MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 40 Eight one eight

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Closed the chat window, Yu Shulin went downstairs to tell Aunt Liu the news of Liang Zhou going home for lunch, and then returned to the room in a good mood to continue surfing the Internet. The homework was completed and the textbooks were similarly previewed. He finally had the energy and time to experience the internet surfing that his classmates highly admired.

On the entertainment gossip section of a well-known forum, a post entitled "The Love and Hate Conflict of the Liang Family in Those Eighteen Eighteen Years" was posted on the homepage, attracting countless people's attention.

From the post, the landlord talked about Liang Chi. It took three days to intermittently talk about "Liang Jian was angry and abandoned glory, nephew's thin shoulders carried the beam." The progress was really anxious, and finally urged by netizens to scream The landlord decisively chose to skip this popular gossip last year, and talked about the hot "Yang Lin Liang Zhou private meeting in the park" these two days.

Milk Flavored Strawberry Candy: Do n’t you be so hurried, you little anxious goblins? The enmity of the previous generation is not clear. How can we clearly understand the lingering story of Emperor Liang Ying and his uncle's family?

I'm Dazhi, who am I afraid of: The landlord should not sell offenses, say it quickly! Also, lingering crickets are not used this way. Are your Chinese lessons taught by physical education teachers? 【sinister smile】

Ding-Dang-Dang: Brother Dazhi, do n’t interrupt, everyone is here to listen to the story of the landlord, and pay attention to internal harmony. Also, did we take physical education classes when we were in school? Brother Dazhi, wouldn't you still be a primary school student? Hahahaha.

Warm summer sun: Is Yang Lin and Liang Zhou really just an encounter that day?

Bare after Ye Luo: The landlord is so clear about these secrets, is he in the circle?

Do you dare to respond when I call the soil :: Gossip, come on, comrades! !! !!


Milk flavor strawberry candy: [thriller face] You are so enthusiastic, little girl is terrified! Although the landlord is not an insider, the content is basically true. If there is any mess, the landlord will not marry in his life! Well, come back to life, the news flying around these days, of course ... is false! The landlord happened to be in that park that day, and followed [呸] Emperor Liang Ying and the handsome little boy into the coffee bar intimately. I also heard the little boy calling Liang Yingdi's brother. The two seem to be relatives. Then, * is here! Yang Lin, the pretending woman, did n’t know where she popped out, and greeted her in the past with a sticky ear. I listened carefully with my ears up and wondering if the two were familiar with each other. As a result, I heard she was being sarcastic by Liang Yingdi ’s brother Hahaha, then the two went away, leaving Yang Lin to sit there alone. Yang Lin also pretended to look like Yi Yi, and it was fun! In short, let alone the relationship between Yang Ying and Yang Lin be ambiguous, it is estimated that the relationship in private is very bad, and he is not willing to give even a good face!

Bare after Ye Luo: So the landlord, in fact, you are the wretched brain of Emperor Liang Ying ...

Hahahaha I am the most beautiful: the landlord you exposed, a large Pauline powder is approaching, the helmet is for you, be careful to be sprayed.

Lin Lin is the most beautiful: the landlord is cheap / people, arrogantly slandering my family, Lin Lin, guessing, at first glance, it is an ugly woman who cannot marry, and is jealous of my family Lin Lin!

Warm summer sun: After that, Yang Lin's brain powder is here.

I am Dazhi, who am I afraid of: is this true? So wonderful! Seek specific details, seek deep eight!


Milk Flavored Strawberry Candy: What if I am a fan of Liang Zhou, my idols are shameless when they do things, and they blame others for saying that, I am alas!

Tinker Bell: The landlord is really Liang Zhou's brain powder! Come on, grip, and me too! Unfortunately, my idol is too low-key, hey ...

Lin Lin is the most beautiful: upstairs two people, shameless!


A good gossip post, so it became a stile post for two fans, Wang Zhiyi turned it over endlessly, and browsed the other derivative posts, and then his eyes brightly poked at Yu Sulin's penguin and typed , And then posted the post page.

I am Dazhi, who am I afraid of: Shu Lin, come and come, take a good look at the chaos in the outside world, and have a long experience, but do n’t say that my brothers are busy and miss you.

Yu Shulin, who was watching the news and previous high school exam questions, opened the news, then opened the website by hand, and took a closer look.

I'm Dazhi, who am I afraid of: How about it, hilarious?

Shu Lin: ... have you made ten mistakes in English?

I am Dazhi, who am I afraid of: ...

I am Dazhi Whom am I afraid of: Shu Lin, I hate you! Goodbye!

Yu Shulin twitched the corner of the mouth to close the dialog box, flipped through the contents of the post, and began to sweat coldly on his back. The people around me became curious about the feelings of netizens talking about capital.

The unwilling lonely classmate Wang Zhi cursed angrily after Yu Shulin went to the toilet and forgot to bring the paper. Then he pulled the penguin friend bar. After pondering over it, he would open the class that had been very quiet since it was built. It seems that Yu Shulin did not join the group, and hated himself for dragging Yu Shulin into the group, and then began to send messages.

