MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1128 I personally see them off

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  Chapter 1128 I personally see them off

   Ministry of War.

   "Duke, our people have already targeted several officials of Guan Long in Chang'an."

   Bao Dong and Lei Hong passed messages back and forth.


  Jia Ping'an ordered: "If you find any clues, report them immediately without delay."


  Wang Xuan and Wu Kui were sitting together. Hearing such things made her feel very itchy, but it was hard to ask.

   "I'm going to keep an eye on this matter for the next few days. The two of you in the Ministry of War are still in charge. If there is something that can't be dealt with, then go find me."

  I don’t even need an excuse to edit books, which is really cool.


   "Your Majesty, I am willing to take over this matter."

  Li Yifu went to meet the emperor, and expressed his loyalty, "I will definitely catch those culprits..."

   Clean up the opponent by the way.

   This is an old routine, and it is also the work of Li Yifu.

  Wang Zhongliang arranged a seat for him, which is the prerogative of the prime minister.

  Li Yifu glanced at him, his eyes were indifferent, as if a **** looked at a mortal.

  He is the emperor's favorite minister, and he has dealt with countless officials. In his eyes, servants like Wang Zhongliang are like dogs.

  Li Zhi leaned on the couch, staring blankly, "You have a lot to do over there, so I'll leave it to Jia Pingan."

  Li Yifu raised his eyes, and there was an unswerving color in his eyes.

   "Your Majesty, I can take care of both."

  Li Zhi said lightly: "There is no need to do this, just retreat!"

  The emperor got impatient.

  Li Yifu took a deep breath, "I will leave."

  Li Zhi raised his head, although his vision was blurred, he could still see a black shadow slowly leaving the hall.

   "How does Li Yifu look?"

  Wang Zhongliang has been observing just now, "Before he showed resentment."

   "Are you dissatisfied with me?"

  Li Zhi said: "The dog that devours the Lord...and watch."

  Wang Zhongliang felt a chill down his spine.


   Li Yifu returned to his guard room, and Qin Sha came in.

   "How about it, my husband?"

  Li Yifu shook his head, "Your Majesty refuses to leave this matter to the old man, but to Jia Pingan."

Qin Sha felt a little distressed in his chest, "This matter is to vent my anger for the prince. If it is done, the prince will remember his feelings no matter what. If Xianggong can attract this matter, he will be invincible. Why doesn't your majesty allow it?" ? Jia Pingan? The prince called him uncle, and the queen called him younger brother. He didn't need this to win the favor of the prince..."

Li Yifu smiled and said: "I don't know why. If it is ability, I don't lack. This old man is sure that either the gentry or those from Guanlong did it. The gentry may be the lowest, and the Guanlong may be the highest. No matter who did it, Take down a group of people, kill two birds with one stone."

  But the emperor didn't give him a chance.

   "Your Majesty!"

  Li Yifu squinted his eyes, "I have cleared up so many enemies for His Majesty, and I have offended countless people for this, but until now, His Majesty's enemies have become less and less...Once Guan Long falls, it will be followed by the gentry... But the gentry..."

"The gentry don't have the determination to die." Qin Sha was a little excited, "Master, think about the time when the barbarians went south, killing and looting everywhere, and the gentry built fortresses one after another. Many years later, while they were on guard against the barbarians, they were ready to move. In the end, I couldn’t help but become an official...serving for the barbarians they look down on. This kind of gentry...I’m afraid that His Majesty feels that it’s better to live together while suppressing it.

Li Yifu patted the table lightly, his voice was a bit ethereal, "Yes! The gentry are soft-hearted, they like conspiracy and tricks the most, they infiltrate secretly, but they lack decisiveness and grandeur, so all dynasties have regarded them as threats, but they are not fatal. Threat. Coexistence possible.”

   "Guan Long...if this time is Guan Long, what will Jia Pingan do?"

  Qin Sha said: "I seem to see the setting sun!"


  Jia Ping'an is already on his way home.

   "Duke, Guan Long and those people have been gathering frequently these days, and our people can't get close. I don't know what they are discussing secretly."

   Bao Dong brought a piece of news that moved Jia Pingan's heart slightly.


   Guan Long!

   Jia Pingan looked up, the sun was right in front of him, the light was gentle and warm.

   A gust of wind blows in front of you, refreshing.

  There are a lot of young leaves on the street trees on the side of the road. When the wind blows, the young leaves sway, sending bursts of fresh breath.

  Back home, Jia Pingan asked, "Are the guests from Doudou here?"

  Du He laughed and said: "My lady's guests have all arrived, and they are playing in the backyard now. Cao Er in the kitchen is ready, and I'm just waiting for my lady's orders, and I promise to make those little ladies eat it full of praise."

   Jia Pingan entered the backyard.

