MTL - Hail the King-~ 1181, the origin of the goblin strong

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Sun Fei and Valkyrie saw a more surprised scene.

In a much larger space, this time there is a red-red giant tree, one of the strong warriors who are full of flaming flames, jumping out of the fruits of red and green, they are born with a star. The vindictive power of the left and right is incomparably strong.

These goblin warriors were diverted into two parts.

Some of them, like the previous ordinary goblins, ran to the outside along the ramp.

The other part was diverted to a huge arena-like venue filled with corpses of bones and goblins, and a goblin warrior with red eyes smashed here.

"Oh..." A goblin warrior killed his companion and then swallowed and swallowed the same kind of body.

Sun Fei is keenly aware that after each kill and swallow, the strength of the goblin warrior will increase significantly, and each swallowing is more than a goblin warrior of the same level, its strength will double, become two stars. Grade goblin warrior.

According to this trend, if you swallow all the way, you can have a more powerful goblin.

"No wonder the sperm can not kill, the goblin strong is like a leek, cut a slap and a glimpse, they turned out to be so born, this feeling, like the legend of the past, the Miao people raise cockroaches and raise no worms Like the king, the survival of the fittest, by consuming the energy of the partners, cultivates the strongest."

The more he looks at Sun Fei, the more he is scared.

If everything is a natural evolutionary process, then nature is amazing.

Sun Fei is more willing to believe that this is a 'factory' that is considered to be established.

The martyrdom seems to be never ending. The more you go, the bigger the space.

At the end of the day, the sky was once again faintly green, as if it was a space of self-containedness, and the power of suppression was stronger, and the power of Azeroth’s law was weakened to a minimum, one and a half. The god-level human strongman came here, only afraid that he would fall to the realm of the great-day sage.

Just like the ones in the nursery pool, countless places to produce goblins, goblin warriors and evolutionary goblins are connected by the ramps, boundless, countless and countless.



There was a burst of roaring noise in the ear.

Thousands of elite goblins with strength in the realm of the Japanese level, I don’t know why, I found out the existence of Sun Fei and the siege from the four sides.


I didn’t need Sun Fei’s shot at all. The female Valkyrie didn’t even take out the bow and arrow. The eyes were everywhere, and the ice arrows of the road appeared in the air. In the twinkling of an eye, all the imperial goblins were nailed to the wall. .

"They can actually find us?" The female Valkyrie was surprised, the Japanese level was full, and it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to detect the existence of himself and Sun Fei.

Sun Fei smiled and said: "Maybe these guys have discovered us, but the existence behind them and found us."

"What do we do next?" The female Wushen eyebrows pick one.

In the midst of it, she felt like she was back to the unforgettable years of Sun Fei’s struggle in the Diablo world. In the terrible environment and underground tunnels, facing the swarm of hell. Monsters, the two fight side by side, every time after destroying a wave of monsters, she will ask Sun Fei.

Sun Fei also has the same feeling.

"Haha, go ahead, I want to know, what kind of secrets are hidden here."

The emperor's majesty is arrogant and dry.

The two continued to move forward.

After more than ten minutes, the same thing happened again.

Thousands of high-level goblins in the realm of the Japanese realm have discovered the existence of the two.

This time, the speed at which the Valkyrie annihilated these killers was slightly slower.

Because these guys know how to cooperate with each other, what is even more strange is that these guys seem to have mastered some extremely strange totals and can exert several times their own strength.

"It’s a bit interesting, but unfortunately your formation is not so skillful. Wouldn’t it be learned?”

Sun Fei shook his head and smiled. As soon as he reached out, a force emerged. All of the energy contained in the bodies of the thousands of great-day sages was instantly drawn back, blended with refining, and earned into his own body. .

The two continued to move forward.

As before, almost every time, there will be a lot of higher goblins.

And Sun Fei will receive all the photos.

Every time, he will refine and refine all the energy, even if he stays in the same place for a while.

By the time the eleventh wave of goblins came, it was already the power of the **** level.

Hundreds of god-level goblins, madly rushing to come, in this space for the gods fighting is not a spacious space, the Valkyrie to fight and win is not as easy as before, Sun Fei has finally shot.

However, this time, Sun Fei was surprised to find that the spiritual spirit after death would immediately turn into nothingness, without leaving the slightest energy, and he would no longer be able to smelt and absorb.

"Oh, did you find out? Have you taken countermeasures?"

Sun Fei’s heart was moved, and he no longer thought about it. He used the Thunder method to completely kill the surrounding goblin strong.

In this way, in a total of more than four hours, Sun Fei was surprised to find that both of them had come along and killed at least a thousand god-level goblins - this figure is scary, more than a thousand Deity, placed a year ago, it is absolutely the power to sweep across the continent, but now it has been slaughtered for hours.

This is simply a road to the gods.

In the process, Sun Fei carefully observed the total array of these goblins, which was very interesting and reminded him of something that happened to him.

"There is a change in the front." The female Valkyrie reminded.

The two continued along the ramp and marched for a kilometer, and there was a huge space in front of them.

At a glance, you can't see the margins, look up, the light green light source is like a scorpion, the suppression power of the enchantment that exists all the time, it is more clear here, the spiritual level of the human strong, here is Destroy and suppress become a god.

However, those who are strong in the land seem to be uncomfortable with the power of this enchantment. They can still play their own strengths 100%.

In the central position of the space, it is a huge mountain with a green color.

It's not so much a mountain, it's better to say that it's a whole rock, because it all has the same rock composition, there is no gap, no break, the surface is smooth, but this rock is too It’s huge, thousands of miles up and down, more like a mountain

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