When Yu Shulin saw that the group notification was sent by Wang Zhi, he added it at will, and then the group news jumped up.

I'm Dazhi, who am I afraid of: Come and see gossip! 【link】

Suther: What gossip?

Learning Committee member Liu Fen: Wang Zhi, why are you so noisy and still not being reviewed?

Suther: You can turn off the penguin sound if you are too noisy ...

I'm Dazhi, who am I afraid of: I still think you are in favor, and that stuffy gourd in Shulin is so dull! Curse him to the toilet without paper!

Sparse forest: ...

Suther: Wang Zhi, you ...

I'm Dazhi Whom I'm afraid of: Oops, I forgot I was cheap and added him!

Learning Committee member Liu Fen: You are here, Shu Lin. Welcome [Shy] [Smile]

Seeing Liu Fen doing this, other diving gossips in the class took the initiative and began to coax, and Wang Zhi's gossip journey was again dead.

The classmates started to coax, Yu Shulin was more afraid to talk.

Shu Lin: Thank you, welcome, you guys talk, I'm gone.

Liu Fen, who was enjoying watching the crowd in the group, froze, bit his lip, and did not speak. Why is this Yu Shulin so and incomprehensible?

Wang Zhi and Yang Sese also saw that they were not used to being so noisy, and they began to silence. When everyone saw the ambiguous incident, the male lead responded indifferently, the female lead did not speak again, the enthusiasm of the gossip faded, and the group gradually quieted down.

Yu Shulin was preparing to go downstairs to help Aunt Liu serve dishes, and the news of Penguin flashed again, and a friend applied for it. He frowned and opened it.

"The learning committee member Liu Fen requested to add you as a friend."

He refused without hesitation.

The message flashed again, and he opened it.

"Li Tao asked to add you as a friend."

Li Tao? He was a little surprised, and he agreed with him. After setting the penguin to not allow friends, he turned off the penguin and went downstairs.

At the other end of the computer, Li Tao stared at the word "sparse forest" in his friends list, pursed his lips, returned to the table in a good mood, took out a book and read it.

The two brothers had a good lunch. After a short lunch break, they all went to the living room.

Liang Zhou didn't have any psychological pressure to skip the class. He put down the files and went to look at Yu Shulin's computer screen, and asked, "What to play? Game?"

"Yes." Yu Shulin replied without raising his head. The mouse snapped: "Zhou He invited me to play, and said that he could exercise his eyesight and hand speed, but I could never play him."

After finishing talking, the game screen was gray and he lost again.

Liang Zhou hooked his lips, put his hand on his right hand on the mouse, nodded to start again, and said, "I help you, we can definitely win him this time."

"Really?" Yu Shulin was excited. The boy was a little bit more competitive. He lost all points and naturally wanted to win back.

"of course."

At the beginning of the game, even though Yu Shulin's hand, Liang Zhou was still able to click the mouse, the icons on the screen disappeared one by one, and after a while, applause came from the computer, and they won Already.

"Win." Liang Zhou smiled, but did not move his hand.

Zhou and angry phone call came in an instant, Yu Shulin picked up in good mood.

"Sparse forest! Did you find foreign aid? Your turtle speed actually beat me. This is unscientific!"

Yu Shulin admits generously and smiles and says, "My brother helped me play, do you still play?"

Zhou He was shocked. His cousin would accompany them to play this kind of childish game. The curiosity and enthusiasm in his heart rose at the same time. He said fiercely: "Play! I must win my cousin!"

Hanging up, Yu Shulin smiled and turned her head: "Zhou He said he must win you."

Liang Zhou discarded the file decisively and sat behind him: "He can try, how about we win all the output points?" He was born tall, so sitting behind Yu Shulin, looking from behind, as if It was holding people in their arms.

Yu Shulin, who was so excited, didn't notice the wrong posture of the two, and nodded: "Okay!"

Zhao Zhi researched the business case day and night, and after preparing the project team, he prepared to call Liang Zhou to come to the meeting. When I went upstairs, the secretary said that the boss didn't come in the afternoon, and called to find someone and shut down.

In desperation, he called He Long.

"Where is Liang Zhou? Let him come to the company for a meeting."

He Long sat in the corner of the living room, silently glanced at the brothers who were having fun playing the game, waxing Zhao Zhi in his heart: "The boss is very busy and has no time to go to the company for a meeting."

"Busy? What are you doing? Why don't I know he has other jobs recently?" Zhao Zhi wondered. Rong Guang's important work basically has to pass his hands. Why can't he remember that he arranged for Liang Zhou, a half-hand shaker jobs.

He Long twitched his face, and his heart was a little speechless: "The boss is busy ... playing games."

"Playing a game?" Zhao Zhi was surprised, his voice was a few degrees higher, "The company wants to get involved in the game industry? No, what games attract him so much?"