   "It's very lively to go around and entertain guests today."

   Wei Wushuang and Su Ho are reading with their two children.

   Parent-child time is up.

  Even the interesting books are compiled by Jia Pingan himself.

   "Aye, why did Sheriff Black Cat hunt down and kill One Ear?"

   "Because one ear steals food."

   "Oh! Ah Fu also steals food sometimes, why don't you chase him down?"

  Jia Hong asked seriously.

  Jia Pingan thought about it carefully, "Because Ah Fu is a family, of course, stealing food is not right, so you have to scold Ah Fu."

  Jia Dong sat on the side, and couldn't help but said: "Ah Fu also has a share of the food at home, so Ah Fu's taking food is not called stealing, but just taking it, just like you went to the kitchen to get a chicken leg and gnawed on it, and almost choked on it."

   "Oh, that's it! Saburo is so smart." Jia Hong sincerely praised his younger brother.

   This baby has a very good temper.

  Okay made Jia Ping'an worried.

   Husband and wife look at each other, knowing what the other is worried about.

   Jia Dong sighed, "Second brother, you must be fierce."

  Jia Hong was puzzled, "Why should I be fierce?"

  Jia Dong: "..."

  The two brothers looked at one indifferently, and they probably won’t suffer in the future; the other looked at honesty, hey!

   Wei Wushuang got up and went out with Jia Pingan.

  Outside the door, she whispered: "Da Lang is not stupid!"

  Jia Pingan glanced back, saw Jia Hong and Jia Dong talking, and then said: "Erlang is not stupid, who do you think Erlang is bad at studying? It's just that this child is too innocent."

   "Innocence... will be bullied."

  The world is a jungle, surrounded by beasts. Parents always worry that their children are too innocent and will be submerged in all kinds of open and hidden arrows.

  Jia Ping’an’s descendants were innocent and ignorant when they first stepped into the society, and entered state-owned enterprises with their innocent three views.

   When he entered a state-owned enterprise, he got along with the people around him with the idea of ​​being kind to others, but soon he found out that he was wrong.

  If you are kind, others will bully you and entrust you with work that does not belong to you.

  You are kind and easy to talk, others will push your nose and eyes...

  It was only later that he realized why some people always bully themselves but dare not bully others.

  You are so kind!

  So in a fit of unbearable, he threw the stool over.

  Okay, that bullying idiot never saw him again, or smiled, and no longer looked so arrogant.

   So this world is like this?

   This incident gave him a great shock, let him know that kindness is not an unconditional compromise.

  “Kindness is about things, not people.”

   This is Jia Pingan's understanding.

  Help when you can help, with kindness in your heart, this is kindness.

  Kindness does not mean that anyone can bully you, that is not kindness, but cowardice.

   "There are Dalang and Saburo!"

  According to the moral norms of this era, when Jia Ping'an was around, the children could not separate their families and properties, and had to form a big family to live together.

   "When we go, Dalang and Saburo will still be watching him, don't worry."

  Jia Yu has a sense of responsibility, which makes Jia Ping'an quite satisfied.

  Even if he and Wei Wushuang go, Jia Yu can still support the family. Zhao Guogong's younger brother, who will try to bully him.


  Wei Wushuang said: "Sanlang seems to dislike Erlang, but he often helps him."

   Jia Ping turned around, and Jia Dong was talking to Jia Hong with a look of disgust.

  "They scold you when they coax you, then come back and talk to Aye Niang, tell your elder brother, tell me, we will help you."

  Jia Pingan turned around and said with a smile: "In fact, many times this is not a bad thing."

  The innocence of the second child can attract more unity between the brothers, which is a good thing.

   And it's not a bad thing for the innocent second child to live his little life under the protection of his brothers.

  So whether a thing is good or bad depends on the angle you look at it from.

   "Lang Jun, madam, it's time for dinner."

   Jia's family is about to start eating lunch.

  The noble ladies are also looking forward to the food of Jia's family.

   "It's so little."

  Each dish is very small, almost a matter of two chopsticks.

  Some even just one bite.

   "This is...chicken? So tender!"

   "It's a bit numb, but it's really delicious."

  After eating a meal, a noble lady said: "Today is an eye-opener. I have also been to Chang'an Canteen, but the dishes are a little different from today's, but the taste is should I put it...more like home food."

  Doudou said proudly: "In the past, the family would not have so many dishes."

   "The Jia family doesn't need to save so much, does it?" Some people are puzzled.

  Doudou said: "Aye said it's shameful to waste food. You can eat as much as you can. It's immoral to deliberately leave a lot of food for the sake of face. That's not face, but a fool."

  Those three views...

   What happened to the leftover half of your meal? Isn't this the norm?

