MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 134

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The next day, the morning light was dim, and the fire that had been burning all night had been extinguished. Xie Changyun got up and continued on his way. Jing Zhao followed him and asked, "Where are you going, Taoist?"

Although Xie Changyun was a bit bored, sometimes he would answer Jing Zhao's questions, looked up and looked ahead, and said, "South."

south? Although Jing Zhao doesn't know where this is, but just looking at the scenery of the mountains and forests, he knows that this is definitely not the south.

"Why does the Taoist priest want to go to the south? Are you going to visit friends? I grew up in the south since I was a child, and the scenery there is beautiful."

Jing Zhao talked unhurriedly, from the place where she grew up, to the fact that all her family members died of the plague, she was also tricked and trafficked here, and after she finally escaped, she met her again in the mountains. Monster, if she hadn't met Xie Changyun, she might not be alive now.

Xie Changyun walked ahead in silence the whole time, neither expressed his position nor expressed his opinion, and he didn't know whether he listened or not.

Jing Zhao stopped talking for a while, changed the subject and asked, "Taoist, what's your name?"

Jing Zhao had already reported her family name just now, and it was impossible to wait for Xie Changyun to introduce herself, so she simply asked directly.

This time, Xie Changyun spoke up, "Xie Changyun."

"Xie Changyun..." Jing Zhao said it silently and then smiled, "Your name, Daoist, is really nice, like a poem."

Xie Changyun didn't respond. He resolutely walked like an ascetic. He didn't seem to feel tired. Jing Zhao followed him for a while and couldn't bear it anymore. His feet hurt and his mouth was thirsty, so he didn't have the mood to talk.

The vegetation in the mountain forest gradually thinned out. Xie Changyun suddenly walked down the mountain as he was walking. Jing Zhao walked behind him for a while and saw a few families sitting on the mountainside, with a little smoke rising from the roofs of the earthen houses made of mud. .

"Master Dao, there seems to be someone in front, where should we go?" Jing Zhao looked at the people in front and asked.

Xie Changyun kept walking, and said lightly, "Yes."

Soon they came to the boundaries of those families. There was a tall and lush banyan tree at the entrance of the village. Two five or six-year-old children were playing by the tree. He watched them, and then ran away in a hurry.

Not knowing why Xie Changyun came here, Jing Zhao followed him into this small village, and saw the Taoist priest stop in front of one of the earthen huts after going around the village.

The earthen house is a thatched house with a fence surrounding the yard. Inside, a woman dressed in earth red and wrapped in a cloth scarf is beating clothes with a mallet on the edge of the yard.

Xie Changyun walked directly in front of the woman, and said through the fence: "There is an evil thing haunting your house, can you let Pindao go in to drive out the evil?"

The sudden appearance of the voice startled the aunt, she stood up with a mallet and yelled at Xie Changyun with her hands on her hips: "Where is the accuser! What nonsense are you talking about? Evil thing? I think you are the evil thing! Hurry up and tell my old lady!" Get out, or be careful that I beat you with a mallet!"

Xie Changyun's face did not change, he still persisted and said: "There is really something evil in your house, if you don't get rid of it, I'm afraid it will be too late."

The more he said this, the angrier the aunt became, and she was about to throw a mallet at him. Jing Zhao couldn't stand it anymore, so she stepped forward and said, "This aunt, my master is really a monster catcher and exorcist!" Daoist priest, we are not liars, there should be a patient in your family, right? My master can also treat illnesses, so let us go in and have a look, we don’t charge money, just ask for a bowl of water.”

Jing Zhao was originally good-looking, and she was a girl, and she spoke in a soft voice, which was completely different from Xie Changyun who had a straight face. The aunt's eyes rolled around them, although she was still a little hesitant, but she was There is no resistance like before.

What's more, Jing Zhao really hit it off. Her family did have a patient, her wife. She had been ill for a few days. A doctor in the village saw it and said it couldn't be cured. The doctor can only procrastinate like this.

Seeing that the aunt's attitude softened, Jing Zhao continued to persuade: "Auntie, my master is really good at curing diseases, just let him have a look, maybe there will be improvement?"

Xie Changyun was stunned for a rare moment just now. Seeing Jing Zhao saying that he would cure diseases, he just wanted to open his mouth to explain that the people inside were not sick but possessed by evil spirits. Frowning, he swallowed back the words in his mouth.

The aunt put down the mallet in her hand, and she looked at Jing Zhao with a little hope, and asked uncertainly, "Can it really cure diseases?"