He Long put the phone far away back into his ear, dropped his eyes, and answered clearly: "Lianliankan."

Zhao Zhi: "... What?"



After that, Rongguang has such a boss, and sooner or later he will go out of business.

Liang Jian has been very upset recently. First, the company's carefully prepared films have had a flat response and huge losses. Then they were pitted against each other. Yang Lin and Liang Zixiu were beaten out, and the more trouble they got, the more the Yang Lin cried and complained badly in the company every day, it was annoying.

"Dad, the Liu family asked Yu Fen not to contact me recently. What can I do?" Liang Zixiu said with some sadness. Although he was ill-tempered and grumpy, he had a little real heart for Liu Yufen. In addition to the wealth of the Liu family, he had exhausted his thoughts about this Miss Liu family. Now it seems that he must be defeated, naturally. Extremely unhappy.

"What to do, you just know how to do it! Wouldn't you work harder, ah? If you hadn't done anything with Yang Lin before, what would happen now!" The property in the hands of the Liu family is very important to the development of our Ronghua, can you fight for it! "Liang Jian said hating iron and steel, his heart was irritable and his tone was inevitably worse.

He established Ronghua as if he had fought a beautiful self-reliance, but the money he invested in was huge. Almost all the money he has gleaned from glory in the past ten years has been invested! Afraid of insufficient liquidity, he sold 10% of the shares in cash before Rong Guang did not go bankrupt.

... If you knew that glory would slow down, you shouldn't sell that stock!

It's too late to regret it now. Most of his funds have been invested in the blockbuster summer vacation film. Now the children of the film are black and red, and the response is flat. Thank you for not losing, let alone making money! If it weren't for the group of artists brought out of Rongguang at the beginning, Ronghua would have been unable to maintain the appearance.

For Ronghua's development, the marriage with the Liu family is imperative!

The atmosphere in the living room was depressing. Liang Keco walked in happily, holding Mrs. Liang's arm. When she saw her father and brother were there, she shook her bag excitedly and said, "Dad, look, I bought it. The new bag, which is not beautiful, is only over 300,000 and is the latest! "

Mrs. Liang looked at her daughter petulantly and greeted Liang Jian: "My husband, I bought a tie for you, and try it after dinner."

Liang Jian frowned at the price of the bag, his heart's anger could no longer be suppressed, and he said, "Buy, buy and buy, you know how to buy! I earn some money for you, what to eat, not to eat It's over! "He walked out of the house angrily.

"What, what temper?" Liang Coco pursed, grunting dissatisfied.

"Good, go back to the room and put things down. Your dad is in a bad mood, ignore him." Mrs. Liang coaxed, glanced across the direction where Liang Jian left, her face indifferent.

Seeing his mother like this, Liang Zixiu felt more and more upset in his heart, went upstairs and returned to the room, and closed the door loudly.

After the start of City No. 2 Middle School, due to the subject matter, the school decided to hold a parent meeting for the senior students.

Yu Shulin smiled bitterly with the invitation to the parent conference. Liang Zhou is now more famous than before, and the disguise is no longer good. This parent conference ... what to do.

"Let He Long go for me. I'll wait for you at the school gate." Liang Zhou arranged with a black face, and the retreating thought came to mind again.

"Why not let He Bo or Aunt Liu go?" Yu Shulin wondered, wouldn't it be better to let older people go.

Liang Zhou patted his head, and said gently: "Then someone asked about the identity of He Bo and Aunt Liu, how do you answer? Let He Long go, um, as your cousin."

"... Okay." Indeed, at the time of introduction, I couldn't say that this was my housekeeper, this was my auntie nanny ... It was so rude, it was better to let He Long go.

Three days after the start of the school, a parent meeting was held. Students and parents who had had experience once would not be too excited about it. They would discuss the subject matter in pairs.

After the division, the experimental class was still retained, but it became three, one for liberal arts and two for science. Before the division, there was a division examination. If you can enter the experimental class, you have to look at the freshman's degree.

The parent meeting is still held in the small auditorium in the morning. In addition to the final test results and teacher evaluations, each parent also received a letter of intent for the subject, which is the same as the one filled out by the students.

After the meeting, He Long did not follow the other parents to watch the students outside the classroom. Instead, he took the materials and walked to the gate of the school. He walked to a black car in the corner and handed the materials to Liang Zhou who was waiting inside.

Liang Zhou turned over, and was very satisfied with Yu Shulin's performance and teacher evaluation. He took out the intent table for each subject, ticked the science subjects neatly, and signed his name.

Seeing this, He Long hesitated and said, "It's me who came to the parents' meeting, shouldn't I sign it?" Otherwise, the teacher said what should Master Shu Lin do to sign a pseudonym?

Liang Zhou's hand froze, gave him a slight glance, shoved the data back into his hand, waved his hand, and raised the window of the car.

He Long: "..."

The boss always feels hostile in his eyes ... Is it an illusion? 2k novel reading network