MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 16 : The Assembly of the Gods

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After watching the development of Sulassie, Leng Yi flew to Bourbon Island to see how the Bourbon people who have invested a lot of effort are doing now.

As early as on the country list, Leng Yi knew that the Bourbons have not yet formed a country, but the current Bourbons have formed some small alliances from tribes, with the original mother state as the main body.

And because of the voyages of the Bourbons, some of them have now begun to try to explore farther places, and even the continent under their feet, what is it like.

Compared to the God of Light, who came off in person, and the Star God who occasionally mentioned Sulassie, the Sea God of Bourbon was a lot more lazy, and he hardly cared about the Bourbons.

However, no matter how you look at Bourbon, there is nothing to see. After all, Bourbon has not even established a primitive city-state, and is just a group of tribal residents. Therefore, after quickly ending Bourbon's browsing, Leng Yi returned to the God Realm and began to prepare for the upcoming God Realm Conference.

In the God Realm, Leng Yi's identity is the ancestral **** closest to the root, and the most powerful one among the gods.

With the name of the ancestor god, Leng Yi has already designed it. In the not-too-distant future, he will do something to make the ancestor **** fall, then the gods will fight, and then get a few lucky people in the mortal world who have obtained the inheritance of the fallen ancestor god. After that, I was thinking about the future plot of Ancestral God, Leng Yi only designs so much now.

Well, the person I chose was called the Child of Destiny, not Long Aotian.

After all, he made this world a Western world, so when the Divine World Conference was held, Leng Yi initially wanted to make the Ancestral Temple where the conference was about to be held as a place like the Colosseum of Rome.

But thinking about it, a bunch of gods are like a spiral, surrounded by circles around you, and you are standing in the center of the square, Leng Yi suddenly becomes more and more uncomfortable, isn't this a monkey show? So Leng Yi decided to revise the design.

Well, on the other hand, the other gods are still in circles on the surrounding auditorium, but the center of the originally flat square is now protruding like a multi-layered cake, and I stand on the highest point and can look down on it. that group of people.

Yes, that's it.

Thinking of this, Leng Yi waved it a few times, and the Ancestral Temple, which was originally like a star, changed with Leng Yi's thoughts.

During the change, Leng Yi discovered that some gods wanted to visit him before the conference, but he was not at home before, so the Ancestral Temple automatically refused for him.

Emmmm... to create an independent image of the ancestors and gods, it is better to refuse them to hold small meetings in private. ,

After finishing the pre-arrangement, Leng Yi lay down on the highest place and slept beautifully. Before going to bed, he skipped the time to an hour before the meeting.

When Leng Yi opened his eyes, several months had passed, and now, in another hour, the first conference of the gods was about to be held.

Even if he was inside, Leng Yi could still talk about the investigation. At this time, there were already a lot of gods crowded outside, but because the Ancestral Temple was still closed, they couldn't come in.

Well, indeed, with the strength of the ancestor gods, I can easily release their pigeons, but they dare not release their own pigeons. Leng Yi also checked it from the system. This time, all the gods are very generous. For their own face, at least no one dares not to come.

Well, there's only one hour left, so let them in.

Thinking of this, Leng Yi raised his hand and made a pull gesture towards the gate in the distance. With a bang, the gate opened to the gods waiting outside.

"I originally thought that as the most powerful god, there must be something strange waiting for us in the ancestral temple of the gods, but now I look at it, it's nothing strange," a **** looked at the assembly hall with a few eyes in his eyes. Disdain.

After Leng Yi's adjustment, he didn't design the venue much, he just installed all the marbles.

As the gate opened, the gods streamed in, and with good or bad relationships, they gathered together in twos and threes to form small circles.

Although the speed of the gods will become faster if they use their power to fly over, but for the master of this territory, unless it is allowed in advance, it is a provocation to the master. Therefore, the gods can only go slowly and leisurely. Walk forward—very slow indeed at the usual speed of the gods.

Following the stairs, the gods walked to the auditorium and sat down one by one. And those who feel strong will continue to walk up, preparing to go to the top seats.

And with the entry of the gods, the gods also saw the ancestral gods.

Ancestral God is still wearing a mask made of ice, wearing a black robe that cannot be seen, and is suspended in the sky above the center of the square. Some gods joked in private, saying that the ancestor **** and the **** of ice and snow have a leg, so they always wear the ice mask.

