MTL - Godly Stay-Home Dad-Chapter 1726 Killed back to its original state

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Hanyang Xianjun! How could it be you, do you want to wipe out the human race? "

"Hanyang Xianjun, you are also human, why are you so?"

"Even if we ask our ancestors, they are passive. Why do you kill the entire human race?"

"Everything is done by the ancestors of Tongtian. The ancestors of Tongtian are dead, and the holy heaven is still there. We, we can take our hands to destroy the holy heaven, so stop quickly. All this is the sin of the holy heaven. what relationship?"

"The same human race, Xianyang Xianjun, you are really wrong. First of all, you have no reason to launch a destructive attack on people of the same race. Can the human race restore your lover?" Some ancestors sighed deeply "You should lead us to repair the fairyland and go to the fairyland. We are all willing to let you take charge and lead everyone. You have used Huairou's method instead of slaughter. We are all human!"

Many ancestors spoke.

Some have a low tone, some are very excited, and even a few are blaming, of course, more are begging.

"Hanyang Xianjun, please, let it go. Too many people have died. Could you leave alive for Xiuxian Realm?"

However, facing all the voices, Zhang Han did not move.

His red-eyed flying eyes revealed nothing but the chilling cold mang, and the blood of slaughter.

"Within three breaks, three people leave."


The holy place of the underworld, Akabane Island of Lingxi Xianjun, and the people who were once the Yunxiao Palace also reached nearly one million, and flew to Zhang Han in a panic.

The Bone Legion gave way, but before they left.

Some people are even hesitant to start.

Three interest times have passed.

The bone sword in Zhang Han's right hand suddenly waved and stabbed forward, accompanied by his emotionless voice, all over the world:

"I, represent death!"


All the dry bones of the eyes, at the same time exuding blood awns, in all directions, dense dry bones, moved.

It's like a massive tsunami that hits a small island.

Can't resist at all.

The gap is too big.

"My goodness......"

The three monks not far from Zhang Han stared at the scene in stuns.

"All are dead, all are dead."

They finally understood why there were so many dead bone legions.

Because of the falling monk below, the body withered after a few seconds, turning into a withered bone.

Crazy slaughter, crazy devour.

Everyone in Jiushanjie fell in an hour, except for the three cases.


Countless people sucked in the air.

They felt as if they were falling into an ice cave, and they were all cold.

Look at the scalp tingling.


This is a massacre!

Unprecedented massacre!

No one dares to say anything.

They are very fortunate that if they did not know the ancestors of Mingyu, Lingxi and Hanyang Xianjun, they would be afraid to become dead bones, dead bones without soul.

Zhang Han slowly raised his head.

Take a look at the circular channel in the sky.

That was where Warren and others came, and where his disaster began.


The bone sword stabbed in the air.

The invisible wave shatters the channel.

Gradually, the sky returned to calm.

In the eyes of the three clans.


Endless dead bones, continually gathered together, Baimang flickered, it turned into a large ship full of skulls, Zhang Han stood at the bow.


The broken void left.

He came, with endless bones.

He left, the entire Xinghai, leaving only nearly a million of them.

"Hanyang Xianjun, he ... hey, it's the fault of asking the ancestral ceremony."

There are three cases with great emotion:

"Xiu Xianjie, was killed to the original state, the entire Xinghai, gone."

"We, I

What do we do? "

"Go to Xinghe, Yinlong Xinghe, Mingyuxianjun, Lingxixianjun and Shuitianxianjun are all here. Let's go to Xinghe and so on."

"Yes, go to Yinlong Xinghe. The current Xinghai is not Xinghai."

Not to mention the absence of a jumping star, all the planets have turned into a land of mud, the fog is diffused, and occasionally three or two newborn bones can be seen.

This is the subsequent change and the reason why the bone spirit likes to destroy the world. Whenever there is a dead bone, the bone spirit king is immortal.

With these batches of millions, the only remaining power of Xinghai is to go to Yinlong Xinghe. It is conceivable that Yinlong Xinghe will replace the central Xinghe in the future and become a brand-new Xinghai in the Xiuxian world.

But the scale will return to Xinghai, I am afraid that it will take more than a million years to have hope.

"Hanyang Xianjun alone killed Xiu Xianjie back to the original."

"No one would have believed it if it hadn't been seen with your own eyes, it would be terrible."


Zhang Han has no interest in other people's ideas.

He seemed like a machine without emotion at this time, and was extremely indifferent to strangers.


The Bone Spirit Ship broke through the void and returned to Earth in just a few hours.

The earth is closed, but Zhang Han can come and go freely.

His mind moved slightly, and his right hand trembled beyond reach.


His figure flashed and came to ... Qianlong Village.

This place has his and Mengmeng's little secret.

He hid in the darkness in the shade of trees in the distance.

The figure he loved was devoid of the liveliness of the past.

Meng Meng!

She sat idly in the gazebo.

The letter left by my father rang in my mind:

"Daughter, Dad is going out this time, looking for that chance to save your mother. I don't know how many years it will take to come back. Dad also wants to take you, but no, you must live well and wait for Dad to return ... "

Mengmeng had heart twitching pain.


