MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 954 Nothing is missing

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Nice two people came confidently when they came, and one person blocked all the people of Vassis to block the snow ice peak, and they came to the top of Vassis.

Neither of them expected that there would be a current encounter. Not only did they fail to kill Vassis and his men, but they also fell into a very unfavorable situation.

Han Shuo flew down from the nine days, and the magical powers spread out, and he became a huge hand covering the sky, and the two men were firmly covered.

Vasis reached out and grabbed a ten-meter-long ice icing from the ice-cold cave. The ice-white jade was crystal-clear, and the white smoke was scattered. The power of the extreme cold was projected from it.

That ice is like a long rifle with the most icy force on the snow ice peak. It seems to be the crystallization of the snow ice peak power. Once it is cold, the temperature of the snow ice peak drops again.

The giant palm of the sky came from afar, the terrible suffocation and the cold rushed, and the sound of "吱吱" came, and a group of light smoke came out.

Messi finally put Han Shuo out: forced out and suddenly found himself a target of attack, and immediately relied on Dennis.

Dennis, who cultivated space power, escaped from Han Shuo's sword net, and he was no longer restrained. He grabbed Messi again, and the space force suddenly moved to the snow ice peak.

Messi's ten fingers twirled the crystal ball, as if the inside of the crystal ball was woven, and a green line with the same hair was entangled in a strange pattern.

Suddenly, Vassis was tight, and the ice in his hand was somewhat uncontrollable. He stabbed Han Shuo straight.

The reason for the change is too sudden. Vassis is not at all. In the hands of the ice Ling has turned to the giant palm pressed by the sky.

"Han Shuo. Let!" Vassis couldn't wait to change and only be able to drink.

"Nothing!" Han Shuo, who was covered by the giant palm, smiled softly. The giant palm that was condensed by the suffocating gas suddenly disappeared. A suffocation dissipated. Light smoke fluttered to the side.

at the same time. A majestic shadow suddenly passed through the flank. Quickly rushed to Dennis.

A heart move. The seventeen flying swords again appeared in unpredictable manners and turned to Dennis. Also preparing to trap Dennis into the two.

However, there is a previous experience. Dennis has already had a vigilance and waited for Han Shuo’s seventeen flying swords to fall. Move instantly. Never let the seventeen flying swords form a circle.

The strength of Messi alone can only cause a little trouble for Vassis. Without the cooperation of Dennis, she could not kill Vassis with her strength alone.

When the ice flies up to the sky, the power of the Sith in the body of the squid madly impacts the sudden increase in the strength of the body. Without the distraction of the Vasis in the space, it takes only three breathing hours to bind itself. The power is free!


Messi spurted out a blood, and her power of destiny was imposed on Vassis. After Vassis forcibly broke away from her power, it was inevitable that the impact was again hurt.

A blood squirted on the crystal ball in her hand. The crystal ball became a monster blood red and it was very evil and strange, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Dennis." A sigh of relief, Messi paled.

Under the pursuit of Han Shuo's seventeen flying swords, Dennis can only continually carry out short-distance space teleports to escape. She can't completely trap Vassis, so it is only a matter of time, so Mei Sissy had to speak to remind Dennis.

Now, Dennis also knows that the situation is extremely bad for them. Seeing that Messi hurts and hurts can not pose a threat to Vassis. He suddenly realized that the two men together can cope with an equal realm. The upper hand, but in the face of two, it is their own.

Dennis also wanted to leave immediately, but the hunters who came with Messi ribbons and the people on the snow ice peaks were killed together. His men were completely down in the wind, once he and Messi left desperately. He is afraid that one of his men will leave and live alive.

Those people are all the elite of Dennis and Messi. If this group of people is finished, they will be badly hurt.

Even if this time the chaotic land of the Battle Hunter Alliance achieved the ultimate victory, without them, it is difficult for them to take the initiative in the future distribution of interests.

Therefore, Dennis hesitated, thinking about how to choose a suitable time, reopening a space channel, and taking his own hands away from the snow ice peak.

When Dennis was thinking about himself, Han Shuo was very depressed. With the power of him and Vassis, Dennis could definitely kill them. Unfortunately, Dennis has been constantly making space teleports because of the cultivation of space power and because he is afraid of the formation of his seventeen flying swords.

The snow ice peak is great, Dennis will never stay in a place for too long, and this short-distance space teleport will not consume too much space power. In this way, although he and Vassis have full enthusiasm, they have been unable to seize Dennis, let alone a battle with him!

