MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 21 : Xingqimu College

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Leng Yi was possessed by an ordinary student, ready to use the student's body to browse the academy.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of Xingqimu Academy, I saw three statues in front of the gate. The statues were carved from white jade.

Hehe, even the art of sculpture has begun to develop? Although it is impossible to tell who the objects of this sculpture are, Leng Yi can extract memory from the memory bank. Through the memory in the memory bank, Leng Yi clearly knows who the three statues are carved by.

The first is carved by the chief priest who founded the academy; the second is the greatest graduate of Xingqimu Academy, Napolica; the third is for Napoli in order to resist the barbarian invasion during the Sulassian Civil War The generation of deans who sacrificed their lives to buy time.

After walking through the gate, Leng Yi came to the interior of Xingqimu College. What caught my eye was a square with several high platforms. In the past, several young students would go to the high platform from time to time to express their unique ideas. opinion.

Today, only one student stood on the high platform and gave a cadenced speech, and many people gathered around him.

Out of long-lost curiosity, Leng Yi squeezed into the crowd to listen to what this student had to say.

All I heard was that the student drew a magic circle on a wooden board, and then put the wooden board in front of his mouth. Leng Yi guessed that this thing was a magic circle used to amplify the sound.

It seems that Sulashi's magic development is relatively optimistic, and this kind of thing has come out.

The content of this student's speech was to rebuke the world: "In the era of Napolika, Xingqimu Academy was still so pure, they would only recruit the descendants of the priest family! Why? Because the descendants of the priest family are born have an obligation to rule Sulassie."

Having said this, the student paused, cleared his throat and continued his speech: "As we all know, farmers are good at farming, merchants are good at trade, soldiers are good at fighting, and priests are good at ruling."

Hey, bro, don't lie to me because I don't read much. How do I remember that priests first studied magic and worshipped gods, and when did they become synonymous with being good at ruling?

"Everyone is also clear, only those who have permanent income can have perseverance. Priests have a fixed income. Unlike farmers, they have to pray to the gods for the weather arrangement. Unlike businessmen, they have to pray for taxes at their destination and safety on the road. Priests don't have to worry about it. These, so you can devote all your energy to governing the territory, so the priests are the best rulers of Surasi!"

Hey, hey, this old man, you're clearly arguing.

But only Leng Yi thought so. When Leng Yi saw the people around him dressed in the same way as the lecturers on the stage, they all seemed to agree with them, while the passers-by in gray clothes looked at them meaningfully. a student.

Huh, it's weird, why are there so many people here? Not a student yet? Also, the brother of the speech, what question is he trying to say?

"And we, and Xingqimu Academy, were set up to cultivate more excellent priests."

"However, the great star **** is merciful, and it is impossible to put all talents on the priests. For example, in the Doraiman rebellion (that is, the first Sulassi civil war), Su, who was specially promoted by the savior Lord Greek people, Nord. Therefore, there will also be some outstanding talents who are specially allowed to enter Xingqimu Academy."

Hearing this, Leng Yi knew that some talents with outstanding talents would be chartered to enter Xingqimu Academy.

"There are some others, our good partners, attendants. During the ten years we studied at Xingqimu Academy, they took care of our daily life all the time, so they are also qualified to sit in."

Oh, listening, no wonder there are people around who are wearing different clothes from the students, wandering around.

"However, a new measure was introduced this year, which made people extremely angry. When did Xingqimu, who is only a talent, become a fortune? When did Xingqimu College, which can only graduate from outstanding students, change? As long as you have money, you can graduate!"

Having said this, the student on the stage roared very angrily, with a very devoted expression: "Could it be that the graduation certificate of Xingqimu Academy will become worthless in the future! Oh, you graduated from Xingqimu, but the one next door The son of the businessman also graduated from Xing Qimu, I think, Xing Qimu Academy is nothing special!"

Hearing this, Leng Yi felt that he was very lucky. He took time to come here, and he was able to come across such a big show.

Although now, Leng Yi's heart is calm, but in order not to be too prominent, Leng Yi still learns from the regular students around him, raising his hands high and scolding the school side together.

Seeing this, Leng Yi knew that the purpose of this student was not pure. Moreover, if this student was stable, it was estimated that even if something went wrong, this student would not only have no trouble, but would also gain a wave of prestige.

Because at this time, the regular students in the Xingqimu Academy, except for those talented and dazzling talents, were all sacrificing to the second generation.

If you are arrested, who knows that these students who are arrested by you will not become priests in the future? You must know that Xingqimu Academy has calculated by itself that after graduating from Xingqimu Academy and becoming a descendant of a legendary priest, the probability of becoming a priest in the end is 82%.

On the grounds of going out for training in the past few months, and adding some chaos techniques, Leng Yi successfully learned from a formal student beside him how things started.