Mengmeng shouted in pain.

She burst into tears, collapsed to the ground, and cried, "Daddy, don't go,"

Crying for a long time, she went to the edge of the gazebo, holding an envelope in her hand, her voice bleak:

"Dad, you promised me that you will listen to everything I say. I put my wish in the box and it will come true, ohh, I won't let you go ..."

Crying into tears, putting the letter in the stone box looked sad.

Meng Meng's heart-wounding disaster, did not expect that it would come true in such a way.

Zhang Han was slowly taking off his helmet in the dark, his face was vicissitudes, his eyes were red, he held his fists, and wanted to hug her.

But he didn't dare.

"My trip is full of crisis. Dad can't take you. Dad doesn't dare to take you."

Zhang Han murmured, as if to tell himself.

He turned around, one second, two seconds, three seconds!

He lowered his head, a tear, slipping from his cheek, crystal clear, falling on the grass tip and spreading.

The figure of Zhang Han also slowly dissipated.

He reached the endless sea, his right hand stretched out, and the dark mask lying on the ground of the ancient martial arts space floated across the void in his palm.

He slowly flew towards the Bone Spirit ship.

Just like the scene where Ziyan was flying.

He landed slowly on the bow of the boat, holding the helmet in his right hand and putting it on.


Strands of red awns fluttered from his eyes.

Devil-like colors.

No lightness, indifference!


Bone spirit ship, flying upwards.

Zhang Han held the sword with his right, cut through the sky, the space was annihilated, and the big bone ship rushed into it.

This is the way to the real universe.

When the Bone Spirit ship enters the passage, it disappears.

Zhang Han's deep voice came from inside:

"In my eyes, there is only darkness."

When the sound dissipates, the channel also dissipates slowly.


The master's idea light group appeared for a few seconds, and he looked up at the sky and sighed deeply.


When Zhang Han left the aisle, he appeared in the cosmic void.

Here, there is no such kind of world rule as the Immortal Realm. It is completely inaccessible. The space is extremely stable. The starry sky, countless stars, and various nebulae can be seen.

The real universe is vast and boundless.

Zhang Han glanced behind.

There are no traces of the immortal world.

But he can feel it.

In the void of the universe, there is a blue light burning with red flames!

That is the earth, that is the way to guide him home.

The green lantern is full of ancient atmosphere, and the flames are flickering.


Zhang Han fixedly looked for a few seconds, then turned suddenly.

Bone Spirit Ship, leave.

Started its journey in the real universe!

In the perception, there are seven small light spots in the lunar bead in the atrium, seven colors.

Finding them and taking out a drop of blood at the same time is the last hope left.

"First, it's not far."

Zhang Han felt that the red light spot was not far away.

Bone spirit ship, fast flying hidden in the void.

At the same time, endless bone spirits are merging with each other.

Gradually, the domain master-level silver bone spirits, the number is increasing.

Mutual fusion, suddenly, in front of Zhang Han, a blue bone spirit emerged.

World Master!

There is also the silver bone spirit of the 100 billion domain master level.

"I will give you a new life."

Zhang Han smashed the dark mask into a blue bone spirit.

"the host."

The eyes of the blue bone spirit glowed a faint light, and he had the wisdom.

The dark mask is the new birth of Ye Longyuan and the demon clown.

He is conscious but understands his mission.

"From then on, you're the Nocturne."

"Yes, master."

The entire Bingling Army assimilated by the entire Xinghai, not only was promoted to a master blue bone spirit, likewise, Zhang Han's cultivation also came to the middle of the king.

Soon he came to a planet.

You can see spaceships of various shapes, full metal, sharp and heavy.

Bone Spirit Army, quietly descended on the planet.

Zhang Han constantly learned the knowledge and news of this planet.

"Is this the frontier of the Blood Dragon Mountain Empire?"

Zhang Han raised his right hand slightly, pointing his sword at the planet.


The Legion of Bone Spirits erupted in various places on the planet.

It was overwhelmed by the thunderbolt.

The first star of the Blood Dragon Mountain Empire turned into a land of mud.


Bone Spirit ships reunited.

On this planet, there are only one domain owner with a population of 100 billion, but more than seven people are in the midst of a robbery.

The Blood Dragon Mountain Empire, indeed, has some prestige among the Northern Samsung family, with a vast area and a history of five million years.

The North Samsung Group and the Blood Dragon Mountain Empire are the size of the Jiushan Realm and a Holy Land.

The North Samsung system is huge, and it is more powerful than the Blood Dragon Mountain Empire.

But none of this matters.

Zhang Han went straight to the Moon Spirit Bead, and the red dot inducted away.

All the planets that the Bone Spirits had passed through were swallowed up.

One, two, three ... five thousand.

Bone Spirit Legion, all members of the domain owner, the number, 800 trillion!

On the way, Bone Spirits are fused madly.

One world after another was born.

When the domain master bone spirits reduced to 80 billion.

Zhang Han already has 10,000 blue bone spirits.

The night demon, dark blue, is not far away from the king.

Zhang Han's realm also became the late king.