family. He has never worried about economic matters.

After that, Lin Bo'an invited someone to refinish the house. To restore the house to its original state, a professional was still needed.

It was already evening by the time Lin Bo'an finished all this. He ordered a fast food and ate it in the room.

As for the previous time when His Royal Highness sent someone, he directly ignored it. He only said that he would visit when he was free. As for when he was free, he could only say.

While Lin Bo'an was having dinner in the room, outside, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi were secretly observing each other.

Of course, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi were not needed to investigate this kind of thing, just use a little ordinary power. However, when Bai Qi occasionally glanced at each other's "life experiences", he always felt that the other party was a little weird after the age of fourteen.

This was Bai Qi's intuition, so Bai Qi became interested and went to see it with Lin Xijiu.

They had been watching this Lin Bo'an outside for quite a while.

"His soul and his body don't look very fixed, they look very matched, a bit like being possessed, but it doesn't seem to be, what's going on?" Bai Qi said.

Lin Xijiu shook his head, "You can't tell just by looking at it like this, you have to get in touch with it at close range, it's best to walk around his body with spiritual power to know what his problem is.

"I see." Bai Qi stroked his chin, "It's more difficult in this case. What reason should we use? Or just force it when someone is asleep?

"I'm afraid it will leave traces." Lin Xijiu said, "Let's take a look. Or you can try it out."

"Try it out, it's a good idea." Bai Qi nodded, "That's fine, then find a chance to try it out.

So, when Lin Bo'an was about to sleep at night, suddenly, the chandelier in his room smashed down, fast and violently. It's very possible to actually be killed!

Lin Bo'an jumped to the side at a critical moment, and the speed was not like ordinary people at all. After he finished, he seemed to think of something, and his face changed again, probably because he wanted to understand something. , he said lightly: "Come out, friend.

Bai Qi chuckled, "Children are very sensitive.

Lin Xijiu's figure also appeared, Lin Bo'an saw the two appear, his pupils shrank violently, after a while, he lowered his eyelids and said lightly: "Tell me about your purpose, why did you appear at night? I don't seem to know you in my family.

"Don't the children really know us?" Bai Qi laughed again, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Bo'an, "But from the first moment you saw us, the expression in that moment, It's not like he doesn't know us, but he not only knows us, but also knows us very well.

Lin Bo'an frowned, "I don't know you, you think too much."

"Whether it's too much or too little, hehe, now let's get to know each other again, my name is Bai Qi, this is Lin Xijiu, Lin Bo'an, we are here for Prince Sion's business.

Hearing the words of Prince Sion, Lin Bo'an's eyes clearly flashed with disgust, "I'm not familiar with him, and the prince himself came to me today, and his affairs should be related to him. I don't care right?

"It was originally unrelated, but when he met you twice, he had an accident and was rescued by you. It's a bit of a coincidence. You know, his identity is special, so we have to check it out. I hope you can understand.

Lin Bo'an frowned when he heard the words, "It's just an accident, it wouldn't have happened if he didn't come to me.

"Then why don't you tell me, how did this fire start?"

"Accidental line, isn't this the police's characterization?"

"We don't look alike." Bai Qi shrugged, "Are you sure it's not for some other reason?"

Lin Bo'an was silent for a while, and then said lightly: "No matter what the accident is, it has nothing to do with His Royal Highness that prince.

"You raise a kid, the so-called outside line is what that kid did." Lin Xijiu suddenly said.

Lin Bo'an's expression changed, and he suddenly looked at Lin Xijiu, his lips pursed tightly. He seemed to want to argue something, but he seemed to know that in front of Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, it was a defense. It was useless, so the other party simply stopped, but looked at Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi with a very wary expression.

Bai Qi was a little surprised now, because Lin Xijiu didn't say this before, he looked around, "So you raised the kid, what about the kid?"

Lin Bo'an took a deep breath and said, "Although I have raised little devils, the things I use to raise little devils are not unreasonable, they just absorb some yin, and they are usually fed with ghost food. Such little devils, it doesn't matter. Bar?"

"Hehe, if that's the case, then of course it doesn't matter, but it is undeniable that this kid seems to be too naughty, doesn't it? Look, it almost caused a big fire.

"That's because someone thought of us here to steal things, so the kid I raised wanted to teach the thief a lesson, but the thief was scared away." Lin Bo'an couldn't help defending his kid.

"Oh? Someone's here to steal something?

