MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 17 : Anger of the Ancestor God

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Hearing that Leng Yi suddenly attacked the God of Light, and put a prefix of Ruiying on the God of Light, all the gods felt a chill in their hearts, knowing that Leng Yi was not good.

By the way, the Sullasi Star God is not called Sulassi Star God. He has his own name. Similarly, the Ruiying Light God also has his own name, but Leng Yi thinks that using civilization to add The prefix is ​​more appropriate, that's why they are called that.

Although the God of Light was reprimanded, the God of Light was not very flustered in his heart. The big deal was that he was imprisoned. He was one of the six elemental gods. Could it be that the Ancestral God dared to kill him?

The multiple gods in one position set by Leng Yi are limited to gods within a range, such as the stars at the top, the land on the ground, the waters on the sea, the sky in the sky, and a **** will appear within a certain range.

However, such as the **** of light and the **** of darkness, including the original priesthood of the **** of trade and the **** of contentment, they are all unique. However, the former is unique because it is too important, and the latter is unique because it is too lazy to talk nonsense on such a boring priesthood.

In addition, the land gods of the earth element and the earth gods of a certain range, the wind and thunder gods and the sky gods of a certain range are also separated.

To be honest, Leng Yi is still very optimistic about the **** of trade in Mailami. This guy is the first to discover the potential of civilization, because civilization can bring new priesthoods to the gods. If the opportunity is discovered by other bigwigs, such as the **** of light grasping justice and the **** of darkness grasping tyranny, then the group of salted fish gods will have to continue to salt fish.

Faced with the censure of the Ancestral God, the first thing that the God of Light thought of was to pretend to be stupid: "I don't know what Your Excellency Ancestral God is referring to."

Seeing that the God of Light insisted on not admitting it, in addition to being annoyed, Leng Yi had a pleasant stimulation.

When I was a child, watching the stars on TV, I wanted to act very much, but unfortunately I never got the chance, and in this world, anyway, I am an invincible existence, so I can't realize my dream well and act well. Fan.

Leng Yi drove himself and deliberately snorted: "What time is it now..." Having said that, Leng Yi stopped, and then aimed at Sura, who has been working hard to make himself Akalinized On the West Star God, "You, get up and answer!"

With a wave of Leng Yi's hand, the position of the Sulassi Star God was also floated into the air.

Seeing this, all the gods present understood, it seems that the ancestor gods are going to pull out and criticize these idle children of the lower realm!

But didn't the Ancestral God say that the lower realm is nothing? A **** is in the soul link, and he is questioning another **** who has a good relationship with himself.

Although this deity knows that the Ancestral God relies on the Ancestral God Temple, it is possible to hear what he is saying in his heart, but so what? As long as he doesn't speak out on the spot, it's not a challenge to the ancestors.

Hearing this god's question, his companion held his forehead helplessly and said: "You are really an idiot, you can believe whatever the ancestor **** says?"

Here, it was actually Leng Yi's intention. Leng Yi deliberately said first that the gods were not banned from the lower realm, and then deliberately pulled out the first three gods from the lower realm to criticize them one by one.

This is done for two purposes.

One, is to make other gods form the impression that the ancestors have different words and deeds, and have a bad temper, and cultivate the foundation for the future drama of the ancestors' fall.

The second is to stop the gods from swarming the lower realm, and then starve the cowardly to death, and support the daring to death, reducing the number of deities in the lower realm.

Although he knew that this was impossible, Leng Yi still wanted to prevent the birth of every civilization from having the shadow of the participation of gods, because of a strange obsession.

Then he specially created the realm of the gods - that's how Leng Yi does things.

Okay, back to the conference scene, as the Star God's position was raised by the Ancestral God, the Star God knew that his ostrich tactics had completely failed, so he had to answer the Ancestral God's question honestly. His own priesthood is not unique, and he cannot be as unscrupulous as the God of Light. Moreover, not all those who look forward to dying together are talking about cross talk.

"Respected Ancestral God Your Excellency, the root cause tells us that it is June of the 100th year of the calendar." Without resisting like the God of Light, the Star God Surasi answered honestly.

The so-called root tells us that it is naturally what Cold Game sees in the title interface, the time bar in the upper right corner.

"Very good, sit down," Leng Yi raised his hand and pressed down like a primary school student, and the seat of the Sullasi Star God sank again and returned to its original place.

After the Sulassi Star God sat down, Leng Yi stood up from his seat and turned his face to the only standing classmate, ahhh, the only standing god, Ruiying Light God.

"Suraxi Star God said it very well," Leng Yi deliberately increased the tone of the three words Sulassi, so that many gods present set their sights on Sulassi Star God.

But now, Star God Surasi has already looked away. Facing so many gazes, Star God Surasi looked up at the ancestor god, as if he was listening intently, and did not hear the voiceover of the ancestor **** at all... not right. , Surasi Star God is looking at the ceiling, right?

