MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 404 Splendid flower

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Biting the teeth will keep the speed of 250 kilometers and five minutes, once again opened the king of Louis, then Zhou Jian mimi loosened the throttle under the foot, the speed of the car suddenly slowed down. In this case, he can no longer drive at high speed.

"Master, master?" From the feeling that Zhou Jian's life reaction is getting weaker and weaker, suddenly anxious.

"I... I am fine..." Zhou Jian took out a powerful potion from the inventory and drank it.

In "God of Devil", the life potion is mainly used to mobilize vitality, but not to add life, and not to use for hematopoiesis. If you can wake up the snow, use Bo Bo to support the fitness in the week, at least you can let Zhou Jian heal the wound of the wrist of the xiong mouth, and now, just by bandaging the bandage, it seems that there is some water.

And the key is that the blood lost by Zhou Jian could not be replenished. At that time, the short spear thrown by Louis King carried the power of the arrogant source and directly smashed Zhou Jian’s left pulmonary artery. If the pulmonary artery ruptured, if it was normal People, even if they are ruptured in the operating room, once they cut into the tube too deep, they will be life-threatening, not to mention that Zhou Jian is completely smashed, and he also used blood stasis in this case.

Therefore, this bottle of life potion has almost no effect. Zhou Jian began to feel chilly, extremely cold, and his muscles could not help but twitch, which directly caused the car to swing slightly.

" are driving..." Zhou Jian said weakly, human beings can hold on for a long time with one willpower, and once they exceed the limit, they will quickly fall down.

Huiyin stayed, "I drive?"

"Yes, away from her...will not drive."

"But... I..." Wen Huiyin really drives, but the highest speed she has ever driven is only seventy or eighty kilometers.

Zhou Jiandao: "It doesn't matter... this is a national road... there are very few cars. And... Louis Wang... can't hold on for too long..."

With the sound of the "吱-" tire rubbing the ground, Zhou Jian stepped on the brakes.

It is very clear that Wenhui is very clear. Now, when it is not impossible, she can only open the door quickly and come to the driver's seat.

"The steering wheel is 1:1..." Zhou Jian's voice was getting weaker and weaker. He forced himself to move to the passenger seat and then fell in his arms.

Just so close to Zhou Jian's body, feeling his cold body temperature, heart cramps.

Wen Huiyin started the car, the car just started, her palms have already sweated, she is the first time to open this kind of car, need to have a process of adaptation.

At this time, Zhou Jian’s consciousness has begun to become blurred. “I am a little cold... away from you...”

I hurriedly took off my coat and wrapped it in the fitness of the week. At the same time, my arms were tightly held by Zhou Jian, and my cheeks were attached to Zhou Jian’s cold face.

"It's better..." Zhou Jian said, his eyes mi away.

The voice of the first whimpered, "Master, you can't sleep."

"No... It doesn't matter... I have the inheritance of Lilith... I can't die..." Zhou Jian said weakly, "It's still a bit cold..."

When the voice was said to be insignificant in the end, Zhou Jian gradually lost consciousness, the breathing was weak, and the beating of the heart began to be disordered.

At this time, I suddenly felt a move, suddenly thought of something, Lilith's ... heritage?

Blood family blood?

"A Jian..." Wen Huiming’s eyes saw Zhou Jian fainting, the pain in his heart was almost suffocating, the tears in his eyes could not stop flowing, she was very aware of the serious injury, and then fainted. What, maybe Zhou Jian can no longer wake up when he sleeps.

However, at this time, she can only concentrate on driving, even if she can not care about Zhou Jian, she can bite her mouth and control the steering wheel. At the same time, she uses the trembling fingers to write the words of the hospital on the screen of the navigator. After searching, she identified a hospital and stepped on the accelerator in one breath. Although she hoped to start to become embarrassed, she also had to fight for it.

At this moment, Wen Huisheng suddenly heard a bang, and swept away with the corner of his eye, but he saw the dagger.

"Leave you?"

I heard that the human voice has not had time to ask questions. I saw that I had opened my wrist artery directly. This knife was very deep, and the blade was not more than an inch. The wrist artery was completely cut without suspense. If the average person, such a If you don't go to the hospital, you will die. Even if you go to the hospital and sew it in time, you may leave some sequelae because of injuries and gluten.

"Leave, what are you doing?"

Wenming Huiyin was shocked. She only saw that the wound of the wrist artery was directly directed at Zhou Jian’s mouth. The blood suddenly flowed into Zhou’s mouth like a stream.

