MTL - Heart of Empire-Chapter 568 0 million undead

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"I don't understand," Dion said. "Why is it that the guardian heart is destroyed, and the church can be cursed to do whatever it wants?"

Dane did not understand this. Isn't cursing the church now doing what he wants? They have been like this for years!

Kapnos shook his head and said, "The Central Mountain Range is the backbone of the Aurodiq world. From the northernmost end of the Big Six, the icy ocean rises, and the bulge forms the Argus Plateau, a large southward center Mountains. To the north, this mountain nourishes the Issel Forest, the Dankins Mountains, and the elves and dwarves. In the middle, the dark jungle of the Nancy royal court once flourished. Further south, it is the Broken Dragon Peak. "

"Since the oldest era, the Central Mountains have been blessed by this world. In other words, the structure of the entire Central Mountains is a natural magic circle."

"Dane, can you imagine it? A giant law formation that stretches from the north to the south of Big 6 and spans the entire north and south of the world!"

Hearing Capnus' description, Dane had to be moved. This is a magnificent handwriting that only gods can write!

Capunston paused and continued: "In the legend, there were seven guardian hearts in the Central Mountains. But in past history, these guardian hearts have either been lost or destroyed, until now As far as we know, the only thing left to the world is the mountain top guarded by our green dragon. "

"As long as the guardianship exists, the Central Mountains and the surrounding area will always be protected by this ancient guardian formation."

"Why do you think the cursed church has so long after completely corrupting the court of Nancy, why not transform all the Nancy elves into undead? You know, in the dark jungle, Nancy elves have The number of more than two million! If, more than two million Nancy elves are all transformed into undead, and then burst out of the dark jungle and into your human world, what a disaster? Is there any human country that can be in a hurry? In between, resist so many undead? "

Dane was silent. Two million undead, that's just a little less than the entire population of the Kingdom of Hindler, more than the population of the Principality of Florence, and the entire country of the Kingdom of Pudri. All these undead rushed out, not to mention the small countries, even if it was Hindler, even if it was a holy empire, it was impossible to resist it if it was hurriedly attacked.

If the secret situation that Kapunos said is really alive, it is a disaster that is sweeping the world, and it is the moment of the death of human beings and all intelligent beings.

"The cursed church has no way to do this because of the existence of a guardian heart?"

"In a sense, it is true." Kapnos gave a positive answer, he said, "It is precisely because of the existence of the guardian heart, although there is only one left in action, the Central Mountains this The effectiveness of a huge law formation can no longer be as good as the heyday, but at least the natural forces that operate are still in the entire world of Fuze. For example, guarding the soul of living beings. "

"Every undead is essentially a dead soul re-summoned into this world, acting with negative energy and negative emotions. And for the guarded souls, there is no way for the undead spell to bring them back to life."

Daen suddenly realized and came to understand, he said along the way: "Then Kegel and his cursed church attacked the Green Dragon Mountain, and wanted to destroy the guardian heart, the purpose was to invalidate the guardian formation of the Central Mountains and thus disintegrate. The legal array's protection of living souls created a huge army of undead? "

"Yes," Kapnos said with a grin, "That's what the vicious Lich of Kegel thought."

"That's not right. If the Central Mountains guard the souls of living creatures, why are so many undead made before?"

Kapnos replied: "If all guardian hearts exist, then no matter how powerful a wizard is at the foot of the Central Mountains, it is impossible to summon any undead. Unfortunately, it is now possible to With a guardian heart of utility, this is the only one left. Therefore, the Central Mountains can only protect most of the soul, but not all. "

Dane accepted this statement from Capunus. Although this so-called guardian soul of most living creatures finally led to the cursed church calling out only two or three hundred thousand dead souls from the dark jungle, but whatever Anyway, this is much better than the two million undead army rushing out of the Central Mountains.

But despite this, Dane's face became worse. He said, "If I remember correctly, before Kegel's death, he said that after Igniel's death, you can inherit the guardianship. Responsibility, but it takes at least a month or two to regain control of the Guardian Heart, right? "

"Yes," Capnus sighed, and said, "Yes, even if he inherited his father's memory, it would be very laborious to completely control the guardian's heart. I need at least one month or more. Time to complete, now I can barely rely on the guardian heart to create the dragon, and it is very slow. "

"So ..." Dion said, "According to what you said, now the protection of the Central Guardian Mountains is temporarily lacking. Are the souls of the souls exposed to the dark magic that curses the church? "


"A month ... How many undeads can the Church curse transform in this month?"

"According to the cursed church's plan in advance ... they are estimated to be able to awaken millions of undead a month."

Dane took a breath.

Kapunos went on to say: "This is why I came to you this time ~ ~ Every time we are dragged here for a day, the situation in the dark jungle will worsen. But for this, we have no idea No way ... "

The tone of the new Green Dragon King seems very helpless. This matter is already irreversible. The cursed church does not know how long it has been set in the dark jungle. Even if Kegel died, this month has not been able to disintegrate. Curse the furnishings of the church.

The emergence of millions of undead is almost impossible to stop.

Kapuos continued: "You, and all living beings, must be prepared for this world disaster."

Dane was silent.

His mind was clear that this matter was not a problem that could be solved with preparations.

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