If the battle is in the Magic Valley, Han Shuo has at least seven ways to use it.

The formation changed the space power of the whole world, so that Dennis couldn't lightly display the space teleport to constantly change position, so that he could calmly kill Dennis.

Unfortunately, here is the snow ice peak, there is no array of snow ice peaks to borrow. Snow ice peaks are not lingering in the cold all year round, and they can't reach the point where the whole space is frozen, so he can only watch Dannis slippery like a snake, but he can't do anything about it.

Han Shuo sees Dennis's eyes flashing, always paying attention to the movements of the hunter, and knows what Dennis is thinking.

Because of this, Han Shuo-ming knows that he can't use the seventeen flying swords to trap him when Dennis is prepared, and he has to constantly put pressure on Dennis to prevent Dennis from having time to tear the gap in the space. He and his men escaped from it.

Han Shuo and Vasis pursued each other. Dennis seized Messi's constant space teleport, and in the sky for a while, in the mountains for a while, and Han Shuo, who was in the middle of the battle, could not catch up.

For a time, the battle between the four people fell into a stalemate...

Han Shuo’s thoughts flashed one by one. If someone could enter his mind at this moment, he would find that his knowledge is like a deep whirlpool of stars, turning rapidly in an intoxicating trajectory.

One by one, the idea emerged, and Han Shuo vetoed one by one, in order to be able to kill Dennis and find one way after another. Trying to find a viable option, so that Nice and his people could not escape from the snow ice peak.

I don't know if Han Shuo thinks too much about how to deal with Dennis, and the speed of the 17-sword flying swords that are constantly chasing Dennis is no longer so swift and gives Dennis a time to breathe.

The cultivation space and time power Dennis accurately grasped this change. The frequency of his space teleport is getting faster and faster. After each space teleport, the speed of the 17-sword flying sword will be slow for one or two seconds.

Gradually, the seven-sword flying sword that experienced dozens of spatial teleports seemed to be dull, and could not immediately come to sleep him.

Time is enough, Dennis is overjoyed, that is, exerting space power, forming a circle of space fluctuations beside him, forcing a space gap and appearing behind him.

"Withdraw, go back!" Dennis stood in the middle of his hunters who were constantly retreating.

This time teleport, Dennis happened to be in the dense position of his hand, and the position of a space gap was also very subtly behind them. All this Dennis was extremely accurate.

Under the hands of Dennis's hunters, who were defeated by the devil and the Vassis, they saw Dennis appear behind them and created the space gap. If they didn't want to, they rushed to the inside.

"No, Han Shuo, block them!" Vassis shouted and rushed to the side.

Suddenly awakened by the horror of Vassis, he has been in control of the seventeen flying swords chasing Dennis, but Han Shuo, who has not moved, suddenly shocked and realized what he was, anxiously facing Dennis rushed.

"Han Shuo, Vassis, waiting for us and other leaders to gather, will come again! At that time, the magic hidden valley, snow ice peak, must be completely destroyed! Hahaha!" Dennis sneered, clutching Messi The silk is drilled into the gap of the space.

It was also at this time that the 17-sword flying sword, which had been slow for a while, was stabbed with several times of strength. At the same time, Wan Mo Ding descended from the sky, and hundreds of devils suddenly returned to Wan Mo. Ding, it violently burst into a strong glare, carrying an earth-shattering force to the Dennis.

"Go!" Dennis was shocked, a little faster, pulling Messi finally into the gap.

The two talents entered the gap of space, and the seventeen flying swords and the Wan Mo Ding bombarded the gap in the space at the same time. In the meantime, the space gap that was torn by Dennis seemed to be affected, and the star burst was shot.

"Do not!!"

In the gap of the space, the screams of Dennis's fear came. He even reached the gap in the space with one hand. He seemed to want to climb out of it, but he was dragged in by a powerful force!

"Ah..." Dennis and Messi, two long and fierce, finally came from the gap of the space, a glare flashed, the space gap above the snow ice peak disappeared, and Dennis added hundreds of hunting gods. There is no trace at the same time.

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In the 3500 AD, Dr. Lin Lu, a doctor of biology and medicine, was wounded by a missile in the battlefield. He was accidentally possessed by the magical world, the young magician Lin Lu.

Very strange, the intelligent super-brain "angel" originally planted in the brain has also awakened with the possession of Lin Lu. Super-powerful medical skills have allowed him to build extraordinary achievements and famous the mainland. More importantly, Lin Lu has found a A powerful road that is different.