MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 1103 charlie wilson's war

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Entering June, good news came one after another.

There has been a breakthrough in the acquisition of Wei Mi, and the two parties have reached consensus on many aspects. If nothing else, within this year, "Victoria's Secret" will become a new global underwear brand.

In terms of games, the online game "World of Warcraft" launched by Blizzard has become a game of the times and has swept the European and American markets. Now, Blizzard is actively working to bring the game to Asia.

In terms of hardware, Dolby Laboratories has broken through Blu-ray technology and can develop its own "Dolby HD DVD player". Next, as long as the product design and processing plant are completed, you can wait for Sony's Blu-ray disc to come out and speculate to make money.

In terms of interaction, Facebook's registered users exceeded 10 million, and Zuckerberg has applied to buy more servers to cope with the rapid growth of a huge number of users.

In terms of music, Michael Jackson has completed all the follow-up contracts with Universal Music, and has officially become a music artist under Universal Music.

TV records and Discovery Channel continue to maintain a high growth rate with their heads held high. When the STA TV network market was approaching saturation and the growth rate slowed down, Discovery Channel became the biggest surprise of the TV Media Department.

In terms of movies, the global box office of "Iron Man" reached 740 million US dollars. Although the popularity of the film dropped sharply within a month of its release under the impact of strong summer movies, such box office results are enough to surprise. At least the market has proved that Robert Downey Jr. is the right person to play "Iron Man"!

Next, another big production of New Universal is about to be released - "The Da Vinci Code"!

The film will be released on June 10.

The film premiered in France, Dunn did not attend.

But on the evening of June 5 this weekend, Dunn held a Hollywood social reception at the Hollywood Hilton Hotel and invited Tom Hanks, the star of "The Da Vinci Code".

Hollywood, this kind of event is indispensable every weekend.

Some are formal and some are informal. There are healthy ones and unhealthy ones.

The invitation that Tang En sent out in his own name must be a very formal and healthy reception. The guests at the meeting included not only big Hollywood stars, but also representatives from the White House, the military and the CIA.

A few years ago, Tang En single-mindedly developed the industry, made a fortune in silence, and had little contact with the government.

With the listing of New Global, as well as more and more wealth and industry, it is a problem that he must face.

Although he is very bad at it.

The White House was represented by Ms. Mary Sturridge, a publicity assistant in the press office. The military was represented by Major Nathan Wilson. The CIA representative was an old friend, Agent Nick Kyle.

With such a big battle, it is conceivable that this will be another important cooperation between the official and Hollywood!

Dunn pulled Tom Hanks to receive these important officials together.

Tom Hanks is more than an actor.

He has a relationship with the Lincoln family, and he is also majestic in Hollywood. He is a member of the Oscar organizing committee, a producer, and has his own film company.

More importantly, he has played many military figures!

For example, the commander who will never die in "Apollo 13", such as the Vietnam War hero in "Forrest Gump", such as the Army Ranger Captain in "Saving Private Ryan", or... "Band of Brothers"!

This kind of military film will definitely have the participation of the military.

Tom Hanks has been in so many military movies and has had a lot of dealings with the Pentagon.

Major Wilson was obviously familiar with him, and said with a hearty smile: "Big Tom, I want to tell you a piece of good news, absolutely good news!"

Tom Hanks smiled and shook hands with him, "What's the matter?"

Major Wilson said mysteriously: "The military would like to commend you for the role you have played in the frontal American soldiers over the past few years. It is said that... you will become an honorary member of the U.S. Army Commando Hall of Fame! The above is under review, but the current situation Come on... it's not a big deal!"

Honored Soldier in the Army Commando Hall of Fame!

This is much brighter than Dunn's title of "California Honor Police"!

Although it is still under review, as Major Wilson said, it is very likely that the Army General Staff will make a special approval for this!

Times make heroes!

The current situation in the United States may really add this halo to Tom Hanks' head.

The Iraq War is over.

However, mass weapons were not found!

Whether internationally or domestically, this war is full of controversy and verbal criticism!

The White House and the military are under enormous pressure for this.

In the second term of the Bush administration, restore the economy and change international public opinion, so that the government and military can not only lead the world in strength, but also in morality.

The best partner, of course, is Hollywood!

Hollywood is the most powerful propaganda agency in the world.

There are many honorary members of the U.S. Army Commando Hall of Fame, from all walks of life, Hollywood currently has none!

If Tom Hanks is approved, he will be the first person in Hollywood to receive the honor.

