MTL - Harry Potter’s Morning Light-Chapter 2708 Land of the Firebirds (16)

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  Chapter 2708 Firebird Land (16)

   "Harry Potter got Felicia, how did he get it?" Pomona asked.

   "He succeeded in making the water of death, and Professor Slughorn said that just one drop could 'kill' us all." Ernie McMillan snorted and said, "That's an exaggeration."

  Pomona squinted at him.

   "You want Felicia too?"

   "I hear it's complicated," Ernie said.

   "It's 'very' complicated." Pomona said emphatically, just about to repot a black root grass, but found that the place where it was originally potted was empty.


   "Dean!" Hufflepuff, a fifth grader, said out of breath at the door of the greenhouse, "Principal Dumbledore is looking for you."

   "Can I borrow your empty greenhouse?" Ernie said "I want to practice potions, I can't lose to Harry."

   "I thought you were 'partners,'" Pomona said.

   "That doesn't hurt our competitive relationship." Ernie said conceitedly.

   "You're responsible for cleaning it up," Pomona warned Ernie. "And you can't touch dangerous plants without my supervision."

   "Yes, Dean!" Ernie said cheerfully at once

  Pomona still wanted to tell him, but couldn't think of what to say, so she left the greenhouse.

Ernie was the only student in Hufflepuff this year who had signed up for Slughorn's Advanced Potions class, which was also strange. She clearly remembered that several people's employment direction required a potions license, and they The results of potions are still very good.

Then she thought of Severus who "got his wish". He finally got the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and he also arranged the place with "personal characteristics", although it was the third floor above ground, it was as dark as the cellar , Candles were also placed in the classroom during broad daylight, and the candlelight illuminated oil paintings depicting bodies ravaged by various terrible spells.

  He was very much like a vampire in a gothic castle in a horror movie. She lowered her head and trotted in the corridor. She didn't stop in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, but went directly to the front of the spiral staircase.

   "Sour lollipop," she said to the gargoyle, and it began to spin, and the spiral staircase appeared, and Pomona rode it up in a smooth spin, to the door of the principal's office, adorned with brass knockers.

  She hadn't been here for a while, and after sorting out her mood a bit, Pomona knocked on the door of the principal's office.

   "Come in," said Dumbledore's voice.

   "You are looking for me, principal." Pomona said as he walked into the principal's office.

The circular office was the same as before, and the principals of all generations were dozing off in their respective photo frames, the difference was that Albus looked much weaker, instead of standing to greet her as usual, he sat behind the desk. on the chair.

  Last term she had heard from Severus that Albus seemed to be looking for something, but whatever it was that was eating away at his health.

   "I guess you must have a lot of questions." Albus said in a low voice.

   "About what?" Pomona asked.

  Albus paused for a moment, as if observing her.

   "Horcrux, don't you wonder how I know?"

  Pomona looked at him strangely.

   Then Albus waved his hand towards the corner of the room, and the Pensieve slid out of the cabinet.

   "I lent it to Severus last term." Albus stood up from the chair. "Let him organize his thoughts."

   "I heard from Sirius," Pomona said. "You asked Severus to teach Harry Occlumency."

   Looking at the face that looked like James, Severus must have "feeled a lot".

"You may have heard Felius say that memories are the perception of the past." Albus said, "Memories can make our past happiness into present happiness. When you are dying like me, those memories can become Let’s keep going forward.”

   "Why not create memories? Live in them?" Pomona asked. "Also, I don't like it when you say you're dying."

  Albus raised his right hand now, scooping up the water in the Pensieve with it, dry and black as if scorched.

"what happened…"

   "I touched one of the Horcruxes," said Albus. "There's a strong curse on it, and it's not like a diary, you can see Tom's soul."

   "Why did you touch it?" Pomona said angrily.

   "I repeat, I thought it was the same as the diary, and it was safe to touch it only once." Albus said in a hoarse voice, and took a glass test tube from the cabinet.

   "This memory belongs to me." Albus looked at Pomona. "But what it does is record a young man, whom you still know, who has a certain relationship with Sirius Black."


  Dumbledore poured the silver substance from the bottle into the Pensieve, and they began to spin and glow faintly, looking neither liquid nor gas.

   "Let's go," said Albus.

  Pomona took a deep breath, bent forward, and sank her face into the silver witch. She felt that her feet had left the floor of the principal's office and were falling.

   Yet after traveling through the swirling darkness, she found herself in the Headmaster's office again, with Dumbledore standing in front of her, looking in another direction.

   "What are you trying to tell me?" Albus asked in a commanding voice.

  Pomona followed his line of sight and found Regulus Black sitting opposite him. He looked 17 or 18 years old, but he was not wearing Hogwarts school robes.

   "You must stop him." Regulus said timidly, "Only you can do it."

   "You risked this trip just to say that?" asked Albus "You want me to stop your master, the Dark Lord?"

   "He's different from what I thought." Regulus trembled. "I saw what he did."

   "So you turned from darkness to light?" Albus asked with a smile, "Do you also want to join the Order of the Phoenix, Mr. Black."

   Regulus lowered his head and rolled up his sleeves, revealing the Death Eater mark on his arm.