Jing Zhao nodded emphatically, "Well, auntie, just trust us!"

The aunt was silent for a while, then walked to the front of the yard and opened the gate for them, "Then you all come in!"

Xie Changyun was slightly surprised that the aunt was able to let them in. Originally, he planned to ask, and if the other party refused to agree, he would think of other ways.

The aunt put down the mallet and led the two of them into the house, talking about her wife's situation while walking.

Xie Changyun's eyes fell on Jing Zhao who was walking in front, and finally moved away to look around the yard, and saw a medicine stove boiling medicine near the kitchen, and immediately understood.

The aunt pushed open the door. There was only one transparent window in the room, and it was a bit dark, but one could clearly see a man lying on the only wooden bed as soon as he entered the door. He was wearing a coarse cloth jacket, his complexion was sallow, and his chest heaved slightly. But he could hear rough inhalation after another, obviously he was dying soon.

"The old man of my family just went to the mountains to cut firewood once, and when he came back, he said that he couldn't exert himself and was always thirsty. I thought he was tired, so I asked him to lie on the bed and rest. I couldn’t get up anymore, the doctor in the village saw it and prescribed meds, but it didn’t improve…” The aunt chattered, sat down by the bed, and reached out to touch the chest of the person on the bed to comfort him .

Although the person on the bed had his eyes closed all the time, his body looked clean and there was no strange smell in the room. It was obvious that the aunt often took care of him.

"Dao...Master, can you cure it?" Jing Zhao looked at the man's appearance and asked Xie Changyun in a low voice.

Xie Changyun glanced at her sideways, without saying a word, turned to the woman beside the bed and said, "Auntie, please bring me a bowl of clean well water."

There was a well around the yard, and the aunt came in soon after she went out with a rough porcelain bowl with a chipped hole in it, which contained clean and clear well water.

In order to avoid the aunt's overreaction, Xie Changyun hesitated and explained: "I'm going to cut a hole in his wrist now."

The aunt's face changed when she heard the words, and she wanted to say something, but she glanced at her wife's face and said nothing.

Seeing that Xie Changyun was going to grab the arm of the person on the bed, Jing Zhao took the initiative to take the water bowl in his hand. Xie Changyun glanced at her and said, "Hold it well, no matter what happens later, don't move around."

Jing Zhao nodded, and then saw Xie Changyun holding the man's wrist, and when his fingertips lightly stroked his wrist, a wound appeared.

Jing Zhao held the bowl under the wound, and as drops of red blood dripped into the water, the color of the blood gradually became thicker and darker, as if a large lump of dirty blood suddenly fell into the porcelain bowl.

Seeing the thing flowing out, Xie Changyun immediately put down the man's arm, put his **** together and gently wiped the wound, and the wound that was still dripping immediately scabbed over.

Jing Zhao thought that the thing that just fell out of the man's wrist was a blood clot, but the blood clot suddenly "lived" after entering the water, with a small tail behind the oval black head, which looked a bit like a larger tadpole.

Just as Jing Zhao's hand shook, Xie Changyun took the porcelain bowl in his hand.

He said to the aunt: "This is what made this uncle sick. This thing is called a wandering spirit. It is often born in the water source near the grave. This uncle probably accidentally drank the water near the grave. Only then did this wandering soul enter the body, this thing likes water, people will lose strength when dehydrated, that's why he is so limp on the bed."

If the aunt didn't believe it at first, but now she saw such a big lump of worms falling out of her wife's body, and what the other party said was reasonable, she just couldn't believe it.

In addition, after the worm was taken out, the man lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, and the aunt hurried over to help him up, and asked while crying: "You said you, did you run to someone's cemetery?" Are you going to drink water?"

The man was still a little weak, and he just nodded slightly when he heard the words, which made Xie Changyun's words even more affirmative.

The aunt was also weeping with joy, she couldn't help but knelt on the ground and thanked her, "Thank you Taoist priest for saving my old man!"

Xie Changyun stretched out his hand to support her, preventing her from kneeling down, "It's nothing to do with a little effort, auntie doesn't have to do that."

"Thank you, thank you, Taoist priest saved my old man's life!" The aunt wiped away her tears, and then warmly invited them to sit in the main room, pouring them tea and preparing some food.

Xie Changyun wanted to refuse at first, but he hesitated for some reason. He didn't say the refusal, followed his aunt to the main room, and told him by the way: "Uncle is sick and weak, it is not advisable to drink a lot of water just after waking up. Feed him some water every once in a while." Salt water is fine."

