MTL - He Has To Be Human, Right? !-Chapter 8 Forced to bind, plead guilty to save your life, your portrait rights have been violated...

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This news shocked Ye Ying for a hundred years.

She opened her mouth for a long time but didn't close it, Zuo Huai couldn't help asking: "It's not surprising that it took so long."

"Surprised, your sister," Ye Ying said in a frenzy, "The mouth is too open, ha (down) bully (ba) poked (dislodged) uncle (joint)—"

Zuo Huai: "..."

Just as he was about to complain, there was a sudden rustling sound behind him.

Huang Xize stood up, walked to the side of the bed, and looked down at Ye Ying from above. Her small figure was reflected in his dark eyes, looking pitiful.

Ye Ying rested her dropped chin with one hand, and looked at him eagerly.

Huang Xize lowered his eyes for a while, as if admiring Ye Ying's stupidity, he suddenly laughed.

Ye Ying: "..."

Why is this man so **** off!

She was like this and he still laughed at her!

Just as he was about to run away, he suddenly felt a warm touch on his chin.

Huang Xize's fingerprints seemed to carry some subtle electric currents as they brushed against her skin.

Ye Ying felt palpitations for a moment, just as she shivered, the slender hand exerted force very quickly.

After a soft sound, Ye Ying found that her chin was just right.

She moved her jaw like a sheep eating grass, and found that she had recovered, raised her head and subconsciously thanked: "Thank you."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she realized that Huang Xize's fingers hadn't left her chin.

The temperature of his fingers was slightly higher than that of her face, and the temperature was spreading across Ye Ying's face along the junction of the skin.

Her face was inexplicably hot. Could it be that the body temperature of a weasel is higher than that of a human?

Just as he was thinking wildly, the temperature suddenly disappeared.

Ye Ying suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart, she had no time to think about it, so she could only ask: "So, actually those dreams..."

"Those things weren't caused by Master Liu." Zuo Huai complained for Huang Xize again: "And...these are not all dreams."

While talking, he looked up at Huang Xize.

Huang Xize sat on the edge of the bed, with his beautifully shaped eyes half hanging down, looking lazy: "For example, the fact that you were almost hanged to death is not a dream."

Ye Ying suffocated instantly.

"Is this house so fierce?"

She couldn't help asking: "What's causing the trouble? It's..."

Ye Ying swallowed, as if she was afraid of disturbing something, and asked softly: "Is it the resentment of the first owner?"

No wonder she thinks so.

This plot is obviously the plot of the classic horror movie "The Grudge"...

"It's... and it's not."

Huang Xize half closed his eyes, as if he was dozing off: "It should be said that it is a kind of..."

"Evil spirits."

Evil spirit?

What's the difference between that thing and a ghost?

Ye Ying was confused, Huang Xize opened his eyes and looked at her.

"You have been targeted by 'it'."

These words combined with his emotionless expression made Ye Ying's hair stand on end for an instant.

She shivered involuntarily and asked, "Then what should I do?"

Zuo Huai didn't speak, just looked at Huang Xize, obviously looking forward to him.

Huang Xize glanced at her indifferently, stood up and walked away, saying, "Don't you want a divorce? Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau today."

"Wait, wait!" Ye Ying rushed over, stretched out her little finger, and hooked his belt from behind: "What's the matter with you, you're dying?!"

Huang Xize was hooked by her, stood still, turned his head calmly, and looked down at her: "Didn't you say you want a divorce?"

Ye Ying gritted her teeth, half dead with anger.

This nasty weasel!

At the beginning, she was really confused by lard. When she was in the bridal chamber, she actually fell in love with him for a while—

Who knew that this broken animal could be so narrow-minded? !

"Oh, are you scolding me in your heart?"

Huang Xize actually saw through her inner thoughts and raised his eyebrows.

This expression was made by him, with an indescribable charm: "I'm not capable of saving you, so please be blessed."

With that said, he raised his foot and wanted to leave again.

Ye Ying turned pale with shock.

She hooked his belt tightly, half of her body stretched out of the bed.

In the end, the little life is the most important thing, she broke down and shouted: "Da Xian, Liu Ye, your lord, no, the big wolf does not remember the mistakes of villains!"

She raised her head and sincerely looked into Huang Xize's eyes: "I didn't have a choice before, but now, I want to be a good person!"

Huang Xize's face darkened: "Who is the big wolf?"

"The wolf of the weasel." Ye Ying became more sincere, forcing out her starry eyes: "Huang Liuye, ball ball, ball ball!"

Huang Xize chuckled.

With a wave of his hand, he took Ye Ying's claws off his waistband.

A soft but powerful force came head-on, and when Ye Ying came back to her senses, she had sat back on the bed steadily.

Huang Xize looked back at her, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his lips.

He said: "Since you begged me sincerely, then I will reluctantly help you deal with it."

As he said that, his eyes lightly fell on Ye Ying: "When the process is over, we will divorce immediately—don't pester me."

Ye Ying: "..."

I bother!

Whoever wants to pester you, weasel, is really unlucky!

But now I have to ask for help from others, so I have to bow my head. She smirked: "Okay, it's a deal."

Just let him be proud for a while!

Before life was threatened, it was inevitable to be frightened. Now that her life is settled, Ye Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief. She suddenly remembered something, suddenly raised her head and asked Zuo Huai: "What time is it?"