"Yes, I don't need to lie to you, you can go check it out." Lin Bo'an said stiffly.

Lin Xijiu looked at the other party, and suddenly said again: "Then can you explain the reason why your soul and body don't fit so well?

@26: warm and sweet

Lin Xijiu's words finally changed Lin Bo'an's expression.

"Why, is this question difficult to explain? Lin Bo'an, you are not the real Lin Bo'an, are you?

Lin Bo'an's face paled, "So you are here to catch me?

"It depends on what you've done. If you haven't done anything wrong, and the body you possessed was not killed by you, then of course we won't arrest you. But if, The body you possessed, the people inside, were killed by you, so we can't pretend that we didn't see anything.

"I didn't kill people." Lin Bo'an pursed the corners of his mouth. "He committed suicide. When I came to this body, his soul was about to dissipate. I admit that I took his place, but I He also fulfilled his obligations as a son. I also

He didn't hurt anyone around him. "

"If that's the case, you certainly don't mind, I'll give you an inspection." Lin Xijiu said. "We can't just listen to one side of your words, so I need to check your current body. If the truth is as you say it will be fine.

Lin Bo'an did not object, and nodded directly.

Lin Xijiu's spiritual power penetrated into the other party's body and made a very detailed examination for the other party. When you were before, they believed what this person said, whether a person had done anything bad, how many people he had killed, the smell of blood on his body, and a special aura, all of which could be reflected.

So they believe what they say. However, this inspection is still to be done. Whether it was Lin Xijiu or Bai Qi, they were all more interested in the other's current physical state.

After a detailed inspection, Lin Xijiu found that the original soul, residual resentment, etc., was not found in this body. Seems to be a suicide. Because if it is killed, then, more or less, there will be some resentment such as resentment, ordinary people will not find it, but a master like Lin Xijiu will definitely find it.

After withdrawing the spiritual power from the opponent's body, Lin Xijiu looked at Lin Bo'an, "You should have taken him in this body when you were 4 years old. It has been like this for several years. How can you have a soul, and still can't merge with this body, I don't see this body as rejecting you so much.

Lin Bo'an shook his head, "I don't know either, but I haven't been able to fully integrate it, and I don't know why.

"Who were you yourself?"

Lin Bo'an was silent for a while, and then said lightly. "People who died in vain."

Lin Xijiu raised an eyebrow. "If it is for this reason, it is also possible.

Lin Bo'an looked at Lin Xijiu, "Will you be willing to help me?

"Then we'll have to ask you, but did you recognize us when we first met?"

Lin Bo'an nodded. "You have appeared on TV. I know who you are and who you represent. I thought you were here to arrest me."

Lin Xijiu smiled, "So that's the way it is, let us have a look at the kid you raised.

Lin Bo'an did not refuse. He raised a total of two little ghosts, and both of them were released. Lin Xijiu looked at it and found that it was exactly what the other party said.

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi had a little more affection for the young man in front of them. They didn't ask how the other party died in vain. When they got another kind of new life, they should have forgotten about the future.

Otherwise, if the obsession is too deep, it will be bad.

"We can help you stabilize your soul and fit your body and soul." Lin Xijiu said.

Lin Bo'an nodded. "Thank you."

When leaving from Lin Bo'an, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi went directly back to Bai's house.

"This young man is not bad. He is much more mature mentally than Luxi and Baiyun. If that Prince Sion had changed his mind, I'm afraid it wouldn't be easy to succeed.

"I see that the young man doesn't seem to be interested in that prince, otherwise, he wouldn't carry him and throw him directly from the second floor."

"Our poor prince, no matter where you go, you are always despised by others!

The two laughed. When I got home, I went straight to my room.

Lin Xijiu followed Bai Qi and entered the bathroom.

Bai Qi raised his brows, seeing what the other party was doing, he knew what he wanted to do.

So, Bai Qi glanced at Lin Xijiu with a smile but not a smile. "Looks like you're not tired at all."

"I didn't do anything, of course I wasn't tired.

Bai Qi hooked the corner of his mouth.

Lin Xijiu put one hand on Bai Qi's shoulder, and began to undress from the other's shoulder. Bai Qi let the other party move. After a while, all the clothes on their bodies disappeared. Lin Xijiu took Bai Qi into the bathtub...

After a lot of cloud and rain. Bai Qi was drowsy, and Lin Xijiu hugged him to bed. Looking at the people around him, Lin Xijiu kissed Bai Qi's forehead.