"Is it, you are transfused? But..." Wen Huiyin wants to tell that the blood transfusion can't be lost, but she thinks that the action of dressing the wound before the wound is obviously better than dealing with the wound. More, then of course she knows the correct way to transfuse blood.

Wenming Huiyin had no longer talked. She believed that she had her own reasons. However, slowly, her heart could not be calm, because the blood transfusion had lasted for two or three minutes. In order to increase the blood flow, she also The wound was deliberately opened, and as the blood flowed out, her face was gradually pale.

You must know that there is no treatment in the car. If you have too much blood loss, you can't treat it.

"Leave, what are you doing? If you go on like this, you will die!" Wenhui said with anxious voice, she still did not think that this way can save Zhou Jian.

However, without leaving a word, the blood is still continuously input into Zhou Jian's mouth. Although her face is pale, her arms are as steady as a rock, and they do not move.

The inflow of warm blood sputum, Zhou Jian swallowed in an unconscious state, his body was like a sponge, and all the blood was absorbed by him.

A few days ago, Zhou Jian had been drinking too much blood in order to verify whether he could learn the exercises through reading memory.

The blood of the virgin pure yin body, whether it is on the blood family on the earth, or the pure Dikulas of the blood, is the best blood, because the blood family has no **** law or the system is biased towards yin xing The pure blood of the yin body is the blood to yin to pure blood, this blood can be used as a source of blood power. .

When Zhou Jian left the blood before, he could feel the blood flow seems to blend with the spirit hun, as if the whole body was baptized. It was a very wonderful feeling. The blood from the blood had a magical power to calm the mind. Zhou Jian was indulged in it, so that he had forgotten his experiment at that time.

The blood transfusion has lasted for four or five minutes, and the face is getting paler and paler. Her wrist is faintly trembled, but her eyes are not hesitant, and she is still obsessed with blood transfusion.

At this moment, Zhou Jian’s body suddenly shook a bit, and then coughed.

And this cough is no different from the fire of the night xxx, her heart suddenly moved, she did not hesitate to bite the dagger with her teeth, the wrist of the other hand wiped the blade, with the " The slamming sound of her voice, the wrist artery of her left hand was also cut.

Then, while pointing his hands at Zhou Jian's mouth, the two blood streams flowed in at the same time.

Seeing this scene, the heart of Wen Huiyin was trembled. There is no doubt that drinking blood will help Zhou Jian’s recovery. I am not sure about this at the beginning. She is just experimenting...

However, it is for an experiment, a conjecture, but it is possible to gamble on the line of Xing, and after confirming the effectiveness, she is completely ignoring her own blood loss, and cut her left hand again...

Although Wenhui has long known that she loves Zhou Jian, she does not know how deep this love is, but now she understands that she asks herself if she is away from the ex situ, she can also be Zhou Jian. Blood transfusion, but can not be like this, cut so unhesitated, cut so thoroughly.

In the past, things like the tide flooded into the heart of the people, from the first time to the metal silkworm cocoon want to see, and then the first time to talk to the knee, and then until the hands of the gods invade the Oriental Martial Arts From the risk of life, desperate to save yourself...

Until now... I’m not afraid of Xing’s life for Zhou Jian’s blood transfusion...

Wen Huisheng suddenly found out that she never knew about it. Or, I never knew about Zhou Jian and the past...

She doesn't like to talk, she just does it, and everything she does is out of love for Zhou Jian.

Gradually, the tears of Wen Hui's voice blurred her eyes. She bit her mouth and couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Leaving her heart stabbing, this pain is very complicated, from the purity of separation, but it is this purity, so that the smell of people can not face the feeling, she found that she has no reason, or no Any qualification, take Zhou Jian away from the side...

Blood transfusion has continued. As a family of shadows, the recovery ability is very strong. Although the wound does not heal, a large number of platelets rupture form a thick blood clot, so that the blood flow is getting smaller and smaller.

At this time, from the very calm, I made a knife on the wound, and my eyes didn't blink. She was all concerned about Zhou Jian's life, and nothing else was important.

Wen Huiyin took a deep breath and silently gripped the steering wheel. She finally made a decision, a decision she had been thinking about before, but she could not make it...


The car whizzed and sprinted on the deserted highway. At the end of the field, the distant city shone with sporadic lights, and the faint light became a blur. It was especially beautiful in this thick night. At that moment, Wen Huiyin suddenly felt that the light seemed to be blended with blood, brilliant as a flower...! .