   "My parents still think I'm the pride of the family." Regulus looked at the mark and said, "It's not like that 'Pure Blood Traitor'."

   "I thought you knew when you joined them that he couldn't give you the future you hoped for."

   "There is no difference between us." Regulus seemed to be immersed in a thought, and said self-sufficiently, "To him, they are all tools that can be used."

   Albus said nothing.

   "They say you are a learned wizard, so have you ever heard of Horcruxes?" Regulus said.

   "What's that?" Albus asked.

   "It seems that you are not as knowledgeable as the legend says." Regulus smiled sarcastically. "At least Slughorn knows what it is."

   "And you know?" Albus asked.

   "My cousin Bella, she knows there is one." Regulus said, "Master trusts her."

   "And how do you know?" Albus asked methodically.

   "She talked to me, and she was very proud," Regulus gasped. "And I think, that's not the only one."

"What do you mean?"

   "He used my elf as an experiment."

   "What about your evidence?" Albus asked.

   "You don't believe me?" Regulus asked.

   "You don't expect me to believe you as soon as we meet, do you?" Albus said with a playful smile "You said the Dark Lord believed in your cousin, so does he believe you?"

   Regulus' breathing became short of breath.

   "No matter what tricks you are preparing, young man." Albus waved his hand, "Leave before your master notices your 'betrayal'."

   Regulus looked at the open headmaster's office door and looked back at Albus.

   "You will regret it!" Regulus said viciously, almost saying "my father will know" like Draco Malfoy, and then hurried away, closing the door with a "bang".

   "I think that's enough," Dumbledore said behind her, and she flew up again, through the darkness, to the Headmaster's office.

   "Did Regulus Black tell you?" asked Pomona.

"There were a lot of people who thought he was murdered because he was going to leave Voldemort," said Albus, "but Severus brought back information that the Dark Lord knew nothing about Regulus' whereabouts and even asked about the whereabouts of Voldemort." killed him."


"I found this in an old house," said Albus, raising the Elder Wand, but instead of casting a spell with it, let it snap a broken ring Put it on.

"You may have heard that Gellert and I searched for the Deathly Hallows together, and made a blood oath never to hurt each other." Albus said sadly, "Lonely people can't wait to reach out to those they meet. own hands."

   "You watch Nietzsche, too?" Pomona asked.

   "This thing is different from the Deathly Hallows." Albus put down his wand "I don't want people from the Order of the Phoenix to touch it."

   She looked at Albus in confusion.

   "There are so many people involved in the conspiracy, it is inevitable that the wind will leak."

   "How could the Order of the Phoenix conspire?" Pomona asked.

   "Will you keep a secret, Professor," Albus asked.

  Pomona straightened her expression and nodded seriously.

   "I will need you again in the future, help me organize my thoughts, now, please go." Albus waved weakly "I need to rest."

  She bowed to the principal and left the office.

==================================================== =======

  Pomona later learned that Albus found the ring inlaid with the resurrection stone under the floor of Gaunt's house.

   But it is not in Godric's Hollow, but in Little Hangleton. After being forced out of school because of da, Albus had been looking for a place that could only be accessed with a Portkey.

   Regulus is the main star of Leo. Although it is not as bright as Sirius, it is the "heart" of the lion.

  She didn't believe that Regulus was dragged into the water by the Infernal Corpse. The icy sea water stopped the hot heart from beating, so she wanted to find him back, maybe he was alive elsewhere.

  Murder makes a person lose his pure soul, and Snape, a dark wizard, still cares about his own soul?

   But he and Albus did conspire to put on a scene where Harry died young.

  She didn't know the "insider story" at the time, and like most people, she thought it was Severus who killed Albus, and she had to hate him, offend him, and rebel against him. This is not something to brag about, what is there to brag about?

   It's easy to rebel against someone you hate, but what about someone you love, a friend?

  Albus finally chose to leave Grindelwald, the only person who understood him.

  Some people look similar, but are so different in essence; some people look so different, but are very similar in essence.

  Tom Riddle didn't dare to check to see if Harry was really dead, simply because he was just a "mortal".

   And she herself, if there is no magic, is just an ordinary woman.

   But then again, if someone deliberately deceives you, how can you find out?

Bonaparte crossed the Alps for the second time, and France was facing bankruptcy, and it was impossible to pay the army normally. Even if there were many healthy and strong soldiers, the "troops" he inspected in Dijon were old, weak, sick and disabled, and they had everything. Blinded many European spies.

   This time they were rich, but they encountered natural disasters and the entire expeditionary army was wiped out. France should have no soldiers again, right?

  Our adult years occupy more than half of our lives, and our childhood is only a small half. Why tell the children about the cruel things too early?

  Dijon, that place Hagrid and Madame Maxime have been to, but Pomona and Severus have not. They have gone to the Côte de Nuits in Burgundy to drink and eat.

  Where they took a hot air balloon, they also saw an abandoned Quidditch pitch on the hot air balloon, where they found a seriously injured vampire and brought him back to Malfoy's manor in France to recuperate.

  She didn't feel lonely, and she still extended her hand to the person she just met.

  Anyone who thinks this way should be alone too. Am I right, Albus Dumbledore?

  (end of this chapter)

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts