MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 40 Confession

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One month after the New Year, Li Yan has been resting at home, and she has hardly gone out. The number of times Chen Qingyang came to visit has also been significantly reduced. Li Yan only heard her vaguely mentioned that she would sign a film for a novel. Is it busy?

I stayed at home a little idle, Li Yan logged in to Sadako's account, and cheated on the forum.

During this time, she checked Sadako's posting records and was surprised to find that her posts were almost all in Hei Mozhen. In keeping with her style of painting, Li Yan pays attention to her own words and sentences every time she speaks to ensure that she looks like a black powder.

Like this--

"Countdown to the album, 17 days left!"

"Check in!"

"Check in!"

"Countdown to the college entrance examination, there are 135 days left, have you finished your homework for the winter vacation? :)"

Uh ...

Like this--

"The theater of" God Forbidden Zone 3 "has flowed out. Have you watched the 20-second promotional video !!! Hazelnut will take the rhythm of the film king this year! [Picture] [picture]

"Gao Sen's eyes are great! Hazelnut acting school doesn't explain!"

"After watching the movies released in the past two years, no one has been able to beat Hazel of Hazelnut."

"I wish you were judges :)"

Uh ...

Also like this--

"The new season of happybathday is out. It's still the endorsement of the goddess. I can't wait to take a shower!"

"I feel ashamed every time I take a shower, so shame (* / ω\ *)"

"Although it seems weird for the male goddess to endorse the lady shower gel, but this setting is very interesting! Guess what else will you endorse next time?"

"Aunt towel :)"

Uh ...

Chen Qingyang is angry! She really wanted to paste the blood of her aunt called Sadako! It was Mo Zhen's assistant who said she didn't believe her!

And her last smile is definitely imitating Mo Zhen!

Chen Qingyang, who was out of anger, personally posted a post, calling Sadako to come in.

Xi Liyan saw that the moderator summoned himself in a big way, and farted into the post.

"There is a kind of black man, there is a kind of real body! What kind of hero is a man in a vest! Dare to admit that he is Mo Zhen's assistant!"

This series of exclamation marks shocked Li Yan, she always felt that this style of speaking was very much like a person. Who does it look like?

She asked her to admit that she was Mo Zhen's assistant, and she really didn't dare.

She then responded honestly: "Dare to :)"

Chen Qingyang: "..."

The feeling of a heavy punch on cotton is really very, very unpleasant! But she couldn't crawl out along the net line and gave her a happy meal! Her smiley face is like "You bite me ~".

Hey fucking!

清 Chen Qingyang slammed the mouse in anger, picked it up from the ground three seconds later, and sealed Sadako's IP.

Xu Liyan just clicked into another post and was preparing to reply, but found that his reply box was gone. She reacted for a second and realized that she had been banned by legend.

Uh ...

Wancao was so banned that the moderator is simply a snake disease!

"Pippi Pipikachu!"

Qi Li Yan angrily picked up her mobile phone with a text message from Chen Qingyang: "There are so many snake ailments in this world !!!"

Tong Liyan nodded, replying with a deep conscience: "I think so."

The sympathy between the two was unprecedented.

After entering February, Li Yan went to the hospital for a routine check for the last time. Out of the room, Li Yan snored subconsciously. The winter wind was a little painful on my face. Li Yan pulled the scarf on her face and covered her nose. Then the cell phone in the bag rang.

Tong Liyan lowered her head, rummaged in her bag, and took out her mobile phone: "Yan Yan, are you free tomorrow night? I want to invite you to dinner."

Tong Liyan thought for a while, and tomorrow she was fine, so she poked on the screen.

Yunxiang Yunze was standing by the window holding his mobile phone, his expression looked a little unnatural. The student standing next to the experiment glanced in his direction and raised an eyebrow in doubt. What could make the professor so nervous?

`` Buzz-- ''

The phone in 's hand vibrated twice, and looked down at Yunze. There were only two words on it: "Oh!"