Xingqimu Academy was originally a family that only recruited priests, but this group of young masters and young ladies are spoiled one by one, and they are expensive, how can there be no one to serve them?

So, Xingqimu Academy allowed the students to bring some attendants over to take care of the students' lives, so that the students could concentrate on their studies, um, concentrate on their studies.

Slowly, the people of Surasi discovered a rule that bypassed the rule that only the priest family could enter Xingqimu, that is, let their children enter as attendants.

And every one who is selected as a servant, the family behind it is at least a small noble. Although it is unknown in Xingqimu, it is also a force that cannot be underestimated in the local area.

And these attendants are also qualified to sit in Xing Qimu. If they have good talent and are attracted by their tutors, they can also become sub-students. Those who are not nobles with excellent talent are also sub-students in Xing Qimu.

Ordinary attendants, after the end of the academy, the family can spend money to buy a graduation certificate from Xingqimu Academy - not a graduation certificate, it means that you have also worked in Xingqimu.

After all, your child has also stayed in Xingqimu for so long, so you must have some proof, right? And with the completion certificate, it will be easier to enter the circle of Xingqimu graduates in the future.

In fact, since Napolika, Xingqimu graduates have almost monopolized the circle of priests. If all priests did not graduate from Xingqimu, they would always be excluded by those who graduated from Xingqimu.

And the money that those families bought the certificate of completion was also a big income for Xing Qimu.

In addition to regular students, secondary students, and attendants, the students that Xingqimu can study, there are also maintenance workers who specialize in maintaining facilities in Xingqimu.

The family behind every maintenance worker is also an income for the academy.

In addition to students, they are teachers.

There are two kinds of mentors, one is the former priest who retired, also known as the special worship. The worship usually comes to make up the number, each of which is the old-fashioned kind, and usually can only listen to their life experience.

Of course, there are also some offerings that failed in the city-state's struggle for power and profit, and were then rushed to Xingqimu for retirement, which are called official offerings.

Therefore, what really educates Xingqimu students is the college's hired tutors and rework tutors.

Hiring a mentor is someone who, after graduation, feels hopeless about going home to compete for the priesthood, so he goes to Xingqimu to become a priest.

This is also an unspoken rule of Sulassi. If a person who has the right to inherit the city-state, if he returns to Xingqimu to be a mentor after graduation, it means that he will automatically give up the right of inheritance. And usually at this time, his original rival will let him go, and instead will become the object of competition among various forces in the city-state.

The so-called rework mentor is that after graduation, the secondary student is forced to become a mentor and repay the school for his training.

The difference is that the rework tutors born as servants usually have a mandatory time of only ten years, while the rework tutors who have been chartered to the school because of their talents can last for a lifetime.

And this time the incident caused a stir, probably because the college introduced a new rule. If the secondary students have money, they can also get their graduation certificates with the treatment of regular students, but they are still rework tutors.

As for the big businessmen, they can also make their children become attendants through krypton gold, but because there is no one to serve, these attendants are equivalent to no need for attendants at all.

Seeing this, Leng Yi understands that the college feels that it is short of money to spend, and then it wants to generate income to encourage the fat sheep to make However, this income generation makes regular students feel that their quality has been lowered. So definitely don't do it.

Not only did they not do it, but some people wanted to use this opportunity to do things to gain reputation. Leng Yi was looking at the boy who was speaking on the high platform. He is 19 years old this year. He will graduate from Xingqimu Academy in October, and this guy's family is really unusual. He belongs to the Kalai family, and his Father was also the most likely to become the next priest of Khalai.

No wonder he dared to challenge the academy. It turned out that he had nothing to fear, and one of his uncles was also an official worshiper in the academy, so he could give him official support from the academy.

Hmm, I haven't participated in such a delightful thing before!

With excitement, Leng Yi participated in the first academy parade in his three lifetimes, that is, he walked around the street of the academy non-stop. When he saw a mentor, he gathered around and asked to sign and sign, and let the mentor support him. move.

During the student parade, many people still have attendants carrying drinks beside them. When the parade feels thirsty, they take a sip of water. This reminded Leng Yi of a group of scum who went on a hunger strike.

During the parade, Leng Yi was also in the crowd, and in the mood to make trouble, when a reworked tutor came out to appease the students, Leng Yi cast a stone hat prime on himself and threw a shoe at the tutor. .

Although the shoes that Leng Yi threw out were easily stopped by the tutor with magic, but this gave new inspiration to the students in the parade, and began to throw shoes at the tutor, the shoes of the attendants.

After all, it wasn't a magic attack that would cause bloodshed, and the academy wouldn't be able to deal with throwing shoes to the end.

Mixed in the crowd, feeling the shouts around him, a long-lost throbbing surged in Leng Yi's heart, a familiar throbbing when he was doing things.

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