MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 13 : Once Upon a Time in Surasi (2) The Bloody Upper Road

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Seeing this young man, after watching the diorama, he finally entered the state, so Leng Yi could concentrate on watching the next plot.

Fortunately, when the young people came in, the opera was progressing to a plot that he was familiar with, and the current plot has already progressed to the 21st year of the Dali. After Focodo passed away, seeing the plot here, Leng Yi couldn't help but cheer up. , I began to look forward to the bet between Fokodo and the Star God, who will win in the end?

As mentioned earlier, Fokoto chose to pass the position of the chief priest to his in-laws, the priest Mula, while the city-state of Myrdal passed it on to Mula's son-in-law. The second entered the legendary son, the mediocre and incompetent Ukra.

In the 21st year of the calendar, when Fokoto returned to the West with a life span of 75 years, Mula was 67 years old, and he had not been running for a few years, while Ukra was 55 years old. For people with spiritual power, he was about to age. .

But there's nothing you can do. Priest, in terms of seniority, even if Ukla has a solid background, you can shorten your lifespan, but you can't be a priest for 5 years and become the chief priest, so it seems that when Ukla came to power, Also about 60 years old.

However, Ukla's biggest competitor is his father's former ally, 50-year-old Moxie, who is younger than him.

Moxie is not only extremely capable, but also has been a Doraiman priest for 19 years. He has a deep network of connections. In addition, he is the most well-established priest of the Doraiman tribe. It can be said to be a formidable enemy.

However, the above conditions still failed to make Moxie the chief priest.

In the 24th year of the calendar year, Mula chose to step down from the position of the chief priest who had only been for 6 years on his 70th birthday. However, under Mula's negotiation, coupled with Myrdal's own strength and Fokodo's. Yi Ze, 58-year-old Ukra, successfully became the 3rd chief priest of Surasi.

Facing the loss of competition, Moxie did not choose to attack in public, but chose to suppress the matter first and warned his colleagues not to do anything.

Fortunately, Moxi didn't wait for a long time. In the 25th year of the calendar, Mula, who only returned home for one year, has reached the end of his lifespan, and the wily Moxi chose to start the chess pieces he had laid before. do things.

Because Mo Xi knows that Ukla is not only incompetent, but also stubborn, but he is willing to bow his head humbly to the elders. Now the priests who are higher than Ukla and can make Ukla obedient are all gone, which means Ukla is in the If he is stupid, no one can persuade him.

After that, Moxie spent 2 years, through various "accidents", so that Ukla was gradually disgusted by various former allies, and the most excessive thing was that Ukla was too ugly and was forcibly punished A city-state put its beloved son, 33-year-old Shuke, to the position of priest in that city-state.

After that, Moxie provoked Sulashi's war against the barbarians, and successfully threw the blame on Ukra.

After only 2 years, Ukra, who lost the support of his elders, has become a troublemaker who is reckless and likes to pick things up in everyone's mind.

And attacking the barbarians—in fact, the barbarians at this time were still a people who spoke the same language as the Sulassians, so when they attacked the barbarians and captured children, they would become pure Sulassians in a few generations. Barbarians of different languages ​​are still far away from Surasi.

When attacking the barbarians, Moxie activated one of his hole cards.

As mentioned many times before, Focodo has only two sons who have entered the legendary level, so in addition to Ukra, there is also a Kalai, which is also legendary.

Ukla was very careful about Kalai. Carle had always been very dissatisfied, so he had long been on the line with Moxie. Taking advantage of Ukla's duties as a general, he held an emergency meeting in Myrdal to demand that Ukla be dismissed.

Yes, Sullasi has expressly stipulated that when General Sullasi calls each city-state, no war is allowed within each city-state. Once it occurs, no matter the reason, the culprit will die!

But Moxie discovered a major loophole in this treaty several years ago, and it has never been discovered by others!

That is, although it is not allowed to start a civil war when the general appears, Sulassi has no treaty to explain what to do if the city-state priest is dismissed through a legal emergency meeting!

Therefore, Kalai took advantage of this and launched a counterattack against Ukra.

This timing is very good. The barbarian coalition forces that have been defeated one after another are gathering. Ukra, who has led the troops, knows that a decisive battle is coming, which will end this war. News from Ukla.

However, this is Myrdal's private matter, and Ukla has no right to mobilize the coalition forces to punish this situation. And, this is the news, which means that the time of this meeting will be earlier.

In the face of the upcoming decisive battle and his own personal affairs; in a hurry, Ukra granted his beloved son Shuke to become a temporary general, and he returned to Myrdal quickly with his confidants to solve it.

As a result, at the battle meeting, Moxie took a group of people to directly attack Shuk, claiming that Shuke was just a priest who had been in power for less than a year, and had no ability to command the army at all.

What surprised Shuke was that the general of his city-state actually turned against the tide and spoke for the other party. Xiuke is not stupid. Thinking of the previous series of conspiracies, Xiuke understands that at this time, he has encountered a big conspiracy.

In the face of this turbulent, strange and unpredictable situation, Xiu Ke, cowardly.

In front of all the priests, Hugh signed a contract with Moxie, granting the position of temporary general to Moxie.