The aunt wrote down what he said, and after pouring tea for them, she went to dilute the salt water for the uncle and cook for them.

Jing Zhao lay on the table and looked at the wandering soul constantly swimming in the bowl, and asked, "Master Dao, what should we do with this bug? Will it come out?"

"No, the well water is trapped, it can't get out." As he said, Xie Changyun folded his fingers and slid his fingertips across the water, the wandering soul in the water suddenly began to struggle uneasily, and then there was a "bang" in the water. It exploded in the water.

The well water in the bowl became as dirty as ink.

Xie Changyun walked out with the bowl of water, probably looking for a place to pour it out.

The aunt came in with a basket of things, and said a little embarrassedly: "There is nothing delicious at home, just some potato heads and pancakes, I hope you two don't dislike it."

"No, auntie, it's good to have these."

The aunt said and took out a pair of old cloth shoes from the cloth bag under the creaking nest and handed them to Jing Zhao, saying, "This is what my married daughter used to wear. I think the girl's feet are similar to mine, so it should be Wear it well, girl, don't be disgusted."

The aunt saw that the soles of Jing Zhao's shoes were worn out early in the morning. When she was serving her wife to drink water, she searched the house and found these shoes and took them out.

Jing Zhao was a little surprised, and shyly refused, but the aunt insisted on giving her the shoes. In the end, Jing Zhao could only accept it and put on the sturdy cloth shoes.

When Xie Changyun came in, he saw Jing Zhao changing his shoes. After walking all the way, not only the shoes were torn, but also two big holes were worn out in the socks, which looked blood-stained inside.

Xie Changyun stared at it twice, then looked away.

After eating something, Jing Zhao saw that Xie Changyun had untied the bag around his waist. There were two bags in Xie Changyun's waist, one was a black monster-receiving bag, and the other was dusty. Jing Zhao thought it was a money bag, until Xie Changyun Only after she opened it by herself did she realize that it was not money.

Xie Changyun took out a stack of ginger-yellow talisman papers from the dusty bag, counted out two and put them on the table.

Taoist priests generally need the best talisman paper, cinnabar, and talisman brushes to draw talismans.

But these things are very expensive, Xie Changyun doesn't have anything, he usually draws talismans, which are powerful and save money, he likes it very much.

The only stack of talisman papers was brought out by Xie Changyun from Tianxue Mountain, so one piece is less.

After placing the talisman paper on the table, Xie Changyun broke his fingertips and drew the talisman directly with blood. Drawing the talisman needs to be done in one go without stopping, otherwise it will become a piece of waste paper and lose its proper mana.

Although he hadn't drawn on the talisman paper for a long time, it didn't affect Xie Changyun's proficiency. He quickly finished drawing the talisman and put the talisman paper away.

The two had a simple meal at the aunt's house, and when they were leaving, Jing Zhao begged for something from the aunt, and exchanged the last hairpin he had left for some salt and needles, and took it with him on the road.

The aunt watched them leave, and when they passed the big banyan tree, Xie Changyun, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly, and handed the paper talisman he had drawn before to Jing Zhao, saying, "Put this on the bottom of your feet, and your feet won't be worn out anymore." .”

Jing Zhao was a little surprised. She took the talisman and put it in her palm to look carefully. She thought that the talisman he drew was for exorcising evil spirits, but she didn't expect it to be for her.

"Why did you draw a talisman for me? Daoist, do you care about me?" Jing Zhao smiled, revealing the dimples on his cheeks, and looked at Xie Changyun.

Seeing that she took the talisman paper, Xie Changyun continued to move forward, and said casually: "The town is still far away, and you won't be able to walk if your feet are worn out. You helped me talk to my aunt before, and I will draw the talisman for you, so we can clear up. "

Jing Zhao trotted to keep up with him holding the talisman, "But Daoist, you saved me from the tiger demon before, how can you be clear?"

Xie Changyun said solemnly: "It is my duty to eliminate demons and defend the Tao."

"It's your duty, but us mortal women, if someone saves our lives, we will promise to do so, Taoist priest? Can you Taoist priests marry wives?"

I don't know if Xie Changyun heard it, Jing Zhao just felt that he was walking faster and faster, so he had to give up his plan to continue teasing him, trotted after him, and said, "Daoist, wait for me, I haven't got the talisman yet." Paste it up!"