Pouting the corner of the mouth could not help but open a smile, edited the time and place to Yun Ze, and sent it to Li Yan.

Li Liyan looked at the text message to Yunze and studied where the place called the Arc de Triomphe was. The phone rang before it was studied. She answered the phone and asked, "Shampoo, what's up?"

大力 "Where are you now, Dali?"

"The hospital, just after the examination, Dr. Fang said I can stop using it in the future."

"Really, great! Are you free tomorrow night? Let's go out for dinner!"

Tong Liyan blinked. What day is tomorrow? Why did everyone ask her out for dinner? "Brother Yunze has already made an appointment with me, I have no schedule."

Chen Qingyang was silent for a while before asking, "Do you know what day is tomorrow?"

Tong Liyan thought for a while and said, "The date of Mo Zhen's album release." The countdown in the forum was every day, she couldn't remember it.

清 Chen Qingyang's mood suddenly became a little complicated: "Although you remember the date of King Mo's release, I'm very happy, but tomorrow is Valentine's Day!"

Valentine's Day?

Li Yan was embarrassed because everyone was talking about the release of Mo Zhen's album tomorrow, but she forgot her tomorrow or Valentine's Day.

"Ask you to the son, the intention is wrong." The last suffix of Chen Qingyang's suffix is ​​so deep that one cannot help thinking.

Tong Liyan put his lips to the corner and asked, "Well, if you ask me tomorrow, shouldn't you also want to ..."

"... see you!" Chen Qingyang dropped the phone.

Tong Liyan stood at the hospital door with her mobile phone for a while, and just wanted to put it in her bag, and found that there was an unread text message to Yunze.

He re-issued the name of the restaurant, a famous Chinese restaurant in city A. Just now why did he say that there is the Arc de Triomphe?

Tong Liyan put her phone away, thinking about asking him tomorrow.

颜 Li Yan got up early on Valentine's Day, in fact she always got up very early. After running around the neighborhood for half an hour in the morning, Li Yan pulled his muscles before walking back.

It was not until eight o'clock when I got home, it wasn't too bright, but Chen Qingyang had already called her three times.

Called back a moment, before Li Yan had time to speak, Chen Qingyang's voice had hurriedly passed over, "Where are you going ?!"

跑步 "Run, what's wrong?"

"You still have a mood to run now! Hurry up and help me line up!"

It took Forty minutes for Tong Liyan to arrive at the place designated by Chen Qingyang, the largest record shop in City A. The crowd was so crowded that Li Yan was about to think that any princess and grandpa had been here to provide food for the disaster.

I finally found Chen Qingyang in the long line, Li Yan walked up with a little headache: "Shampoo, what are you doing?"

"Buy Mo Tianwang's album! The top 100 limited large posters, you don't know these people came in line last night!"

Tong Liyan: "..."

星 She doesn't understand the world of chasing stars.

"Did you help me stand first, I'll go to breakfast, and go to the toilet by the way!" Chen Qingyang took a few steps outside and fold back uneasily. Keep your eyes on, don't let people cut in! I've counted it, we happen to be at 98! "

Tong Liyan: "..."

看着 She looked at a large group of people, and her breathing was a little difficult. Didn't you say that the recording industry is in a slump? Why didn't she see it at all?

Not long after Chen Qingyang left, the team moved slowly. There was a scream around, Li Yan thought that King Mo was present at the scene.

Although Chen Qingyang made her look at not letting people cut in, but someone bought several pieces, she didn't know how to count this. Seeing the team getting closer, but before seeing Chen Qingyang's shadow, Li Yan took out her mobile phone and sent a text message in the past: "Are you out of the toilet?"

Diarrhea QAQ, you bought it for me! Remember to get a poster! "

Tong Liyan's mouth slipped, so enslaving a patient who had recovered from a serious illness was heartbroken.

