MTL - Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha-Chapter 33 Enchanting Basics

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  Chapter 33 Enchanting Basics

  Satoru was very satisfied with this shape-shifting spell called "Transformation".

   This is what the guardian lineage should have.

   Don't look at what Medivh said so lightly, according to the structure of the incantation, without the secret arcane knowledge of the Guardian's lineage, there is really no way to successfully cast spells.

  If there are exceptions...

   That is the guardian dragon. As Titan creations, they also have similar spells, but they usually solidify a humanoid form and give up, and other creatures are not worthy of a powerful dragon to change.

   That's right, solidify the form, so as to obtain the ability of instant release and no time limit, no action limit, almost equivalent to the Druids' transformation.

   However, the principles are not the same, and the effects are also different.

   "Well... at the beginning, I could only choose one solidified form..."

  Satoru nodded knowingly while analyzing the spell.

   If it is a solidified form, it is obviously a flying unit, no wonder Medivh chose the raven.

   In the ninja world, ravens similar to ravens are also loved by many ninjas.

   It is inconspicuous at night and widely distributed, and it is normal to appear anywhere.

   As an occasional scavenger bird, appearing on the battlefield will not make people feel awkward... but will be considered to bring good luck.

  Satoru wants to complain about his different attitude towards crows, but the Ninja world is like this, and he can't do anything about it.

  The raven, although it is not a crow, but it is only a circle bigger, almost.

   "Tsk, owls are pretty good originally, but unfortunately they are colorblind."

  Satoru muttered a few times, but still took the raven as his first solidified form.

   "Act as a raven, whether it's reconnaissance, hiding, or long-distance raids."

The analysis of the    incantation and the practice will take about a week. During this period, Satoru still needs to find a way to deal with Orochimaru.

  If he didn't throw something to quell Orochimaru, or to hang his appetite, he didn't think Orochimaru's patience would be good.

   How could he have so much time to accompany Orochimaru in research? That would greatly slow down his progress.

   "Therefore, it is best to throw some theoretical foundations and let Orochimaru study it first..."

  Satoru fell into deep thought.

   Arcane power must not be leaked to Orochimaru.

   This is the foundation for Wu to settle down and live. Unless he achieves the realm of "Grand Master" in the future, he can really consider showing it in the Ninja world.

   "Tomorrow, the changes in Rope's body will definitely be hidden from Orochimaru, but in order to save Roshu's life, this has to be done."

   "That is to say, the existence of Enchanting Body Tempering Technique is likely to be discovered by Orochimaru, then..."

  Satoru thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind:

   "Then, as the most unlikely and safest magic faction, the basic knowledge of the enchanting system will be handed over to Orochimaru!"

   "Of course, this will be a ninjutsu version... As far as applying special effects to items, this is exactly what ninjutsu is not good at."

   "In this way, I can just use this as a name and use the power of Orochimaru to accomplish what I can hardly accomplish alone..."

   "Arcane Construct!"

  Wu eyes flashing arcane light, arcane structure, the most famous should be the librarian in Karazhan - the curator.

   "The library is only open to guests!"

   And more powerful arcane constructs, there are many, after all, the role of the curator is not to fight.

   This is an artificial intelligence robot created by arcane magic, and the technology used to create it is the high-end technology of the enchantment system.

   If you add various applications of the plastic energy system, you can even create various elemental structures.

   But the high-end technology of the enchantment system is really very difficult, and the time to learn arcane knowledge is too short. This kind of thing is usually done by a famous archmage for more than ten years or even decades.

   Even with the help of the Book of Medivh, Satoru would not be able to do his own research - because there is still a war.

   Then, with the help of Orochimaru, it might really be a good idea.

The mysterious connection between    Chakra and the power of arcane, let Wu research things, Orochimaru can't use it, but what Orochimaru researched, Wu will definitely be able to use it!

   "Very good, that's it..."

  Satoru took out a new notebook and began to record the basic knowledge of the enchantment system and the revised version of ninjutsu.


   In the early morning of the next day, as soon as the confession was made with his father, Orochimaru complied with the agreement and came to visit early.

   Of course, Mito Gate Yan solemnly confessed to Orochimaru that he must ensure the safety of Satoru, and he "reluctantly agreed" to this matter.

   Then, Mito Gate Yan took out a thick notebook, subconsciously moved his wrist, and then handed it to Orochimaru.

   "Basics of Enchanting".

   "Orochimaru, since you are Satoru's teacher and we have reached this cooperation, there are some things you must know."

  This notebook is the version Satoru finished writing last night and handed it over to Dad to transcribe.

The version written by   Wu himself was naturally given to Dad to study.

   As for the origin of the note, Satoru only said that it was researched by himself, and he had to believe it even if he didn’t believe it.

   Of course, the strange technique developed by Satoru was already a preventive shot for Yan in advance.

   "This is what I recorded on an ancient stone tablet I encountered during a mission in the past. At that time, I just thought the text on it was mysterious, so I recorded it."

   Mito Gate Yan looked serious, and recited the script that Satoru taught him:

   "The stone tablet has been destroyed in the battle. It took me a lot of effort to decipher these words, and here they are."

  Yan pushed his glasses, as if he was an intellectual and interpreting words was a normal operation:

   "That's what Satoru and I have been working on for a long time, and of course it's just the foundation."

   A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth, Yan looked at the treasured Orochimaru and said softly:

   "You're right, I'm getting older and I'm working as a consultant again. I have a lot of affairs, and I'm getting more and more powerless about these research things."

   "Student likes to keep a low profile since he was a child, but I think this is in line with the mentality of being a ninja—and, although he likes research, this kind of thing is not suitable for publicity for the time being."

   "I see..." Orochimaru, who had a rough look at the beginning, nodded cautiously, with a serious face:

   "This kind of thing really cannot be disclosed until it is thoroughly researched, otherwise it will fall into the hands of careerists, and the consequences to the world will be completely unknown."

Yan stroked his beard and nodded in agreement: "Yes, therefore, this arduous task will be handed over to you and Wu... This is not only a father, but also a high-level adviser to Konoha. secret commission!"

   "Lord Hokage, I will report to you. I believe your efforts will be of great help to the future of the village!"

  Orochimaru's vertical pupils dilated slightly, and he was in a very excited mood - he didn't think about it so much, but who knew that there was such a treasure hidden behind Wu!

   As expected, he is the teacher's comrade-in-arms, Konoha's high-level advisor, and he is hidden!

   "Advisor, please rest assured... Leave it to us!"

   (end of this chapter)