MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 15

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When the young man opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in an alley, and the warm afternoon sun shone on him, providing him with some warmth.

"Well... have I still been let go?" After a brief period of surprise, the young man's heart was filled with ecstasy, "That person... must be the Star God! I have seen the Star God, And I have been chatting and laughing with the Star God! Ah, this...hehe, haha!"

The young man shouted towards the sky as if he was mentally ill, and then said silently in his heart: "I must be a human being chosen by the Star God, and I will definitely leave it in the history of Sulassi that belongs to me. I will definitely enter the Hall of Valor of the Star God!”

Ignoring the ecstatic young man beside him, Leng Yi is now in a small town, descending to see the town in person.

Well, maybe there will be more countries in the future, so I won't have the leisure to go to country by country to slowly watch their progress... But, who can tell what will happen in the future?

Leng Yi is in this small town, yes, a small town, he is not an independent city-state, the priest of the town, known as the priest, is just a subordinate priest who obeys the priest of Kalai, and is completely loyal to Kalai. The priests have no independent diplomatic powers.

This town is a satellite city built at the foot of the Kalai City-State Mountains. The main task is to dig the magic ore hidden under the mountains.

This mountain range was named Kalai Mountains after Kalai, and another mountain range next to him was called Turabi Mountains.

There are magic spar stones with fire attributes hidden in the Kalai Mountains. After they are excavated, whether they are wizards or warriors, they can use these things to enhance their power.

In the nearby Turabi Mountains, there are a large number of excellent iron ore buried, and whether it is the new Turabi family or the Kalai family, they have relied on these newly discovered things to complete the turnaround of the salted fish.

As for how they quickly mastered iron smelting technology? The Star God also showed some strength.

The small town Leng Yi is now walking to is because of the digging of magic spar, and gradually converged into a small town. 53 years ago, he was held by the priest of Kalai, who was already the son of Kalai at that time. This pastoral position was established.

At this time, in the entire Surasi, there are mainly five city-states that are the most important. These five city-states are Myrdal, Doraiman, Turabi, Kalai and Xingqimu.

From the words of the people in the town, Zhao Ruiyuan learned that Xingqimu is holding the 14th martial arts competition every four years.

The martial arts competition was proposed by the sage Moxi in the 48th year of the Dali calendar. It selected young people under the age of 25 from all over the country to compete by force. Including this one this year, it has been held for 14 sessions so far, and each meeting is held for 4 years. One month after the end of the Star God Conference, it will be held in Xingqimu.

Emmmm... Interesting, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing, and I just happened to be hanging out here. Let's go to the legendary No. 1 Martial Arts Club in the world, ahhh, the martial arts tournament.

Thinking of this, Leng Yi flew to the south of Sulassie to watch the 14th martial arts conference being held in Xingqimu. It happened that, you can also see through the martial arts conference to see how Sullasi has been in spiritual power over the years. The development of the degree of study.

The rules of the Tournament Tournament, the rules on the bright side are very simple, and they are set at the entrance of the tournament venue.

Xingqimu is a special city-state. There are permanent residents in the city-state. However, the priests of Xingqimu are not fixed. As early as the era when Moxi was still alive, in order to reduce the powerful Myrdal at that time, Moxi was very fond of Xingqimu. After some construction, it is stipulated that who becomes the chief priest and who is the priest of Xing Qimu.

However, the root of the chief priest is not in Xing Qimu after all, so he is not very concerned about the governance of Xing Qimu, plus the chief priest of Liushui, finally as early as the age of Luke's son, Xing Qimu's control has been It fell into the hands of the servant officer Xing Qimu.

Xing Qimu Servant Officer, as the name suggests, this position was first set up by Folkado to specifically take care of Xing Qimu. However, with the construction of Xing Qimu by Moxi, the position of Xing Qimu Servant Officer was It has been held by Doleman's branch to this day.

Today, the name suffix of the Xingqimu attendant has been added with the vocabulary of Su Xingqimu Dorlaiman, indicating that he is Doleman's branch in Xingqimu.

After the Xingqimu riot in 93 Dali, the Xingqimu servants stood firmly in the camp of the current Chief Priest Turga. Erga granted Xing Qimu the position of acting priest, which is justifiable to get the ruling power of Xing Qimu.

Taking a look at the fighting table, the martial arts club is roughly divided into three categories, the warrior group, the mage group, and the team group.

Although Leng Yi has no tickets for admission, who is Leng Yi? Leng Yi easily slipped in, found a suitable corner, and began to watch the battle of spiritual power for the first time with his own eyes.