  You want to say that the Jia family is stingy, but there were several expensive seafood dishes before, which shows that the Jia family is not reluctant to spend money.

That is…

   Several noble ladies looked at each other.

   After dinner, we drank tea and chatted, and then agreed on which party to go to next time, and everyone said goodbye.

  The present is a tin of tea leaves and nothing else.

  But this can of tea leaves is worth a lot in the market.

   Ladies, go and bid farewell to Wei Wushuang and the others.

  Wei Wushuang smiled and said: "The Jia family doesn't have any terraces or waterside pavilions, so I'm being negligent. Come back later."

  Not overly self-effacing, but also talked about some problems of the Jia family, for example, there are no buildings and waterside pavilions.


  Wang Qiang suddenly shouted happily.

  Jia Ping'an was at the other end of the courtyard, talking with Wang Bo while walking. Hearing the sound, he looked sideways and said with a smile, "It's the second lady!"

  Wang Qiang and DouDou are good friends, and they often come to Jia's house as guests, so they are familiar with each other.

   Jia Pingan stopped, and Wang Bo turned his back to avoid it.

  Wang Qiang stepped forward, Fushen said: "Last time, Ah Weng said that he invited the Duke to be a guest at home, but the Duke is not free."

   "Let's do it another day." Jia Ping'an didn't want to color his daughter's friendship with profit.

  People are so eccentric and hypocritical...Looking at these friends in DouDou, almost all of them are noble women. If Jia Ping'an was mediocre, these noble ladies would naturally look down on Doudou.

  They and DouDou, and even the friendship between them, is partly due to the convergence of the three views caused by the same class, which can be a confidant;

   This is the interest.

  A young girl stepped forward, "I have seen the Duke."

   Jia Ping'an smiled like an old father, "You're welcome. Are you comfortable at Jia's house today?"

  He is now the Minister of the Ministry of War, and even a famous commander of the Tang Dynasty, with a majestic self-existence.

   "Comfortable." The girl smiled and said, "When I saw Jia's house today, I felt ordinary at first, but later I felt warm. The Duke's family management is really different."

  Damn it!

have a look!

have a look!

  This girl looks like she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, but her words are so sophisticated. What's more, her words actually scratched the Jia family's itch, which shows how precocious and extraordinary the noble girl is.

  So it is inappropriate to say that marriage is only based on feelings and not based on family background.

  If such an aristocratic girl marries a commoner, her husband will think all day about where to go to work to earn money, while she will be thinking about her own ability but being suppressed in mediocrity.

   Being well matched is not just about family conditions, but also different views.

  In his previous life, when Jia Ping’an was young, he felt that the **** was the right family, as long as he liked it. Later, with more experience, I realized that what the old man said was true.

  As for the praise of those few successful marriages that were wrongly married, Jia Pingan felt that they would only mislead those young people.

  A young girl stepped forward, "Duke, is this tea the best? Why can't I see it in the market?"

  I don't believe you don't know the rumor that the Jia family keeps the best tea.

  Jia Pingan replied kindly to such a close topic, "The Jia family has a tea house, and business is business. Jia's household needs to be left alone, so as not to disturb each other. So I made tea alone."

  The girl was relieved, "The Duke seems to be running an army!"

   Jia Ping'an casually fooled a group of girls who were not easy until Qiuxiang came.

   "Lang Jun, there is someone in Baiqi asking to see you."

   Jia Ping'an nodded, and ordered: "Doudou treats your guests well, why don't you just ask Yunzhang to talk about it."

  Doudou responded, Yun Zhang said with a smile: "You ladies, just be more casual in Jia's house."

   Jia Ping'an turned around and went to the front yard.

   "Ah! The Duke looks so kind, but I was so nervous talking to him just now, my back was sweating." A girl touched her forehead.

   Doudou said dissatisfied: "Aye is not evil, what are you afraid of?"

  The girl smiled wryly and said: "Looking at the Duke, I can't help but think of the rumors that he built a capital to watch hundreds of thousands of people, and burned down 100,000 coalition troops. I can't help being afraid."

  Jia Ping'an has arrived at the front yard.

   "They're a little flustered, someone's burning something."

   "It must be a letter!"

   Jia Ping'an narrowed his eyes, "Gather your hands."

   Bao Dong said: "Guogong, the letter was burned and there is no evidence."


   "Burn out!"

  Yang Zhi said anxiously: "Hurry up."

  A person came in outside the house, but it was his friend Chen Ji.

   "The man outside is still staring."

  Chen Ji's face was livid, "What did they find?"

  Yang Zhi sneered and said, "So what if we found out? Let's burn the correspondence. Don't they dare to torture you?"

  The servant who squatted on the ground and burned the letter raised his head, "Mr. Lang, why don't you throw it into the toilet after burning it, so it will be hard to detect."

