MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 797 : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (23) Split

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Just as it expressed opposition to the "November Mother Law Outline", the noble alliance also expressed opposition to the reform alliance's attempt to encroach on military power. The plan is still forced through.

For this reason, some old nobles began to resent Mipoloka. In their opinion, if Mipoloka hadn't proposed the "spirit of Mipoloka", they probably wouldn't even be able to discuss the outline, let alone get involved. military power.

However, most of the nobles who think this way are minor nobles. As a member of the honorable alliance councilors, Mipoloka is still respected by the former speaker Li Xini's mansion every day, and even because of the "Mipoloka spirit" It was proposed that Mipoloka was the role of a few noble alliances and reform alliances, which was ridiculed as "slippery".

Let's talk about the Third Legion, although it was reorganized by forcibly passing a bill by the Reform Alliance, but the Honorable Alliance still has a killer move, which is the current law of Shibo.

The current law of Siberia clearly stipulates that in addition to the First Corps, which can be permanently stationed in Dima in peacetime, the other nine peacetime standing regiments will be stationed in various places for three years to rotate.

The permanent residency of the First Corps in Batyros is only allowed in name, but after Celiti III ascended the throne, due to the unstable foundation, the First Corps was stationed outside the Naro Fortress, so it is now stationed in Batyros. only the Third Corps.

The Third Legion was transferred to be stationed in Batiros in 2921. According to regulations, it will be transferred to other areas in another year. What should we do at that time?

After all, as a legion directly under the control of the Reform Alliance, if it is transferred to a field where the Reform Alliance's control is weak, and the Reform Alliance dares to make a deal, this legion will most likely be killed, which is what the Honorable Alliance expects. But in the end, this matter will not be considered until next year, and the Reform Alliance should deal with the upcoming official election first.

The year 2922 of the calendar year was the year when the Great Revolution broke out in Shibo. This year was also the 854th year of the founding of Shibo, the 411th year of the establishment of the Parson Dynasty, and the 5th year of the reign of Seliti III. After so many turmoils , With the end of the Legion Incident, the year 2922 finally passed peacefully.

With the passing of this troubled year, the Reform Alliance believes that under the guidance of reform thinking, Xibo will usher in a better tomorrow, the tomorrow envisaged by the Reform Alliance.

At least on the last day of 2922, people like Shiaire thought so. However, when a better tomorrow was still far away, the Reform Alliance, which had been established for only half a year, began to quarrel fiercely because of the issue of legal formulation.

In fact, the reason why the Reform League can gain an absolute advantage in parliament is because it is a hodgepodge of various forces, not to mention true liberals, many conservatives, controlists, and others like Werner Enlightened nobles like Er also joined the Reform Alliance, which allowed the Reform Alliance to gain such a big momentum.

However, with the further advancement of improvement, this loose alliance with great internal differences has gradually become unsustainable, and has been developing in the direction of disintegration.

In fact, long before this, judging from the previous meetings, the Reform Alliance itself was full of disputes. Not the "compromise spirit", the Reform Alliance could not pass any resolution at all.

However, every time it is necessary to rely on the "compromise spirit" to maintain the existence of the alliance, the members who have repeatedly rejected the proposal have become more and more dissatisfied.

And in the end, everyone was just working hard to pursue a mother law outline, so they can temporarily let go of their differences, but now we have to discuss the real mother law. If you still let go of differences, it is to let go of principles, and if you do so, they will not become enlightener.

For their own ideals or interests, the enlighteners debated in the parliament, but the "compromise spirit", the pillar of the reform alliance for a long time, failed in this debate, which became the fuse for the disintegration of the reform alliance.

The "compromise spirit" pursues the principle of the minority obeying the majority, which means that those who agree must exceed two-thirds of the ally in Batyros. Of course

And in the vote to establish the real mother law, no one vote can exceed two-thirds, so that the reform alliance has not been able to unite its ideas.

Therefore, in the spring of 2923, there was a beautiful scenery in the House of Representatives. Since the Reform League advertised it as cooking oil, they set up a gallery in the House of Representatives at the suggestion of the Honorable League, no matter who it was. As long as you are dressed appropriately, you can enter the gallery to listen to the speeches of the MPs. For a time, the citizens are very surprised and join in one after another.

With the spring flowers blooming, prices have dropped to a certain extent, which has created an illusion for the residents of Batiros, as if life is really getting better after the passage of the mother law outline, so the political atmosphere has temporarily relaxed.

However, the atmosphere between the reform alliances has become more and more anxious, because the time for the national election is getting closer and closer, but the reform alliance has not been able to unify its thinking, but it has made the quarrel more and more fierce.

