MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1123 enter O

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Latest website: The day after meeting Ni Youxiao, He Xie was going to report to the police academy.

When the commander was teaching, he saw Chen Yongren, who was still very immature, and Yang Jinrong, who was gentle and fair.

According to normal procedures, He Xie needs to study in the closed training of the police force for more than two years before he can get a certificate of completion and officially join the police force.

But He Xie was obviously not interested in wasting time on boring training.

So when the principal finished his lecture, he directly stood up and said loudly: "Report!"

"Student 27148, what do you want to say?" the principal asked.

"I want to ask, what is the purpose of entering the police academy?" He Xie said loudly.

The principal frowned: "Of course, it is to cultivate outstanding talents for the police force!"

"What if I am already?" He Xie asked, "If I can complete all the training and assessments of the police force and get the best results, does that mean that I can graduate today and officially join the police force?"

He Xie's voice just fell, and there was an uproar.

"27148, can I think that you are grandstanding?" There was already some anger in the principal's voice.

"As a police officer, the most important thing is to tell evidence in everything." He Xie smiled lightly, "Am I being grandstanding, the principal can confirm everything I have said. I just want to know, if I can do it Everything I said, how will the police academy arrange me?"

The principal snorted coldly and stood up and said, "If you can do everything you said and complete all the established assessments of our police academy, I will issue you a certificate of completion today and recommend you to the police force!"

He Xie smiled.

This is what he wants.

With He Xie's means, of course, he can achieve his goals in a more quiet way. But He Xie made up his mind that he wanted to become the cause of all fruits.

Both the principal and the instructors felt that He Xie was a thorn, and they had the intention to use him as a warning to all the new students, so that they could understand the rules.

But they were destined to be disappointed.

He Xie easily completed all the assessments and broke the highest record of all assessment items.

Blinded everyone's eyes!

The students were completely boiling, and He Xie became a role model for everyone.

And all the instructors and principals of the police academy were also in an uproar at the moment, and they were shocked beyond words.

They added some additional assessment items in disbelief, but He Xie still exceeded the assessment without any accident, so that they finally gave up completely and understood what kind of monster they were facing.

The principal of the police academy personally called the first brother of the police force, and then the whole police force was boiling.

Things came to an end early the next morning.

Whether it is to improve the morale of the trainees and set a good example, or for the common image and interests of the entire police force, it is necessary to establish the image of an almighty super cop like He Xie.

He Xie was admitted as an official police officer, and he was directly exempted from the internship period.

The first brother of the police team met He Xie in person, and after consulting He Xie's opinion, he was assigned to O Ji.

The police force's propaganda department has tailored a series of propaganda plans for He Xie. The meaning of the above is obvious. He Xie will play a role like a "vase" and become the police force's business card and signboard.

However, since He Xie is not a flower boxer and embroidered legs, but has real skills, the above does not want to make He Xie an embroidered pillow that is not useful, so the police decided to give He Xie more opportunities to exercise and let He Xie become an embroidered pillow. He is directly under the leadership of O's old mainland Qichang, and as Lu Qichang's assistant, he directly participates in O's front-line operations.

He Xie didn't face any difficulties in Oji. As long as his brain is not stupid, everyone knows that He Xie's future is limitless and he has real skills, so he is very popular.

And Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng didn't mean to embarrass He Xie at all. If He Xie could be brought out, they would follow suit.

In the afternoon, He Xie was just about to get off work when Lu Qichang called him.

"Xiao He, there is a routine sweep operation, led by Huang Sir, are you interested in following along?" Lu Qichang said with a smile.

"Report sir, I will obey the arrangement." He Xie said loudly.

When the monk hit the clock one day, he didn't feel that he was a little police officer, calling a mortal officer a lot of loss, for the sake of cause and effect, not shabby.

"Very good, see more, talk less, do more, understand?" Lu Qichang patted He Xie on the shoulder.

"Understood!" He Xie said.

"Okay, you go out first, and Huang Sir will notify you when you move." Lu Qichang said.

He Xie glanced in the direction of the back room of the office, saluted, and turned to leave.

As soon as he went out, Huang Zhicheng came out of it.

"Hey, this scene is very important, why did you suddenly bring Jose little in for extravagance? Is this necessary?" Huang Zhicheng said dissatisfiedly, "Do you have a chance to train him!"

"It's just a foreshadowing, don't worry, no one will know." Lu Qichang said, "Tomorrow is the day when the Ni family pays the money. We must be so busy tomorrow that we don't have time to rest. It's better to let him warm up the field in advance today, and find out if there are any problems in advance, so that it won't cause us trouble tomorrow."

Huang Zhicheng raised his eyebrows: "Do you think something will happen tomorrow? It's just that nerd Ni Youxiao? He didn't dare to say anything in front of the four big bosses. The Ni family has no successor, and it's completely over!"

"Ni Youxiao is not that simple." Lu Qichang sneered, "Do you think he is a good boy after studying in Britain all these years?"

"I asked my friends from Interpol, but Ni Youxiao is listed on their Dangerous List! Ah Huang, if you underestimate him, you will definitely die miserably!"

"Really?" Huang Zhicheng frowned, do I need to lie to you? "Lu Qichang glanced at him, "Wait, tomorrow's big show will be very exciting. "

"Even if Ni Youxiao is not easy, what can he do?" Huang Zhicheng spread his hands, "He wants no one, no guns, and he doesn't know his life, how can he fight those four old foxes? Unless..."

"Unless what?" Lu Qichang asked.

"Unless he arranged otherwise, there are still people secretly helping him." Huang Zhicheng thought of Han Chen.

He killed Ni Kun originally because he wanted to pave the way for Han Chen, but who knew that Han Chen was not on the Tao at all and would not accept the olive branch that he threw away.

This greatly reduced the effect of his brilliant chess killing Ni Kun.

That night, O Kee and the police stations in various streets of Tsim Sha Tsui launched a mighty anti-crime operation. All the young and dangerous roaming the streets, no matter who they were, were raped.