MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 947 Please enter the 瓮

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It’s not big, it’s not too small, and Dhaka, Dagma, and Arthur took a hand to travel, and it took ten days to reach the valley where Han Hao is located.

This way, Dhaka did not even touch the shadow of a person, as if the fierceness of the entire chaotic land was invisible, and the calmness was repressed.

The more so, the more cautious Dhaka they are, the more they dare not act rashly. This road is also very cautious. After all, the land of chaos is the site of others. Even if they are strong, they dare not sway too far. In particular, they also know that the other side must ambush them in the dark, which makes them more careful.

Dhaka, Dagma, and Athelst are divided into three directions. The spirit is always watching every move around, ensuring that no enemy will suddenly come out of a certain scorpion. The old **** of Salas is there, Dhaka, they do not ask questions, he is silent, do not know what to think.

Finally, they arrived near the three peaks.

Stopped in the distance, Dhaka looked at the faint black fog, and there was a valley of bad smells. "Salas, you must be this place?" After a while, Daka glanced at Salas and looked strange.

"It should be here, it can't be wrong." Sass looked awkward and felt a bit strange in his heart, because his spirit spread and did not induce a trace of soul fluctuations from the peaks. what the hell?

"Not at all!" Dagma was a body, and the Bronze Throne took him to the valley in the center of the three peaks. The dark fog that filled the valley was swayed by the dead air above his white bone throne. Into his body a trace.

"Looking over the past." Dhaka made a color to Arthurst. The two also fell into the valley after Dagma. The dark mist in the valley was sour and smelly. It was obvious that it contained Huge poison, but the Dhaka three are powerful, this acid poison has no effect on them.

Salas didn't go in, he just curiously looked around and noticed some details nearby.

Have had experience in the Magic Valley. Sarah is deeply jealous of the place where Han Shuo has been placed. Plus he knows that Han Shuo has made him bring people here. It is definitely uneasy. Therefore, I dare not take the initiative to go deeper.

No Dhaka commanded. Those of us are all stopped in the same place. These are the gods from the three major gods. All are following the Dhaka three years of faithful running dogs. Not only is the strength strong. There is also a strict discipline. Did not order. Will not take the risk.

The Dhaka trio entered the valley of the three peaks in the central area. Wandered around in a circle. In addition to the many mountainous runes on the walls of the mountains, there are many strange runes. There is no other gain. Did not feel the traces of life.

quickly. The Dhaka trio returned to the Salas side from the valley. Dhaka took a look at Salas. Road: "The place should be fine. But it seems that the people have gone out. I think we came to the news that they should know more or less. That Han Hao may bring the strength of the hand and the Han family together."

"Well. It is possible. After all, they should understand. Only by resisting us. It is possible that it will not die too badly!" Dagma nodded. Immediately, I couldn’t wait to say: "I think we can give up here. Go directly to the Magic Valley?"

at this point. Salas felt that he should do the same. Since there are no ones in these three peaks. Then he can't help it. If he forced the three to go to the three peaks to spy. Only a few people in Dhaka will be pregnant with him. This will only be counterproductive. So Salas did not object. I nodded and said that I had no opinion.

"Then go directly to the Magic Valley, the home base of the Han family is there, I think unless the Han family really does not intend to stand in the chaos, or else will never leave." Dhaka hammered, and he was ready to tell his master to leave here. .

"Wait!" Dagma reached out and temporarily stopped Dhaka's departure, and the light in his eyes shone.

"What's the matter?" Dhaka stunned, and immediately asked, "Is there a present?" He naturally knows that Dagma, who cultivates the power of death, is much more savvy than the peek of the soul, and some weak souls fluctuate him and Atholst may not be able to show it, but Dagma is likely to be sensitive to it.

"There is a weak soul fluctuation in the mountain's abdomen. I just had a slight jump. I have to confirm it again." Dagma nodded, then closed his eyes and said nothing more. The soul magnetic field slowly spread out with Dagmar as the center. He seems to use a special method to feel the fluctuations in the belly of the three mountains.

Dhaka and Athelst know that Dagma is a bit dysfunctional because of the shards of the gods, but the death force of cultivation has reached the realm of the Lord God, and Dagma has never spoken loudly on weekdays. His main purpose is Han Hao, definitely no one can wait, so he must have really happened.

