MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 355

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"Notify all high-level naval officials to hold an emergency meeting!"

Zhan Guo sat on a chair, waved his hand, and motioned for his subordinates to inform.

On the other hand, he completely leaned against the back of the chair, sighing uncontrollably.

"Pirate, Ten Wukai... Is this the justice I've been pursuing so hard in my heart?"

Zhan Guo looked at the front with a slightly decadent look, his eyes became far away, and he muttered to himself in a low voice.

Soon, a group of high-level navy officials came to the conference room.

After Zhan Guo tidied up his mood, he also came to the conference room.

He announced the decision of the world government to recruit pirates and establish the Ten Martial Sea to all the high-ranking naval officers present.


Before he could finish speaking, the conference room exploded.

Dissatisfaction, confusion, and anger ignited the entire conference room.

"I disagree, how can pirates be given such status and privileges!"

"What the world government does is tantamount to setting itself on fire. Moreover, this matter violates justice, absolutely not!"

After hearing the decision announced by Sengoku, Akainu immediately stood up and roared.

The justice he advocates is absolute justice, black and white justice, in his opinion, all pirates deserve to die.

These pirates are not worthy to be compared with their navy at all, let alone enter the world government system and work with them.

"I also object, these pirates will not obey discipline at all, this is to install a time bomb by their side!"

"The world government's decision this time is undoubtedly an extreme mistake. How can those pirates enter the system?"

"Those pirates have committed all sorts of crimes and destroyed one family after another. Their mistakes are just forgiven..."

For a moment, insults, roars, and objections filled the entire conference room.

Everyone has puzzled and angry faces on their faces. They don't understand the world government's decision.

And Aokiji is also extremely angry, and has more doubts and disappointments about the world government.

I am even more confused about my own justice.

He was a bit shaken by his own justice because of O'Hara, but after this incident, his original enthusiasm was completely cooled.

The **** justice has since become lazy justice.

[395] Changed Wuhai Candidates

meeting room.

Listening to the quarrels of the people around, Aokiji's eyes seemed to lose their brilliance.

He leaned lazily on the back of the chair, never arguing or thinking about it anymore, the definition of justice in his heart has gradually become blurred.

No one would have imagined that the originally hot-blooded Aokiji would become like that.

"This decision is simply a joke!"

"It is impossible for a pirate to have a heart for good. If it is really necessary to implement it, I would rather not do it!"

"Give them the right to legally plunder and even occupy a country without being held accountable. This is simply a disaster for civilians!"

"That's right. If it weren't for the pirates, the world would have been peaceful. Why use pirates to manage it now?"

"I don't agree with this, I firmly oppose it..."

In the conference room, the high-ranking officers of the navy were arguing, and all the high-ranking officers of the navy strongly opposed this decision. They felt that this decision was really ridiculous "five three three".

The officers and soldiers actually wanted the help of the thieves, and it would be fine if they were recruited, but they didn't, and it became a cooperative relationship mainly based on the navy.

This is simply the greatest joke in the world!

Akainu's arm has gradually turned into lava, and he looks so angry, as if he will rush directly to the world government to ask for an explanation the next moment.

He couldn't bear it, he wished he could carry out justice to the extreme and kill all the pirates.

Justice should be spotless, and justice should not be a little dark.

And just when everyone was filled with righteous indignation.


Warring States angrily slapped the conference table and scolded loudly.

What if they disagree now?

Now that the world government has issued an order, all they can do is execute it.

These high-ranking naval officers, including himself, have no right to refuse to execute.

There is no ability not to perform.

Warring States didn't want to refuse, but is it useful?

And when Zhan Guo spoke, the meeting room fell silent in an instant, and no one continued to argue.

Although it took less than half a year for Warring States to become admiral of the navy.

But as early as nearly ten years ago, because Steel Gu Kong had long regarded him as his next successor, he had been deliberately cultivating him.

Before becoming an admiral in the Warring States period, he had already exercised part of the rights of admiral of the navy.

Over the years, he has also become majestic and profound. No one dares not to listen to his words.

Well...except for that Cap guy!

Therefore, as soon as Zhan Guo stopped talking, everyone shut their mouths and looked at Zhan Guo.

Even Akainu could only sit back in his original position with a gloomy face.

After Zhan Guo glanced at the crowd, he sighed and his face gradually softened.

"I don't want to either!"

"But there is no way... This is the world government! It is the order of the five old stars! It must be carried out!"

"I'm telling you now, not to argue over whether this matter is against justice, or whether this should be done, but to inform you, tell you about this matter, and discuss ten suitable candidates together."

