MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 4 distant cousin

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Auston read through his father's eyes what a surprise it was for Mr. Brown that he received the notice, he took a deep breath and nodded heavily "Okay dad, I will try my best to be a good leader. Your proud wizard."

Mr. Brown touched his son's head with relief, and took his hand downstairs.

Downstairs, the mother and daughter were sitting on the sofa and writing a reply. At this moment, seeing the Brown father and son walking over with smiles on their faces, Mrs. Brown was relieved.

Sissi ran to Auston and handed over a piece of paper and said, "Well, let's reply together."

Auston took it over politely, sitting on the sofa and writing quickly.

He first expressed his gratitude for the admission to Hogwarts in the letter, and then euphemistically expressed the doubts in his heart. Soon the two letters were written, and Mrs. Brown called the owl and gave it a piece of cheesecake she had prepared in the morning, then tied the two letters to its legs, followed her feathers and said 'Go on' '. The owl flew away facing the rising sun.

Predictably, Dumbledore's letter came very quickly. Early the next morning, Auston saw the owl that his mother released yesterday. He quickly removed the parchment from the owl's legs and read it.

The above is Dumbledore's peculiar slender font with circles and circles. As he imagined, it clearly stated that there was no mistake, and Auston was the student that Hogwarts was going to admit.

This gave Auston a sigh of relief. After all, when he went to Hogwarts, there was no reason for them to kick him out of the school because he had no magic power.


The next morning, the Browns got up early, Auston had never woken up so early, Sissy was looking for shoes, and Mr. Brown was looking for socks. As for Auston, he got up and put on his clothes, and walked downstairs, only to fall asleep again sitting between the coffee table and the sofa.

Mrs. Brown just picked up Auston and went upstairs to help Sissy find shoes. Mr. Brown came out of the bedroom with different socks on his feet. He raised his head and shouted upstairs, "Honey, you Where are my black vertical striped socks?"

Mrs. Brown waved her wand and shouted 'shoes flying', and responded angrily, "Go to the drawer under the closet and get a new pair, we don't have time!"

After the family was ready, Auston finally came to his senses. The family of four drove to the railway station. Mr. Brown bought four train tickets to London at the ticket booth.

On the train Mr Brown cleared his throat and said to them

"Today we're going to buy you school supplies. When we get to London, we'll go to the Leaky Cauldron, and then go from the back arch to Diagon Alley, the busiest street market in London, where we can buy everything we want. arrive."

After listening to Mr. Brown's words, a middle-aged man with a big belly next to him made a nasal sound and looked at their family of four playfully.

Mrs. Brown, who was holding Sissi in her arms, glared at Mr. Brown with a frown and whispered.

"Keep your voice down, Alger."

Only then did Mr. Brown realize that something was wrong, and he lowered his voice and continued to speak

"There are pets on the item list. First, think about what kind of pets you want. Dad can sell them to you."

After hearing this, Qian Qian, who was sleepy in her mother's arms, immediately regained her energy, and her eyes almost lit up. This made Mrs. Brown angrily reprimanded.

At the end of the long journey, they arrived at King's Cross Station without stopping. Mr. Brown hurriedly took them a taxi and went straight to the Leaky Cauldron.

The taxi stopped in front of a big bookstore, and a few people got out of the car. Mr. Brown took Auston's hand, and Mrs. Brown held Sissi. The couple looked around nervously for a few times. Enter a small door next to the bookstore.

This is the Leaky Cauldron, which seems to have used some kind of magic to keep the Muggles from noticing it.

The inside was dilapidated and dimly lit, which made Auston, who had just experienced the August sun in London, feel pitch-dark as soon as he entered the Leaky Cauldron.

It took a while for Auston's eyes to relax, and he gradually saw the things in the bar. A few musty tables were randomly placed in the center, and a few people sat beside the table, holding wine glasses in their hands to chat. on the sky.

Mr. Brown took a few steps and shook hands with the man behind the bar. The man had a shriveled walnut-like face and a terrifying smile. Mr. Brown introduced his children to him.

Auston knew that this man was Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron. He was as ugly as the book said. Auston shook hands with him without disdain. However, Qian Qian buried her face in her mother's arms and did not raise her head when she was beaten to death. Tom had to smile awkwardly.

The family of four sat in front of the bar. Mr. Brown ordered four glasses of butterbeer. While drinking the beer, he looked around. Suddenly, he was stunned and exclaimed, "Merlin's beard, I never thought I would meet her here."

Auston, who was not used to beer with cream, was struggling with his taste buds. He listened to his father's sigh and followed the sound. Not far away stood a middle-aged woman with blond hair, followed by a few others. The red-haired children, while Auston guessed their identities, apparently also noticed them by middle-aged women.

The middle-aged woman walked to the bar quickly with her children, shouting excitedly as she walked.

"Oh my God, UU Reading Alger, you're here too, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Walking to the bar, she gently hugged Mrs. Brown again and greeted, "Daisy, you are here too, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Mrs. Brown smiled kindly and replied, "Yes, I haven't seen each other since graduation. It's been almost twenty years."

After the greeting, the middle-aged woman looked at Auston and Sissy with a face full of butter beer cream with a puzzled look, "Are you... come to Diagon Alley to buy something?"

Hearing this, Mr. Brown's voice was obviously an octave higher, and he said proudly, "Yes, the children received a notice from Hogwarts the day before yesterday, so we came here. After all, it's better to choose carefully earlier."

After speaking, Mr. Brown introduced to the two children.

"This is my distant cousin, Molly... um..." Mr. Brown suddenly got stuck and looked at the middle-aged woman with questioning eyes.

The "Weasley" middle-aged woman took over.

"Oh! Yes, that's right, Aunt Molly Weasley." Mr. Brown looked up embarrassedly again and said to Molly, "I'm so sorry Molly, we didn't even attend your wedding."

"It's okay, Alger, after all, the circumstances were special at that time, didn't I also attend your wedding." Mrs. Weasley smiled kindly.

Auston stared closely at Mrs. Weasley's children. After seeing them, he had a vague guess. He didn't expect that his family was actually related to the Weasleys. The two identical boys were obviously Fred. Weasley and George Weasley, and the boy with long arms and legs next to him is definitely Ron in the trio. Another little girl with freckles that is a little smaller than Sissi is probably Harry Potter's future wife Ginny Weasley.