MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1077 Demolition: secret confrontation

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National father-in-law!

After listening to the predecessor of Wang Jian, Su Hao was awe-inspiring.

With one person's strength, solving all the bachelor's sufferings on the earth is simply a Buddha's reincarnation! You see, suppose 10 wives, 6 at a time, 60 in a year, from 2012 to the present, oh...


Chen Yiran’s cold murder came through the kingdom of heaven. Su Hao coughed and looked normal. He took the man’s foot. “Since there is no shortage of women, why do you arrest others?”

"Really answer, or you will die!"

The cold sweat that the girl next to sees, if it is not Su Hao, it is really the king, she is afraid that she will run long ago. How does the king’s adult look so unreliable?

The man said a lot.

At this time, Su Hao was able to understand it. First of all, after the destruction of the world, there were not so many chaotic occupational levels. After the distribution, there were only three distinct people.

The first type, ordinary people, cannot cultivate and live at the bottom of society.

Second, practitioners, practitioners under the king, yes, professionalism and globalization are called practitioners. Because they are not kings, they cannot become the true vision of the strong planet.

The third, the strongest king.

This is the top level at the top of the food chain.

Every one of the strongest kings is horrible. Therefore, when Su Hao reveals his strength, it is enough to scare everyone, and the things at the moment are actually simpler. Basically, a certain king sees this girl’s beauty and then plans to grab. Going back to marriage is so simple and rude.

Su Hao does not care about these.

Anyway, this kind of thing can happen anywhere, and what really makes him feel is that when asked about a stranger, he mentioned that a mysterious king appeared, and in the past few days he became a guest of the earth's strong. It seems to say that it can solve all kinds of current life problems.

Mysterious strong!


Solve the problem?

Don't think about it, it must be the light goods.

"where is she?"

Su Hao asked.

"At the Magic Mountain Villa."

The man was nervous. "The mysterious king invited all the kings to go to the Magic Mountain Villa and said that they intended to announce a message at the wedding that would change the world."

"Oh? Which wedding?"

Su Hao’s eyes lit up, and the man looked at the girl next to Su Hao.

Su Hao: "..."

Everything is ready for the wedding. Just waiting for the bride to grab it back directly?

Do you want to lose it!

What about human nature?


However, Su Hao also knows that in such a ridiculous place, such things must happen frequently. Without rules is the biggest rule -

Weak meat and strong food.

Su Hao closed his eyes and meditated.

What if I am Mingguang?

Invite the strong?

What is he going to do?

First of all, Mingguang does not know and will not think of me, I am here, so if I don't shoot, he will not be in the gap. Once you take the shot, there is a chance to give Mingguang a fatal blow!

This is the first point.

Second, it is the plan of Mingguang.

It takes a lot of days for Mingguang to come here. First, there is a sense of anger, and then I am familiar with the other strongest kings. Finally, I will take this so-called wedding and come to a group gathering. Su Hao has no doubts. Will this wedding be planned by Mingguang?


In other words, an excuse is needed tomorrow.

A reasonable excuse to summon others together. So why?

Why do you need other people together?

Su Hao thought about it.

What is the purpose of Mingguang coming to this world?


Only a breakthrough! Everything he did was to break through the service of the gods, and to summon all the other powerful people, what is it for?

"Bright light breakthrough, definitely need a lot of energy"

"The blast of the whole new world can provide the energy that Mingguang needs to reach the **** level."

Su Hao thinks thoughtfully.

The original new world was not completed, but today's new world, after decades of development, the energy inside is already very abundant, once it is destroyed...

and so. Is Mingguang planning to destroy the new world?

No, it is impossible.

It is not easy for Mingguang to escape from there. It should not be possible to go back. Then, it is the way Mingguang seeks breakthroughs on the earth, and at the same time requires countless energy-

Where is so much energy on earth?

The strongest king!

Su Hao eyes are cool.

Although the earth is extremely desolate, it is the main world after all. The number of the strongest kings here is beyond all imaginations. Therefore, there is a strong energy here. Every body of the strongest king has incredible energy, and once this energy breaks out.

Su Hao shook hands.

At the beginning.

When the new world was first created, it also relied on the power of one of the strongest kings.

And now...


Even, hundreds?

Although many people are seriously injured, even many people have certainly not recovered from the original injuries and cannot use their strength. However, they are still the strongest kings and still have terrible energy. This is also because they lose their fighting power. No one dares to move their cause.

The king of serious injuries is also the king.

