MTL - Guardian of Douluo-Chapter 36

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"Xiao Nian! Xiao Nian..." A roar pulled Tang Nian's thoughts back.

"What's wrong?" Tang Nian asked puzzled, looking at Xiao Wu who glared at him angrily.

"You still said it." I don't know what to think, Tang Nian's face turned suspiciously red, and he secretly looked at Tang San, seeing that he was in a daze, didn't pay attention to this side, relaxed tone. Pulling Xiao Wu closer to him, Tang Nian complained in a low voice, "If it wasn't for you, how could my brother and I be this morning..." After speaking, he seemed to have thought of something and shut his mouth.

Xiao Wu was a little bit wrong, hehe smiled, took Tang Nian's arm and said coquettishly, "I know it's wrong, but I didn't expect that thing to have aphrodisiac effect! I just thought Let's make you cleaner." When it came to the aphrodisiac effect, Xiao Wu's voice was even lower.

However, thinking of Tang San and Tang Nian hugging each other on the sofa this morning, Xiao Wu's face blushed strangely, ahhh, why do you think they hug each other so well.

"Brother is angry now, what should I do?" Looking at Tang San who had been silent since that morning, Tang Nian was a little worried.

"I don't think Xiao San is angry, but shy." Xiao Wu retorted with some hesitation.

"How is it possible, who is not angry but shy when something like that happens early in the morning." Tang Nian retorted.

"You!" Xiao Wu replied, "Not only are you not angry now, but are you worried about the appearance of Xiao San?"

"This is different." Tang San didn't know how to explain to Xiao Wu that he liked men, and, "If it wasn't for my brother, I would have beaten him up long ago."

"If it weren't for you, the little three would have beaten someone up long ago." Xiao Wu is puzzled, why Tang Nian is such a mapo?

"Oh, don't worry, trust me, Xiao San is definitely not mad at you." Xiao Wu said that I was worried about something.

I feel more worried, what should I do? Tang Nian felt more and more that Xiao Wu was unreliable.

Although Tang San seemed to be walking in front of him without caring about anything, he still secretly paid attention to their conversation. When he heard Tang Nian was worried that he was angry, he breathed a sigh of relief But feel a little lost. Similar to what Xiao Wu thought, Tang San wasn't angry, but he wasn't shy either, he just didn't know how to face Tang Nian.

When she was going to take a shower last night, Xiao Wu suddenly said that she had found something good, and then poured the small bottle into the bathtub without waiting for the two to answer.

Thinking of this, Tang San wanted to beat Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu more and more, one put the thing in the hotel, the other poured it into the bathtub.

In fact, it didn't have a big effect, didn't Xiao Wu just sleep for one night and be fine? However, Tang San and Tang Nian both used that one to wash at that time, and Xiao Wu stayed in the bathroom even if she said she didn't wash it. No choice but to obey. Then, this wash happened. At night, the two of them are squeezed on the sofa, and the sofa area is so large, and there will inevitably be physical friction at night. Science tells us that friction will create fire, and with that little add-on, something unspeakable happens, and Tang San even had an unspeakable dream.

In the morning, the two of them were awakened by Xiao Wu's screams, and then they found that they were entangled. Originally, it was not a big problem to be entangled, but the key is that Tang San thought of it The dream I had last night, and then I sat up in shock. However, the two were entangled. At this stop, they all pulled off the sofa, rolled for a while, and then pressed together. To put it clearly, it means face-to-face, mouth-to-mouth, kiss.

Recalling this, a strange flush appeared on Tang San's face. After a while, it sinks again. Tang San felt that the reason that morning happened was because of himself, if he hadn't had that dream, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

I don't know Tang San's entanglement, Tang Nian also felt that it was because of his own reasons, so the two of them became such a state that they didn't speak to each other.

Looking at the two people who were not talking to each other, Xiao Wu frowned, not knowing how to change this situation.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, pulling Tang Nian to Tang San's side, pointing to a shop sign and saying, "Let's go there!"

The three wanted to ease the stiff atmosphere, so they decided to go in and take a look.

Unexpectedly, after entering, there was another disturbance, Tang San found something good there, Tang Nian noticed something interesting there, that traitor shop owner saw Tang San's twenty-four Qiao Mingyueye didn't know what to think, but he actually gave them the crystal that Tang San liked for nothing.

"That profiteer." When she came out, Xiao Wu was still muttering, expressing her dissatisfaction with the shopkeeper.

"Okay, stop talking, let's go." Tang San seemed very anxious, greeted Xiao Wu, and dragged Tang Nian to the hotel.

Looking at the two people who were pulling together in front, Xiao Wu's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that the two who were still thinking about how to help just now hooked up again.

Back to the hotel, Xiao Wu was still confused. But neither of them cared, Tang Nian had not reacted to Tang San's sudden hold on him, Tang San had discovered that he was still in the excitement of finding out about Fajing.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Tang Nian asked hesitantly, he hadn't seen Tang San so excited for a long time, not counting this morning.

"Xiao Nian, do you remember what I said about the most precious crystal?" Tang San took Tang Nian's hand, looked at the crystal and asked Tang Nian.

"Fajing, you said that crystal is Fajing." Tang Nian didn't believe it, so he went out to buy something and transported it to the top ten hidden weapons in Tangmen.

"That's right." Tang San proved that what he thought was correct, "After I get it out, remember to bring some equipment to yourself."

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Wu continued beside her.

"Xiao Wu, let's stay away, I'll explain to you." Tang Nian pulled Xiao Wu away, watching Tang San's movements, while telling her about the dragon whisker needle.

"My dear, this hidden weapon is too poisonous." Xiao Wu commented on the Dragon Beard Needle.

"It depends on who is used." Tang Nian had great confidence in Tang San.

"Okay, I know that in your eyes, Xiaosan is the best, but you should go to the person outside to solve it." Listening to the knock on the door outside, Xiao Wu gave Tang Nianjiao give a task.

When Tang Nian sent the waiter away, Tang San Xiaowu had already put away the hair crystal.

"Xiao Nian, take these." Tang San handed some to Tang Nian.

"Oh." Next, Tang Nian did not speak.

Tang San looked at Tang Nian without speaking, and didn't know what to do. After discovering Fajing's enthusiasm, he still had to face the incident this morning.

In the evening, the three of them went to rest after eating in silence. But, that night, Tang San was laying the floor.

On the second day, no one slept well except Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu looked at the tiredness on the faces of the two of them, hesitated again and again, but still did not speak, the three of them set off for Shrek Academy.

When they found Shrek Academy, the three of them couldn't believe it. Shrek Academy, which should be mysterious in their eyes, was actually in a small village. If it wasn't for Dai Mubai standing there to prove it, Tang Nian and the others wouldn't dare to be sure.

Under the guidance of Dai Mubai, the three quickly arrived at the place for the second test. After Oscar's sausage incident, we came to the most important level, which was the level that tested our practical ability. It is guarded by Zao Wou-Ki, the king of Fudo Ming.

The author has something to say: Tang Nian: Shrek Academy, here I come.

Tang San: Shrek Academy, here I come.

Shrek people: There is an ominous premonition.

Author (thinking eyes): From now on, everyone in Shrek will experience the fear of being drowned in dog food and vinegar.