The next day, when Bai Qi woke up, Lin Xijiu was no longer there.

Bai Qi yawned and got up from the bed. At this moment, the door was opened, and Lin Xijiu walked in with today's breakfast, "You're awake."

Bai Qi raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party, "I'm not at the level of disability yet, so I don't need you to bring in all the food, right?

"The Prince Sion is here again, so let's eat in the room, I think he has the urge to slap him like that.

"What's wrong?" Bai Qi asked curiously, "Shouldn't he be in the hospital? Was he discharged so soon?

"It's not the time to be discharged from the hospital, but people are here. I see what he means, and he also means to live here to recover.

"He's too whimsical, isn't he?" Bai Qi was speechless, "Isn't he empathetic?

"People just don't want to show affection, maybe they have noticed that they have a good impression of people other than Liu Suifeng, so isn't this coming up out of nowhere? Say yes, if you like someone, you have to start from the beginning.

Lin Xijiu said speechlessly, and Bai Qi was speechless after hearing it.

"There is still such a strange flower, it seems that Liu Suifeng is still a little difficult to get rid of such a strange flower.

"So out of sight is pure, I guess you will wake up too, let's eat in the room. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't control the itching. People say that they are the prince of a country, but they can't be beaten up in our house. Come anyway."

"Hehehe." Bai Qi heard the words and couldn't help but smile happily. "Really? It turns out that you are afraid of breaking people.

"Yeah." Lin Xijiu nodded and enjoyed a handful of feedings.

Bai Qi did not refuse, since Lin Xijiu wanted to do it himself, let the other party do it himself.

The two finished their breakfast sweetly, and then, Lin Xijiu planned to go see the baby of Yuhuaqing, and of course Bai Qi went with him.

Bai Luxi is finally a little used to being a father now, and is no longer so surprised.

Lin Xijiu picked up the little guy, but the little guy was still struggling, and the man turned to Bai Qi's side, as if he wanted to lean towards him.

Bai Qi laughed, "It seems that my charm is still great, look at this child, they all lean on me, not on you, they are despising you.

Lin Xijiu raised his brows slightly when he heard the words. "Really?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can ask the little guy who he likes.

Lin Xijiu really asked, but there was a threatening smell in his eyes. Don't look at the little guy, he was just born, but he was a person when he was in his stomach. Now, he received Lin Xijiu's threatening look, and immediately passed on his consciousness, saying that he liked Lin Xijiu.

Lin Xijiu looked at Bai Qi proudly, and Bai Qi rolled his eyes speechlessly. "You can only use threats, but to threaten a newborn baby, you are really getting better and better.

When Lin Xijiu heard this, he was quite disapproving. "Anyway, it's fine as long as he says he likes me. As for whether it's a threat or something else, it's fine if there is a purpose and result. If it's the process, don't worry too much."

Bai Qi was simply amazed by the other's cheekiness! He was speechless.

The two were in the room, teasing the little guy for a while, during which time, Bai Luxi wanted to take it over, but Lin Xijiu refused.

Poor Bai Luxi, the father, can only hold back and watch others play with his son. I can't get in on it myself.

Finally, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi left, and Bai Luxi hurriedly took his precious son into his arms.

Yu Huaqing glanced at each other, "The way you hold the child is becoming more and more standard.

Bai Luxi giggled. "Of course, this is what I learned on purpose. Oops, the little guy's mouth is moving, maybe he's hungry, do you want some milk powder?

"I haven't eaten for more than three hours, so you can rush." ​​Yu Huaqing said.

Bailuxi put the little guy on the bed. Then, as a super dad, he had to rush to make milk powder for the little guy, although the little guy now has the ability to build consciousness with adults. However, this ability to build consciousness also requires consumption

of. It's not suitable to go on for a long time, so, in general, it is better to raise him as an ordinary baby. Bailuxi poured the milk powder over, picked up the little guy, the little guy was really hungry, gu dong gu dong Drink a lot.

"Uncle Lin and Uncle Seven, the two of them came to play with us, and they definitely didn't want to see His Royal Highness the prince downstairs. Tell me, how long is that person's head? Welcome? You are still in a hurry to get here.

"You can ask him what he thinks." Yu Huaqing said lightly.

"There's no need for this. I'm afraid that if I ask, he will pester me. I can't stand that kind of brain circuit from that prince. I'm not a person from the world at all.

