MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 113 return

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Auston listened, and hurriedly put away the small glass bottle containing the dragon, then opened the car door and walked out.

As soon as your feet hit the ground, you will see the Champs-Elysees, the most popular street in Paris. The middle lanes of motor vehicles were full of vehicles, and the sidewalks were crowded with people. At this time, it was evening, and a row of medieval street lamps on both sides of the road illuminated the surroundings as if it were daytime.

"It should be some kind of celebration held by the local Muggles." Vera took out a large jug and drank Pegasus. She smiled at Auston and said, "Sometimes Muggles enjoy more than wizards."

Auston approached Vera, and the pungent smell of alcohol wafted from the large jar that was fed to the horses.

Looking at the people passing by, he was quite worried, "Is it okay for the Pegasus and the carriage to stop here? There are so many Muggles here."

After Pegasus finished drinking, Vera closed the lid of the wine jar, rubbed the horse's neck, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, this guy knows how to hide himself." She pointed at the rubbed Pegasus shaking her head.

"Okay, it's time for me to get you safely to the place." Vera said to Auston, retracting the hand stroking Pegasus, and putting the wine jar into a small dragonskin bag on the rut .

"Okay, please be careful along the way, and take me to thank Samantha." Auston watched Vera sit on the rut and waved as she drove the carriage into the sky.

When Vera was far away, Auston took the dragonskin bag around his waist and rummaged inside it. Before leaving, Mr. Lemay handed him a magic ring that could tear apart space, the one he used at Charles de Gaulle Airport.

Only then did he feel the trouble of not being able to use magic, otherwise he would be able to find it with a Flying Spell, the ring was too small, and there were so many things in the dragonskin bag that he couldn't find it even after turning it over and over.

Finally, his hard work paid off. He found a small blue crystal ring under a pile of old books from last semester. It seems that it is really time to tidy up the dragon skin bag.

Auston took out the ring and put it on his right index finger.

He didn't have the confidence of Mr. Lemay who wasn't afraid of Muggles seeing. He sneaked into the path between the two shops - there were no Muggles here.

Walking deep into the path, the darkness covered Auston's shadow, and he stretched out his ring-wearing right hand and swiped in the air.

The sapphire ring cut through the air, leaving a long pale blue mark. The fluorescent light of the trace illuminated Auston's face slightly, and then gradually extended, forming a pale blue arch.

Auston did not hesitate, and lifted his foot through the arch. As soon as his figure disappeared in the arch, the arch quickly curled and closed, and finally merged into a thin light blue line, disappearing into the night, and darkness quickly enveloped it, as if no one had entered this path.

As soon as Auston stepped out of the arch, he arrived at the kitchen of Mr. Lemay's house. Allston had to wonder if Mr. Lemay had set the ring on purpose, so that every time he wore it back to their house, it would go to the kitchen.

It was not meal time, and there was no one in the kitchen at this time, so he stood still in the kitchen. I can just hear the sound coming from the restaurant not far away.

It was a woman's choked voice, "What should I do, Auston is so young, how can you let him act on his own. If he is in any danger, how can we explain to Mr. Albus and Mr. Brown who are far away in England!"

Auston could hear that Madame Lemay was crying. She was very worried about his safety, which made Auston's heart feel warm. Although he had only spent a few days with this kind old lady, he did He gained a lot of goodwill.

Mr. Lemay is also trying his best to comfort Mrs. Lemay, "Don't worry, my dear, I have used all my connections to let them carefully search the jungle in Lovech District, and as soon as there is a figure of Auston, I will bring him back immediately. .And I just talked to Albus over the fireplace, he said that Auston sent him an unusual letter and also reported two Death Eaters to Oro, at least to be sure that Auston is at this moment It is safe. There are many magical creatures living in the jungle of Lovech District, and there are all kinds of magic restrictions, maybe Auston can get some magical fate from it.”

His remarks inadvertently touched on Auston's experience, but Madame Lemay clearly disagreed, "What are you talking about, don't you know there are so many dangers in the jungle? Death Valley, you forgot How many wizards die in the jungle every year because of hunting? I should be tougher and stop Auston from letting him go with you, at least he can be safe. My poor boy!"

Auston listened intently, and moved to enter the restaurant. On the way, my calf accidentally bumped into something.

"Oh! What are you doing?"

It was Dolly, a house elf in a purple floral dress. She was using magic to wipe the counter with a rag, but Auston accidentally knocked her to the ground.

The knocked down house-elf was about to get angry when he looked up and met Auston's dark eyes, and Dolly jumped up in shock, rushed out of the kitchen and ran to the dining room.

As he ran, he shouted, "Madame, madam, that boy is back! The dark-haired English boy is Then Auston heard the sound of chairs in the dining room scratching across the floor, followed by messy The sound of footsteps gradually approached the kitchen.

"God! Thank you Merlin!" As soon as Mrs. Brown walked into the kitchen and saw Auston, she hugged him tightly.

Auston was strangled a little bit, but he didn't struggle at all. The old lady was so concerned about him, he really couldn't hurt the lady's kindness.

Madame Lemay hugged him for a long time before letting go of Auston, "Let me see if there is any injury."

She took Auston's hand and looked at him carefully. Except for the embarrassment after fighting with the two Death Eaters and a bit of exhaustion after the exhaustion, Auston did not have any trauma.

He turned around to show Madame Lemay, and then said with a smile, "I'm fine, Madame. I'm not hurt at all."

"Very good, my child." After confirming that he was all right, Madame Lemay didn't mind the dust on Auston's body at all, and took him into her arms again.

Auston was at a loss. While he was being held, he raised his head and looked at Mr. Lemay who was standing beside him, laughing, and asked him for advice.

Mr. Lemay just lovingly touched Auston's fluffy black hair.

After a while, Madame Lemay finally remembered something, let go of Auston,

"After staying in that kind of place for so long, I haven't had a good meal yet. Go wash up, then go to the restaurant and wait. I'll make dinner right away."

Having said that, Madame Lemay stood up and said to the house elf who came in with her, "Dolly, go to the study and call Tony down to help."

"And you, Nicholas, have a good talk with Auston before dinner. I hope you can apologize to him for your negligence."