MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 968 Dunn wants to break the record

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Dunn was really in the aisle, and he taught Anne Hathaway and Sienna Miller a hard lesson. Coincidentally, Tosca Musk and Isla Fisher came over to report work one after another.

Tosca Musk is talking about two businesses in the Interactive Entertainment division.

First, the total registered users of facebook exceeded 3 million. And last night, the number of users online at the same time reached 500,000!

Such a remarkable achievement has naturally attracted the attention of some investment funds. Five or six angel investment institutions, including Sequoia Capital, are interested in raising funds to help New Global support and develop this network project.

According to normal business logic, New Universal should agree.

Facebook needs a lot of money in the process of development. Whether this project will succeed in the future is still unknown. In the same industry, facebook still has at least 5 similar competitors, and some competitors are extremely powerful!

Even if facebook is backed by new global, compared with some competitors, there is no absolute advantage to win.

In this case, it is very feasible to introduce external funds, share risks, and use the channels of those venture capital institutions to further promote Facebook and expand its influence.

However, Dunn is different.

He had foresight.

The future of facebook is very bright! Incredibly beautiful!

Selling shares at this time is really mind-blowing.

"Tell them that New Global has no shortage of funds! It also has no shortage of marketing tools!" Dunn's answer was very straightforward, rejecting all the funds that coveted Facebook.

New Universal has the most powerful star resources in the world.

Now facebook has just started, Dunn has not used star resources to promote.

When the time is right, as long as Tang En waved his arm, Hollywood stars will join facebook with a high profile. At that time, no one can stop facebook from taking off!

After Tosca Musk received the order, he did not leave immediately, but watched the show with great interest. It wasn't until Sienna Miller couldn't stand it a little bit and wanted to pull her into the water, then she turned around and left giggling.

Although Tosca Musk is not his woman, as his first assistant, his relationship with him is even closer than that of many women who have had close contact with him.

Dunn doesn't mind letting her appreciate her majestic masculinity.

After a while, the secretary Ella Fisher also came over, what she reported was not an important matter, but a notice: "Dawn, there is internal news from Time Publishing House, this time the person of the year In the selection, you seem to be out of the list."

Tang En's active body stopped immediately and was slightly taken aback.

Anne Hathaway, who was pressed against the wall by Dunn, finally had a chance to take a nap. She wiped the sweat from her nose and breathed heavily. Looking back at Ella, she asked suspiciously, "Person of the Year? Time Magazine?"

Isla Fisher nodded again and again, "Yes, Time Magazine."

Tang En frowned with a bad expression, "What's going on?"

In front of outsiders, Tang Enhui appeared light-hearted, as if he didn't care about fame and fortune, and looked like a master.

However, the presence of these three women is all his own, and these three women have had intimate contact with him, so there is no need to avoid anything.

This is Time Magazine!

It is the most influential publication in the world!

And the person of the year selected by Time Magazine will also be the most sensational person in the world in this era!

This year, Dunn has done a lot of great things.

He took down Bill Cosby, took down Harvey Weinstein, took down Jimmy Savile, and exposed the sexual assault scandal in American sports. Not only that, he acquired Discovery Channel, acquired Liverpool, acquired Prada, launched "World of Warcraft", created Facebook...

In 2004, was there a more active and well-known figure in the world than Dunn Walker?

Ella Fisher said softly: "It seems to be the high-level advice. The editorial department of "Time Magazine" wants to comment on your listing. However, the senior management of Time Warner seems to have some opinions... But there is no accurate proposal yet. Times Magazines are fighting for journalistic independence and don’t want to compromise.”

Time Warner executives disagree?


It can be said.

Was it Time Warner's deliberate targeting?

No need!

Even if Time Warner and New Universal are competitors, winning Dunn from the "Man of the Year" selection will not allow Time Warner to make more money.

On the contrary, because of interference with press freedom, it will lead to differences among the senior management of Time Group, Time Magazine and the headquarters.

For a while, he couldn't figure out his thoughts, so Dunn waved his hand, "You can call Time magazine directly and ask clearly. Sienna, come here and kneel here..."

Inside Dunn's office, except for the swimming pool, it was covered with carpets, so he wouldn't catch a cold if he lay on the ground.

Ella Fisher said crisply: "Well, you play first, I'll ask!"

After Dunn was satisfied with the game and the evil fire was vented, Ira Fisher also communicated with Time magazine.

Dunn was alone, going to take a shower with Anne Hathaway and Sienna Miller in his arms, so he talked to Ella Fisher while walking.

Ella Fisher said quickly: "After I called, the president of Time magazine personally forwarded my call and explained to me that he didn't mean to target us. The top management of the group was considering politics. Influence, saying that this year is an election year, it is best to follow the usual selection."

Tang En's heart skipped a beat, and this was all at once.

I see!

Time Warner isn't targeting him.

According to the selection criteria of Time Magazine's "Person of the Year", the new president is usually chosen in an election year in the United States.

Unless there is a particularly important big person or event that year, the president will be pk off.

Such as Peter Uberroth in 1984, such as "The Concept of Endangered Earth" in 1988, such as He Dayi in such as Dunn Walker in 2000.

Yep, that's the point.

In 2000, Dunn was awarded the title of "Stock God" and created a legendary story on Wall Street; the "Spider-Man" he directed has set off a wave of American heroism all over the world, with a box office of 1.26 billion US dollars; "Barbie" and "Disney Princess", who preached feminism, became the most popular women's friends...

At that time, Dunn made amazing achievements in the three fields of finance, film and television, and ideological trends. He defeated President Bush in one fell swoop and became the man of the year.

Four years later, President Bush was re-elected.

Exactly this year, Dunn has come up with a series of earth-shattering events!

"Time" arranged to take down President Bush twice in a row, which is too cruel.

Magazines can only respect the freedom of the press, but the executives of Time Group should look at issues from a higher perspective.

Isn't this deliberately offending the White House?

Tang En embraced the two well-hydrated female stars and walked to the bathroom, already understanding the decision of Time Warner executives.

However, he was not reconciled.

This year is his year!

In front of the brilliance of his bright moon, even the president is only the light of a grain of rice.


back down?

Go with the flow?

Dunn's mind flashed a lot of thoughts.

To be honest, he was very tempted.

In the history of Time Magazine's "Person of the Year", the people who have won the award twice are either the President of the United States or the political leaders who changed the world!

Such as Stalin, such as Churchill, such as Deng, such as Gorbachev.

No businessman has ever been elected twice!

Dunn wants to break the record.

This year is a good opportunity.