MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 101 you are drunk

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Another half month passed.

In the morning, when the sun was still light, Cheng Zhiyi took out the porcelain bottle from the medical box and went to find Lin Zhiyi.

Sure enough, the man in blue shirt stood at the door.

Cheng Zhiyi walked over and called him softly,

"See you Lin Jing."

Lin Jing froze for a moment, turned around, and looked at her with a bit of embarrassment and confusion in his eyes.

In any case, the experience in the bamboo forest was not a good memory for the two of them.

Every time he saw the girl's pale and clear eyes, Lin Jingjian couldn't help lowering his head, and he didn't even have the courage to look at each other.


His voice was also very soft, and he only called her that when he was alone with her.

At other times, it was the unfamiliar and polite girl Cheng.

Cheng Zhiyi only felt that his heart throbbed.

Then he narrowed his eyes and handed him the porcelain bottle in his hand.

"Lin Jingjian, this is for you."

"......what is this?"

"An antidote."

The man raised his head, there was some doubt in his eyes, and then in a long enough silence, it slowly turned into a panicked stun.

"Actually, the first day you appeared in the bamboo forest, Master saw that something was wrong. He mentioned it to me several times, but at that time I trusted you so much that he couldn't listen to anything he said."


"Later, he poisoned you. You don't have to think about it, there is no poison in the spectrum, it is a kind of Miaojiang Gu poison given to him by an old friend of his, as long as the antidote is taken on time, it will not have any effect. "

The girl paused for a while, then pointed to the porcelain vase in his hand,

"It's the antidote."

"One antidote can suppress Gu worms for three years, and there are still twenty-nine in it. If you think about it, it should be enough. If it's not enough... I have no way."

She looked at the man's dazed expression and didn't know how to react, and smiled lightly,

"You lied to me for so long, if it's really not enough, just pay it back to me."


Lin Jingjian was a little shocked and a little dazed. Holding the porcelain bottle, he didn't know what to say for a long time, and finally he just called out her name at a loss.

"Just call me Miss Cheng."

Her expression was calm, "Your knowledge is in it."

Lin Jingjian only felt a little dry in his throat, and after a long while, he said, "Miss Cheng, thank you."

"No, you just lied to me, but I want you to live for decades. It's not fair to think about it this way."

He was silent for a while,


"There's nothing to be sorry for. I'll probably be leaving here in two days, and hopefully we'll never meet again after that."

"...Are you going back to Magpie Mountain?"

"Do not."

Although her smile is light, it is very relaxed, just chatting with an ordinary old friend,

"Master Huo promised me to go to the Taiyuan Hospital to study medicine. After I finish my studies, I want to travel the mountains and rivers, establish the program medical school, and fulfill Master's last wish. I also see those great rivers and mountains that I have never seen before... ..Perhaps, when I get old, I will go back to Queshan."

Lin Jingjian nodded, his voice a little dry,

"Well, that's fine."


It had just rained in the morning, and the peach blossoms on the branches were still carrying rainwater, dripping down drop by drop and blending into the soil.

Then disappeared in an instant, leaving only a little moisturizing.

There is a sense of graceful grace from start to finish.

The girl turned her eyes away from the peach branch that crossed the wall, thought about it, and looked up at him, her eyes were very clear,

"Lin Jingjian, there is one more thing, I hope you can promise me."

"you say."

She drew a red whip from her cuff.


"Lin Jingjian, when you entered Que Mountain back then, you had thirty-two whip wounds on your body, half of which were broken bones. I healed you one by one, do you still remember?"

"Jingjian dare not forget."

"Then I know now that you were injured, entered the bamboo forest, made a marriage contract, and then left. It was just a scam from beginning to end. Yes, no?"


"it is good."

She looked at him, still holding the whip in her palm, her tone was calm,

"Then, I want you to return those thirty-two whiplashes."


"I promise."

He raised his lips slightly, his eyebrows were still warm, but his eyes were a little more relieved.

"Miss Cheng, what I owe you can't be repaid in my life. I know you might not listen to it, but I still want to tell you a sincere apology. I should repay you these thirty-two whips."

"When I finish my revenge, I will come to take my revenge. At that time, if you want my life, I will have no complaints."

"Need not."

A whip hit his back fiercely, with a fierce whip wind, and a hot tear she shed,

"Lin Jingjian, I said, from now on, I hope we will never meet again."



She held back tears,

"You were injured at the beginning. Master later felt that you were of unknown origin and refused to treat you. I personally collected every herb on your body from the mountains."



"Once, I met a red snake that bit my arm. If Qiyu hadn't called Master in time, I would have lost my life. But every time I see your wounds getting better, I feel happy. For the next two days, I continued to stubbornly go to collect medicine for you, and I hardly gave Master Qi disease."



"The day you said you wanted to marry me, I cut a strand of hair for you, wanting to be of the same mind with you. But you said it was going to be done on the day of the wedding and refused to promise me. I actually noticed something was wrong. I cried for a while, but I finally believed in you."


"Later you left Queshan, and it was almost a year after you left, and never a word came back. I waited every day and looked forward to it every day, and then I didn't think of you for half a month, because when I think of you, my heart is filled with pain. I actually guessed something, but I kept lying to myself."



"Later I thought, I have to figure it out, I came to you, and along the way, I saw countless men who were empathetic and different, and each time I saw one, I felt more panicked and couldn't sleep every day. Huo Xingchao said to me, if men are already so ruthless, then women who are obsessed with them will be mean. I know what he is implying, but he still stubbornly refuses to break his last expectation."