Feathering affection hooked the corner of his mouth. "yes?

"Of course it is!"

"After a while, you can also use that piece of sky sand." Yu Huaqing said suddenly.

"Don't worry, only you can use that thing, and your body hasn't been recuperated yet, so don't worry, wait until your body is recuperated. Anyway, I'm fine now, I can do it anytime, but you are hostile. That race, they didn't get a single stone, I'm afraid they won't let it go, right?

"The Bai family must not dare to come, and my other clansmen have now returned to the clan, and they will be safe after returning to the clan, even if those people are not reconciled. Let's go to war." Yu Huaqing said disapprovingly.

"The Bai family doesn't dare to come, but if we go out alone in the future, I'm afraid it will be a problem." Bai Luxi thought for a while. "So, we still need to restore our strength as soon as possible, fortunately, the child has been born, as long as your body is well recuperated,

I can follow the recovery here, and it doesn't matter where I go.

Feather nodded.

The little guy was already asleep, and Bai Luxi put him on the cot. He sat on the edge of the bed by himself...

@27: Possessed

Bai Luxi sat on the edge of the bed, watching the feathered emotion on the bed. Then, he slowly leaned down and kissed the other person's forehead. Very gentle, Yu Huaqing could not help but gently closed her eyes.

So, Bai Luxi's kiss gradually descended to the lips of Yu Huaqing, first tentative shallow kisses, and then a little deep kiss.

When the kiss stopped, Bai Luxi and Yu Huaqing's breathing was a little chaotic. If it wasn't because the other party just finished giving birth and felt unwell, Bai Luxi really wanted to continue.

But now, Bai Luxi finally restrained himself.

Gently stroked Yu Huaqing's hair, Bai Luxi pressed her forehead, "Go to sleep.

Yu Huaqing looked at each other and nodded.

For Lin Xijiu and the others, the days were peaceful. There seemed to be something wrong with that Prince Sion, so he finally went back.

In this regard, everyone in the Bai family is happy to see it.

It can be seen how unpopular the prince has become!

Everyone can't wait for each other to get out as soon as possible!

On this day, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi were walking around outside. The two passed by several places with good scenery in the imperial capital, and they went on a date and dinner like a young couple.

Suddenly, Bai Qi raised his brows, "Didn't that prince go back? Why did he come back?"

Lin Xijiu followed the other party's line of sight and frowned.

"I'm afraid something happened to our prince." Lin Xijiu said with narrowed eyes.

Bai Qi was stunned for a moment, "Huh? What's going on? I didn't pay attention." Bai Qi said, and then carefully observed, after a while, Bai Qi's eyes narrowed, "This is, what is it? Are you dead?"

"Well, it should be." Lin Xijiu glanced at Bai Qi, "Let's go, let's take a look.

The two walked directly to the direction of the prince, and after arriving there, the other party did not notice them for a while. To be precise, maybe there is no memory of the real Prince, so they are very unfamiliar with Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, so even if Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi are close to each other, they don't notice each other.

Lin Xijiu raised his brows and simply said, "Prince Sain.

The possessed prince, His Royal Highness, turned his head sharply, and seemed to think for a while before showing a slight smile, "It's you.

"Hehe, it's us, does His Royal Highness still remember us?"

Prince Sion tilted his head, "Of course, you are Liu Suifeng's family.

It seems that His Royal Highness still has a little memory, but it should not be so detailed, otherwise, there will be no words like Liu Suifeng's family.

"His Royal Highness is right, we are Liu Suifeng's family. Didn't His Royal Highness go back? Why did he appear here again?" Lin Xijiu asked, staring straight at the prince.

The other party smiled and said, "It's better for Huaxia. After the domestic affairs have been settled, I will come over to see. Are you two dating? Haha, Xiao Wang dare not disturb his lover's date and leave."

With that said, the prince turned around and was about to leave, but he was stopped by Lin Xijiu just two steps away.

"Wait, His Royal Highness, don't worry.

Bai Qi also took a step forward, blocking the other party's back path as well, "Yeah, don't worry.

The prince's expression became obviously gloomy, staring at Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu, "What do you two want to do?

"Hehe, don't worry, His Royal Highness, we didn't want to do anything, just thought it was strange, why did His Royal Highness go back, all the adjutants around him disappeared, and his body... was occupied by others. What?" Lin Xijiu said slowly, but the expression in his eyes was a bit like a cat playing with a mouse.