Xie Changyun didn't stop when he heard the words, but subconsciously slowed down.

The two walked on the field path one after the other, and soon entered the deep mountains and old forests. These remote places are uninhabited, and there are no decent roads. They can only walk on the road covered with dead branches and leaves. in the woodland.

Sometimes it rains in the mountains, Jing Zhao asked casually when he was on his way in the rain, "Master Daoist, you obviously have an umbrella, why don't you use it to keep out the rain?"

Xie Changyun looked back at her inexplicably, "This is a magic weapon, not an ordinary umbrella."

Jing Zhao: "Oh, so it can't get wet?"

Xie Changyun thought for a while and replied, "Not really."

Jing Zhao wondered, "Then why can't it be used to keep out the rain?"

Xie Changyun glanced at her and said, "If you can't, you can't." Then he continued to walk forward in the rain with his umbrella on his back.

Jing Zhao took a look at the sky, but luckily it wasn't raining too much, otherwise he might get sick if it rained down.

When tired and hungry, Xie Changyun would also stop to rest on the spot. Most of the meals on the road were various barbecues. Although there were no other condiments, Jing Zhao had salt, which was better than nothing.

It's just that he still got angry after eating too much meat, and when Xie Changyun handed her the roasted meat again, Jing Zhao was so wilted that he didn't really want to eat it.

Xie Changyun didn't say anything, Jing Zhao ate the whole roast chicken by himself without any food left.

When he was on his way the next day, Jing Zhao followed him weakly. Just when he couldn't help but want to stop and take a breath, Xie Changyun stopped, and then he didn't know where he went. When he came back, he had an extra green There is also a wild fruit wrapped in green leaves in the bamboo tube.

Putting the bamboo tube and the wild fruit beside Jing Zhao, Xie Changyun sat beside him without saying anything and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Jing Zhao picked up the bamboo tube and opened it and found that there was clear water in it. After tasting it, it was still a bit sweet, and then he picked up the fruit in the leaf and took a bite. The taste was sweet and sour.

Unexpectedly, Daoist Menhulu is quite good.

They walked for a few more days, and they encountered a few waves of monsters on the road these days, but they were all little monsters, Xie Changyun could easily deal with them, and Jing Zhao was also scared from the beginning, and now he no longer makes a fuss when seeing monsters.

Xie Changyun drew a few more talismans for her and asked her to hold them so that no monsters would approach her when she was fighting with them.

At night, when Xie Changyun lit the fire, the person next to him suddenly sat over, Xie Changyun moved his fingertips slightly, looked up and saw that the other party took out a silver needle and white silk thread from nowhere, and said with a smile: "Master Dao, take off your clothes, and I'll mend them for you! Look at how tattered they are!"

Xie Changyun's clothes were worn from Tianxue Mountain. Because of the rush and fighting, the original white clothes have become tattered, with several holes in the cuffs and waist. Xie Changyun can draw cleaning symbols but can't mend them. , He simply didn't care, if it broke, it would break.

Therefore, facing Jing Zhao's move to sew clothes for him, he refused without thinking, "Thank you, no need."

"Take it off! My girl is pretty good, and I can definitely sew it for you, Daoist."

Xie Changyun still wanted to refuse, but put one hand on his sleeve and said, "Forget it if you don't take it off. If you don't mind, then I'll sew it for you like this."

Jing Zhao lowered his head and prepared to mend his cuffs as he spoke. The two of them were very close to each other, and their posture seemed extremely intimate.

Xie Changyun's eyelids twitched, he stood up suddenly and said, "Okay, I'll take it off, you sew it up!"

After finishing speaking, he simply took off his outer robe and handed it to Jing Zhao. Seeing that Jing Zhao left and sat down in a place where the fire was brighter, Xie Changyun heaved a sigh of relief and returned to his seat.

Jing Zhao concentrated on sewing clothes, instead of talking all the time as usual.

Xie Changyun was meditating with his eyes closed, but when he opened them suddenly, his eyes fell on Jing Zhao next to him unconsciously.

The woman is threading needles and threads in front of the fire, her posture is skillful, and the jumping firelight reflects her side face, with a crooked head and crescent eyebrows, which is more gentle than the moonlight pouring in the forest.

For some reason, Xie Changyun felt his heart beating a little faster.

Jing Zhao suddenly raised his head and met Xie Changyun's gaze. After a slight start, he smiled and said, "The hole is a bit big, but it will be repaired soon."