When I was close to the cashier's area, Li Yan found that the people in front of her had no limited posters. Just when she wanted to tell Chen Qingyang about this bad news, she heard a "bang", and a small colored firework exploded above her head.

"Congratulations to this classmate, you are the 111th customer and get a special poster for our store!"

The refreshing head that looks like the manager finished the sentence, and there was a noise all around. Li Yan is still a little bit confused. She has heard of special edition posters in the forum. It seems that there are only ten posters in total. Each one is different. It will be placed in ten different points of sale.

I seem to be this lucky one, only 111 ...

The manager's intention seems very sinister.

I bought two albums, Li Yan did not forget to take that special poster, and then left the team with a smile in her envious eyes.

I walked to the intersection, Li Yan thought about it, wrapped the special poster in the bag, and pretended to be nothing but wait for Chen Qingyang.

Fortunately, the bag I carry today is big enough.

When Chen Qingyang came out of the toilet, he saw Li Yan wrapped like a ball at a glance. Jogging up, Chen Qingyang took an album in Li Yan's hand, and smiled impassively: "What about the poster?"

Tong Liyan looked at her with an innocent expression: "Someone bought some before, the manager seems to have counted in, and the first few of us have no posters."

"How can this be the case!" Chen Qingyang furiously rushed to the crown, "Shouldn't one person limit the purchase of one! I want him to single out!"

Tong Liyan shook his lips and said, "It's no use picking them up, and he can't make a poster for you."

"Well then! Let me protest!"

Tong Liyan thought about it and suggested, "You can hang yourself secretly in front of their store while the night is quiet."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Dali sometimes, really humorous, huh, huh.

I had lunch together, and the two strolled outside for another afternoon. Li Yan looked at the time and should go to Yunze.

"I leave the shampoo first. You have dinner by yourself."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

What does it mean now, before you talk to Xianggongzi, you start discriminating against single dogs?

She looked at Li Yan up and down, and shook her head with a sigh. "Strong, you just come out and date with your son? Do you at least wash your head without makeup?"

Qi Liyan's face turned black: "With you around, I feel as refreshed as washing my hair every day."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

She wants to change her name! No matter how her dad cries, she will change her name!

Tianxiaju is not the most famous Chinese restaurant in city A, but it must be the most expensive Chinese restaurant. Come here for dinner, people who will appear to be rich are even more wealthy.

However, Xiang Yunze would invite Li Yan to eat here, of course not to show off his wealth, but because it was once his alma mater.

While sitting in the lobby on the first floor and waiting for Li Yan, many women passing by will look at him more, not only because his face is still very deceptive, but also because of the special Valentine ’s Day. In the past, it was difficult to see a big handsome man who placed an order.

Miss Yingbin's eyes glanced at Xiang Yunze, who was sitting on the sofa again, with some surging heart. If he doesn't come back, she'll be on her own!

A cold wind whizzed past, Miss Yingbin could not even say "Welcome", Li Yan had rushed to Xiang Yunze: "Sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know that there will be a traffic jam at this time."

He finished his remarks breathlessly, and Li Yan's face glowed a little red because of running.

Xu Xiangyun Ze looked up at her, hooked his lips and stood up from the sofa: "It doesn't matter, time is right."

The private room booked by Yun Xiang Yunze is on the top floor, overlooking the night view of city A. Li Yan looked at the menu, and the price really made her a little bit frustrated.

Xi Xiang Yunze sat silently waiting for her, and the waiter stood by and looked at her with a smile. She suddenly felt a little stressed.

"Uh ... just give me a fried fish." Li Yan used all her strength, and she turned the menu around and handed it to Xiang Yunze. "Let ’s order it, you order it." What I eat. "

He laughed at Yun Ze and took the menu from Li Yan: "You are really good to feed." But fried fish ... He found that Li Yan's taste was really similar to Mo Zhen.