"When I saw you again, you were with another woman, and I understood everything from the very first moment. I felt so uncomfortable, and my internal organs seemed to be pulled out by someone, and then cut with a thousand cuts, but I Desperately restraining myself, I said to myself, Cheng Zhiyi, men are already so ruthless, you can't be cheap."



The last whip.

She raised her hand and squeezed **** his chest.


"See you Lin Jing."

The girl curled her lips, her eyes were red, but they were clean, and there was no more tears.

"Since then, we don't owe each other."

She threw away the whip and strode away.

Lin Jingjian was lying on the dirt floor in the courtyard, his body was covered with whiplashes and blood, his lips were bitten to pieces, and the last trace of dignity prevented him from shouting out in front of this woman.

But every time she finished speaking, he felt a little more pain in his heart.

It's dense, and I don't know if it hurts more in my heart or hurts more in my body.

The spring is cold, and the wind is carrying peach blossoms, flying all over the yard.

Finally, he stopped at her feet and slightly lifted her skirt, until the girl's back completely disappeared in front of her eyes.

He stared blankly, then laughed, the more he laughed, the louder he laughed, and finally burst into tears.


Knowing, knowing.

I don't know where it started, and suddenly it's a thousand-dollar intention.

The bamboo forest has three scenes.

Green bamboo, melodious qin, and wisdom.

It's a pity that Lin Jingjian's life was never his own.


The door of the house was slowly opened, and a girl in a wheelchair appeared inside.

With tears still on her face, she slowly moved the chair to him, her voice soft,

"Brother Jingjian, I heard everything."

She lowered her head, held back her tears, thought about it for a long time, and finally made up her mind,

"Brother Jingjian, I'll marry you, don't take revenge, okay?"


He raised his head slowly, showing a gentle smile,

"it is good."

"As long as you are willing to marry me, I promise you everything."


A long, long time ago, when he was a child, his father was the most powerful King Cheng in northern Xinjiang.

Although he is an outsider, although he can only live with his mother in a small courtyard outside the palace, although he cannot tell anyone that he has such a powerful father.

But every fortnight, or a little longer, his father would come to see him.

Teach him to ride horses, accompany him to study, and even hand carve a pen holder for him.

At that time, my mother would be on the side, watching them gently and smiling.

During that time, it was slow and happy.

Once he heard that his father was sick and was in a hurry. For the first time, he asked the housekeeper to take him into the house to see.

The housekeeper saw that he was pitiful and agreed.

It was the first time he entered the palace.

The big palace, with carved beams and painted buildings, grand and beautiful, was a world he could never imagine outside the walls.

Then he saw the young man, shooting arrows in the yard, in high spirits, with wanton brows,

"Brother, believe it or not, even if I give you three arrows, you can't beat me."

"Huo Xingchao, you are a child with no hair, no big or small, see if I don't smoke you!"


It turned out that they were his half-brothers.

He lowered his eyes and followed the servant forward.

With myself, it's not like a real brother.

Then, one day, the housekeeper suddenly told him.

Several of his brothers died in battle, his only little sister also died, and his father was seriously injured in bed, and he would not live in a few years.

He and the Fourth Young Master were the only remaining blood in the palace.

He begged the housekeeper again, hoping that he could bring himself into the manor to see his father.

And this is the beginning of his long and lonely future.

"Jingjian, the king wants the minister to die, but the minister has to die. He has been defending me for decades, and his heart is frightened, and finally he can't help but take action."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if I die, and I won't live for many years, but why is he so cruel, why doesn't he even let my son go!"

"Five sons, five sons, only one survived in the end! Hahaha, I, Huo Yue, have been the king and the country for decades, and I ended up like this in the end! He is ruthless, he is really ruthless!"

He knelt beside his father's bed with red eyes,

"Dad, who is he, tell me, I will help you get revenge!"

Father looked at him quietly for a long time, finally smiled bitterly, closed his eyes,

"Haha, I'm still not reconciled! Still not reconciled! Why should I be reconciled!"

Huo Jingjian will always remember the last words his father said to him, Jingjian, I'm sorry for you.

He didn't quite understand it at first.

Later, in the long years, he finally understood why his father said sorry.

It wasn't because he and his mother had to be left behind, or because he felt unbearable to entrust such a young child with the task of revenge.

Rather, between him and Huo Xingchao, he finally chose to give up on himself.

He persuaded Huo Xingchao to let go, and before he died, he still held his hand and did not allow him to take revenge, otherwise he would die.

But he was still unwilling, angry, and wanted revenge.

He left the path of life to Huo Xingchao.

The dead one, he gave it to himself.

"Jingjian, Lin Zhiyi, Lin Liang's daughter, is actually not an official lady at all, but an illegitimate daughter born of adultery between the emperor and Mrs. Lin Liang."

"He has many sons, but only one daughter. Every once in a while, he has to see her."

"He is suspicious by nature and doesn't trust anyone. The only thing he cares about is this daughter, who will respond to every request. This incense is fine to others, but because of poisoning in his early years, as long as he smells this incense, he can't detect it at first, but later it will become more and more serious. more and more painful."

"I want him to live with heart palpitations for the rest of his life. Closing his eyes is a nightmare. Seven orifices bleed, and he can't die cleanly! Hahahaha..."

He finally said,

"Jing Jian, Daddy is sorry for you."


The most cruel thing you have ever said to the person you love the most.

Just sorry.

I'm sorry.

But just throw it away.

Lin Jingjian's life began from that time.

It is no longer his own.