Xie Changyun pursed his lips, said nothing, and turned his head away as if nothing had happened.

After mending the clothes, Jing Zhao handed it back to Xie Changyun. After Xie Changyun took the clothes, he subconsciously looked at the hole. The stitches were really smooth, and it was almost impossible to tell that it had been broken before.

Xie Changyun suddenly remembered that when he was young, his master would sew clothes for him, but the master was very knowledgeable, but his technique of mending clothes was not very good. Usually, two sleeves turned into one sleeve when he took them back, and he had to do it himself Take it apart.

Jing Zhao yawned and sat down next to him. When Xie Changyun was still staring at the fire, he felt a weight on his shoulders, and there was an inexplicable fragrance in his breath.

He tilted his head to look at the sleeping person on his shoulder, his dark eyes reflected the other person's face, and slowly lowered the hand that was originally raised, and slowly closed his eyes in this posture.

The next day they continued their journey, but this time they encountered a difficult monster on the road.

It's a mountain monster who has occupied this place for a long time, and his cultivation is so high that even Xie Changyun can't subdue him immediately, but he won't be at a disadvantage either.

The mountain demon soon felt that he was not Xie Changyun's opponent, and wanted to escape, but how could Xie Changyun let it go and chase after it directly.

Normally, Jing Zhao would not run around at such times, so as not to meet other goblins and cause trouble for Xie Changyun, but even Xie Changyun didn't expect that this mountain demon's cultivation had reached the point where he could master the clone technique.

After the transformed phallus lured Xie Changyun away, the other phallus returned to the place just now.

He had just been injured by Xie Changyun and was in urgent need of nourishment, but the mortal in front of him smelled delicious, and he could recover his strength after eating her.

Jing Zhao was taken aback when he saw the mountain demon reappearing, but he still managed to negotiate with the mountain monster, but the monsters were unreasonable and didn't listen to what she was saying, they just exposed their black belly and planned to devour Jing Zhao .

Jing Zhao hastily took out the talisman paper that Xie Changyun had stuffed for her before. The mountain demon never defended Jing Zhao, but she stuck the talisman paper into her mouth. When the talisman paper burned, a thick black smoke came out, and the mountain demon screamed and backed away. After a long time to react, the mortal in front of him had already run away, and he quickly chased after him.

Naturally, Jing Zhao didn't run as fast as the mountain monster, and was soon intercepted by the mountain monster.

The mountain demon was afraid of the talisman paper in Jing Zhao's hand, and didn't dare to approach it directly, but it didn't prevent him from dealing with Jing Zhao, and directly used his mana to blow him away.

When Jing Zhao fell to the ground, he felt severe pain in his shoulders, and saw that the clothes on his shoulders were torn, revealing three black paw prints inside, and he was still breathing black.

The talisman paper in his hand was also scattered on the ground beside him, Jing Zhao got up and wanted to get it, but the talisman paper was blown away by the mountain demon.

The mountain demon let out a burst of "Jie Jie" laughter, and when Jing Zhao turned around, he saw the mountain demon rushing towards her.

It didn't take long for Xie Changyun to chase after him and found that the mountain monster was much weaker than before. Something flashed in his mind, and he quickly put the weakened mountain monster into the monster collection bag.

After rushing back quickly, he found that Jing Zhao hadn't stayed where he was, and the aura of the mountain demon here was stronger than that of the one he had just subdued.

Clone technique!

Thinking of this, Xie Changyun directly sacrificed the cartilage umbrella, and the cartilage umbrella recognized the direction in an instant.

The mountain demon didn't expect Xie Changyun to come so fast, and he was thinking about swallowing the person under him before running away, but it was too late, a sharp blade pierced out from the middle of the bone of the cartilage umbrella, and came straight from the mountain demon's body. Pass through the heart.

The thick black was gradually swallowed by a golden light, and the hole swallowed by the golden light became bigger and bigger, and the mountain monster slowly turned into a black smoke and dissipated in the air under the ferocious and unwilling eyes.

Xie Changyun put away the cartilage umbrella and walked up to Jing Zhao in two steps and three steps, and helped her up, "How are you?"

Jing Zhao let go of the hand covering his shoulder, sweating all over his head, "Xie Changyun, it hurts so much."

After saying these words, Jing Zhao fainted. Xie Changyun saw the black paw prints on her shoulders, and his pupils shrank slightly.

When he woke up again, Jing Zhao found himself on Xie Changyun's back.