As the gods took their places one by one, in the end, all the gods sat down. Then, when the appointed time came, the ancestral **** summoned a golden seat, and a tower suddenly protruded in the center of the square. It stopped when it reached the height where the ancestor **** floated.

"My compatriots, since we were born, this is the first time we have met like this." Because he couldn't see the expression behind the mask, and the Ancestral God spoke in a very cold tone, other gods could not judge the Ancestral God's emotions.

Of course, these things are actually done with the support of the system. With the character of Leng Yi, how could it be possible to make such an iceberg-like tone.

In addition, the language of the gods is Chinese, and the gods cannot communicate with humans in Chinese.

As the Chinese words popped out one by one, Leng Yi couldn't help but feel a burst of joy. After many years, he was finally able to speak Chinese happily.

"What should be our responsibilities as gods?" Leng Yi asked a rhetorical question, then raised his hand, and the position of the **** of trade of Merami, who was sitting in the second tier in the distance, rose instantly. stand up.

"!!" He found that the Ancestral God had raised the seat of the Merami Trade God, but he didn't notice it, and the hearts of the gods who were closest to the Ancestral God couldn't help but tremble.

Is this the strength of the guy standing at the top of the gods? If it is this kind of strength... wait! Soon, a **** found it, and thought he had discovered it. The ancestral **** raised the **** of trade in Merami, not by his own strength, but related to this ancestral temple...

Several of the most powerful gods next to the ancestral gods soon felt the power flowing inside this seemingly ordinary ancestral temple apart from being huge.

So it turns out, is it because of this Ancestral Temple that it is so powerful?

Soon, the concept of ancestral gods = invincible in the ancestral temple was imprinted on the hearts of several gods who had "he can be replaced" in their heads.

"Let's answer it, the **** of contentment, or I should call you, the **** of trade in Mailami," Leng Yi took the word "trade" very seriously.

Hearing Leng Yi calling the other party the **** of trade, the lower level present exploded for a while, because the other party actually changed his clergy. This is unimaginable!

And after hearing the strange words in Leng Yi and the ill-intentioned accent, the God of Trade of Mailami sat down involuntarily. He knew that the back door he had worked so hard to develop was still discovered, and now , Ancestral God is to use himself to make a knife.

After listening to it, you can understand that it is absolutely impossible for a **** like the God of Trade to be born naturally between heaven and earth.

The **** of trade in Mailami was originally just a very low **** of satisfaction, meaning that it can satisfy the other party, and satisfaction is not a powerful ability to satisfy wishes. In fact, satisfaction is pleasure, yes, it is Mapo The joy of tofu.

For the gods such as the Surasi Star God and the Bourbon Sea God, their primitive priesthood is very powerful, and naturally it does not matter to the beliefs of the mortal world.

But for the gods of contentment, the gods who feel very low when they hear their names, relying on faith is the only way to turn their salted fish over.

Of course, it is not the same as the God of Light. The God of Merami does not rely on faith to strengthen himself. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com relies on faith to transform himself into a priesthood, from the **** of contentment to the **** of trade.

Yes, change the priesthood!

This is also the unique stunt first developed by the God of Trade of Mailami. However, before the conference, other gods did not know that they had developed this ability, but now, with the big mouth of the ancestor god, the presence of All the gods of , who should understand, all understand.

Damn Ancestral God! Thinking of this, the God of Trade of Merami felt resentment towards the Ancestral God, but it was immediately suppressed by the God of Trade of Merami.

In his mind, the **** of trade of Merami wished to swallow the ancestor god, but the reality is that the **** of trade of Merami had to answer the question of the ancestor **** honestly: "Respected ancestor god, the task of our **** is to repair the sky. to prevent chaos from invading this world from beyond."

This is a standard answer, which is impeccable, so Leng Yi nodded and waved his hand to let the other party sit down.

"Very good, repair the wall of the big sky to prevent chaos from invading from the sky. But recently, I found that there are some gods who are not doing their jobs and are interested in the following things."

When Leng Yi said this, Star God Sulassi twisted his body unconsciously. After all, after all, he brought this ethos with him.

Although the God of Slaughter has always accepted the power of the lower realm, he hardly interferes with the lower realm, so he keeps going back up, and the first lower realm he traces back is himself.

"But for the lower realm, I don't think it's a big deal." However, at this time, Leng Yi suddenly changed the subject and relaxed his words.

Just when Star God Sulassi breathed a sigh of relief, Leng Yi suddenly attacked: "However, Ruiying God of Light, can you get up and explain it to me!"