Zuo Huai took out his phone and glanced at it: "Three o'clock."

Ye Ying looked dumbfounded: "Morning and afternoon?"

Zuo Huai: "..."

I'm afraid this person is not a fool: "Your house has the sun at three o'clock in the morning?"

Before the words fell, Ye Ying jumped up.

She kept muttering "It's broken, it's broken, it's broken", and she jumped off the bed to put on her shoes.

"I asked for leave for you."

Suddenly Huang Xize spoke calmly and successfully made Ye Ying stop.

She was suspicious: "How did you unlock my phone... No, how did you know my leader's WeChat... Forget it."

It's also too much to ask, he is a fairy after all, so it's rare to beat him.

"But what reason did you give?"

Ye Ying sat by the bed, puzzled.

However, Huang Xize raised his hand and waved the things in his hands: "I took a photo, and your department director will be fake."

As soon as Ye Ying saw the familiar little red book, her blood pressure went up instantly.

It's over, now...

The whole department is afraid that it will boil.

Everything was as she expected, and colleagues in the department were in shock.

Taozi held the phone in her hands with a dazed look on her face.

Director, this gossip queen, what did she post to the group?

A bright red photo of a couple with a stamp on it...

In the photo, the one on the left is her good friend Ye Ying.

right side…

Are you sure it's not a celebrity? !

"Small chic, looks real..." Taozi muttered to herself, her index finger couldn't help but land on the photo.

But who will tell her why she is the last to know why Ye Ying got married? !

Tao Zi had to question WeChat, but Ye Ying didn't see it.

Because she is shopping.

In fact, she seldom goes shopping. She has been working for six years, and she can count the number of times she has entered shopping malls on one hand.

After all, the provincial capital is no worse than her hometown, and the housing prices are frighteningly high. Industrious as a hamster, she amassed a tiny fortune. Even reluctant to buy a few pieces of clothes, he saved up a house of his own.

...and it turned out to be a haunted house.

But today Huang Xize was extremely disgusted with her taste, his eyebrows were twisted into a rope, he dragged her out, and wanted to buy some clothes for her.

"it's not good."

Ye Ying felt embarrassed, after all, they are not a real couple, not to mention that Huang Xize helped her exorcise ghosts for free, this is a good deal...

"I just can't bear the sight of dirt like this."

Huang Xize's cold face was heartless: "Print out your photo and stick it on the wall, and you will be able to ward off evil spirits without my help."

Ye Ying is angry, take the bamboo shoots, man!

She glared at Huang Xize: "You don't want to infringe on my portrait right!"

Huang Xize glanced at her, his tongue was **** and his throat was sealed: "Your portrait rights have violated my eyes."

Ye Ying: "..."

Come on! Get her eighth shovel!

She will be here today to eliminate harm for the people!

Huang Xize ignored her rich inner drama, and walked into a shop as soon as he strayed.

Just as Ye Ying was about to follow in, when she raised her head, she was stunned for an instant.

This... this seems to be some kind of luxury brand!

Look at this weasel who knows the way, is it really like what Zuo Huai said, he is actually very rich? !

She stopped awkwardly, very hesitant. Until Huang Xize got impatient and called her back: "Aren't you coming in yet?"

Like a little daughter-in-law, Ye Ying walked in behind Huang Xize. Her mind was full of words:

Huang Xize took me to Metersbonwe, I don't even know who the girl in the mirror is...


The deep male voice rang in the ears, calling back Ye Ying, who was out of mind. She answered subconsciously: "First, I don't call you hello."

She came back to her senses, only then did she see Huang Xize leaning aside with her arms folded, looking at her like a monkey.

Ye Ying paused for a moment, ignoring him in a rare good-tempered manner, and cast her eyes on the hands of the shopping guide next to her, exclaiming, "Wow, so you have a fetish for women."

"I picked it for you." Huang Xize was speechless, and glanced at her: "Go and try."

"So many!" Ye Ying was speechless, but Huang Xize ignored her and sat on the sofa by himself.

The shopping guide smiled and took Ye Ying to the dressing room, properly helped her hang up all the clothes in the spacious fitting room, and then closed the door and went out.

Ye Ying looked at the dressing room decorated in Victorian style as if a country bumpkin had entered the city, and sighed.

This decoration is more luxurious than her home!

The dressing room is not a regular square shape, with five walls, and the two walls at the other end of the room have an included angle of 120 degrees.

The lone window was also wallpapered for privacy and lit only by overhead lights.

There are vertical full-length mirrors hanging on each wall, with European-style edging, elegant and luxurious, and you can see the effect of trying on from all angles.

After admiring the surroundings, Ye Ying finally started to change clothes.

She was wearing a pullover, so she took it off over her head. His head was covered by his clothes, his eyes were pitch black, and a burst of cool air suddenly blew from his side.

"Why is there an air leak in this dressing room..." Ye Ying complained, pulling her head out of the slightly tight sweater collar like a carrot.

But the moment she pulled it out, she was stunned. it still pitch black?

She raised her head without a word, and looked at the overhead light—it was broken!

Only the windows covered with wallpaper leaked subtle light from the gaps, illuminating the dressing room.

Ye Ying frowned, just as she was about to call the shopping guide, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

She turned slowly, looked at the mirror on the wall, and—

She saw her back.