"In June of the 100th year of the calendar," Leng Yi repeated the answer of the Star God of Sulassi, and then explained to the gods, "The calendar is the calendar appointed by the origin, although I don't know why the origin has appointed that one. The year is the calendar, but since the root cause is determined, then we must abide by it, now, yes, the calendar is 100 years, 100 years!"

Speaking of this, Leng Yi suddenly hammered the golden throne with his hand. The armrest of the golden throne was instantly smashed by Leng Yi's power. The Ancestral Temple, which was still a bit noisy, was silent in an instant. As for one of the focuses, the God of Light , his face was completely white because of the aura emanating from the Ancestral God.

"However, in some places, people never know the calendar. They only know how many years it is in the Guangming calendar. The Guangming calendar!" Leng Yi added emphasis to the three words Guangming calendar.

Seeing how things turned out like this, the God of Light knew that he couldn't get through, and knelt down on one knee towards Leng Yi: "I didn't think about this matter, I didn't..."

"The starting year of the calendar is determined by the root! You have set up a bright calendar, you mean, you are more powerful than the root?"


Leng Yi interrupted him directly, and roared at the God of Light according to the actions he had practiced many times: "Wow, it is more powerful than the root cause, this is the first time I have seen it; you are so powerful, I didn't know it before! Don't let us make gestures, after all, I was only the **** who was the closest to the root, and now there is a **** who is more powerful than the root, do I have to check the root first?"

Leng Yi has been rehearsed - after the pause time, practice what he wants to say in advance, so he can spout so many words, in the face of Leng Yi's stormy language bombardment, the face of the **** of light is blushing, okay It took a long time to say: "As far as I know, at the Sulasi Star God..."

Seeing that this guy is unlucky, but he wants to make himself unlucky even more unlucky, and he has ulterior motives in front of the ancestor god, not to say his real name, but to use the Sulashi just invented by the ancestor god. Star God, Star God was instantly anxious, and in the little book in his heart, he hated the God of Light.

Knowing that he was implicated, the Sulasi Star God is not the coward of the God of Trade of Mailami downstairs. Although there are also a lot of Star Gods, but his power is the strongest among the Star Gods, otherwise Can't do the second layer.

"Your Excellency Ancestral God!" In desperation, the Suraxi Star God even forgot to add the prefix of respect, "When my Surassi country records the year, it always writes the calendar first, and then writes the same as Sura. Founding of the West!"

Seeing the voice of the Sulassi star god, the other **** in charge, the **** of trade of Mailami, also said: "My use of Mailami is also how many years in the calendar, followed by how many years Mailami was founded. what!"

Fake! You bastard, when Mailami started, copying my Sulassie system everywhere, I haven't settled with you yet!

If the Merami Trade God knew the roar of the Star God's heart, he would definitely say, God's business, can this be considered plagiarism? Maybe it's the human beings in the lower realm, and they all have the same heart.

"So the two of you have already sat down," Leng Yi comforted the restless Er Shen, then turned his head and scolded the God of Light, "So now, what else do you have to say!"

"I just think that every time I write the calendar for how many years, and then how many years after the founding of the country, it's just a waste of space." After a long time, the God of Light finally popped out an explanation from his mouth, um, because it's a waste of space.

"Oh, UU reading is a waste of space, so should I still praise you for your high awareness of environmental protection? You are very diligent and thrifty? Then you think that the root prompt is a waste of space, then will you feel that in the future? There are so many star **** positions, it’s a waste of space, it’s better to have only one left!”

Hearing this sentence, all the Star Gods twisted their bodies uneasy, and the Surasi Star God almost cried, what's the matter, why did it involve me again?


"Then, after that, do you think that the God Realm is too crowded with so many gods, is it better to keep only one of your gods!"

"Nothing!" In the face of Leng Yi's words of punishment, the God of Light was shocked and vetoed, "This, how can it be extended from this trivial matter to..."

"Small thing? Don't think I don't know, you all have a different mood because I haven't appeared for a long time, right? He can be replaced! Right!"

Leng Yi jumped up, jumped in front of the God of Light, and levitated: "You, dare to say that you didn't have other hearts when you were promoting the Bright Calendar."

Seeing that the situation has become such a situation, the God of Light has understood that he can't win the Ancestral God in this debate: "No, I really didn't mean it."

Speaking of which, the God of Light knelt down on one knee to the Ancestral God, and lowered his head deeply: "I will correct my mistakes immediately. I really thought about it when I did it, and I am very sorry."

What? Are you getting soft? I haven't tried my best yet, why did you kneel down? I still have two cards to play! Get up, get up, we're debating.

Leng Yi's mood at this time was like when he was fighting the landlords, the Tianwang Zhuang had not been used yet, and he had only two cards left, a feeling of emptiness, loneliness and coldness.