  Yang Zhi nodded, "Good idea, you can do it later, remember to stir it up."

  The servant's throat surged up and down a few times.

   "Burn out!"

   Later, when the letters were dealt with, Yang Zhi ordered a banquet and invited many people to drink.

   "I need to settle down for a while!"

  Yang Zhi raised his glass and said complacently.

   "There's nothing they can do."

   "Ho Ho Ho!"


   Jia Ping'an has arrived at Baiqi.

   "Yang Zhi and Chen Ji were among them. They used to have fat jobs, but after the downfall of Changsun Wuji and others, they were moved to irrelevant positions step by step."

   "So dissatisfied?" Jia Pingan asked lightly.


   "In the past, they covered the sky with one hand and controlled the rise and fall of the dynasty. How happy they are, just like the masters of the world. But now they have become lost dogs. How many people can bear such a big gap in status?"

  Shen Qiu said: "That's why they dared to take the risk last time, and the people left after the failure were panicked..."

   "They were worried that His Majesty would sweep away the fallen leaves and continue to clean them up, so they attacked the prince while His Majesty was ill, and the method was very bad."

   Jia Ping'an sneered and said, "This is a trapped beast."

  Shen Qiu said: "It is very difficult to find evidence."

   "Do it directly!"

   Jia Pingan said indifferently.

  Shen Qiu asked: "What about the criminal evidence?"

   Jia Pingan squinted and looked outside, "No need!"

  Ming Jing said: "Will Your Majesty agree?"

   Jia Ping'an sat upright, "Go and ask for instructions."

  Shen Qiu glanced at him, "Let's enter the palace now."

   "Hundred riders gather."

  Jia Ping'an seemed to be still the commander of the Baiqi.

  Shen Qiu entered the palace all the way.

   "Your Majesty."

  Li Zhi is better today, but he still can’t take care of the government. The medical officials said, don’t come to the emperor if it’s not a big deal.

   "What is it?"

   Li Zhi had a severe headache and asked while covering his forehead.

  Shen Qiu said: "Mr. Zhao ordered Baiqi to keep an eye on the remnants of Guanlong. Just before, the relevant Long officials burned letters at home. Mr. Zhao said that there is no need for evidence..."

  He glanced at the emperor cautiously.

  Li Zhi said lightly: "Guan Long has ruled the world for many years, it's time to end."

  Shen Qiu's heart trembled, "Yes."


  Shen Qiu resigned.

   Behind him came the voice of the emperor.

  "They are in charge of the world, as if they were gods. So they also thought they were gods. Emperor Gaozu was afraid but couldn't move. The first emperor repeatedly suppressed them, but they couldn't get rid of them... So, I came to see them off in person."

  This emperor is not favored by others.

  The pheasant slave is cowardly!

  Everyone in the world knows that the emperor is kind, but cowardly.

  But it was this emperor, who was judged by the outside world as cowardly, who had been dormant for several years. He overthrew Changsun Wuji and the force he represented, and did what Li Yuan and Li Shimin wanted to do but failed.

   Is this cowardice?

  Jia Pingan felt absolutely not.

  Look at the outside world, Koryo has been raging for many years, and the demise of the former Sui Dynasty also has the credit of Koryo. The first emperor conquered Goryeo, but he could not destroy Goryeo.

  In the end, this Goryeo, which caused the Central Plains regime a headache, was ended in the hands of Li Zhi.

   Suppresses the remnants of the Guanlongmen Clan internally, and is merciless in external attacks.

   Such an emperor, if not for later generations of literati who hated Wu Jiwu and tried to discredit him because of Wu Mei, at least he must be a wise emperor, right?

  In Jia Pingan's eyes, this emperor is not just a Mingjun.

  How to calculate the merits of eliminating internal and external troubles?

  One emperor through the ages? If you say it, you will be called crazy.

  One who eats soft food?


   Jia Pingan sits on a hundred horses.

  Ming Jing was muttering, "Evidence is needed anyway! If you don't have evidence, do it. Then they will make a noise...the gentry will make noise too!"

   "This will embarrass Your Majesty."

   "What is the hero?"

   Jia Pingan asked.

  Mingjing shook her head, "I don't understand."

   "The hero never cares about the opinions of the outside world when doing things. If he thinks it is right, then he will do it."

   To do something with forethought, but also want to cherish the reputation, that is not a hero, not even a Mingjun.

  Ming Jing frowned, "I'm afraid His Majesty won't agree."

  Shen Qiu came in.

  He took a deep look at Jia Pingan.

   "Your Majesty has an order, and it's all up to Zhao Guogong!"


  —The black cat sheriff and one ear comes from the work "Black Cat Sheriff" by Mr. Zhu Zhixiang

Good night!

  (end of this chapter)