At this time, he was instructed by the former Speaker Li Xini to act as the first enlightened nobleman Warner to join the preparations for the parliament. He said that since everyone could not unify their thoughts, it would be better to just disband.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Warner has bad intentions, but what he said is indeed the truth. Therefore, under the instigation of the enlightened nobles headed by Warner, the Reform Alliance issued a final public statement a week before the vote. Said that he had completed the historical mission, and thus announced the dissolution.

The disbanding of the Reform Alliance before the general election has indeed caused some confusion in the distribution of various places, causing many reformers to be disappointed with the Reform Alliance and choose to be neutral or join a small alliance.

After disbanding the Reform Alliance, which lasted half a year, Shiairi formed the Order Alliance, which was joined by more than half of the original Reform Alliance members, including the enlightened nobles like Werner.

The rest of the members formed the Civil Rights Alliance. Although Ji Weiluo and other petty citizens did not like Shiaire's property weighting, they hated the Order Alliance even more, so they joined the Civil Rights Alliance.

The results of the general election were counted on February 27, 2923. The eight-month preparatory parliament, like the Reform League, announced that it had completed its historical role and was automatically dissolved. It was replaced by the National Assembly representing Quan Xibo.

After the official election statistics, the largest force in the National Assembly is the Order Alliance with 48% of the seats, the second largest force is the Honorable Alliance with 18% of the seats, the third largest force is the Civil Rights Alliance with 14% of the seats, and the remaining 20 % of the seats are divided among other minor leagues.

Because the Reform League restricted the right to vote for nobles when the "November Mother Law Outline" was formulated, the Honorable League only got 18% of the seats in the official general election, but after the split, the Reform League no longer had two-thirds. The number of seats in the parliament, so no one alliance in the parliament has an absolute advantage, not even more than half.

Compared with the Preparatory Parliament, the National Assembly has a new feature, that is, the existence of the "leader", that is, each alliance must elect its own leader as their representative spokesperson in the parliament. As for the leader's response to the alliance Whether or not there is, and how much binding force there is, depends on the alliance's own arrangements.

At this time, the leader of the Order Alliance was Shiaire. As an active leader in the Age of Enlightenment, he deservedly and undisputedly became the leader of the Order Alliance.

The leader of the honorable alliance is Xiao Li Xini, the son of the former Speaker Li Xini. Although the former Speaker Li Xini is still alive, after being given a stroke by Leng Yi, his physical condition has declined sharply, and he can no longer lead the old nobles. Li Xini inherited his father's political legacy and became the leader of the noble alliance.

The leader of the Civil Rights Alliance is not Ji Weiluo. Although Ji Weiluo has been elected as a member of the National Assembly and has been outstanding in many previous incidents, he is a newcomer who has only risen for half a year, and he was expelled from preparations before. The council, not to mention that he has broken with his benefactor Shiaire.

So no matter from which aspect, Ji Weiluo can't be the leader, so the leader elected by the Civil Rights League is called Troyes. This person is not famous only compared to Leng Yi, but for Xiebo and the reformers , The 39-year-old Troyes debuted even a few years earlier than is also a powerful leader.

After the election results, it means that the National Assembly must carry out real and thorough reform of the country in accordance with the "November Mother Law Outline". This is also Ji Weiluo's promise to the marchers, and this promise is now wrapped around the neck of the National Assembly. the ropes, forcing them to continue what has to be resolved.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to continue to exert the "Mipoloka Spirit". The so-called "Mipoloka Spirit" refers to the time when the Preparatory Parliament was on the verge of disintegrating before the mother law was discussed due to disputes and differences last year. Congressman Mipoloka suggested that the issue of differences can be put aside and the areas where there are no differences can be discussed first.

Therefore, after serious disagreements occurred at this conference, all parties began to carry forward the "Mipoloka spirit" again, and first solve the problems with relatively consistent attitudes of all parties.

In this regard, the anti-feudal law was first implemented, abolishing the feudal privileges of the nobility from all over the country, as the first clarion call for the new era.

For this bill, the Honorable Alliance is naturally strenuously opposed, but the reason for the split between the Order Alliance and the Civil Rights Alliance is not their attitude towards feudalism, so the two alliances maintain a consistent attitude in this regard.

You must know that the two coalitions together have 66% of the seats. In this case, as long as all the remaining members do not vote against it, the passage of the proposal is a certainty.

So last year, it was only the content that was emphasized in the outline of the mother law. This year, a series of specific anti-feudal laws were officially formed, which were then sent to the palace.

In order to avoid the situation of refusing to sign the "November Mother Law Outline", after the election, the leaders of Shiaire first sent messengers to discuss with Seliti III, and the other party put forward conditions as expected.


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju