MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1084 war days

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He Xie entered the long river of time and space and began to refine the seven layers of hell, as well as the nine heavenly sources in the forbidden world.

In the end, he had to thoroughly refine the space-time that the God of Space-Time had left him.

He only has five hundred years, and in the time of the outside world, it is only a few days.

War broke out.

This is a war that no one can stay out of. Maybe it is clear that this is just a memory. Dugu Baitian is much crazier and crueler than before. He swept the entire continent into the battlefield, including all mortals and all living beings.

Fight for nine days, step on the sky!

On the first day, there are countless head beasts blocking it. They are huge creatures that can penetrate the sky and the earth. Every time there is a major destruction, they will stretch out the beast claws that cover the sky and the sun, and smash everything in the world.

Such a beast, even if there is only one, can kill Tianjie, and there are at least more than 100,000 here!

The difficulty of fighting the sky has made people feel hopeless from the beginning. This is a war without any hope.

War broke out in an instant!

Several sky-defying powerhouses rushed to the front, crushing everything with Xiaoliu Dao.

The beasts roared and fell one after another, the dark red blood flowed together into a flood, the waves were turbulent, and the flesh and bones piled up into mountains.

Several sky-defying powerhouses rushed very fast. They did not seek absolute annihilation, but tried their best to inflict huge damage on each beast, and then gave the injured sky to the army of cultivators behind them.

In the end, the Demon Lord and other powerhouses rushed back and forth to kill dozens of opposites. In this heavy sky, there was no other heavenly beast that could stand up.

Even if there are strong men charging ahead, the army of monks will still be killed and injured countless times. Even the injured beasts can only be dealt with by the realm of the **** emperor.

The endless spiritual power is mighty, fluctuating like a turbulent sea, and the death Jedi is like a huge funnel, absorbing all this spiritual power.

The Taiji God and Demon Diagram slowly rotated, and all the dead energy, corpses, and remnants of this heavy sky were collected, and then flew up to the second heavy sky.

Fly to the second day.

The second heaven is the kingdom of giants. These giants are the darlings of heaven. They are powerful and can break everything. The giant army that extends to the horizon is like a tsunami. The whole continent is shaking violently, and the **** fight begins again. .

This time, King Ren and Chen Zu shot, and the two rushed to the front, one holding a humanoid weapon and the other holding a prehistoric flag. Wherever they passed, all the giants collapsed.

In the end, countless giants melted away like white snow, and Chen Zu and Ren Wang were covered in blood.


Everyone made persistent efforts to kill towards the third heaven...

Death has become the only theme of this war. Every day, there are some powerful creatures guarding it, and the monks have made painful sacrifices and advanced layer by layer.

By the time the fifth layer of heaven was reached, the army of monks had been reduced by half!

At this time, Jiuzhongtian's most difficult test has just begun.

There are countless chaotic aliens standing on the sixth day, and it has been determined that the dead Chaos King, along with his twelve princes, and some Chaos Heavenly Rank powerhouses who have been killed, guard this world.


The two sides went hand in hand, without the slightest word, and the war went straight into the heat of the battle.

This battle was bloody, and in the end, the sentient beings wiped out all the Chaos tribes at the cost of half the powerhouses and 60% of the monks below the emperor.

This is the case in every age of mythology. However, after all beings fail, these Chaos people will be resurrected immediately.

Their essence is the puppet of Heaven, fighting and killing for Heaven.

On the seventh heaven, there are nine "heavens", including Qingtian, Cangtian, Huangtian, and Nethersky, who once died.

This is a battle that no one below the Heavenly Rank is qualified to participate in. The two Tai Chi gods and demons are all included in it, and there are only dozens of the strongest in the outside world.

The endless battle broke out. This time, the strong men did not aim to wipe out the enemy. They rushed to kill and forced the Nine Heavens to the Eighth Heaven.

The sky has appeared!

Taishang also appeared!

There are also Qingming, Taihao, Taichu and other minions of heaven that appeared in several ancient mythological eras, all of which are strong against the sky.

Chen Mo died in battle, the ghost master died in battle, and Red Ora also died.

The Heaven-ranked powerhouses at least killed more than 20 people before they forced these creatures named "Heaven" to retreat to the ninth heaven.

All sentient beings finally saw the way of heaven!

At this point, there is no strategy at all.

The Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian released all living beings, the army of cultivators was in the front, and the mortals were behind.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sentient beings roared and rushed forward, but the first collision resulted in hundreds of millions of casualties.

However, their deaths were not meaningless. The two Tai Chi pictures slowly rotated up and down, taking in all the flesh and remnants of their souls.

All living beings are like lambs to be slaughtered, but the power of all living beings is endless.

Cang Tian was the first to be consumed alive, followed by Huang Tian and Tai Shang.

Sentient beings spent hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars, dying one day after another. Finally, the survivors such as Qingtian retreated, and they retreated to the surrounding of the Heavenly Dao.

"Since you don't fight, what's the use of you?"

Tiandao sent out indifferent mental All the surviving Tiandao minions collapsed instantly, and all turned into nutrients for Tiandao.

This is the weakest time of Heavenly Dao, but even in the weakest state, it is still desperately powerful!

Those who were once powerful did not even have a chance to resist in front of it.

"Kill! Heaven has lost the way, there is no need for Fengtian!"

The gods roared and rushed towards the heaven.

The dense number of immortals and gods kept falling down on the way to charge, and they couldn't get close to the body of heaven.

And Tiandao sent out rays of destruction one after another, bombarding two Taiji gods and demons.

This is a war with no hope in sight. Sentient beings continue to die in units of hundreds of millions, struggling and slowly advancing to the way of heaven.

In the end, several sky-defying powerhouses used their magical powers on the tragic front line to gather all the souls and flesh of all sacrificed gods and gods.

All the ancient battle spirits in the cemetery of the gods were awakened, and all the ancient battle spirits sealed in the Taiji gods and demons were released.

All the powerhouses above the heaven rank guide these spirits to form a killing formation one by one.

The Valley of Killing in the Ten Directions, the Six Devils Locking the Sky Map, the Seven Killing Rakshasa Prisons, the Yin-Yang Slaughtering Wheel...

Peerless killing formations that were specially born to defy the sky appeared one by one, killing them towards the way of heaven.

He Xie came all the way and saw this shocking scene.

Everyone is crazy, there is no reason here, everyone is dying, fighting!

All mortals were sacrificed in blood, and such a cruel method only wiped out the strength of Tiandao Yicheng.

The great formation is collapsing, the soul is annihilating, and one after another the powerhouses that He Xie can name are dying.


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