After winning the Armageddon, Moxie learned the story of Fokodo 19 years ago, and instead of disbanding the coalition, he drove the vast army back to Surasi, demanding the dismissal of the position of the chief priest of Ukra, and taking advantage of this It was only a few days after it was created by Ukra, and when the position of the temporary general was not stipulated by the law, what could be done, he launched a military remonstrance against Ukra.

After Mossi promised that Myrdal would continue to be in the hands of the Myrdal family, the Myrdal family gave up Ukra. In desperation, Ukra chose to launch a decisive charge towards the coalition.

In the 27th year of the Dali, the 56-year-old Moxie fulfilled his long-cherished wish, picked up the blood-stained crown, and became the 4th chief priest of Surasi.

"Do you know what you're doing? You're using blood to make a bad head for future generations!" A black-robed person who acted as an NPC on stage was scolding Doraiman.

Seeing this, Leng Yi nodded. Indeed, Mo Xi's behavior, no matter what other reasons, will definitely provide a good example for future people.

"I know, but I won't change my behavior." Facing the other party's questioning, Doleman pouted his head without fear, "I promise my descendants, who lost their thrones because of incompetence, and I won't go either. No regrets, no regrets."

In a word, in the 27th year of the calendar year, Moxie finally fulfilled his father and grandfather's long-cherished wish, allowing Doleman to stand at the top of Sulassi once again.

However, Moxi, who just took the position, is facing the strange and unpredictable situation of Sulassi. Before that, everyone was just gathering against the big banner of Ukra, and the alliance that had been put together was made to gather under a big banner purely by the sophisticated means of Moxie.

And now that Ukra is down, as the first person to murder the former high priest by remonstrance, Moshi's orthodoxy is inherently inferior to that of Mura and Ukra.

Therefore, the anti-Moxi group quickly gathered together, trying to reduce the influence of the chief priest on each city-state by taking advantage of Moshi's position.

However, in the 27th year of the Dali calendar, the anti-Moxi group was only a prototype. The most difficult problem for Moxi, who had just taken office, was the Myrdal problem.

The rise of Myrdal, in addition to the superb methods of Fokodo and his son, also has a great relationship with Myrdal's geographical location. Myrdal is impartial, just in the center of the Sulassi city-state, so commerce is inherently better than other city-states. have more advantages.

When Focordo was in power, he also implemented many policies that were beneficial to Myrdal. After 27 years of fermentation, Sulassi has formed such a situation.

The altar where Xing Qimu is located is the nominal capital, but it is only the residence of some resident personnel responsible for greeting Xing Qimu. The most lively time there is when the conference is held.

Therefore, Myrdal is the actual ruling center. Except when the Priesthood Assembly is held, generally Fokodo handles Sulassi affairs in Myrdal.

In the last few years of Foucado's reign, even the annual meeting was held in Myrdal, and only the 5th regular meeting in the 16th year of the calendar year went to Xingqimukai.

By the way, that piece of land is already called Xingqimu. Of course, it is not like this in Sulassi, but Leng Yi can directly translate it as Xingqimu.

After Mura took the position, it was obvious that Mura was also concerned about this situation, but after all, his Kendall and Myrdal were firmly tied together, and it was too obvious that it was not good. In a move that others have nothing to say, move the location of the annual meeting back to Xingqimu.

However, Mla only ruled for 6 years. After Mla stepped down, Ukla changed it again, and the food looks quite ugly. It is stipulated that bulk goods must go through Myrdal, and UU Reading can only be transported after paying taxes for him. .

This kept Myrdal active for a few more years.

This is what Moxie is facing now. Myrdal is powerful and very powerful. Only by pulling half of the city-states together can he explode Myrdal.

Facing such a powerful Myrdal, Moxie thought of the story of his great grandfather. After his great grandfather (that is, Fokodo's great-grandfather) died, Doleman was divided into three parts, and the strength of the headquarters was greatly weakened.

So, as the chief priest, Moxie maliciously mediated against the disputed Myrdal, taking advantage of the factional struggle within Myrdal.

In the end, the weakest faction of Myrdal, Shuke, chose to give up his original city-state and become a priest of Myrdal.

The two strongest factions, including Kalai, who had turned against the water before, took away a quarter of Myrdal's population and resources, and established a new city-state with the initial support of Sulassie.

In the 27th year of the calendar year, Myrdal was divided into three parts, and his strength was greatly weakened.

Then there is the question of the capital.

Moxy knew that it was impossible for Doraiman to form a new capital, and other city-states would not allow it. So under the rule of Moxy, Moxy began to plan the establishment of Xingqimu, preparing to make Xingqimu (not Xingqimu). That wood, which is now the name of the region), was built into the real capital.

As the place where the star **** first appeared, it was very reasonable for Moxi to use the power of Sulassi to build it, and all the priests could not fault it.

In the 28th year of the Dali, Moxi had been preparing to build the new Doleman city-state for 10 years, and finally the construction was completed. Moxi chose to relocate his ruling center there. After all, with the development of the times, the old Doleman has gradually No longer the center of Surasi, and after relocating there, Moxy can get better convenience.