Sure enough, Dagma closed its eyes to use

After feeling for a while, I immediately pointed out three mountain roads: "You don't have to leave, there are people in the three peaks, but there are special forces in the mountain belly that hinder our souls." Oh, that Brian really Severe, the enchantment of the arrangement almost deceive us all!"

"How do you know that Han Hao is not the one who blocks the power?" Saras asked, strangely.

"He doesn't have that skill yet!" Dagma sneered. "The last time I was in the deep valley, I was able to feel his strength clearly after my men were holding him. Oh, far less powerful than you said! No gods Fragment, he Han Hao is just an ordinary superior god, I want to pinch him how to pinch him!"

"Dagma, are you sure that people are hiding in the mountain?" Dhaka sank for a moment before he confirmed to him.

"It's not wrong, there are people in the three hills!" Dagma looked very confident. He returned to his back and said: "Let's go, come with me, the poisonous fog in the valley is no big deal, everyone is a little faster. "Donton, Dagma said to Dhaka and Atholst: "There are just three peaks. We are one by one, and we will explore and search for it. There must be many winding roads in the mountain. When the time comes apart, I don't believe in a small Han Hao, who can escape the chase of the three of us!"

Then, Dagma also managed Dhaka and Athelst to promise not to agree, and the horse first rushed to the valley.

After hesitating, Dhaka nodded to Arthur and said: "Let's go, Dagmar's soul sensory force should not be wrong. We have cooperated so many times these years, and his accomplishments in this regard. It is indeed extraordinary."

Athlert also seemed to agree with Dhaka’s point of view, waving his hand and turning to the valley for a glimmer of dark light. When he saw Arthurs entering, he didn't hesitate, and he went in one by one.

"Salas, what about you?" Dhaka did not rush to leave, but Saras.

"I don't care, go." Salas shrugged and motioned for Dhaka's arrangement. He knew that there would be danger in entering, but he had to follow, or Saras would surely be pregnant with him.

"That's good, you follow me, so I take care of it." Dhaka smiled. After receiving a satisfactory reply, he finally stopped hesitating and flashed in with his men.

When Dhaka and Salas came in, the people of Dagma and Atholst had sneaked in and rushed in from the hidden caves they had just found. Both of them chose smaller peaks and left one of the tallest and most magnificent to Dhaka.

In the heart of the dark, Dhaka knows that the two people said that cooperation in the mouth, at a critical time, as long as they can take advantage of the cheap will not hesitate to do, the Hunting Alliance for everyone, this is the nature, no one can change.

"Let's go!" Going back to the air, the things to do are still to be done. Dhaka can only choose the tallest mountain, and in another direction find a valley that can only accommodate three people and shoulders, and Salas. Take people together and get in.

"Adult, really not what you expected, there is enchantment defense!" One of the smallest mountain peaks, a Dagma's men shouted, the voice echoed continuously in the mountain, passed to another channel of Dag In the middle of the horse.

As soon as I entered the mountain, I continued to have a winding road. Fortunately, Dagma had expected that when there was a road, the team would be dispersed and become a branch of the squad.

In Dagma's view, the most powerful in the mountain is Han Hao. After the incarnation of Shenu and Han Hao's semi-finished products, Dagma thought that he had figured out his true strength and never made Han. Hao Dang became an enemy worthy of his attention. He believes that a man who does not cultivate the power of death can only deal with Han Hao with the strength of the middle of the upper god.

Therefore, he did not worry about dividing his men into one share, and he was not afraid that Han Hao would appear in the mountainside to crush his people one by one.

"Come on!" Dagma surprised in the distance, and quickly rushed over from there.

A layer of gray faint halo traverses in a narrow hole, the front layer is full of death power, the latter layers are common forces such as dark, water, fire, etc. Only the last layer of power is somewhat special, Dag Some people can't see it.

Without too much hesitation, Dagma felt the gray enchantment power of the hole and began to shoot.

Except for Dagma’s surprise, the seemingly layered enchantment forces are not too powerful. When his death power turned into a hundred bone spears, the layers of enchantment forces were easily torn, and even the last layer of strange power was a blow, without his imagination. difficult.

"Go!" Dagma sneered, and the heart of this group of hunting gods gathered by Han Hao became more and more disdainful. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)