It depends on the best one to see, so when Leng Yi came in, it was the finals of all three groups.

However, because the team group has members going to other groups, it usually staggers a week from the first two groups for the finals, so Leng Yi decided to watch the finals of the warrior and mage groups and leave.

In order to see the two finals at the same time, Leng Yi divided into two bodies, one side went to see the teacher, the other side went to see the fighters.

First, let's talk about warriors.

The two warriors in the final battle of the warrior group, one from the city-state of Kalai and the other from the city-state of Myrdal. Although these two city-states are descendants of Fokodo, the hatred between the two sides is much greater than that of Myrdal and Doleman.

Myrdal sees Kalai as a boy of two or five, and Kalai sees Myrdal as a tyrant.

And the strength of these two warriors, without exception, is the fire phosphorus level that can release spiritual power, and they are in the last stage before they have the domain.

When the two warriors just fought, although they were already at the Fire Phosphorus level, they did not directly use their spiritual power to fight, but let the spiritual power attach to the body surface to form an armor-like thing, and then smashed the opponent hard.

Due to concerns about possible casualties, the use of weapons is prohibited in the competition.

Is it exhausting?

As the game progressed, Kalai's fighters began to fall behind. He couldn't hold it any longer at first, so he used his spiritual power to release the spiritual power on Myrdal's fighters. The young man in Dahl.

Leng Yi clearly saw the sneer of the contestants from Myrdalfang, and knew that the contestants of Kalai were worse.

Sure enough, in the rhythm of Kalai players being caught by Myrdal, although there were several wonderful counterattacks, they still lost in the end.

During the battle, Leng Yi also saw some new things, martial skills developed by Sulassie. Operating the body according to a fixed frequency can make the external spiritual power exert a higher power than before.

Let's talk about the wizard group, the two finalists in the wizard group, one is still from the city-state of Kalai, and the other is from a city-state that Leng Yi has never heard of. One of the 22 ancient city-states, but the ruling family of this city-state has been replaced by another because of the failure to stand in line. Now the ruling family of this city-state is a branch of the Kenai family.

The development of Sulassi's mages in these years is also gratifying. One is the magic cloth that I have seen in Merami before.

The sorcerers of Surasi have already mastered the enchanting technique of engraving some simple magic circles on ordinary items, but the magic that can be engraved now is some relatively basic magic.

In addition, for the four elements of water, fire, soil, and soil, the mages of Sulassi have also determined, and have mastered the healing technique of the light attribute and the curse of the dark attribute.

In short, by now, the six-pointed star of King David has been gathered by the mages of Sulashi.

However, to Leng Yi's disappointment, the mages of Sulassi have only obtained these basic things over the years. The cultivation system of mages is still the system of copy warriors, and they have only undergone some repairs to this day. , without much change.

After thinking about it for a while, Leng Yi understood this situation, perhaps because the priests put most of their energy into fighting for power and profit, and began to ignore the most primitive duties of priests and study magic?

You can't do this. Let me tell you, ah ah ah, that mage of Kalai city-state, UU reading www. You are a mage! Remember you are a mage! You use the flame to transform into a flaming knife, and then rush towards the opponent. What the hell! And the one on the other side! You cast a hardened skin on yourself and rushed towards the opponent! ?

You are a wizard group! ? You should go to the warrior clan!

Seeing this, Leng Yi felt despair over Sulassie's bizarre mage battle.

In fact, when I saw Sulassi for the first time decades ago, I noticed this problem, but at that time I felt that Sulassi was the embryonic form of civilization. of the mage.

But looking at it today... Not only did he not adjust, but the whole Surasi was even more and more crooked, running towards the battle mage all the way!

just speechless...

However, the strength of the mage is mainly due to the fact that after entering the legendary level, the mage's domain can create brilliant magic to attack, while the warrior can only attack with spiritual power in the realm, which causes Sulassi to always focus on the mage, only But the focus is on the legendary mage.

Alas~ Ma Dan, I must find a correct mage in the future... But the correct mage, in this most ancient era, is there a rush?

Not to mention Leng Yi's inner activity, the battle continued, and in the end the mage group ended with the victory of Kalai City-State.

Leng Yi didn't know much about Turga, although he knew that Turga was doing something and wanted to attack Doleman at the awards ceremony.

But these, Leng Yi doesn't care anymore, after all, Turga is not Moxie. Leng Yi is going to take a look now. Bourbon, who has put a lot of thought into it, will go to hold a conference of the gods, find the God of Light, and calculate the general account.