Qi Liyan rushed to Yunze with a grin inadvertently, and her biggest advantage is that she is easy to feed.

After ordering dishes from Yunze, the waiter politely returned. Suddenly, he and Li Yan were left in the private room. He was suddenly a little helpless.

发现 This discovery made him self-deprecating, thinking that he has always been a **** in the eyes of others. Who would believe that he would be at a loss with a woman?

I really should eat western food, at least not as embarrassing as now. Just thinking that Li Yan prefers Chinese food, he ordered a private room here.

"Oh yes, why did you say this is the Arc de Triomphe?"

Li Yan's sudden problem solved the situation of Xiang Yunze. He took a sip of green tea on the table and replied, "This was my alma mater before. In honor of the outstanding military achievements I left here, we deliberately called it Arc de Triomphe. "

Tong Liyan laughed twice: "Biao Binggong? Isn't it just a fight, but you can fight too? I always thought you were talking about the type of dead enemy."

Yunxiang Yunze also laughed, "I fight for others."

Tong Liyan raised her eyebrows: "Is that the" we "among us?"

Xu Xiangyunze nodded with a smile. Li Yan's expression suddenly became gossip: "I guess it must be a girl!"

Wu Xiangyunze's smile deepened further: "Yeah, I chased her for a long time."

"Really? She must be beautiful!"

"Well, it's very beautiful." Xiang Yunze thought about how Mo Zhen would wear women's clothes, which can definitely make the group beautiful.

The private room was quiet for a while, and Li Yan seemed to remember something again, and asked, "Speaking of his alma mater, I found out that you and Mo Zhen were a primary school that day!"

Tong Liyan's words made Xiang Yunze slightly surprised. The scene when Mo Zhen appeared in the hospital suddenly came to his mind, and he frowned unconsciously: "Do you know Mo Zhen?"

"He's a big star, who doesn't know." Well, although she didn't really know much before.

"Aren't you chasing the stars?"

"Shampoo is his brain powder. He treats him in front of me every day. This morning I also helped her buy Mo Tianwang's album!"

Mo Mozhen's album? He seems to have heard that Mo Zhen is going to release an album today. Xiang Yunze was still thinking about Mo Zhen's album, the door was knocked gently twice, and the waiter came to ask if he could serve.

He nodded and let them in. Li Yan looked at the delicate dishes on the table with excitement. Especially the small golden fish looks very appetizing.

As soon as the waiter withdrew, she picked up a small fish and put it in her mouth.

Strange, she has never seen this dish before. Why does she seem to want to eat for a long time?

Xu Xiangyun Ze looked at Li Yan's move, smiled and shook his head. It's exactly the same as Mo Zhen, but the two of them shouldn't intersect.

Of course, except him.

Xi Xiang Yunze waited until Li Yan had almost eaten, and finally was ready to enter the topic.

He took a sip of the cold tea on the table and moistened his throat before he coughed twice and pulled Li Yan's attention from the food to himself: "Yan Yan, I want to tell you something. "

"Oh." Li Yan was infected by his serious tone, and subconsciously put down his chopsticks.

Looking at the person with a pair of big eyes staring at him, Xiang Yunze felt that his palms were already sweaty: "That's ... that ..."

Although he said many times when Li Yan was unconscious, he now couldn't say anything to Li Yan who was sober.

Su Liyan suddenly felt a little panicked, this rhythm should not be to confess it!

When she was in college, many boys had confessed that their expressions were exactly the same as Xiang Yunze now!

"Yan Yan, I like you."

Wu Xiangyunze finally said something, which was buried in his heart for several years.

Valentine's Day, night view, dinner, the air is full of the smell of roses, but Li Yan has never felt so helpless.

I'm right, she's at a loss now.

The boys he had confessed to her before, she could calmly refuse, but Xiang Yunze was different from them. It was her brother Yunze, watching her growing up.