Zhan Guo said expressionlessly, but everyone present could hear the helplessness in his tone.

He also had a lot of reluctance in his heart, but it was useless. As he said, this was an order, and they were just executors, and they had no right to refuse.

What they can do now is not infighting or arguing, but to think about the candidate, and since they can't refuse, then minimize the damage.

There is a gap between pirates and pirates. Picking the one that poses the least threat to the world government, navy, and civilians can always minimize the damage.

In the conference room, there was no sound for a while.

After hearing the words of the Warring States Period, all the navy fell into a short thought.

They also understood that this matter must be done, but doing this kind of thing violated their justice.

The justice they pursue in their hearts is not the product of compromise, nor is it the product of discussing with their enemies, sitting at a table and opening their hearts.

For a while, everyone was silent and did not say a word.

When Lieutenant General He saw this, he could only sigh. She knew in her heart that at this time, she had to be the chief of staff.

She understood how helpless his old friend was with him in boot camp, adulthood, and old age.

"Since you don't want to talk too much, let me say a few words..."

Lieutenant General He stood up, glanced at the crowd and said calmly.

In the navy, apart from the Warring States Period, he had the highest prestige.

Of course, Karp is too, but Karp is too out of shape.

Under her leadership, several staff members began to select candidates one after another.

"I think Yaris Rodell, who has become famous recently, is very suitable!"

"Moonlight Moriah fought against Kaido in the New World. He was defeated miserably and the whole army was wiped out. I think he must have a lot of hatred, so he is a good candidate."

"That guy rarely actively attacks the navy or civilians. He seems to go to sea just for fame."

The people in the staff department talked about the candidates they thought were not bad.

After some screening and selection, under the leadership of Lieutenant General He, everyone in the staff department finally had a candidate...

"First of all, one of the most suitable candidates for Shiwuhai is Moonlight Moria."

Lieutenant General He said while holding the list in his hand.

The reason why Moonlight Monia was chosen is because this guy just had a fight with Kaido in the New World.

Although it is said that Moonlight Monia was almost devoid of energy after the First World War, but he is also a person who can fight Kaido anyway, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Moreover, according to the Navy's intelligence, Moonlight Moriah is a very emotional person.

Kaido killed almost all of his members, which can be said to be a deep hatred. This candidate is very suitable.

"The second person is Crocodile!"

General He continued, this guy is also not a fuel-efficient lamp.

This guy arrogantly provoked Whitebeard in the New World. After the defeat, he returned to the first half of the great route and didn't say a word about the defeat.

But at any rate, he is a person with natural abilities and strong strength, so he is also a very suitable candidate.

Although he is not friendly to civilians, he rarely takes the initiative to attack civilians.

The first two candidates fought against the Emperor of the Sea as soon as they came up.

Although these people are all heinous pirates, they have basically bid farewell to the possibility of cooperating with the Three Emperors when they turned against Kaido and Whitebeard.

"Next is..."

The third candidate, picking and choosing, chose a newcomer who had recently gained fame.

His name is Yaris Lordel, and he is a person with the form ability of the animal department, the fish fruit, and the emperor crocodile.

Although he is a newcomer, his strength is extremely strong, and it is not bad to say the least.

Although it is 0.3 enemy with the navy, it will also rob civilians, but it will not kill people after robbing, unless someone resists him, so the civilians who died in his hands are not as many as the navy.

And the fourth one, picking and choosing, decided to choose a small pirate group, the kind with only four or five people.

Strictly speaking, the other party is not a pirate, but a sword idiot who occasionally wanders in the sea, never does evil, and looks for swordsmen to fight everywhere.

The pirate group is called the Swordsman Pirates, and the leader is Sasaki, who is in his forties and is a top swordsman.

A few years ago, he had a battle with Hawkeye Mihawk, the top swordsman who is considered to be second only to Caesar now. After fighting for several days and nights, he lost.

Although defeated, its strength is beyond doubt.

Even if it's not at the level of a general, it's at least at the level of a quasi-general.

Moreover, the four pirates under his command are also strong swordsmen, the strongest, comparable to the strength of a lieutenant general in the navy.

The rest are at least at the level of major generals.

[396] invitation, the world shakes

The staff immediately identified four people, and the strength of the four people was very strong.

In the conference room, there were no more voices of objection.

These four are all suitable candidates.

However, after deciding on these four people, there were no good candidates for the crowd.

Even Lieutenant General He frowned slightly at this moment.

"I have reservations about the next candidate, I have to collect information and have a look!"

Lieutenant General He glanced at everyone and sat down.