He was carrying her on his back, supporting her leg with one hand, holding his cartilage umbrella with one hand, and hanging her small bundle and bamboo tube on his body.

Realizing that she woke up, Xie Changyun didn't stop, and said in a low voice: "There is a town ahead, you are very weak now, and it is not suitable for you to continue walking in the mountains."

Jing Zhao listened, lowered his head and lay on his back, and said softly, "Master Dao, thank you for your hard work."

Xie Changyun lowered his eyes and said: "It's not hard, you were injured because of me, and it's only natural for me to save you."

Jing Zhao smiled when he heard the words, "Master Dao, you really know how to take responsibility for yourself. I was injured because the mountain demon wanted to eat people. Even if he didn't eat me, he would eat others. What does it have to do with Dao Master?"

Xie Changyun said: "The mountain demon came after me, you won't get hurt if you don't stay with me."

"But I may also get it in other places. If the Taoist priest is not by my side, I will only die if I encounter a monster."

Xie Changyun was silent for a moment, and then said: "There are not so many monsters in the human realm, so it will be much safer."

perhaps. Jing Zhao lay on top of him, and gradually stopped talking.

Xie Changyun sent the man directly to the medical clinic. Although he cleaned up the evil poison for Jing Zhao, the wound still needed anti-inflammatory medicine to bandage it. The medical clinic was the best choice.

Seeing a doctor requires money, and Xie Changyun is penniless. Fortunately, the doctors and doctors in the hospital are benevolent, and promised Xie Changyun to be accommodating for a while, and bandage Jing Zhao's wound first.

During the treatment, Xie Changyun went out for a trip, and when he came back, he had an extra bag of money in his hand.

After paying for the medicine, there was still a lot of money left in the purse. Jing Zhao looked at it dumbfounded and said, "Master Dao, you are going..." Before the word "steal" came out, Xie Changyun glanced at her and said: " Helped people drive away an evil spirit, it was given by that family."

Jing Zhao: "Oh."

As soon as Jing Zhao finished speaking, Xie Changyun handed her the money bag in his hand, "Here you are."

Jing Zhao: "What are you doing for me?"

Xie Changyun stood up holding his umbrella, and said seriously: "These money should be enough for you to live here for a while."

Only then did Jing Zhao realize that he meant to leave her behind and leave.

"You want to go?"

"Yeah." Xie Changyun stood up, and gave Jing Zhao a rare solemn salute, "Miss Jing, please leave now."

The two stayed together for more than half a month, and he never called her by her name. This was the first time he called her Miss Jing.

"Master Dao, can you take me with you?" Jing Zhao looked at him expectantly.

Xie Changyun hesitated for a moment, and then wondered: "Why do you follow me? I'm not safe around me, and I may be injured by monsters at any time." Xie Changyun said, his eyes fell on Jing Zhao's shoulder, "Just like today, you wait It's safest here."

Jing Zhao stood up and said, "But I want to go to the south with the Taoist priest!"

Xie Changyun pursed his lips, and after being silent for a while, he still said: "Sorry, Miss Jing, it's really dangerous for you to be by my side, so you should stay here! I'll take my leave first."

After Xie Changyun finished speaking, he left without looking back. When Jing Zhao wanted to chase her out, her injured shoulder throbbed. By the time she left the gate of the pharmacy, Xie Changyun had long since disappeared.

There was only one way out of the city, and after bidding farewell to the doctor in the clinic, Jing Zhao went straight to the road with his own little burden on his back.

After finally walking out of the city gate, my shoulders were throbbing so badly, the wind and clouds were changing, and the sun was covered by dark clouds in an instant, and the rain was pouring down, and there was not even a place to hide from the rain.

Jing Zhao raised her hands above her head, trying to find a place to hide from the rain. Suddenly, the raindrops on her head disappeared. She stopped and looked up. There was a plain umbrella propped above her head, blocking all the wind and rain.

Jing Zhao turned around and saw the Taoist priest who had gone and returned looking at her helplessly, sighed and said, "Why is the girl not obedient?"

There was a slight smile on Jing Zhao's lips, he looked up at the umbrella above his head, and said, "Didn't the Taoist priest say that this umbrella can't cover the rain?"

Xie Changyun was speechless, staring at the person under the umbrella with eyes like the breeze and the moon, finally overflowing with a little softness.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-2219:34:18~2022-06-2319:07:57~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Fufu and Xiaoyuan Xixi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?