"Brother Yunze ..." Li Yan's voice was so small that he could hardly hear himself, "I have always regarded you as my brother ..."

This answer to Yunze is not unexpected at all, it is better to say that he was surprised that he was not surprised at all.

He liked Li Yan for so many years, and he never told her. On the one hand, he wanted to wait for Li Yan to grow up. On the other hand, although he didn't want to admit it, he knew subconsciously that Li Yan had always regarded him as his elder brother. .

看了 He looked at Li Yan for a while and blinked at her: "This is the legendary brother card?"

Tong Li Yan froze the corners of her mouth and lowered her head without speaking.

It's not wrong for me to like and dislike someone, but she always feels like a bad person.

Especially she just had someone else's very expensive dinner.

Xiang Yunze got up from the chair, bent down and touched Li Yan's head like before, "Okay, I'm fine, you can eat something more."

Tong Liyan still had her head buried and whispered, "I'm full ..."

I knew early on that she had eaten less, maybe her guilt would not be so heavy.

Seeing her like this, Yunxiang Yunze reluctantly settled the account and led her out of the restaurant. Xiang Yunze wanted to send Li Yan home, but in this case, Li Yan really couldn't get back to Yunze's car and insisted on taking a taxi by himself.

Xi Xiang Yunze was silent for a while, took out his mobile phone and made a call. Soon a taxi came to pick up Li Yan, took Li Yan to the car, and looked at Yunze when the tail lights disappeared around the corner and drove to the bar.

Li Mozhen was lying on the sofa listening to Tang Qiang's phone call. Tang Qiang had spoken on the phone for ten minutes. The central idea was how good his album sales were today.

Is he seeing this in the entertainment news today?

的 The prompt tone of the new text message sounded in the ear, and Mo Zhen just took the opportunity to hang up Tang Qiang's phone.

The text message was sent to Yunze with only four words: "I'm out of love."

Mo Mozhen frowned, dialed a phone call back, but was always busy.

I called Chen Qingyang to Yunze. She had a call from Li Yan just after dinner. Li Yan explained in a mess on the phone, and Chen Qingyang understood with his superb understanding.

Yun Xiang Yunze confessed to her, but she refused.

It really hurts.

Although it has been the past six months to know Xiang Yunze, the time in the hospital was enough for her to understand Xiang Yunze's feelings for Li Yan.

Chen Xiangyun's voice was noisy. Chen Qingyang felt that he must be in the bar by virtue of his superior imagination. He yelled at the phone several times, and finally asked Xiang Yunze's address.

Hang up, Chen Qingyang rushed to the bar. She also needs to help her friend take care of the unlucky ghost who was thrown away. She feels that she is really a good girlfriend in China.

榛 Mo Zhen's phone finally got through, but no one has been answering. Mo Zhen held the phone in his hand, sat on the sofa for a while, took a coat and went out.

When Chen Qingyang arrived at the bar, Xiang Yunze was already drinking and lying on the bar. Looking at the one-meter-eight man, Chen Qingyang was sad. She is not vigorous, she can't open the bedroom door with her bare hands, and she can't carry a man who is one meter eighty.

With the help of the bartender, Chen Qingyang finally carried Xiang Yunze into the taxi, but where should he send Xiang Yunze?

Chen Qingyang struggled for a long time and finally decided to throw him in the hotel.

He taxied to the nearest hotel, and Chen Qingyang checked into Yunze with the help of the bellman.

She shook her arm, which she quickly broke off. She felt strongly that she had to invite her for a meal. After pulling the quilt on the bed, he covered Xiang Yunze's body, and the mobile phone thrown by Yun Ze on the bed vibrated.

清 Chen Qingyang didn't even see it, he subconsciously answered the phone: "Hey?"

愣 Mo Zhen stunned, he looked at the screen of the mobile phone, it was indeed Xiang Yunze's number. He frowned, and asked, "Who are you? Why did you answer Yunze's call?"

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