His Royal Highness immediately knew that he had been seen through. However, he still didn't want to admit it. Unfortunately, he met Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu. When they were already determined, he couldn't admit it if he didn't want to admit it! So, in the next instant, Lin Xijiu Straight to the point.

When Lin Xijiu started, Bai Qi naturally followed suit, so the prince naturally rose up to resist. It's a pity that all their resistance was in vain when they encountered Lin Xijiu, and then they were taken down without incident.

Lin Xijiu directly took the person back to Bai's house, where it was easier to deal with.

"Eh? Why did you bring this guy back?" The people in the living room of Bai's house saw Lin Xijiu carrying a person back, and after seeing the other person's appearance, they all showed disgust.

Lin Xijiu shrugged, "I don't want to bring this guy back either, but unfortunately, this guy seems to be possessed by someone, and it doesn't seem to make sense if we don't care. Besides, if something happened to us in China, it's not so good. Wonderful.

The people of the other two countries have been eyeing them. Although they are not afraid of China, no one wants to have more trouble if there is less trouble.

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi took the people directly to the basement below.

"Have you been possessed?" Everyone was really bored, so when they heard there was such a lively scene, they all said they wanted to go to the basement below to help.

As for whether it really helped, no one knows.

When Lin Xijiu and the others went downstairs, Bai Qi first set up the basement, Lin Xijiu added two formations, and then threw the prince into it.

Liu Suifeng and others were watching from outside.

"What is this possessed by? Can you see it?

"It must be some kind of ghost."

"Really? It doesn't seem to show up yet.

"I don't know if it is.

"Why did you choose that prince's body? Could it be that the other person's body is better?"

"Nonsense, that prince is simply a waste of personal ability, what is it, I don't see any good.

"Well, in fact, I didn't see it, but I can't help people like it."

"Ha ha.

Bai Qi said speechlessly: "Can you chat in a lower voice? Didn't you see Lin Xijiu doing it?"

"With Lin Xijiu's level, even if he is doing it, how can the surrounding environment affect him, don't worry, Xiao Qi, it will definitely not affect him.

"Yes, Xiao Qi, you have to trust your man.

Bai Qi glanced at everyone lightly, "Do you guys prefer to go out by yourself, or I will use some means to invite you out.

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other in dismay, and then they all chose to go out by themselves.

They don't want to be attacked by a talisman and be invited out without shame. Isn't that asking for guilt? They are not being sadistic.

Everyone who was driven out, you blame me for talking nonsense, and I blame you for talking nonsense, so I didn't see the excitement. Blaming each other like this, and then sitting on the sofa, you provoke me and I hit you back. It's just that there is no big fight. In the final analysis, it's actually too boring!

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi didn't spend much time in the basement, but after half an hour, they came out.

So, the people outside stopped making noise, and all looked at each other.

Bai Qi hehe smiled, "Hehe, you can continue, it's so lively.

The crowd pouted.

"Xiao Qi, what is possessed by that prince?"

"Yeah, the thing that is possessed can be released for everyone to play with, everyone is so bored recently, and they are all getting moldy.

"Isn't it, I haven't moved my tibia for a long time, thinking about whether it's better to move.

"Maybe two missions could be considered."

"Do you want to play?" Lin Xijiu looked at everyone maliciously, and then threw a jade bottle out. The contents of the jade bottle escaped, and everyone instinctively resisted...

"Oh, what is this, why does it smell so bad?

"That's right, what is this, why does it smell so bad?"

"What are you doing with this kind of thing, hurry up and destroy it!

"Charm, don't work hard, hurry up and destroy it.

"Why are you calling me, isn't it better to do it yourself? It's so stinky, I have to stay away from it so I don't destroy it. It's so ugly.

The crowd fell into chaos here.

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi had already jumped out of the battle circle, and they were very happy while standing on the outside watching everyone jumping around.

After a while, this thing was finally cleaned up, and everyone suddenly felt that the air was fresh by two points.

Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu smiled beside them.

The crowd glared at Lin Xijiu and the others, daring to speak out.

Bai Qi innocently said: "Don't look at us like this, isn't it that you are bored and want to know what it is? We have fulfilled your wishes very well, why do you still look so unhappy? It's not good, it's too difficult to serve."

Everyone rolled their eyes collectively.

"Xiao Qi, you are really getting worse and worse now."

"Yeah, Xiao Qi, you've been brought down.

"Xiao Qi was clearly not like this before,