MTL - Hao is Also a Kind of Life-~ One hundred and eighty: Tear onion girlfriend to meet

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"Why is he so bad!"

Flipping through the article with Lu Feng as the protagonist on her mobile phone, Chen Shuyi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Although the previous popularity has dissipated, if you want to search, you can still find it.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure in a photo.

"Is this you? Lele."

Although the person in the photo was wearing heavy makeup, Chen Shuyi still recognized it.

"Uh, no."

Tang Lele shook her head resolutely.

"And said it wasn't you, you actually went to the bar to play secretly!"

How could Chen Shuyi believe that this person is not Lele.

"It's really not me!"

Tang Lele continued to deny.

"Then I'll tell your mother and let her recognize if this is you."

Chen Shuyi threatened.

"Come on, this is me, okay."

Quickly grabbing Chen Shuyi's hand, Tang Lele said helplessly.

"Okay, Lele, have a good time."

Chen Shuyi said something seemingly envious, and then asked curiously:

"What did your godfather do to you that night?"

"At that time, he wasn't my godfather."

Tang Lele emphasized a sentence, shook her head and said:

"Did nothing, just drank a few glasses of wine."

"Did you really do nothing?"

Chen Shuyi didn't believe it, and stared at Tang Lele suspiciously.

"What are you doing lying to you? If you want to know, you can ask my godfather."

Tang Lele didn't want to continue talking about this topic, so she asked:

"Have you thought about where you went to play today?"

"Don't change the subject, tell me honestly, what did you do?"

Chen Shuyi didn't like this and asked.

"If you ask again, I'll tell Aunt Zhou that you were kissed by Lu Feng, and several times."

Tang Lele also took out her trump card.

"What dear, that's to save me, okay?"

Hearing Tang Lele mention this matter, Chen Shuyi stopped asking and blushed.

Anyway, even though it was in a desperate situation, it was also the first kiss in her life, after a swim, it disappeared inexplicably.

"What saved you, who knows if you pretended to be dizzy or not on purpose."

Tang Lele squinted and said.


Now Chen Shuyi, really angry, actually said that about herself.

Just when they were arguing that they must tell each other's parents about these two things, the two parents, Shanshan, arrived.

One is obviously flushed, and the skin seems to exude some kind of luster, while the other's complexion looks worse, if it is not for the effect of cosmetics, it will feel dull.

"What are you talking about? So lively?"

Mother Chen walked into the house and asked curiously.


As soon as she saw her mother, Chen Shuyi would think of the scene she saw last night, and replied angrily.

"Lele, have you made Shuyi unhappy?"

Seeing that Chen Shuyi seemed to be losing her temper, Mother Tang asked scoldingly.

"No way, Shuyi and I are discussing where to go today."

Tang Lele responded.

"Lele, where is your godfather?"

Not seeing Lu Feng's figure, Chen's mother was a little worried.

I'm afraid that this man really won't admit it, so it's useless to try so hard to please him last night.

Hearing that her mother actually cared about Lu Feng, Chen Shuyi's expression turned even worse.

"Going out, but my godfather told me a few days to let Shu Yi go to film with me."

Tang Lele said so.


Hearing that Lu Feng had made such a guarantee, Mother Chen felt relieved.

Secretly thought that this man still keeps his word, and his abilities and skills are so outstanding, so he can have more exchanges in the future when he has the opportunity.

After completing the purpose of this trip, Chen's mother's mood was completely happy, and after yesterday's continuous nourishment by Lu Feng, her face was even more radiant, as if she had returned to her childhood.

On the other side, Lu Feng walked into the meeting room of the headquarters of National Treasure Live Broadcasting, and other major shareholders had arrived, including the former largest shareholder Wang Sicong.

"Now that the major shareholders are here, today's meeting will officially begin."

Mr. Zhang, who is in charge of the company's operations, saw Lu Feng coming, and after smiling politely, he got up and walked to the front.

After signaling, the assistant who had already prepared opened the ppt, and Mr. Zhang began to give a speech.

Because at the end of the year, no matter how you say it, you will report the situation to the major shareholders, whether it is profit or loss, or the plan that has been formulated.

If there is no strong investment from Lufeng, and no new source of funds can be found, it may not last long, and it will inevitably be acquired by others, or the service will be suspended for rectification.

However, now that Lufeng has become one of the shareholders, the minds of these businessmen became active, and they mentioned the previous cases and wanted to go public.

There are many advantages to becoming a listed company. In addition to the increase in market value that can increase one's worth, it is also very easy to cash out and run away.

Of course, if the situation gets better after listing, no one will sell their shares.

"Next, we need to find new venture capital to enter in order to better carry out the next step."

On the stage, Mr. Zhang introduced the strategic plan formulated in detail.

Among the opportunity shareholders present, Wang Sicong showed disapproval, and Lu Feng also showed indifference, not caring about the company's affairs.

After all, for him, the live broadcast didn't seem to be of much interest to him.

At the beginning, I just wanted to play with the anchor, but now I find that compared to the anchor, the experience of star actors is better.

As for the previously acquired shares, it doesn't matter if they are bad.

"I heard that Mr. Lu established an investment company?"

Mr. Zhang said so.

Seeing that everyone turned their attention to him, Lu Feng could not find any new investment, so he actually wanted to beat himself up.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Feng was expressionless.

"I hope that if the public relations team can't find the funds to launder, Mr. Lu can invest a part of the company to tide over the difficulties. After all, this is also Mr. Lu's company."

Mr. Zhang said calmly.

"It's okay to let me invest money, let me run the business."

After glancing at Mr. Zhang, Lu Feng said flatly.

"This is impossible. Mr. Lu is not familiar with the company's operating model and has never been in touch with many things. To make you responsible is irresponsible to other shareholders."

"I suggest that Mr. Lu can serve as a department manager in the company. After familiarizing himself with UU reading and other businesses, it will not be too late to be promoted to executive director."

Mr. Zhang shook his head and rejected the condition.

"Then there is nothing to say."

Lu Feng stood up, looked at the people around him, and said:

"You continue the meeting. If there is anything, please notify my assistant directly. In future meetings like this, don't call me again."

After finishing speaking, he left the meeting room directly. This group of people really wanted nothing but money, but they didn't want to lose their power. How could such a good thing happen.

Zhao Ying was waiting at the door, and she was not surprised when she saw Lu Feng coming out, she came over and said in a low voice:

"President Lu, Zhou Jie wants to see you."

"Wang Sicong's girlfriend?"

Lu Feng was a little puzzled, why did this woman seek him.