MTL - Heartwarming Kiss-Chapter 288 Is there something wrong with your eyes?

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   Chapter 288 Is there something wrong with your eyes?

  Chen Zexi was afraid of being discovered by them, so he secretly glanced at the two people opposite.

   They chatted hotly and didn't pay much attention to their movements.

  Chen Zexi lowered his head and continued to chat with him on WeChat.

  Chen Zexi: [Do you think I will believe it? Did you two quarrel on the way? 】

   Once the heart of gossip is ignited, it is difficult to extinguish.

   Yu Wenci: [Not a quarrel]

   At least he thought so.

  If there was a real fight, Su Yunxiu probably wouldn't even want to come over.

  Chen Zexi is very confused, what is not a quarrel?

  What medicine are these two people selling in the gourd?

   It's not because of the quarrel, why the whole thing looks like a quarrel.

  Chen Zexi: [? ? ? Can you tell me a little bit more? 】

   Yu Wenci: [Didn't I tell you everything just now? We are in a cold war, it will be over in half an hour]

  Chen Zexi: 【.You two really have nothing to do】

   Yu Wenci did not continue to answer.

  Chen Zexi: "We have already ordered some dishes just now, what else do you want to eat, you can add them up".

  Su Yunxiu was not polite, ordered some of her favorite food, and after thinking about it, she also ordered Song Jiaying's favorite food.

   Silently pushed the menu in front of someone without saying a word, but the meaning in his eyes was clear, let him order something himself.

   Yu Wenci smiled imperceptibly, this girl really couldn't hold back.

   He glanced at the following dishes, and saw at a glance that these dishes were not to her taste. He thought of the girl Cheng Huai was chasing, so this was for others and not for him?

   Yu Wenci didn't look at it as quickly as she did, but instead chose for a while. Su Yunxiu didn't care on the surface, but in reality, the corner of his eye would fall on him uncontrollably.

   After Yu Wen had ordered, his eyes lifted, Su Yunxiu quickly turned his eyes away for fear of being caught by him.

   Only after realizing it did I realize that I was superfluous.

  It's nothing to look at, she thought to herself.

   It's just that he closed the menu after he ordered, Su Yunxiu really wanted to know what he ordered.

   Outside the room, there were footsteps, and the footsteps were getting closer, accompanied by the sound of conversation, the sound was very familiar.

   The door was pushed open, and Cheng Huai and Song Jiaying came in.

   Song Jiaying followed behind Cheng Huai, perhaps because she was afraid of the cold, she wore an extra light yellow cardigan jacket, which made her look more delicate.

"finally come". Chen Zexi said and winked at him.

  Let him have some eyesight, and don't say the wrong thing later.

   But Cheng Huai didn't understand his hint, so he went over in a very moody mood and helped Song Jiaying open his seat, motioning her to sit down first.


   "You're welcome".

He smiled and looked at Su Yunxiu and Yu Wenci, and felt strange, why didn't the two sit together tonight, opened their mouths, and was about to say something, just when he said Su Yunxiu's surname, he was coughed to interrupt.

  Chen Zexi covered his lips with his hands and coughed lightly: "Cough cough cough—"

  Cheng Huai was interrupted, and after he was quiet, he wanted to ask the question in his heart.

   "cough cough cough-"

   This time it was harder than before.

  Cheng Huai: "???"

   Does this person have a cold?

   Or intentional?

  Why did he cough twice when he was about to speak.

  Chen Zexi leaned back, Yu Wenci just blocked him from this angle, so the gesture of blinking his eyes became more obvious.

   "Is there something wrong with your eyes? It is said that the left eye is twitching and the right eye is twitching disaster. If you have both eyes, you should go to the hospital for a quick look, get treatment sooner, and feel at ease, do you think so?" Cheng Huai gave him advice very seriously.

  Chen Zexi almost burst out with a dirty word, but he fortunately held back.

   This person is really hopeless.

   "These two are in a cold war".

   He said this sentence with his lips, afraid that he could not see clearly, so his lips said very hard.

  Cheng Huai: "What the hell? I don't understand, can you speak louder?"

  Chen Zexi noticed that the eyes on the opposite side were all on him, and he didn't understand his series of confusing behaviors.

  Chen Zexi: "It's okay, it's okay, forget it."

   He gave up.

   really can't move.

   "What? How is it like eating gunpowder? I didn't mess with you."

  Cheng Huai felt so innocent.

   "Boss, why don't you two talk? Are you performing a pantomime?"

   No matter how Chen Zexi hinted, Cheng Huai still asked.

   Yu Wenci glanced at the time on the phone lightly, almost half an hour had passed.

   "Xiuxiu, half an hour has passed". Yu Wenci did not answer his question directly, but instead said to Su Yunxiu, "Can you talk to me?"

   How can there be a little pleading and pleasing after listening carefully.

  There are steps to go down, and Su Yunxiu also went down the steps.

   This half hour suffocated her to death.

   "Well, next time you make me angry, it won't be as simple as half an hour". The little girl still looked arrogant.

   Yu Wenci: "Well, I dare not."

  Su Yunxiu was satisfied.

  Cheng Huai didn't understand what the two were saying.

  I came so late, what wonderful thing did I miss?

   Yu Wenci continued: "I just ordered some of your favorite desserts."

  Su Yunxiu restrained the raised corners of her mouth.

"it is good".

  Although everyone doesn't know what happened to the two before they were on the road, but seeing them speak again, it means it's fine.

   Gathered together tonight, and they tacitly did not say anything about work.

   You can talk about work at any time, there is no need to talk about work all the time while eating.

   Several girls began to chat about things in life, and Su Yunxiu smiled and raised her eyebrows when she talked about the happy place.

  Dessert was also brought by the waiter at this time. After taking a bite, he thought it tasted good, so he subconsciously dug out a small spoon and handed it to him.

   "This is delicious, you try it".

   Yu Wenci ordered according to her taste, the sweetness is the lowest, even if she eats the whole thing, she will not feel tired.

"Is it tasty?"

   Seeing that he had eaten, Su Yunxiu asked her expectantly.

   "Well, delicious". Yu Wenci nodded.

  Su Yunxiu finished eating half of it, and gave the rest to him.

   Getting along with like-minded people seems like there are endless topics to talk about. The dishes have already been eaten almost, but I just don’t want to leave it like this.

   An hour passed, and it was about nine o'clock before everyone said goodbye.

  Su Yunxiu hasn't rested well in the past few days. She was still in good spirits just now. Now she's lying in the car with no energy at all, staring blankly at the scenery outside the window.

   Until the car slowly stopped in the front yard, Su Yunxiu had just unfastened her seat belt when she heard a slight movement, the sound of the car being locked.

   has already arrived, why lock it?

   Yu Wenci leaned over, pinched her cheek, and covered her soft lips.

   She wanted to struggle subconsciously, but he grabbed her hand, and drew her thin lips to her auricle, and said in a hoarse voice, "Be good, bear with me."

good night! Thank you for supporting genuine little cuties. refill



   (end of this chapter)