"Really? This is so surprising... so surprising!" Tom Hanks was rather flattered.

Dunn smiled, "Tom, there are also prerequisites."

"What conditions?"

Tom Hanks is obviously very interested in this, as long as the conditions are not too harsh, he will agree.

Dunn glanced at the official spokesperson who was standing beside him with a wine glass, and said, "The federal government, the military, and the CIA will cooperate with Universal Pictures to make a...a historical biographical film about the international situation."

Movies are the soul of Hollywood!

This is also the reason why the official will take the initiative to find Hollywood.

With so many Hollywood film companies, the three major power departments are collectively dispatched, and they will definitely choose the best partner, the current king of Hollywood movies - New Universal.

It just so happens that Universal Pictures has cooperated very closely with the official in the past few years.

"Make a movie?" Tom Hanks suddenly realized. "Do you want me to be the protagonist? A war movie?"

There is no doubt about that.

Among all the actors in Hollywood, Tom Hanks has the most dramatic temperament. He has never played a villain. He is ingenious and has the most positive image!

Dunn said: "Tom, do you know Charlie Wilson?"

Tom Hanks shook his head.

Dunn explained: "Charlie Wilson was a Navy veteran, later a politician and a congressman, but he had a poor private life and had a bad reputation. However, he left a strong mark in American history. In the early 1980s , the Soviet Union sent troops and invaded Afghanistan. At that time, Afghanistan became the most dilapidated country in the world, and the Afghan people suffered a tragic war. Charlie Wilson believed that the United States, as the world police, should respond as soon as possible to help Afghanistan out of the predicament. , at the time of the Cold War, the Soviet Union's military strength was extremely powerful, but the United States had not yet recovered from the pain of the Vietnam War, thinking that it was not an opponent of the Soviet Union."

At this time, Ms. Mary Sturridge from the White House Press Office spoke up. She felt that Dunn's statement was not accurate enough, and she quickly described the story of the year.

"Charlie was a good man with a good sense of justice. He petitioned the White House and Congress, and the answer was that the country couldn't be mired in another war right after the Vietnam War. The United States sympathized with what happened in Afghanistan, but only through the United Nations. If Really wanting to help Afghanistan, Charlie can only do it in his own name."

"Since then, Charlie began to really pay attention to the Afghan war, and with the secret help of the military, he got a lot of information on the Afghan battlefield. He accurately found the entrance to the guerrilla guerrillas. He believes that This guerrilla team can contribute more."

“He formed a small team with his lover, Joanne Hayley, and CIA agent, Gest Evracotos, and started running for peace in Afghanistan. They went to England, France, Egypt, Israel , even Pakistan and Iran. They lobbied all forces and democrats for donations and funding.”

"It was a dangerous and great project. But they did it, and they did a very remarkable job of funding various anti-Soviet covert operations ranging from $5 million to $1 billion a year, the Soviet Union's The biggest contributor to the army's final withdrawal from Afghanistan. Pakistan's President Chiahak when asked how Afghanistan, a small and impoverished country, was able to withstand the invasion of the Soviet Union, the world's largest military power at the time, Chiahak's answer was— — 'Charlie Wilson'."

After Ms. Mary Sturridge finished speaking, Major Wilson shrugged and said, "It's a great story, but the Pentagon's backing is the root cause."

This is very American style.

For many things that are not suitable for officials to come forward, some people will act in their own name, such as the Flying Tigers who aided China during the Anti-Japanese War.

However, how could there be no official instigation behind this?

This kind of thing must have direct contact with the military.

It is precisely because of this that the story of this film can be more full of positive energy.

Charlie Wilson on the bright side.

The federal government, the military, and the CIA were secretly helping.

They share a common purpose, which is to help Afghanistan free itself from the Soviet invasion.

This is the most mainstream American values ​​of democracy and freedom, punishing evil and promoting good.

It is also the most favorable whitewash for the Iraq war.

Pro-Russian Iraq is Iraq controlled by the United States is justice.

This is the core of the film extension to express.

This will reverse the unfavorable international image of the U.S. government and the U.S. military.

In the movie, the federal government, the military and the CIA all have to appear, and they all have to have a positive image! The three divisions, along with Charlie Wilson, saved Afghanistan.

This is the real meaning that the three major powers will find Hollywood to cooperate in this film.

Tom Hanks pondered for a while, "What's the name of the movie?"

Dunn laughed: "Charlie Wilson's War." ()

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