Unless it is really dead, a king’s self-destruction is far more powerful than nuclear weapons!

So, is this your goal?


Su Hao looks cold.

Call all the strongest kings, even those who are almost abolished, and according to the introduction of the former man, you can be counted as a king of the king, if you add those who are sick or even abolished The number of the strongest kings may even break 100!

Hundreds of the strongest kings!

What kind of energy is that?

And if this time...


What happens when Mingguang takes the shot?



Black hole?

Or a more horrific all-killing attack?

Once the power of hundreds of kings breaks out at one point, there is no doubt that it is definitely a heavyweight disaster, comparable to the destruction of the new world!

And everything...

They are all designed to break through the energy of God.

As for this girl?

cannon fodder.

Everyone is cannon fodder!

They will not think that there will be such a strong person in the Ming Dynasty. Far beyond them, they are hidden in the dark, making suggestions and considering them.

Su Hao can be sure.

According to the cautiousness of Mingguang, I must first understand the world, and then slowly begin to analyze and deduct. It was only then that the plan was started and then slowly implemented.

Mingguang has always been very cautious.

Otherwise, it will not create miracles repeatedly in Su Hao, and even after entering the strongest king, there are still plans to escape.

This is the light.

Su Hao put himself into the identity of Mingguang, and soon calculated everything.

Perhaps, for Mingguang, everything here. They are just creatures of the npc in the game, or, he didn't care?

Su Hao shook his head.

Since Mingguang has arranged such a scene, it is absolutely foolproof. With the savvy of Mingguang, it is sure to release enough news that all the kings will be moved.

In this battle, Mingguang must take the shot.

"So, what should I do?"

Su Hao meditates.

The plan to destroy Mingguang is affirmative. But how to destroy?

Directly rushing past to smash the plan of Mingguang, it is the act of making a pen. Su Hao not only wants to destroy the plan, but also completely slams the light.

Because he knows, chances, only once!

Once Mingguang knows his existence, all plans will be invalid.

and so.

First, he needs a secure identity.

And now...

Su Hao's eyes swept over the man. But it quickly passed, the man was ignorant, but Su Hao was not stupid, no doubt, after this mission was completed. This guy is going to be ruined, but he still can't feel it. Therefore, disguising his words is not feasible.


Su Hao was placed on another person, the bride girl.


Su Hao looks like a sly.

In the kingdom of heaven.

Li Tiantian is just a sneer, you have it today?


Su Hao smiled, how was this plan formulated?

"What's your name?"

"Chen, Chen Xinglian."

The girl said cautiously.

"Chen Xinglian?"

Su Hao thinks thoughtfully.



Su Hao turned out to be exactly the same as the girl. "From now on, I am also called Chen Xinglian."


The girl is dumbfounded.

And the man is even more dull.


Chen Xinglian pointed to Su Hao.

"The plan needs."

Su Hao sighed, "I need to pretend to be you for the time being."

Chen Xinglian shook her body. "I... will I be ruined?"

"will not."

Su Hao said indifferently, "Do you have any relatives here?"


Chen Xinglian is amazed. "My father used to be the strongest king. Later, I accidentally died. I became abandoned from the descendants of the king. Otherwise, how can these guys kidnap me?"

"It’s good to have no loved ones."

Su Hao said indifferently.


The stars are twinkling.

The door to heaven opens, and everything in it appears.

"This is my world, you will not lack anything." Su Hao said indifferently, "If you are interested, I will keep you safe for a lifetime. Of course, if you disagree, I need to temporarily stun you for a while. After all, I The identity needs to be kept confidential."

Chen Xinglian flashed the color of surprise in her eyes.

Looking at the mysterious world, looking at everything in the kingdom of heaven, then looking at everything on earth now, suddenly feeling what kind of ancient world you live in...

"I go!"

There is no hesitation.

Chen Xinglian made a choice.


Su Hao brought her into the kingdom of heaven, presumably with the enthusiasm of those bachelors, this girl should not be wronged, then his plan can be implemented.

"What's your name?"

Su Hao looked at the man.

"It's still coming."

The man said with trepidation that he had been frightened.

"it is good."

Su Hao smiled lightly.


An invisible wave flashed, and Su Hao turned to Chen Xinglian sitting in the carriage, and the memory of the man was instantly tampered with, and it took a long time to look up in confusion.

"Damn, Zhao San can not pull back yet?"

"Forget it, time is coming!"

Still looking at the time, I looked at the "Chen Xinglian" on the car and then rushed to the Magic Mountain Villa. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
